American's are happy with Joe

Trump did the bidding of China, even complimenting and thanking them for their handling of Covid. I don't know what you are saying Joe Biden has done for China. Joe is nowhere near the supporter of Russia and Trump. I never thought trump should have pulled out of the international nuclear deal. It certainly has sped up their production since he did. Of course, Israel isn't having any. Go Israel! Maybe their way will be more effective in containment as they have the most to lose. It would have been better for him and the country if he had concentrated on leadership instead of being a pass the buck, asshole to anybody and everybody that would not kiss his asshole, except Putin, of course. But, hey, he owed Putin for help getting elected.

You're oozing with desperation and simply trolling. Run along now.

You have zero reason to believe this, outside of your insistence on clinging to baseless fantasies and weird cult fetishes. Go sell your embarrassing nonsense somewhere else.

Ah no shit? You're saying polls, news, Hollywood, Education, debate platforms, social media, TV etc. etc. is void of PROG-stink ?

The LEFT interjects their politics in all information and entertainment. Fuck you're gullible or dishonest with yourself, I'm positive it's the later. Without the power of propaganda left Democrats no longer exist.
You can't point to a single specific question asked on a poll that you don't like? Not one?

You have no ability to defend one measly point?
That's just silly. Run along now.
You're oozing with desperation and simply trolling. Run along now.

Just stating opinion based on the facts. You did not deny what I said, you just don't like it that I said it.
A real American would know the difference between



President Joe Biden -

He's old, He's boring, and he's popular!

It seems America has had enough, playmates, pornstars, legal indictments, convicted criminals, love letters to North Korea, family members, and TV personalities swirling around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They've all been replaced by experienced professionals who know how to do their jobs.

President Joe Biden's approval has remained 10 - 15 points above that of former President Trump for the entire 6 months he's been in office. Hate him all you want Republicans, but America likes him. :bye1:

President Joe Biden -

He's old, He's boring, and he's popular!

It seems America has had enough, playmates, pornstars, legal indictments, convicted criminals, love letters to North Korea, family members, and TV personalities swirling around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They've all been replaced by experienced professionals who know how to do their jobs.

President Joe Biden's approval has remained 10 - 15 points above that of former President Trump for the entire 6 months he's been in office. Hate him all you want Republicans, but America likes him. :bye1:

Total bullshit.
The only people who are happy with Biden are the same ones who love getting their hearts broken or getting the leaky diesel. Effin retards.

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