Americans Begging The Government To Take Their Rights

And that is why we have the 2nd Amendment, moron. Americans use their guns on average 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and often mass shootings...saving more lives with their guns than criminals take with their guns...there is no comparison...

Good guys with guns in this country save more lives than bad guys with guns take.....that is a fact, the truth and the reality.

If you take guns away from good guys, all you will have are more rape victims, more murder victims and more victims of violent crime. Britain banned and confiscated guns...their gun crime rate keeps going up and their violent crime rate is higher than ours.

Countries with strong gun control have lower homicide rates and no mass shooting problem. Stop being ridiculous.

As of 2015 the US was number 11 when compared to European countries in mass shooting deaths. Maybe you should stop being ridiculous and educate yourself.

How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

A drop in the bucket compared to the number killed by medical mistakes. People die at the hands of gunmen but it's statistically small compared to other causes of death. Regressives only what to concentrate on guns rather than the larger problems.


Problem can and should be fixed.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
ever hear of France?
Countries with strong gun control have lower homicide rates and no mass shooting problem. Stop being ridiculous.

As of 2015 the US was number 11 when compared to European countries in mass shooting deaths. Maybe you should stop being ridiculous and educate yourself.

How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
Feel free to point where I said they were advocating abolishing the 2nd.

There's no nuance here, it's left wing propaganda using children and taxpayer money to push a political agenda. If they want to protest, let them do it on their own time. Do you think they reported these students absent from class for these events. The answer is hell no, because they get federal funds based on attendance.

And just to give you a clue, not all kids that were pressured to be out there agree with this BS.

I don’t understand why you get so butthurt over people pushing for banning assault weapons and wanting stricter background checks. You don’t have to agree with these ideas - there’s just no reason to whine about it.

Any weapon is an assault weapon when it's used against another person. You're the second regressive that has said stricter background checks with out defining what that means or how it would make any difference on these mass shootings.

Come on child, whine some more about the scary looking guns that are no more effective than less scary looking guns.


By definition, ALL weapons are assault weapons, because assaulting is what one DOES with a weapon. That's why it's a weapon, and not a paperweight.

Seems I said something similar to that. LOL


True, but sometimes you have to phrase things several different ways, just to maximize the chance of leftists comprehending the words.
and there is still no guarantee.
Countries with strong gun control have lower homicide rates and no mass shooting problem. Stop being ridiculous.

As of 2015 the US was number 11 when compared to European countries in mass shooting deaths. Maybe you should stop being ridiculous and educate yourself.

How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

A drop in the bucket compared to the number killed by medical mistakes. People die at the hands of gunmen but it's statistically small compared to other causes of death. Regressives only what to concentrate on guns rather than the larger problems.


Problem can and should be fixed.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
ever hear of France?

When was that again?
As of 2015 the US was number 11 when compared to European countries in mass shooting deaths. Maybe you should stop being ridiculous and educate yourself.

How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.
The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?


Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense.

You don't have wild hogs in your area I guess. You don't get to say what I need.


When was the last time somebody was killed by a wild hog?

Hey dumb ass, I have a right to defend my property as well as my life. My AR does a fine job.


From what? Stop being so scared. You don’t need high capacity magazines.

STFU you don't know what I need, nor is it any of your fucking business.

As of 2015 the US was number 11 when compared to European countries in mass shooting deaths. Maybe you should stop being ridiculous and educate yourself.

How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

A drop in the bucket compared to the number killed by medical mistakes. People die at the hands of gunmen but it's statistically small compared to other causes of death. Regressives only what to concentrate on guns rather than the larger problems.


Problem can and should be fixed.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
ever hear of France?

When was that again?
why does it matter, it was a mass shooting in a gun control country right? so your theory doesn't work.
Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense.

You don't have wild hogs in your area I guess. You don't get to say what I need.


When was the last time somebody was killed by a wild hog?

Hey dumb ass, I have a right to defend my property as well as my life. My AR does a fine job.


From what? Stop being so scared. You don’t need high capacity magazines.

STFU you don't know what I need, nor is it any of your fucking business.

I’m sorry you are so scared.
How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

A drop in the bucket compared to the number killed by medical mistakes. People die at the hands of gunmen but it's statistically small compared to other causes of death. Regressives only what to concentrate on guns rather than the larger problems.


Problem can and should be fixed.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
ever hear of France?

When was that again?
why does it matter, it was a mass shooting in a gun control country right? so your theory doesn't work.
My theory is it happens much, much less. When was it?
How many killed in Vegas? That tx church? Newtown? Orlando? Lot of dead.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.

It is very rare with strong gun control.

Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.

It is very rare with strong gun control.
if it happened once it too many times with gun controls. sorry, that's just a fail.
And why should they be taxed? It's not because they're making a profit off of that money, so it can only be because you and your ilk hate religion and want to cripple it and try to kill it.

I do not hate religion at all, I spent most of my life involved in organized religion. I was the Protestant Lay Reader for my Boot Camp platoon. I was awarded the Air Force Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for my work with the Chapels on Kadena Air Base in Okinawa.

I personally think that churches should voluntarily give up their tax exempt status as keeping it means they have to abide by what the government tells them to do, which is something they should never do.
Mass shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.

It is very rare with strong gun control.
if it happened once it too many times with gun controls. sorry, that's just a fail.
So lots of dead more often is better? You sure are stupid.
This was a total astroturf operation in which America hating adults abused their power over vulnerable minors by pushing them into these protests. When teachers make it a school activity, there is enormous pressure to comply with the program.
We have a school shooting problem. When was the last school shooting in the U.K.?

The UK doesn't believe in unalienable rights.
You may recall something called the Declaration of Independence.
You didn’t answer the question.

I would guess there are many frustrated school killers in the UK because they want to shoot up schools but can't because it's illegal for them to have a weapon
The U.K. isn’t littered with mass killing guns.

Neither are we. Of the millions of guns owned in the U.S., very few are used in mass killings. And the ones that are are mostly used by Fatherless, Mentally Ill boys, Gang Members (drug dealers), or Islamic Terrorists.
no they have terrorist come in and do it. LOL
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.

It is very rare with strong gun control.
if it happened once it too many times with gun controls. sorry, that's just a fail.
So lots of dead more often is better? You sure are stupid.
yes, because people have the ability to defend themselves. It is what makes us different. It is called the price for freedom. you should look up Benjamin Franklyn sayings on the subject. someone has it in here somewhere today.
We have a school shooting problem. When was the last school shooting in the U.K.?

The UK doesn't believe in unalienable rights.
You may recall something called the Declaration of Independence.
You didn’t answer the question.

I would guess there are many frustrated school killers in the UK because they want to shoot up schools but can't because it's illegal for them to have a weapon
The U.K. isn’t littered with mass killing guns.

Neither are we. Of the millions of guns owned in the U.S., very few are used in mass killings. And the ones that are are mostly used by Fatherless, Mentally Ill boys, Gang Members (drug dealers), or Islamic Terrorists.
We have regular mass shootings.
Yes sometimes international terrorists do. They are dangerous, remember 9/11? Here it just takes an angry child.
cool, at least you admit mass shootings happen outside the US no matter the gun laws.

It is very rare with strong gun control.
if it happened once it too many times with gun controls. sorry, that's just a fail.
So lots of dead more often is better? You sure are stupid.
yes, because people have the ability to defend themselves. It is what makes us different. It is called the price for freedom. you should look up Benjamin Franklyn sayings on the subject. someone has it in here somewhere today.
No thanks. The right to life is stronger.
The UK doesn't believe in unalienable rights.
You may recall something called the Declaration of Independence.
You didn’t answer the question.

I would guess there are many frustrated school killers in the UK because they want to shoot up schools but can't because it's illegal for them to have a weapon
The U.K. isn’t littered with mass killing guns.

Neither are we. Of the millions of guns owned in the U.S., very few are used in mass killings. And the ones that are are mostly used by Fatherless, Mentally Ill boys, Gang Members (drug dealers), or Islamic Terrorists.
We have regular mass shootings.

We have random and infrequent mass shooting on a per capita basis.

But go ahead and be a propaganda spewing tool. It seems to be your sole skill.
One of the reason why Churches don't pay taxes is because they can't campaign for politicians.

You have that backwards. They cannot campaign for politicians because they do not pay taxes, not the other way around.

Churches not being taxed is the biggest scam in the nation right now.

wow taxing charities is really cold-hearted and greedy

No, I am talking about taxing churches, they are social clubs, not charities. Most churches spend less than 10% of their “income” on actual charitable work

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They are non-profits, and they very carefully comply with all the IRS regulations to maintain that status. What YOU think of what they do and why is irrelevant. Furthermore, I want to see your evidence for your alleged "10%" statistic, or I will consider the lack of said evidence to be an admission that you're a lying sack of shit.

Put up or shut up, bigot.

How Churches Spend their Money
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
No rights are being asked for, you still have the right to bear arms. It's just that they want more stuff added to the list of weapons that you're already not allowed to buy.

Why? And why would a 10-17 year old kid want the government to limit their right to self defense?

You can still be armed for self-defense, nobody is asking for ALL the guns to be banned.

So let me ask you, why do you let the government limit what you can buy already? I'm sure that people who live near airports, especially Arab-Americans, wouldn't mind buying a few AA missiles at their local weapons store. You know, for self-defense.

The real question is why you regressives revert to the absurd when you have no logical argument?


Absurd is claiming you need a semi auto rifle with high capacity magazines for defense.

No, absurd is saying, "semi-auto rifle with high capacity magazines" as though you're saying, "ICBM with a nuclear warhead".

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