Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

you defend those who will not address that.
So do you by opposing the wall

The wall is nothing more then an excuse for not enforcing employment laws. The wall.will take decades. Enforcing employment laws can be done now. People will still come with a wall. You can not wall in the country. If the jobs aren't here they do not come.
The wall is nothing more then an excuse for not enforcing employment laws.

Those in charge of securing the border say you are full of shit. So they agree with 99.99% of anyone who has every seen anything you post.

It's an excuse. If the jobs aren't here there is very little to enforce and border patrols job becomes far easier.
If the jobs aren't here there is very little to enforce and border patrols job becomes far easier.
Which is a lie since human traffickers are tossing infants over the wall who cant possibly find jobs and work
Trump tore families apart and the parent was not a criminal and did not go to jail.
Trump had a handle on it

he was sending the whole family together back to mexico the same day they got here

The ones who came through the gates. The thousands and thousands who do not still came for the jobs.
If the jobs aren't here there is very little to enforce and border patrols job becomes far easier.
Which is a lie since human traffickers are tossing infants over the wall who cant possibly find jobs and work

Nor can they survive here on their own. But as I've noted, excuse after excuse for not addressing the big issue.
President Biden is allowing children to come in, and only children for humanitarian reasons, due to the squalor, crime, covid, drug problem, human trafficking problem on the other side. Hopefully, the parents will go home now that their children are in good hands. The covid can be dealt with in an organized fashion. I do not believe that President Biden realized how many young people were piled up on the other side, and Chaotic Trump didn't care
I have no idea what you just said. That’s all over the place, tds set in I can tell
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
Yes, you do lie and you keep forgetting you're not a Democrat.

Free education, free medical care/clogging emergency rooms, food stamps, child welfare, not much, huh? Fucking liar

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

The thread premise is a lie.

No it's not

Watches Jones scamper off ....again

It is a lie, like the OP you're a liar..

What's the lie, panty boy?

Watches the coward run away

It's you, ya dumbed down jackass and we all know it
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
You've posted many things with "because I said so" validating your OPINION.
Are you saying illegals don't come for free childbirth, to have Americans fund their money trees / children, for stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash?
You have data that shows they come for that awesome job cleaning shitters?
How about you Bobob can you enlighten us beyond "because I think so"?

I've posted it many times and You've read it.

Thinks you've posted:

1) We should get rid of the good ones who want to actually work and do nothing about criminals, drugs, child abductors and molesters, slavery, sex slavery or any other crime

2) You are lying that they don't get free shit when I keep pointing out that you are lying. Free education, healthcare, food stamps, child welfare, emergency rooms, ...

You're really a disgusting, lying piece of garbage when your positions are posted as I just did and you just keep saying kick out (only) the good ones who want to work. That is the Democrat way
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
You've posted many things with "because I said so" validating your OPINION.
Are you saying illegals don't come for free childbirth, to have Americans fund their money trees / children, for stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash?
You have data that shows they come for that awesome job cleaning shitters?
How about you Bobob can you enlighten us beyond "because I think so"?

I've posted it many times and You've read it.

You're totally right. I see pknopp say over and over what she posted, but never see her actually post anything to back up her crap.

She says free schools, healthcare, foot stamps, child welfare, and all the other government services is barely anything. She's full of shit
You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
Yeah, what you post is always 100% BULLSHIT.

That doesn't dispute what I said. I never said they cost us nothing. I said they do NOT qualify for welfare. They do not.

What they cost us is more corporate welfare.

Another of your lies. The children do qualify for welfare, and they use all that money to support the family.

That's what you do, you lie, lie and lie
#376: it’s not a U.S. President’s responsibility to take care of Mexican children when American children are into the second year of the Chinese communist virus siege and Mexico has vaccine. This only proves that pospotus JoeXi is a promiscuous democrat-whore. Trump’s family separation policy can’t be used as a valid argument when catholic-puppet Biden uses kids as a shield for illegal immigration and simultaneous bolstering of catholic protection-racket congregation numbers. For both presidents, it will have been a classic Jeffersonian church-and-state pathology and violence. On the north-south axis, the capitalist axis, religion meets the corporation, a meeting which has happened before, in America.

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