Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.

Because there are more illegal aliens than jobs

which drives wages down due to the law of supply and demand

And you defend those who will not address that.
I'm not sure how you would know that exactly. How do you know he supports the government?

I said he defends those who do not enforce out employment laws . We have had many of these discussions.
you don't know that. do you? if so, how so?
If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
If we dont flood the job market with hungry illegal aliens employers will pay more

But it would help if we stop giving welfare to able bodied citizens so they move to the private sector faster

Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.
and? thanks for the update that you think we didn't know.

And still the complaints.
you act like no one knows that. the issue is ending illegal hires. You're all over that, stay there and let's work to get that resolved. I'm all over that with you. But please stop punishing normal folks for the government failures. And that's what that post is intended to do.
Sometimes pknopp complains that the politicians have no intension of ending the flood of illgals

which is true

but when trump was president and was trying to move mountains to build the wall libs like pknopp were against that

so I think he’s lying about wanting to stop the flood

It was all an excuse for not actually addressing the actual issue.
Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.

Because there are more illegal aliens than jobs

which drives wages down due to the law of supply and demand

And you defend those who will not address that.
I'm not sure how you would know that exactly. How do you know he supports the government?

I said he defends those who do not enforce out employment laws . We have had many of these discussions.
you don't know that. do you? if so, how so?

I explained how.
If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
If we dont flood the job market with hungry illegal aliens employers will pay more

But it would help if we stop giving welfare to able bodied citizens so they move to the private sector faster

Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.
and? thanks for the update that you think we didn't know.

And still the complaints.
you act like no one knows that. the issue is ending illegal hires. You're all over that, stay there and let's work to get that resolved. I'm all over that with you. But please stop punishing normal folks for the government failures. And that's what that post is intended to do.
Sometimes pknopp complains that the politicians have no intension of ending the flood of illgals

which is true

but when trump was president and was trying to move mountains to build the wall libs like pknopp were against that

so I think he’s lying about wanting to stop the flood

It was all an excuse for not actually addressing the actual issue.
that wasn't a president's, that's congressional reps to enforce the laws from the FBI and DOJ.
Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.

Because there are more illegal aliens than jobs

which drives wages down due to the law of supply and demand

And you defend those who will not address that.
I'm not sure how you would know that exactly. How do you know he supports the government?

I said he defends those who do not enforce out employment laws . We have had many of these discussions.
you don't know that. do you? if so, how so?

I explained how.
dude, stop doing that, it's so fking boring. you have no fking idea his political views other than he isn't a demofk.
you defend those who will not address that.
So do you by opposing the wall

The wall is nothing more then an excuse for not enforcing employment laws. The wall.will take decades. Enforcing employment laws can be done now. People will still come with a wall. You can not wall in the country. If the jobs aren't here they do not come.
The wall is nothing more then an excuse for not enforcing employment laws.

Those in charge of securing the border say you are full of shit. So they agree with 99.99% of anyone who has every seen anything you post.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
Yeah, what you post is always 100% BULLSHIT.

That doesn't dispute what I said. I never said they cost us nothing. I said they do NOT qualify for welfare. They do not.

What they cost us is more corporate welfare.
Yes it does. It proves you are full of shit.

Welfare benefits are outlined beginning on page 26 of the report, and total almost $5 BILLION per year.

Now, go get educated and come back with some more dumbass spin.

pknopp conveniently ignores it when his bullshit is exposed. :laughing0301:
That’s the dem-marxist agenda: get private quickly and lost in the crowd. Dem apathy while cities burned and looted, with few of the marauding blm-antifa baboons actually identified.

The Obama era separated children from parents that were criminals because
criminals go to jail.
Now that you understand why children don't share jail cells with their parents
maybe you'll stop bitching about Trump "tearing families apart".

I never said that Trump was the ONLY divisive figure, but he sure wasn't divisive by your standards, yes?
Bush was divisive. Clinton was very divisive. Obama was divisive.
None of those presidents faced a four year long campaign to illegally remove them from office. Trump's sin (his blunt politically incorrect personality notwithstanding) was fighting back against the government within
a government.

The American people refused to stand still and refused to let this ogre usurp our democracy.
Demonstrate how Trump trampled on our constitution. How was our democracy "usurped" other than having
significant government agencies collude to remove Trump from his office?

He lost the election and you can call it "railroaded" if that makes you feel better.
It makes me feel like the record is being corrected. The usurpation is still being corrected in our
courts and state legislatures are moving to plug up the gaping holes that were exploited in 2020.

He has been horrible and unreasonable all his adult life, and if you did your research on the guy, you might see things differently than you do.
Difficult contentious personality....great in the things he did for the nation.
He sealed the border, made us energy independent finally (and Senile Joe Biden promptly put us
back under the thumbs of oil producers again). He placed tariffs on China and Russia.
And there are many lists from which you can get a more complete picture.

The record is clear even if it irritates you.
Trump tore families apart and the parent was not a criminal and did not go to jail.
Bush, Clinton, and Obama were not divisive. Trump is belligerent and knows
nothing about governing.
There was no 4 yr effort to legally or illegally remove Trump from office. There
was an effort to hold him responsible for his lying and bad behavior. He brought this on himself with his "fake news" rhetoric instead of facing the issues.
Trump's sin was being in it for the money and control of people, which he needed for his huge ego. The "fight" against the government existed so that he could have people serve who swore loyalty only to him instead of the American people.
Trump usurped our democracy by having significant government agencies investigate his opponents for non-existent crimes so that he could have them jailed. Barr was put in charge of this exercise and he quit when Trump went too far.

The gaping holes were those holes that encouraged people of color to vote, and those holes are being closed by the states and not the courts---they will certainly be involved in this gross miscarriage of justice.

Chaotic Trump did not seal the border with his wall in spite of what he tells you. Biden is allowing children to come in and is in process of straightening the overflow out. He has not allowed adults in.
Chaotic old Trump did help in the energy department at the cost of the environment and your health. We were still under the thumbs of the oil producers
as gasoline prices are rising.
Chaotic Trump did place tariffs on China and our allies and made an enemy instead of an economic adversary, with his belligerent and bullish behavior. He never considered the unintended consequences of his actions as he makes decisions based on his "gut". Our allies have made trade deals with China and China is now more involved in their economies. There are diplomatic ways to make a point, and then there is Trump's chaotic way which creates animosity. Oh, our prices for imported goods are going up dramatically and Trump fanatics are complaining.
The lists of Chaotic Trump's "achievements" are indeed troubling.
Trump's crowning "achievement" was the insurrection of our Capitol, the
death of 7 people, and the injuries to the police. Of course, Trump describes the insurrection as a lovefest between the police and the criminals. What a guy!
Chaotic Trump did not seal the border with his wall in spite of what he tells you. Biden is allowing children to come in and is in process of straightening the overflow out. He has not allowed adults in.
sure he did, otherwise pedojoe wouldn't have had to take the measures he did. you're just confused as always.
Trump tore families apart and the parent was not a criminal and did not go to jail.
This is old news and has been discussed ad nausea on this site.

Trump administration family separation policy - Wikipedia › wiki › Trump_administration...

The Trump administration family separation policy was an aspect of US President Donald ... It was officially adopted across the entire US–Mexico border from April 2018 until June 2018. ... the policy did not include measures to reunite the families that it had separated, ... Nobody has had the political courage to take care of it.
Chaotic Trump did not seal the border with his wall in spite of what he tells you. Biden is allowing children to come in and is in process of straightening the overflow out. He has not allowed adults in.
sure he did, otherwise pedojoe wouldn't have had to take the measures he did. you're just confused as always.
No, Chaotic Trump did not seal the border. They still came over--look it up. There were other ways and places to get in.
Chaotic Trump did not seal the border with his wall in spite of what he tells you. Biden is allowing children to come in and is in process of straightening the overflow out. He has not allowed adults in.
sure he did, otherwise pedojoe wouldn't have had to take the measures he did. you're just confused as always.
No, Chaotic Trump did not seal the border. They still came over--look it up. There were other ways and places to get in.
why did xiden need make a change then?
Chaotic Trump did not seal the border with his wall in spite of what he tells you. Biden is allowing children to come in and is in process of straightening the overflow out. He has not allowed adults in.
sure he did, otherwise pedojoe wouldn't have had to take the measures he did. you're just confused as always.
No, Chaotic Trump did not seal the border. They still came over--look it up. There were other ways and places to get in.
why did xiden need make a change then?
President Biden is allowing children to come in, and only children for humanitarian reasons, due to the squalor, crime, covid, drug problem, human trafficking problem on the other side. Hopefully, the parents will go home now that their children are in good hands. The covid can be dealt with in an organized fashion. I do not believe that President Biden realized how many young people were piled up on the other side, and Chaotic Trump didn't care.
The wall is nothing more then an excuse for not enforcing employment laws.
Actually its the other way around

opposing the wall is your way of keeping the border open

which I think is what you really want
If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
If we dont flood the job market with hungry illegal aliens employers will pay more

But it would help if we stop giving welfare to able bodied citizens so they move to the private sector faster

Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.
and? thanks for the update that you think we didn't know.

And still the complaints.
you act like no one knows that. the issue is ending illegal hires. You're all over that, stay there and let's work to get that resolved. I'm all over that with you. But please stop punishing normal folks for the government failures. And that's what that post is intended to do.
Sometimes pknopp complains that the politicians have no intension of ending the flood of illgals

which is true

but when trump was president and was trying to move mountains to build the wall libs like pknopp were against that

so I think he’s lying about wanting to stop the flood

It was all an excuse for not actually addressing the actual issue.
that wasn't a president's, that's congressional reps to enforce the laws from the FBI and DOJ.

Congress doesn't enforce the law or whatever you are rambling about.
Those working full time are at times still below the poverty line.

Because there are more illegal aliens than jobs

which drives wages down due to the law of supply and demand

And you defend those who will not address that.
I'm not sure how you would know that exactly. How do you know he supports the government?

I said he defends those who do not enforce out employment laws . We have had many of these discussions.
you don't know that. do you? if so, how so?

I explained how.
dude, stop doing that, it's so fking boring. you have no fking idea his political views other than he isn't a demofk.

So ignore it. No one forces you to reply. I do know his political views though.
Trump tore families apart and the parent was not a criminal and did not go to jail.
Trump had a handle on it

he was sending the whole family together back to mexico the same day they got here

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