Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

Unfortunately, you don't see much of anything because you have a working-class mentality. Try owning and then we talk.
WTF does that mean? was that your hail mary?
That means that you see things from a working-class viewpoint, rather than from a management viewpoint.
so? explain your post, what is it that owning changes?
It changed your view when the payroll is coming out of your pocket, rather than from somebody else's pocket.
All we need now is the damn confession that the last election had nothing to do with the allegations of "racism" and everything to do with "management". But, you used it as an available tool.

We don't really need a confession but it would be brilliant on your part.
That is apples and oranges, yes? However, you go ahead and interpret it any way you are able. The election?
You are not a liberal. You are a neoliberal. I'm glad we got that out of the way. You support illegal aliens to suppressYou wages.

And that's it. It's a fact. Not an interpretation.

And that makes you a piece of shit.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink.
You're all done.
I said they do NOT qualify for welfare.
They do qualify for welfare if they can produce even one anchor baby thats born in an American hospital at taxpayer expense

No, the kid qualifies BUT no one can live on just what a kid qualifies for.
that's why many live in the same single family structure against the law, that again, no one enforces.

You can't do anything to obstruct the work flow.
No, the kid qualifies BUT no one can live on just what a kid qualifies for.
The kid qualifies and the money goes to an adult

in many cases welfare is as much as they were getting in their previous country

And far more than they deserve

It might be what they make in another country but it's not enough to live on.
Maybe the Trump fanatics should woo them instead of denigrating them, yes?
Why allow them to be here in the first place?

America does not need them since we have an abundance of poor people already
Unfortunately, you don't see much of anything because you have a working-class mentality. Try owning and then we talk.
WTF does that mean? was that your hail mary?
That means that you see things from a working-class viewpoint, rather than from a management viewpoint.

It means that you are desperately trying to make yourself feel better about the shit you actually believe.
Naw, he's very disturbed, nothing will ever make him feel better. He can't even explain how he feels.
He's disturbing.
he thinks he's important, and that makes him funny.
might be what they make in another country but it's not enough to live on.
Its more than they deserve

End the corporate welfare. I'm good with that.
what is the corporate welfare you mention?

The taxpayers spend billions on welfare to cover the low wages many get.

If a minor is getting food stamps the government knows the status of the parents. So we provide food stamps to keep the employers workers fed because they will not pay them a wage that is enough to live on.
Unfortunately, you don't see much of anything because you have a working-class mentality. Try owning and then we talk.
WTF does that mean? was that your hail mary?
That means that you see things from a working-class viewpoint, rather than from a management viewpoint.

It means that you are desperately trying to make yourself feel better about the shit you actually believe.
Naw, he's very disturbed, nothing will ever make him feel better. He can't even explain how he feels.
He's disturbing.
he thinks he's important, and that makes him funny.

He's definitely high-larry-us.
taxpayers spend billions on welfare to cover the low wages many get.
He’s calling the LBJ war on poverty welfare system corporate welfare

and I’m totally fine putting an end to the whole system

no money for able bodied adults, period
taxpayers spend billions on welfare to cover the low wages many get.
He’s calling the LBJ war on poverty welfare system corporate welfare

and I’m totally fine putting an end to the whole system

no money for able bodied adults, period

If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
The Obama era separated children from parents that were criminals because
criminals go to jail.
Now that you understand why children don't share jail cells with their parents
maybe you'll stop bitching about Trump "tearing families apart".

I never said that Trump was the ONLY divisive figure, but he sure wasn't divisive by your standards, yes?
Bush was divisive. Clinton was very divisive. Obama was divisive.
None of those presidents faced a four year long campaign to illegally remove them from office. Trump's sin (his blunt politically incorrect personality notwithstanding) was fighting back against the government within
a government.

The American people refused to stand still and refused to let this ogre usurp our democracy.
Demonstrate how Trump trampled on our constitution. How was our democracy "usurped" other than having
significant government agencies collude to remove Trump from his office?

He lost the election and you can call it "railroaded" if that makes you feel better.
It makes me feel like the record is being corrected. The usurpation is still being corrected in our
courts and state legislatures are moving to plug up the gaping holes that were exploited in 2020.

He has been horrible and unreasonable all his adult life, and if you did your research on the guy, you might see things differently than you do.
Difficult contentious personality....great in the things he did for the nation.
He sealed the border, made us energy independent finally (and Senile Joe Biden promptly put us
back under the thumbs of oil producers again). He placed tariffs on China and Russia.
And there are many lists from which you can get a more complete picture.

The record is clear even if it irritates you.
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If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
If we dont flood the job market with hungry illegal aliens employers will pay more

But it would help if we stop giving welfare to able bodied citizens so they move to the private sector faster
We’re finally seeing some vestige of the definition of corporate welfare on this thread after several complain. The corporation we wish to address is the capitalist one, and that is the one that links to religion and its puppetry.
If pay isn't enough to live on, you better keep your stuff locked up.
If we dont flood the job market with hungry illegal aliens employers will pay more

But it would help if we stop giving welfare to able bodied citizens so they move to the private sector faster
BTW, that scenario is much more costly to the public.
That’s the dem-marxist agenda: get private quickly and lost in the crowd. Dem apathy while cities burned and looted, with few of the marauding blm-antifa baboons actually identified.

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