Americans fault Trump for chaotic government shutdown, as more believe US is ‘on the wrong track’:


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

and valid....he said he would own this shutdown and he would proudly shut down the government.......nancy is right you dont negotiate with terrorists

think of the long runs consequences this will have on many families....higher interest rates due to missed payments....lower credit ratings leading to what....o higher interest rates....i wonder how many people were evicted during this time...many people had used their credit for christmas shopping....and were counting on paychecks just like most people who work hard...and expect to get paid....

how did this cabinet of billionaires respond....o just take out a bank loan...making them what...a wee bit did trump respond...o poor poor me....i had to stay at the white house.....can you believe this man whined while federal workers were hitting food banks? and what about the coast guard not getting paid.?

you had diabetics unable to get insulin....and rationing it....wonder what the long term effects of that do know when a person's blood sugar goes over 140 it begins to cause physical damage? what about people who suddenly had no health insurance.....the list just goes on and on...

crisis at the border...there is a bigger crisis in rural american...drug overdoses....but hell trump isnt going to address that...he might have to offend the billionaires etc and so forth...

when are trumps base going to realize all of this?
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


He still would have gotten the blame and all (rightly so) but you'd think that if he was going to shut down the government for 30 days, he'd have got some sort of concession out of it. It should be vividly clear to anyone looking that the blob has zero idea what he is doing. Whomever is advising this moron really needs to be relieved of their duties. First it was the hamberder fiasco where he appeared behind this mountain of cheap garbage as proud as a peacock at what he provided and then capitulating on the shutdown and claiming a victory that left everyone shaking their heads in sympathy for the woefully misguided dolt he is.

Its not good to have a wounded President in terms of national prestige but it's even worse to have one that continually inflicts their own wounds while not even knowing they are doing it.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

Who said it was good news? It's terrible news, and it's Trump's fault.
and the latter is what they cant get over...trumps fault and theirs......the damage done to the national parks....cant be repaired but trump supporters dont care
Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

Well, I think it's a good thing that 63% have a grasp on reality.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll



What this country needs is higher taxes, less border security, and everything free!

Go Dims!
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

The telephone survey of 900 adults, conducted Jan. 20-23, carries a margin for error of 3.27 percentage points.

I need to see the questions asked.
Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

Well, I think it's a good thing that 63% have a grasp on reality.

Bulldog, see? Of course liberals think this is good news
and the latter is what they cant get over...trumps fault and theirs......the damage done to the national parks....cant be repaired but trump supporters dont care
and the latter is what they cant get over...trumps fault and theirs......the damage done to the national parks....cant be repaired but trump supporters dont care
Don't worry, we can take tours of the progressive socialist designed ghettos. The damage done to those slums.....can not be repaired. But progressive socialists don't care.
The clear lesson from the shutdown is that a funding provision has to be made to assure that the military is always paid. When that happens I'll be looking forward to a new record breaking federal government shutdown.

States and not the Federal government should be the political and legislative power in our country.

'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

/——/ Accoding to your link, they found 450 random adults who don’t like Trump- and you hang your hat on that fake poll. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
The telephone survey of 900 adults, conducted Jan. 20-23, carries a margin for error of 3.27 percentage points.
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


He still would have gotten the blame and all (rightly so) but you'd think that if he was going to shut down the government for 30 days, he'd have got some sort of concession out of it. It should be vividly clear to anyone looking that the blob has zero idea what he is doing. Whomever is advising this moron really needs to be relieved of their duties. First it was the hamberder fiasco where he appeared behind this mountain of cheap garbage as proud as a peacock at what he provided and then capitulating on the shutdown and claiming a victory that left everyone shaking their heads in sympathy for the woefully misguided dolt he is.

Its not good to have a wounded President in terms of national prestige but it's even worse to have one that continually inflicts their own wounds while not even knowing they are doing it.
/——/ And democRATs we’re willing to let the furloughed workers suffer just to make a political point. Doesn’t say much for your side.
Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

Well, I think it's a good thing that 63% have a grasp on reality.
/——-/ it’s a poll of 900 random adults out of 330 million Americans. How many were democrats ? How many were illegals? And you glob on to this bullshyt
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll

Interesting in how convincingly the media manipulates us by catering to our natural preferences to believe their manufactured news product.

Here is Ted Cruz for the HONEST counter-point.



Calling For Nancy Pelosi To RESIGN After Sen Ted Cruz EXPOSED THIS(VIDEO)!!!

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Edited 5:53am PST

Sen. Cruz Delivers Floor Speech Urging Senate Democrats to Pay the U.S. Coast Guard Service Members

Start @4:04

Sen. Cruz speaking to all Coast Guard personnel who hadn't been paid:

"...if you want to know why you weren't paid, it is because the Democratic leader objected to your getting a paycheck."

Last edited:
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


He still would have gotten the blame and all (rightly so) but you'd think that if he was going to shut down the government for 30 days, he'd have got some sort of concession out of it. It should be vividly clear to anyone looking that the blob has zero idea what he is doing. Whomever is advising this moron really needs to be relieved of their duties. First it was the hamberder fiasco where he appeared behind this mountain of cheap garbage as proud as a peacock at what he provided and then capitulating on the shutdown and claiming a victory that left everyone shaking their heads in sympathy for the woefully misguided dolt he is.

Its not good to have a wounded President in terms of national prestige but it's even worse to have one that continually inflicts their own wounds while not even knowing they are doing it.
/——/ And democRATs we’re willing to let the furloughed workers suffer just to make a political point. Doesn’t say much for your side.

Trump was responsible for the shutdown. I can’t beli eve your blob caved. I’m sure you can’t believe it either
'An NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.”
  • By a 50 percent to 37 percent margin, Americans blame President Donald Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress.
'The government shutdown that just ended has deepened Americans’ discontent with the state of the nation--and they place the blame primarily on President Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Sunday showed.

The poll’s results showed that by 63 percent to 28 percent , a margin greater than two to one, Americans believe the country is “off on the wrong track” rather than “headed in the right direction.” That’s significantly worse than the 56 percent to 33 percent finding from the December NBC/WSJ poll, taken before the shutdown.

And by 50 percent to 37 percent, Americans blame Trump, rather than Democrats in Congress, for the debacle. That result reflects their disagreement with his stance on the issue that caused it.'

Americans fault Trump for shutdown chaos, as more believe US is 'on the wrong track': NBC-WSJ poll


Only liberals could look at a poll where 63 percent of Americans think the nation is on the wrong track and think that's GOOD NEWS....for anyone. Of course the nation is on the wrong track. We're close to entirely dissolving, probably, we've lose faith in all our institutions, our polls, our democracy, and our media. You knuckleheads. Geez

We haven’t lost faith in our institutions, just the people who currently superintend them. It’s clear that the blob is way in over his head and the Senate is taking their marching orders from him

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