Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

Would seem your understanding of American English is "outside" your capabilities. You fail to understand what we say to you.

I understand intelligent people and normal idiots like me. I do not understand many forms of manipulations and evil nonsense. What you say about republics and democracies makes just simple not any sense and you are not able to explain to me what are your basic thoughts in this context. I guess the main reason for this is: there are no basic thoughts at all. And now you "think" the English language will be able to save you because of the "automatism" solidarity of native English speakers with other native English speakers. Or with other words: "Right or wrong: my country". But such an idea is always only wrong.
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I will never understand why so many US-Americans are never shy to show to everyone else that they are idiots. I don't know what I don't know. And if I do not like to learn what I do not like to know then I do not know what I do not learn.
Aren't you the one pretending not to understand simple statements? 😄
You think the Constitution and the Founders didn't allow for tyranny..... :lmao:
The Constitution absolutely doesn’t. If you think otherwise, you have zero ability to identify the basis for that misbegotten belief.

Ditto that for the Founders. They didn’t want tyranny. They didn’t want democracy. They didn’t want a monarchy. And they were plenty wide enough to avoid it via the system they crafted. And again, if you think otherwise, you can’t point to any valid, credible evidence for you mistaken belief.
The Constitution absolutely doesn’t. If you think otherwise, you have zero ability to identify the basis for that misbegotten belief.

Ditto that for the Founders. They didn’t want tyranny. They didn’t want democracy. They didn’t want a monarchy. And they were plenty wide enough to avoid it via the system they crafted. And again, if you think otherwise, you can’t point to any valid, credible evidence for you mistaken belief.
The Founders were slavers you Simp. They themselves were tyrants. Have whites really been made this stupid by the amount of propaganda in your educational system?

The Founders were slavers you Simp. They themselves were tyrants. Have whites really been made this stupid by the amount of propaganda in your educational system?

Speaking of Simps, here you are
Some of the Framers had slaves, not all you fucking retard. And in that day and age it wasn’t uncommon, you simpleton scumbag.

I can’t help it that you’re a retard. But you could still try to learn something for once in your life.

Fucktarded little dopes like you insist in denigrating those people of a very much earlier time by stupidly applying today’s views on such matters. How blind you retards are is tragic.

Try to think it through. Some day, 250 or 300 years or so from now, maybe people will look back on people of our age and wonder how we could possibly have been so savage as to believe that women had a “right” to shred-apart an innocent life inside the womb.
I leave in a state were the Democrats have "won" recent elections and have a temporary domination. Our legislature, governor, and attorney general have signed off on bills to laws abridging 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights and are also looking to block public access to ballot/voting records of future elections. Plus the guv'nor decimated our economy with his two year "emergency power" abuse bankrupting the small businesses he forced to shut down over COVID while racking up more debt to keep the "essential" government workers paid while not working.

Democrats are the new and USA version of Nationalist Socialists and should be emigrated to some other nation that suits their false ideology.

Requiring ID to prove citizenship is not voter suppression.
Republicans in this state have won and might do so again if those independents whom have given up thinking their vote doesn't count, do vote and vote for wealth creation Republicans rather than wealth taking/"redistributing" Democrat thieves and fascists.

Neither your first or second amendments are unqualified or unlimited, although today’s conservative seem to think they are.

And then you talk about how your freedoms were trampled under foot during a pandemic. What I have noticed is that Fox News had the strictest Covid and vaccine requirements and protocols of any news media outlet. And then they went on the air and told you people to resist the vaccine. Your freedom was at stake.

Has it never occurred to you that Republicans were trying to keep the virus going? That once Biden was elected, it was good for their chances of re-election in 2024 to make the pandemic as deadly and destructive as possible?

It’s already been proven that Trump did nothing about the 2020 race riots because he thought they were good for his reelection chances.

Government is supposed to be about managing the resources of the nation to the benefit of the people. Instead, the Republicans are marshalling the resources of their states to do as much harm as possible to the American people in the hopes that the people will blame Democrats and vote the Democrats out.

After the swine flu outbreak in 2008 and 2009, the Obama administration created a pandemic office within the White House and a pandemic playbook for the next viral outbreak coming down the pike. The Trump administration closed the pandemic office and scattered their staff, and throughout the pandemic playbook. When the pandemic hit, they first had to assemble the task force, and a plan to replace the ones that Trump destroyed.

Instead of using what was learned in the Covid experience to plan for the next worldwide outbreak, Republicans have no interest in holding hearings or learning what worked and what didn’t. They have no interest in preparing for the next outbreak, or preventing the kind of disastrous results seen across the board with COVID-19.

In Canada, we had a pandemic playbook that started with SARS Covid-02 and was updated after Swine flu. We had much longer and stricter lockdowns, mask, mandates, and vaccine mandates than any part of the USA. We never ran out of PPE, and our hospitals were never overwhelmed, although it was a very near thing in some parts of the country.

As a result, we had a third of the death and disease of the USA and our economy didn’t collapse. Our recovery has been quick and strong. We have the same problems with inflation and worker shortages that the US has but the rate of inflation has been steadily dropping and I believe is below yours at the moment.

We’re tripling immigration to deal with labour shortages and the more than 1 million job opening we currently have.

But it should be noted that we do have a current and up-to-date, framework of immigration laws to work with. Our embassies and diplomatic outposts around the world, are fully staffed and prepared to handle an increases in applications.

Having set this entire cluster fuck up, Republicans are now blaming Biden for the chaos these policies have created.

Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work​

Idiot, democracy is an idea going back thousands of years, not up to Americans to prove because we were founded as a representative republic of laws, not mob rule. Besides, history proves that all democracies are transitory anyway soon becoming oligarchies.
Speaking of Simps, here you are
Some of the Framers had slaves, not all you fucking retard. And in that day and age it wasn’t uncommon, you simpleton scumbag.
Nevertheless they bonded together with slavers and became tyrants themselves.
I can’t help it that you’re a retard. But you could still try to learn something for once in your life.
Go ahead and get emotional because I pointed out the Founders were also tyrants. It's an indisputable point so all you can really do is cry about it.
Fucktarded little dopes like you insist in denigrating those people of a very much earlier time by stupidly applying today’s views on such matters. How blind you retards are is tragic.
Another Simp argument. In one breath you want to glorify them as being against a tyrant King and then in the next you want to pretend as if we can't recognize tyranny. Stop being an absolute bitch.
Try to think it through. Some day, 250 or 300 years or so from now, maybe people will look back on people of our age and wonder how we could possibly have been so savage as to believe that women had a “right” to shred-apart an innocent life inside the womb.
If we can't tell who the tyrants were back then then how can dopes like you claim the Founders were against tyranny? Your Simp logic makes no sense and falls apart at the slightest examination.
Do I have to post Federalist #10 again? I'm quite sure the gibberish-spewing foreign poster could not read it.
All sorts.
If only you had specified a limit relevant to the declaration that the protections of the 2nd applies to "all bearable arms" - right?

Here's the entire declaration, for reference:
"...the Second Amendment extends, prima facie,to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding."

Now, how 'bout you give it another try?

"All bearable arms"
What limit does this allow?
Nevertheless they bonded together with slavers and became tyrants themselves.
False. When your argument is founded upon a lie, as yours is, nothing that you say flowing from your dishonest premise is useful. You should ask to change your username to JerkGoat. Or maybe just Jerk or jerkoff.
Go ahead and get emotional because I pointed out the Founders were also tyrants.
You didn’t “point out” any such thing: you made a dishonest claim. No need for me to get emotional about your lies and lack of logic. That’s all on you, boo boo. :itsok:
It's an indisputable point so all you can really do is cry about it.
It is a false “point” and completely disputable for that very reason. And all you can do is cry and repeat your ineffective lie. Sucks to be you.
Another Simp argument. In one breath you want to glorify them as being against a tyrant King and then in the next you want to pretend as if we can't recognize tyranny.
You’re a retard. You keep using the word as if you had any handle on what it means. Clearly, however, you don’t. Or you’re just a liar. But either way, your argument has zero value.
Stop being an absolute bitch.
I never started. I leave that shit to lowlife scum like you. 👍
If we can't tell who the tyrants were back then then how can dopes like you claim the Founders were against tyranny?
Since you can’t even define the term you regularly misuse, maybe you should stop being a retard about it and get yourself educated before you post anything.
Your Simp logic makes no sense and falls apart at the slightest examination.
Unlike your position, mine actually embraces logic. You are clueless.
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If only you had specified a limit relevant to the declaration that the protections of the 2nd applies to "all bearable arms" - right?

Here's the entire declaration, for reference:
"...the Second Amendment extends, prima facie,to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding."

Now, how 'bout you give it another try?

"All bearable arms"
What limit does this allow?
I just specified a limit that you couldn't respond to so you cut it out of your reply like a little bitch.
You saying it doesn't make it true Jackson. The American Constitution was the most radical leftist documents in world history. Just the idea that all men were created equal and could decide who they wanted to lead the nation was a hair on fire radical concept at a time when the USA was one of two democracies in the world and every European nation was ruled by monarchs and their nobility, and class and power was determined by birth, and birth order.

The King's army were the Conservatives. The British political parties are the Conservatives and Labour. The Conservatives are the monarchists, and the nobility. The House of Lords in Great Britain is still appointed by the King.

Keep trying to make over your Founders in the mold of a 21st Century evangelical Christian extremists and you will fail every single time. They were men of their time, and the Constitution reflects their wish to create an land of opportunity, where religion and status at birth didn't foreclose your chances of improving your station. Freedom of religion was a principle because of the Spanish Inquisition, and the persecution by the Catholic Church in the Reformation. They eschewed war and conquest by having no standing army because of the toll the unending wars of succession and conquest in Europe.

The US Constitution is a document of its time, written by men of their time. This is a different time and a different world.
Where the Elite Meet to Complete Our Defeat

Did you vote to have someone write that for you? That's how demeaning a republic is.
Liberal Talking Pont Lie #223

That isn’t a lie. The US senators who confirmed justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, represented 1,500,000 fewer voters than the Senators who voted against her appointment.

The requirement for 60 senators to vote in favour of any law is not in the constitution. The filibuster is not in the constitution. Both are the product of the Jim Crow era. Even with a majority in the Senate, the minority holds the key to whether any bills pass at all. That’s the essence of minority rule.

Last, but certainly not least the only Republican to win the popular vote in the general election for president since 2000, was G.W. Bush in 2004, and even then it was very close. Yet the Republicans have held the WH for 12 of those 23 years to disastrous results.

We can also talk about the gerrymandering for the House seats and look at the popular vote in Congressional elections during the same time frame.

That’s the very definition of minority rule.


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