Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

Let's me stop you right there Dingus. There's a difference between rhetoric and action. The Founders were slavers so obviously the Constitution didn't work as a force field against tyranny.

What will help you nothing when I will make a notice on your empty skull: "This absurde man hated once the independence of the USA and the democracíes in the world. Perhaps one day someone will be able to find out who this ET had been."
What exactly, master of weirdness, do you call bullshit on what reason - from this what I - and the declaration of independence - said to you? And by the way: What is your nationality?
If my Post #315 didn't explain it to you, or if it lost something in translation to your mind/language, then isn't much else I can say without repeating what I've already said.
My nationality is Yankee. Born and raised in the US of A.
Not all Founders were "slavers". Not even most were.
You may want to read Article I. Section 9. It counters the disinformation of "1619".
25 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention where slave owners and the ones who weren't broke bread with slavers to form this Union. Don't blow propaganda smoke up my ass you Simp bitch.
What will help you nothing when I will make a notice on your empty skull: "This absurde man hated once the independence of the USA and the democracíes in the world. Perhaps one day someone will be able to find out who this ET had been."
How about your empty nut sack seeing as how you were too pussy to address my point.
25 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention where slave owners and the ones who weren't broke bread with slavers to form this Union. Don't blow propaganda smoke up my ass you Simp bitch.
Basic history dumbshit. Oh yeah, your that ignorant generation indoctrinated by leftist and commies, didn't "learn no history".

Getting out from under English rule was first priority and that meant compromise on some issues. BTW, slavery has been common globally in nearly every culture and civilization ever since there has been one. So wasn't much new in what the Founders did, and were dealing with. FWIW, there are nations on this world where slavery is still legal (mostly Islamic dominated ones).

Once independence was won, the wisest course was to remain united rather than break off into two or more smaller, weaker, separate nations that could likely be taken over as colonies again. Ever hear of our War of 1812?

As it was, compromise wasn't going to work out very well, so we experienced the War Between the States in 1861-1865 and that resolved the issue.

The part of the Constitution I was suggesting you read and understand was a provision that would outlaw the import of slaves into the USA after 1808.

Try cooking your goat meat before eating it. Might reduce some of that brain rot you display.

Also, further education here;

6 Myths About the History of Black People in America​

Six historians weigh in on the biggest misconceptions about Black history, including the Tuskegee experiment and enslaved people’s finances.

And the current expression of that different time and different world is how the Left has co-opted the language and misused and distorted the meanings of words, "correct-speak".
The Left claims to be the "Liberals" of this era and the "progressives", yet seek fundamental change away from the USA Constitution and our Nation's founding principles. Along with their lies and disinformation, the Left/socialists are more in the form of the older, traditional conservatives, seeking to regress (not pro-gress) to where Rule is by an Elite Minority whom know better than we common folk in the basket of deplorables. America's Left is the new version of the National Socialists, USA style.

And that's not true at all.

Republicans are the “minority party”Republicans are the ones who are trampling the Constitution, in order to maintain power.

Voter suppression, gerrymandering, closing polling stations in areas voting for Democrats. The higher, the voter turn out the less likely Republicans are to be elected.

When Trump was voted out of office, he tried to overthrow the election. It doesn’t get more unconstitutional than that.

You can’t even acknowledge that Republicans are the minority party.

Is it possible that you confuse the political parties "the Republicans" and "the Democrats" with the expressions "republic" and "democracy"? A relativelly comparable problem existed under Hitler in Germany where many people did not know that "the German Christians" had been an anti-christian Nazi organisation (die "Deutschen Christen") and not the German Christians (die "deutschen Christen").
And that's not true at all.

Republicans are the “minority party”Republicans are the ones who are trampling the Constitution, in order to maintain power.

Voter suppression, gerrymandering, closing polling stations in areas voting for Democrats. The higher, the voter turn out the less likely Republicans are to be elected.

When Trump was voted out of office, he tried to overthrow the election. It doesn’t get more unconstitutional than that.

You can’t even acknowledge that Republicans are the minority party.
I leave in a state were the Democrats have "won" recent elections and have a temporary domination. Our legislature, governor, and attorney general have signed off on bills to laws abridging 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights and are also looking to block public access to ballot/voting records of future elections. Plus the guv'nor decimated our economy with his two year "emergency power" abuse bankrupting the small businesses he forced to shut down over COVID while racking up more debt to keep the "essential" government workers paid while not working.

Democrats are the new and USA version of Nationalist Socialists and should be emigrated to some other nation that suits their false ideology.

Requiring ID to prove citizenship is not voter suppression.
Republicans in this state have won and might do so again if those independents whom have given up thinking their vote doesn't count, do vote and vote for wealth creation Republicans rather than wealth taking/"redistributing" Democrat thieves and fascists.
Basic history dumbshit. Oh yeah, your that ignorant generation indoctrinated by leftist and commies, didn't "learn no history".
It's you're you dumb shit and I'm the only one bringing facts rather than commentary. 25 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional convention where slavers.
Getting out from under English rule was first priority and that meant compromise on some issues. BTW, slavery has been common globally in nearly every culture and civilization ever since there has been one. So wasn't much new in what the Founders did, and were dealing with. FWIW, there are nations on this world where slavery is still legal (mostly Islamic dominated ones).
More Simp arguments supported by fallacies all while avoiding facts. I didn't argue that slavery was unique to America or something new the Founders invented or that it has been eradicated from the face of the earth. I simply stated factually that the Constitution wasn't a force field against tyranny since the people who wrote and signed it were tyrants themselves. I get that this fact hurts your Simp feelings because you've been made to guzzle that propaganda your entire Simp life but you can choose to spit instead of swallow.
Once independence was won, the wisest course was to remain united rather than break off into two or more smaller, weaker, separate nations that could likely be taken over as colonies again. Ever hear of our War of 1812?
This is all just a soy boy attempt to justify their tyranny.
As it was, compromise wasn't going to work out very well, so we experienced the War Between the States in 1861-1865 and that resolved the issue.
It didn't stop white Americans from being tyrants because Jim Crow and segregation followed for a hundred years after the Civil War.
The part of the Constitution I was suggesting you read and understand was a provision that would outlaw the import of slaves into the USA after 1808.
That provision was to help protect America's own burgeoning internal slavery trade. Only about four hundred thousand of the 12 million slaves shipped from the trans Atlantic slave route made it to these shores yet by the start of the Civil War America had had around 10 million slaves bought and sold within its borders. Those initial slaves were treated like seeds with which slavers could grow their own crash crop. Often times with force and rape. Your Simp ass is too busy tossing Founder salad to be able to put history in a coherent context.
Try cooking your goat meat before eating it. Might rerduce some of that brain rot you display.
Ad hominems are no substitute for facts you bitch. :funnyface:

Also: is totally the same place I go to for my historical knowledge..... :lmao:
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Aha. Never thought a Yankee is able to be an enemy of the Union. But why not? The world also always had been a mad world. Is it possible to degrade a Yankee?

Would seem your understanding of American English is "outside" your capabilities. You fail to understand what we say to you.

Is it possible that you confuse the political parties "the Republicans" and "the Democrats" with the expressions "republic" and "democracy"? A relativelly comparable problem existed under Hitler in Germany where many people did not know that "the German Christians" had been an anti-christian Nazi organisation (die "Deutschen Christen") and not the German Christians (die "deutschen Christen").
No! But it's certain you are confused and unable to understand our language or concepts.
Marxism is alive and well, thriving not just among the Left-wing in the USA, but also in Europe and many other parts of the World. Such as CCP China.
The USA is in danger of a Left-wing fascism claiming to to be "marxism",, but in reality something even more sinister and elitist.

Fascisms = right-wing extremisms.
Marxism-(Karl Marx: "I am no Marxist")-Leninism-Maoism: left-wing extremism

We call this normally only "Schnee von gestern" : "It's all water under the bridge now."
I understand the bitch in you. That's quite clear.

But I don't understand what means "bitch in you". And I am sure I had really to learn a lot until I will be really able to understand what such a simple sentence really means in your culture. What I can see immediatelly for example is it that you defame women - although we spoke about nothing in this context. So your enculturation is not a traditional European enculturation.

No! But it's certain you are confused and unable to understand our language or concepts.

Exactly. Im not able to understand how someone is able to confuse the expressions "republic" and "democracy" as you are doing. Democratic republics are a totally normal and harmonic political structure in many countries of the world. For example in the USA.
Yes you do. 😄

No. Learn a foreign language of a strange culture and then you will know how difficult it is to understand such strange comments. That's why we transform such expressions not into the German language but use them as anglicisms. A German could say the same and I also would not understand him - but who uses such an empty phrase in the German language thinks he understands what he not really understands. If he understands and stops not to speak such a nonsense then happens something else: Someone starts to be no German any longer. All the people for example who are using here in Germany the word "fuck" or the German equivalent "ficken" as a spearword are for me personally no Germans any longer. The word "fuck" as a spearword and the German culture are not compatible with each other. It is u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e difficult - or even impossible - to see in the most nice action which men and women are able to do with each other a negative hateful thing. Who is doing so is no German any longer.
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No. Learn a foreign language of a strange culture and then you will know how difficult it is to understand such strange comments. That's why we transform such expressions not into the German language but use them as anglicisms. A German could say the same and I also would not understand him - but who uses such an empty phrase in the German language thinks he understand what he not really understands. If he understands happens something else: He starts to be no German any longer.
You do. 😄

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