Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

Liar. You’re not just stupid. You’re quite fully and intentionally dishonest.
Could you be more of an emotional little bitch? 😄 There's no lie here, boy, the Founders were slavers and slavery is tyranny. It isn't that hard to piece together.
Could you be more of an emotional little bitch? 😄 There's no lie here, boy, the Founders were slavers and slavery is tyranny.

The US-American form of industrialized slavery had been a tyranny who degraded human beings to farming machines. In ancient Greece and Rome for example someone was able to get a credit on his own person and when he was no able to pay back the credit then he became on the own free will a slave. And it existed also many ways for slaves to become free citizens again.

It isn't that hard to piece together.
A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
The word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence. Wasn't supposed to be a democracy. Voting was never supposed to be a right.

As a result of giving anyone with a pulse that is "old enough" the "right to vote" turned this country into a demogoguery and most are too ignorant to know what that means.

Morons voting. All listening to demogogues promising bullshit to them. We've turned into tropes platitudes and campaign slogans.

So that's the main reason we're doomed. Morons on the left are such demogogues slaves.
The word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence. Wasn't supposed to be a democracy. Voting was never supposed to be a right.

As a result of giving anyone with a pulse that "old enough" turned this country into a demogoguery and most are too ignorant to know what that means.

Morons voting. All listening to demogogues promising bullshit to them. We've turned into tropes platitudes and campaign slogans.

So that's the main reason we're doomed. Morons on the left are such demogogues slaves.

Great point.

Who in this country has ever had to prove that they are even competent to vote?

The word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence. Wasn't supposed to be a democracy. Voting was never supposed to be a right.

As a result of giving anyone with a pulse that is "old enough" the "right to vote" turned this country into a demogoguery and most are too ignorant to know what that means.

Morons voting. All listening to demogogues promising bullshit to them. We've turned into tropes platitudes and campaign slogans.

So that's the main reason we're doomed. Morons on the left are such demogogues slaves.

When's the last time a Conservative had a rational argument for anything?
By the way. An interesting irony of the German history. Since long years existed a movement which liked to give back so called "Beutekunst" = "looted art" to Africa. The expression "Beutekunst" is in Germany normally only used in context of the Nazis. But in this case they transfered it into the colonial history of Germany - which is a joke compared with the colonial history of any other Europen nation. And here in this special case this artefacts had not even been robbed from Germans but from the Brits in 1897. Germans bought it only.

In total existed in whole Europe a little more than 5000 pieces - in Germany nearly 1200 pieces of this artefacts. Called is this treasure "Benin bronzes". So German politicians pillaged the German museums for African culture and art and gave back all pieces of the Benin bronzes to Kenia. The same time they gave millions from the money of the German tax payers for to build a museum for this arts in Kenia.

And what is now the irony? The first irony is it that this Benin bronzes were made with copper and other material which the Portugese had payed for slaves. So US-American historians warned us Europeans not to do so because it is not justice that the heirs of the former slave hunters - yes!- also Blacks hunted Blacks and sold them as slaves! - that the heirs of the former slave hunters would be rewarded for the crimes of their ancestors. But - what can I say? - no one stops atheistic do-gooders with their wrong forms of moral. They gave it back.

In 2022 had been a wonderful celebration. Everyone felt comfortable. The world is a good place again. ... But - "fiascos never end" - the trumpsident of Kenia gave away all Benin bronzes in a private hand just now in 2023. So no one needs any museum any longer and never again anyone will be able to study this arts and craftsmanship of African people between the 13th and 17th century. But I'm sure the politicians who stole all this artefacts from German museums and wasted it in Africa got not any penny for their raid. No: They paid the heirs of African slave hunters to rob German museums with their own help. And the victim is not only Germany - it is the whole mankind.
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A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?

Good Question:

  • Media
    • Reintroduce the 'Fairness Doctrine' for large media players
    • Stricter guideline of FCC licences and spreading of misinformation
    • Ban political ads severely on all media channels
  • Voting & Government
    • Scrap FPTP voting in favour for multi-seat preference voting.
    • Make the Presidential race a simple popular vote (Preference voting)
    • Make the Senate far more democratic and answerable to the people
    • Make changing of the Constitution a simple referendum (majority of the people (i.e. 50% plus one vote wins)
    • Ban Dark money in politics
Won't work right away but it could release the pressure a lot...
The word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
What's that got to do with cnm knowing shit about the US?

Oh yeah nothing.

By the way. The English language is really funny. "... he doesn't know shit ..." is disqualifying someone? How? But I know indeed a lot of shit in context of the USA and Germany/Europe. So what? What's disqualifying someone in this case? What's the sense of such derogatory terms except that you do not need to learn something? The USA is a wonderful paradise and everyone is happy, isn't it? The only problem is that something exists what is not USA - and this is hell.

What do you think about the hypothese: "If about 50% of the anti-Americans who live in the USA will be killed from the real Americans who live there then the USA is able to be happy!"?
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Blues Man

By the way. The English language is really funny. "... he doesn't know shit ..." is disqualifying someone? How?

When people make statements like they know what it is like here in the US despite never having lived or in other words when they speak from utter ignorance Americans use the idiom " Doesn't know shit about"


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