Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
Your initial premise is wrong, or mis-stated. The USA did not start out to be a 'democracy', rather a representative republic. There is a difference. The expectation is that true to human nature as manifested for millennia, it is rare to impossible to get all to agree on an issue. At best is a compromise where each side thinks the other side got the better part of the deal.

The American Form Of Government​

10.35 minutes length.
Yea. I do. Democracy only works with an educated citizenship. Massively improving the education level of our citizens is the only way we save this place. The dumb and uneducated will bring us down by falling for the stupidity of populists.
Only if the education system remains objective and non-partisan.
Currently our USA education system has been taken over by a majority of Left-wing, "progressive"(really regressive) leaning socialist/communist administrators and teachers becoming a means pf propaganda and indoctrination of the impressionable minds of the young. This has been a growing problem for about five decades now.
Only if the education system remains objective and non-partisan.
Currently our USA education system has been taken over by a majority of Left-wing, "progressive"(really regressive) leaning socialist/communist administrators and teachers becoming a means pf propaganda and indoctrination of the impressionable minds of the young. This has been a growing problem for about five decades now.

Educated people are more informed and less cowardly about the world thus they don’t shit in their pants about change and fall for lies about the impending doom from change. Therefore they tend to not be stupid conservatives. That’s not brain washing that’s an informed decision.
Educated people are more informed and less cowardly about the world thus they don’t shit in their pants about change and fall for lies about the impending doom from change. Therefore they tend to not be stupid conservatives. That’s not brain washing that’s an informed decision.
If what I see happening in the US these days is coming from the "Educated" glitteratti, then I am damned glad I didn't go to college....
Educated people are more informed and less cowardly about the world thus they don’t shit in their pants about change and fall for lies about the impending doom from change. Therefore they tend to not be stupid conservatives. That’s not brain washing that’s an informed decision.
So you approve of the indoctrination/brainwashing of students into the Leftist/socialist wealth taking agenda and it's foundational biases and prejudices.
Thanks Komrade, for being clear on your subjective view.
So you approve of the indoctrination/brainwashing of students into the Leftist/socialist wealth taking agenda and it's foundational biases and prejudices.
Thanks Komrade, for being clear on your subjective view.

What has the Republican Party done to better your life?
:lol: A very unperfect military dictatorship. No public whippings and executions. How boring. And who goes to jail in the USA for 25 years because he criticizes Putin? By the way: Knows anyone something about a critics of Xi Jinping?
Constant war abroad leads to tyranny at home. Nothing is more true. The neocons and neolibs are pushing for war with Russia and China. This will likely destroy the US Empire and get millions killed.

Militarists drain funds from social and infrastructure programs. They pour money into research and development of weapons systems and neglect renewable energy technologies. Bridges, roads, electrical grids and levees collapse. Schools decay. Domestic manufacturing declines. The public is impoverished. The harsh forms of control the militarists test and perfect abroad migrate back to the homeland. Militarized Police. Militarized drones. Surveillance. Vast prison complexes. Suspension of basic civil liberties. Censorship.

Those such as Julian Assange, who challenge the stratocracy, who expose its crimes and suicidal folly, are ruthlessly persecuted. But the war state harbors within it the seeds of its own destruction. It will cannibalize the nation until it collapses. Before then, it will lash out, like a blinded cyclops, seeking to restore its diminishing power through indiscriminate violence. The tragedy is not that the U.S. war state will self-destruct. The tragedy is that we will take down so many innocents with us.
Only if the education system remains objective and non-partisan.
Currently our USA education system has been taken over by a majority of Left-wing, "progressive"(really regressive) leaning socialist/communist administrators and teachers becoming a means pf propaganda and indoctrination of the impressionable minds of the young. This has been a growing problem for about five decades now.

And it is now coming to fruition.
This is how Patriots become a stranger in a strange land.
Pick your hill when it comes if not here yet!!

Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...​

I don't usually respond to such noobs, but the mandate of the USA has never been about proving democracy can work because democracy was exactly what the Founders broke away from in England and were sick of and did not want to see emulated here again!

The mandate as laid down by Ben Franklin was to protect, preserve and prove a Representative Republic of LAWS could work, because only a society governed by laws is truly free, not mob rule.
Then what the hell are you doing here, loser? We don’t need you and no one asked you to stay. Get the fuck out.

Did you just wake up from another nightmare about one of your "students" again, Salty?
A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
make me the king....with enough guns I could solve all our problems
Your initial premise is wrong, or mis-stated. The USA did not start out to be a 'democracy', rather a representative republic. There is a difference. The expectation is that true to human nature as manifested for millennia, it is rare to impossible to get all to agree on an issue. At best is a compromise where each side thinks the other side got the better part of the deal.

The American Form Of Government​

10.35 minutes length.

The USA is a republic (no nobles) and a democracy (elections, one man one vote). What this has to do with the political parties "the Republicans" and "the Democrats" is a totally other theme. Your problem in this context is the British "the winner takes it all"-mentality - that's why you have only two political parties.
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A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?

No, Americans are not the stupidest people on the planet. There are plenty of other countries where ignorance is even worse because they have no reason not to be ignorant.
Dictators don't like educated people. China educates its people, but makes sure thinking for themselves is not something that is taught. They teach things that are 100% certain, math, science, Chinese etc.

However yes, there's a problem with democracy, especially the FPTP system the US currently has. The solution is to change to Proportional Representation.

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