Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?

Well 1st off.......

America does work.

America is one of the youngest countries in the world, yet we shot up to world super power status in no time at all.

Other countries feared and respected us. The dollar was traded in by many other large first world countries. Millions of people allover the world wanted to be a part of America. We had military might. We had it all for a long time. But now we're letting our values, morals, standards and pride slip away and our country is beginning to fail.

And secondly........

America is not a democracy. It is a republic. It even says so right in the pledge of allegiance. But people that don't know much of anything just keep repeating democracy this and democracy that and those people there are stealing your democracy and so on.

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands.

And the way out is to go to having American values, pride, morals and standards. It wasn't that long ago we had that, I was alive to see it. It's to go back to using the bill of right and the constitution.
A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
I don't place blame. What I do, is enforce boundaries. The weak minded may perceive it as blame, but who cares.

My boundaries will remain intact because they're being enforced.
A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us!

1 second for everyone means 350,000,000 seconds. This are about 5,800,000 minutes, about 100,000 hours or 12,000 working days with 8 hours work ... and if I count 300 working days this are in total 40 years hard work. Afterwards I could say I know every US-Americans - but unfortunatelly died many and many new US-Amerficnas had been born. I guess I will program an artificial stupidity program which will do so for me.

Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet?

No. Putin ist not an US-American - he's Polish ... ahem sorry: Soon this Brit will be Polish.

A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy.

Your idiots elect the idiots who rule "you" - so yes: You are a democracy. ... Whhoow. .. You are.

Our nation appears to be failing.

The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!".

I say "I not!" But perhaps you can tell me what means "the people of the USA failed". My standard sentence is: "So lange die Füße bis zum Boden reichen ist man groß genug". Oh damn. You failed. You was not able to read this. So let me help you. I said: "As long as your feet reach the ground you are big enough."

And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs.

But god knows everyone also without the help of the internet.

The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet.

Only if someone is not able to think on the own. For example is grass green and a rainbow is green too - but this makes grass not to a rainbow and a rainbow not to grass and the world not to a bad place because as well grasses and rainbows exist. Our "problem" - which is also no problem at all - is it that we are not only an "I" but we are also a "we". But we do not like to be all "we's".

There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

It exist no alternative truthes and facts do not depend on any of our ways how we think about facts. Facts are what they are. Your car for example is made of steel and not made of wood, isn't it? But nevertheless your car today would not exist and would not be made of steel if wood would not exist.

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?

What means "to blame the other side"? To take the car of the husband for a trip? This can be sometimes a little mess - specially as long as service stations are still not invented.

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A failure of a democracy is a failure of its people. Look at us! Are we Americans the stupidest people on the planet? A democracy requires agreement among the people, yet we can't even agree that we even are a democracy. Our nation appears to be failing. The only thing nearly all people can agree on is - exactly who is responsible for our failure. Nearly everyone will say "It's the Other Side!". And they have PROOF! They can provide links to mounds of evidence on the internet supporting their beliefs. The problem with the internet is, and we should all know this by now, no matter what your beliefs are or how crazy they are, you can always find supporting evidence for them on the internet. There undoubtedly is some honest, rational information available on the internet, but who needs it if it challenges our own beliefs and there is an unlimited amount of alternative 'truth' online that we can spread instead?

Without blaming "the Other Side", can anyone see a way out of this mess?
/----/ And where do we get this critical thinking????? From the internet. Go figure.

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