Americans have heard "Viva Mehico" and had one too many Mexican flags waved in their face.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I'm thinking the GOP is fully aware of this...DACA kids and the few legit illegals will pay for the flag waivers pissing off REAL Americans.
You just can't scream that shit in our face and then wait by your mailbox for that check and EBT card we send you.
DACA kids...can thank their Paisa homies.
I would think any rationale for immigration reform would go beyond the "you've waved too many flags in my face stage". I don't think that argument is a strong one for DACA reform.
I'll bet this upsets you too.

Gee, does this upset you.

black clinton video - Bing video

Hell, you gotta do better than that. She's been accused of murder. Of course, that was bullshit with no proof just like your little video.

Sure, then you'll love this.
I recall when they cheered as they pulled down Old Glory to put up their shit rag on our soil.

When you hate it here, why wouldn't you want a free ride home?

oh, it fucking sucks balls in Mexico? go to your American tax payer funded education and make it better.
Far too many people are coming here illegally, and it's far too easy to get in here illegally/legally... fact
I don't know why many refuse to admit that Mexico has silently declared war on America, and the commies are helping them do it.

Agreed...which is exactly why I suggested we label Mexicans as Terrorists...why not? We're quick to call Muslims terrorists yet Mexicans rape, murder and commit far more violent crime against Americans than Muslims ever have. AND nobody TERRORIZES our economics like Mexicans.
I don't know why many refuse to admit that Mexico has silently declared war on America, and the commies are helping them do it.

Agreed...which is exactly why I suggested we label Mexicans as Terrorists...why not? We're quick to call Muslims terrorists yet Mexicans rape, murder and commit far more violent crime against Americans than Muslims ever have. AND nobody TERRORIZES our economics like Mexicans.
there's a vast difference between criminals and terrorist.
Annex Mexico for their oil to pay for the annexation. Solves everyone's problems and concerns.
Do crazy and angry lefties think it's about freaking flags? Lefties won the Supreme Court battle in Texas vs Johnson to burn the American Flag back in '89.
I'm thinking the GOP is fully aware of this...DACA kids and the few legit illegals will pay for the flag waivers pissing off REAL Americans.
You just can't scream that shit in our face and then wait by your mailbox for that check and EBT card we send you.
DACA kids...can thank their Paisa homies.

They fly their Mexican flags with pride and yet consider it a punishment to be sent back there. I don't get it.

Did you hear the recent rant by the former Mexican President Fox? In a profanity-filled rant, he bashed Trump and said he would run for U.S. president in 2020. I guess he thinks the left will completely destroy our constitution by then.

What it comes down to is that the Mexican government needs those billions sent each year by people they don't want to take care of in their country. They want them here making money and keeping the Mexican government wealthy. Of course, they will fight for open borders when they are the ones who benefit. They don't give a shit about what is good for America. We are here to be used.
I would think any rationale for immigration reform would go beyond the "you've waved too many flags in my face stage". I don't think that argument is a strong one for DACA reform.

DACA doesn't need to be reformed. It is unconstitutional and needs to stop. Then we need to demand that people respect our laws. The only time our laws should be changed is when it benefits the U.S., not because people from other countries and their governments feel entitled. Mexico just doesn't want the remittances sent by illegals to stop or they'd be billions poorer. Too bad, so sad.

Mexico's government is the real enemy here because they refuse to help their own people. They use them by encouraging them to enter here illegally and send money back to help their country. Many have admitted that they have no desire to become U.S. citizens and are merely saving enough to retire in Mexico. It cheap living there and Mexico only welcomes their own people back if they have a nice bank account.

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