Americans held in NK coming home

They have been, go to bed now, get your sleep you will need it. They are happy. Msnbc is also covering it
I love the long faces...sadness over Americans coming sad!

They will eat and go right back over, how much do you want to bet.
Let's bet accounts. If they stay in the US, I stay here and you leave. If they eat and go right back over, you stay here and I go.

*** Let us not forget Trump getting the 3 US basketball thieves released from China.


And he should not off, they were shoplifters. I bet they go back, and no I'm not betting accounts, good try though. :iyfyus.jpg:
Proofread before posting. That way I won't get to laugh at your failed English.

And I knew you wouldn't take the bet. Like progs the world over, you're all bark and no bite. :)
Who cares, Evans and 2 were put under arrest last year while Trump was insulting Kim.
Who cares? REALLY?
.Why is no one surprised.

I don't care. If you go into a country and push Evangelical stuff , who cares. The Evans cause a lot of trouble, also in the US.
I suppose they see our Evangelicals the way we see Jihadi's in ours.

In a way, but I do not believe the Evans are suicide bombers.
Who cares, Evans and 2 were put under arrest last year while Trump was insulting Kim.

Who cares??

Their families care.

Wouldn't you care if your loved one was coming home?

My loved ones are not dumb enough to go to NK and spread the word of Jesus Christ.
Pyongyang University of Science and Technology - Wikipedia

They were arrested here, and the one in 2016 was accused of spying.

And the two were arrested and this was probably why, not only the fact they are Evans, but

Kim Hak Song, who manages a farm run by the agriculture department of the university, was detained on charges of committing “hostile criminal acts” against the country on 6 May 2017. Kim Sang-duk, who also works for the university, was arrested on similar charges on April 22.[8]

Due to a ban on Americans traveling to North Korea issued by the U.S. State Department in mid-July in 2017, the university had to start the fall semester without its dozens of American staffers in September, roughly 60 out of 130 foreigners in the university, including faculty members, staffers and family members, as none of them received special permission to stay.[9]


They were arrested earlier but it didn't help Trump fighting with KIM an calling him what "fat".

In a country of what 25 million you have got to mind your p and q's, and we would do the same with Muslims , look at how we are now with immigrants.
Last edited:
I hate those who are captured!
Thank China, South Korea, and Japan for working out the deal of releasing these political prisoners.

Of course Donnie Two Scoops will take credit for doing none of the work. He's a punk azz like that.

Who cares, Evans and 2 were put under arrest last year while Trump was insulting Kim.
Who cares? REALLY?
.Why is no one surprised.

I don't care. If you go into a country and push Evangelical stuff , who cares. The Evans cause a lot of trouble, also in the US.
I suppose they see our Evangelicals the way we see Jihadi's in ours.

In a way, but I do not believe the Evans are suicide bombers.
Who cares, Evans and 2 were put under arrest last year while Trump was insulting Kim.

Who cares??

Their families care.

Wouldn't you care if your loved one was coming home?

My loved ones are not dumb enough to go to NK and spread the word of Jesus Christ.

Had they been spreading the word of Mohamed, then arrested and now released, would you have cared?

Trump chastised Obama for not bringing the three Americans home.

Only two of them were arrested since Trump was elected president.

And Trump DF minions don't even know it.
Thank China, South Korea, and Japan for working out the deal of releasing these political prisoners.

Of course Donnie Two Scoops will take credit for doing none of the work.
No you were supposed to give all of the credit to Obama dummy...pea brain....LMAO
They have been, go to bed now, get your sleep you will need it. They are happy. Msnbc is also covering it
I love the long faces...sadness over Americans coming sad!

They will eat and go right back over, how much do you want to bet.
Let's bet accounts. If they stay in the US, I stay here and you leave. If they eat and go right back over, you stay here and I go.

*** Let us not forget Trump getting the 3 US basketball thieves released from China.


And he should not off, they were shoplifters. I bet they go back, and no I'm not betting accounts, good try though. :iyfyus.jpg:
Proofread before posting. That way I won't get to laugh at your failed English.

And I knew you wouldn't take the bet. Like progs the world over, you're all bark and no bite. :)

I'm glad you enough it. you are right, I am all bark, as I do not like to bite and I do not like people who bite.

Trump chastised Obama for not bringing the three Americans home.

Only two of them were arrested since Trump was elected president.

And Trump DF minions don't even know it.

Hannity shit in his pants when this fact was told to him. Of course he babbled his way out of it...or tried to!

Donnie Two Scoops like to set up his own scenarios of goodwill. The baffoon even wrote his own physical report! :abgg2q.jpg:

Trump chastised Obama for not bringing the three Americans home.

Only two of them were arrested since Trump was elected president.

And Trump DF minions don't even know it.
You are a real tard you know that?
They are coming home the only hostage Obama brought home was a traitor to our nation and he gave up terrorists to get him home...a total cowardly and treasonous act in my opinion

Trump chastised Obama for not bringing the three Americans home.

Only two of them were arrested since Trump was elected president.

And Trump DF minions don't even know it.

Hannity shit in his pants when this fact was told to him. Of course he babbled his way out of it...or tried to!

Donnie Two Scoops like to set up his own scenarios of goodwill. The baffoon even wrote his own physical report! :abgg2q.jpg:
:50:incoming Bull shit...look out!
I love the long faces...sadness over Americans coming sad!

They will eat and go right back over, how much do you want to bet.
Let's bet accounts. If they stay in the US, I stay here and you leave. If they eat and go right back over, you stay here and I go.

*** Let us not forget Trump getting the 3 US basketball thieves released from China.


And he should not off, they were shoplifters. I bet they go back, and no I'm not betting accounts, good try though. :iyfyus.jpg:
Proofread before posting. That way I won't get to laugh at your failed English.

And I knew you wouldn't take the bet. Like progs the world over, you're all bark and no bite. :)

I'm glad you enough it. you are right, I am all bark, as I do not like to bite and I do not like people who bite.
You're glad I enough it. Put down the vodka.
Remember when Filthy Don said he negotiated the deal of the Levar Ball release from China. Of course he lied as Poppa Ball called him out for not doing a damn thing!

Filthy Don is a punkazz liar like that! :113:
Remember when Filthy Don said he negotiated the deal of the Levar Ball release from China. Of course he lied as Poppa Ball called him out for not doing a damn thing!

Filthy Don is a punkazz liar like that! :113:
He didn't lie when he said he would scorch the pantsuits off of Hillary.
They will eat and go right back over, how much do you want to bet.
Let's bet accounts. If they stay in the US, I stay here and you leave. If they eat and go right back over, you stay here and I go.

*** Let us not forget Trump getting the 3 US basketball thieves released from China.


And he should not off, they were shoplifters. I bet they go back, and no I'm not betting accounts, good try though. :iyfyus.jpg:
Proofread before posting. That way I won't get to laugh at your failed English.

And I knew you wouldn't take the bet. Like progs the world over, you're all bark and no bite. :)

I'm glad you enough it. you are right, I am all bark, as I do not like to bite and I do not like people who bite.
You're glad I enough it. Put down the vodka.

You're glad I enough it.

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