Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Stupid question? You appear to be at odds with most of the legal decisions made in America. You have questioned the legality of the very Constitution you try and hide behind. You seem to be agreeing that the Confederacy was right, they just lost the war. The Confederacy waged a war against the United States.

What about the United States and it's history involving the law and the constitution do you like?

Yes, stupid question, because you're once again confusing America for the U.S. government. What do I like about the U.S. government? Not much.

The Confederate Congress responded to the Battle of Fort Sumter by formally declaring war on the United States in May 1861 — calling it "The War between the Confederate States of America and the United States of America".[72] The Union government never declared war...-The Confederate Congress declared war on the United States

I do not confuse the United States of America with the government of the United States. We live in a representative republic. The government is elected to represent the people. Terrorist sympathizers I know have said they love America but not the US government.

You know "Terrorist sympathizers"? Are you one? I don't know any. Except maybe you. 'Cuz you hang out with "Terrorist sympathizers".
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You know "Terrorist sympathizers"? Are you one? I don't know any. Except maybe you. 'Cuz you hang out with "Terrorist sympathizers".

Yes, I know terrorist sympathizers. They always say they love America but hate the government of the United States. These include native born Americans and foreign born ones. I hang around most anyone. I'm a tolerant man. I do not look to hang around only those who think as I do. Weird conecept, eh?

I even tolerate of stupid people, just look at how I tolerate you?
You know "Terrorist sympathizers"? Are you one? I don't know any. Except maybe you. 'Cuz you hang out with "Terrorist sympathizers".

Yes, I know terrorist sympathizers. They always say they love America but hate the government of the United States. These include native born Americans and foreign born ones. I hang around most anyone. I'm a tolerant man. I do not look to hang around only those who think as I do. Weird conecept, eh?

I even tolerate of stupid people, just look at how I tolerate you?

You tolerate "terrorist sympathizers"? What about "terrorists"? Do you tolerate them too?

He said he tolerates "terrorist sympathizers". Who does that?

OK, I'll go. I don't like "terrorist sympathizers". I don't tolerate them.
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Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all Americans and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

Oh that is just brilliant, a confederacy vs. taliban analogy, wow, you have really outdone yourself. I guess the union should have planned better at Antietam.

Not an analogy. More of a comparison. You may draw the conclusions you want, but I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy.

Not an analogy. More of a comparison. You may draw the conclusions you want, but I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy.

Synonyms:*similarity, likeness, equivalence, parallel, correspondence, correlation, comparison, resemblance, consonance, relation
Synonym for analogy (n) - antonym for analogy (n) - Thesaurus - MSN Encarta

look up differences with distinctions and then don't bother getting back to me, okay?

Is that now what you are claiming the OP to be? Wriggle....wriggle....
Stupid question? You appear to be at odds with most of the legal decisions made in America. You have questioned the legality of the very Constitution you try and hide behind. You seem to be agreeing that the Confederacy was right, they just lost the war. The Confederacy waged a war against the United States.

What about the United States and it's history involving the law and the constitution do you like?

Yes, stupid question, because you're once again confusing America for the U.S. government. What do I like about the U.S. government? Not much.

The Confederate Congress responded to the Battle of Fort Sumter by formally declaring war on the United States in May 1861 — calling it "The War between the Confederate States of America and the United States of America".[72] The Union government never declared war...-The Confederate Congress declared war on the United States

I do not confuse the United States of America with the government of the United States. We live in a representative republic. The government is elected to represent the people. Terrorist sympathizers I know have said they love America but not the US government.

Are you trying to imply that I'm a terrorist sympathizer?
Yes, stupid question, because you're once again confusing America for the U.S. government. What do I like about the U.S. government? Not much.

The Confederate Congress responded to the Battle of Fort Sumter by formally declaring war on the United States in May 1861 — calling it "The War between the Confederate States of America and the United States of America".[72] The Union government never declared war...-The Confederate Congress declared war on the United States

I do not confuse the United States of America with the government of the United States. We live in a representative republic. The government is elected to represent the people. Terrorist sympathizers I know have said they love America but not the US government.

Are you trying to imply that I'm a terrorist sympathizer?

Not at all. I say simply that terrorist sympathizers make the same distinctions when arguing for war waged against the United States while saying they love America. I do wonder if you would sympathize with Americans who wanted to declare war on the United States as the Confederacy did. Would you -- sympathize with them?

You have said you are a sympathizer of the traitorous Confederacy, which was granted an amnesty so long as they gave up their traitorous ways.
Is that now what you are claiming the OP to be? Wriggle....wriggle....

I'll try and make this simple while being consistent. I'll repost what I posted at the start.

Not an analogy. More of a comparison. You may draw the conclusions you want, but I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy.

Let me help you understand. By your own words you state:

"....I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy."

Then what is the similarity by? If it is not to be "similarity by analogy" that means there is the intension of similiarity, but not specifically by

Similarity by ?
What do I like about the U.S. government? Not much.

What US government? The current one alone, or all of them since George Washington and John Adams?

The U.S. government has historically done very few things right. That's the nature of all governments, however, not just the U.S.

Very few things right? Hmm, an interesting view, that you apparently feel needs the qualifying cover of a broadened context than we were discussing.

My defining just what I think your beliefs make you is not a personal attack. I cannot understand anyone saying the United States of America has gotten most everything wrong since day one, then saying they love America. Is it a concept and not a reality you love?
Is that now what you are claiming the OP to be? Wriggle....wriggle....

I'll try and make this simple while being consistent. I'll repost what I posted at the start.

Not an analogy. More of a comparison. You may draw the conclusions you want, but I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy.

Let me help you understand. By your own words you state:

"....I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy."

Then what is the similarity by? If it is not to be "similarity by analogy" that means there is the intension of similiarity, but not specifically by

Similarity by ?

I purposefully chose the term 'comparison' over the term 'similarity' for reasons not relevant to this thread or to the main premises of my argument(s). please stop trying to take this thread off topic.

thank you for your consideration in this matter
The Confederate Congress responded to the Battle of Fort Sumter by formally declaring war on the United States in May 1861 — calling it "The War between the Confederate States of America and the United States of America".[72] The Union government never declared war...-The Confederate Congress declared war on the United States

I do not confuse the United States of America with the government of the United States. We live in a representative republic. The government is elected to represent the people. Terrorist sympathizers I know have said they love America but not the US government.

Are you trying to imply that I'm a terrorist sympathizer?

Not at all. I say simply that terrorist sympathizers make the same distinctions when arguing for war waged against the United States while saying they love America. I do wonder if you would sympathize with Americans who wanted to declare war on the United States as the Confederacy did. Would you -- sympathize with them?

You have said you are a sympathizer of the traitorous Confederacy, which was granted an amnesty so long as they gave up their traitorous ways.

No. I wouldn't support any secessionist movement in the sense that I would advocate for secession. If any state wished to secede, however, I would support their right to do so. I don't support war, as it's nothing more than state sanctioned mass murder, but if the federal government decided to wage war to keep a state within the Union then I would have no problem openly supporting that state defending itself.

I'm not a supporter of the Confederacy, I'm a supporter of the right of the Confederacy to secede from the Union.
What US government? The current one alone, or all of them since George Washington and John Adams?

The U.S. government has historically done very few things right. That's the nature of all governments, however, not just the U.S.

Very few things right? Hmm, an interesting view, that you apparently feel needs the qualifying cover of a broadened context than we were discussing.

My defining just what I think your beliefs make you is not a personal attack. I cannot understand anyone saying the United States of America has gotten most everything wrong since day one, then saying they love America. Is it a concept and not a reality you love?

I make a distinction between the government and the country, in this sense. You list some things that the government has done that I object to, and then ask whether I like America. Clearly you're asking whether I like the U.S. government, and the answer is no. The U.S. government has done horrible things in its history, and it is doing horrible things today. What is there to like?
I'll try and make this simple while being consistent. I'll repost what I posted at the start.

Not an analogy. More of a comparison. You may draw the conclusions you want, but I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy.

Let me help you understand. By your own words you state:

"....I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy."

Then what is the similarity by? If it is not to be "similarity by analogy" that means there is the intension of similiarity, but not specifically by

Similarity by ?

I purposefully chose the term 'comparison' over the term 'similarity' for reasons not relevant to this thread or to the main premises of my argument(s). please stop trying to take this thread off topic.

thank you for your consideration in this matter

The terms "comparison" and "similarity" are both synonyms for analogy as already proven.

You're obviously unable to explain your op without contradicting yourself so you attempt to hide this by the bullshit claim that discussing the OP is taking the thread off topic. Here's a hint: if you don't like getting called out then don't start the threads then whine when you've been pwned.

You clearly drew a solid comparison with the:

Confederates killed Americans


Al qaeda killed Americans.

Then asked if we would someday celebrate Alkida.

You even made a fucking timeline comparison. I think you know your OP is bullshit but are too arrogant to admit it. How about this:

Confederates killed Americans.

Cancer has and continues to kill Americans.

Will we celebrate cancer in the future?

That's how fucking stoopid your op looks. This thread is nothing but a guise to attack the South.
Let me help you understand. By your own words you state:

"....I did not intend to establish similarity by analogy."

Then what is the similarity by? If it is not to be "similarity by analogy" that means there is the intension of similiarity, but not specifically by

Similarity by ?

I purposefully chose the term 'comparison' over the term 'similarity' for reasons not relevant to this thread or to the main premises of my argument(s). please stop trying to take this thread off topic.

thank you for your consideration in this matter

The terms "comparison" and "similarity" are both synonyms for analogy as already proven.

You're obviously unable to explain your op without contradicting yourself so you attempt to hide this by the bullshit claim that discussing the OP is taking the thread off topic. Here's a hint: if you don't like getting called out then don't start the threads then whine when you've been pwned.

You clearly drew a solid comparison with the:

Confederates killed Americans


Al qaeda killed Americans.

Then asked if we would someday celebrate Alkida.

You even made a fucking timeline comparison. I think you know your OP is bullshit but are too arrogant to admit it. How about this:

Confederates killed Americans.

Cancer has and continues to kill Americans.

Will we celebrate cancer in the future?

That's how fucking stoopid your op looks. This thread is nothing but a guise to attack the South.

I'm not running an English class for English as a second language.

Synonym: 1 : one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses.

I told you before to look up differences with distinctions. you obviously have not, or you are not half as smart than previously given credit for.

synonyms are not always interchangeable with exacting meanings. as a matter of fact, synonyms are usually poor substitutes for exact meanings.
The U.S. government has historically done very few things right. That's the nature of all governments, however, not just the U.S.

Very few things right? Hmm, an interesting view, that you apparently feel needs the qualifying cover of a broadened context than we were discussing.

My defining just what I think your beliefs make you is not a personal attack. I cannot understand anyone saying the United States of America has gotten most everything wrong since day one, then saying they love America. Is it a concept and not a reality you love?

I make a distinction between the government and the country, in this sense. You list some things that the government has done that I object to, and then ask whether I like America. Clearly you're asking whether I like the U.S. government, and the answer is no. The U.S. government has done horrible things in its history, and it is doing horrible things today. What is there to like?

You keep trying to substitute the individual governments, the entity of the United States of America, with an idea, an intellectual dream, what America should be or can be as opposed to what it actually has been. You like the idea but not the reality, so again, I ask you, why do you dislike the United States (America) so much?

The United States has gotten things wrong in it's history, and in most cases the United States has tried to remedy the wrongs, but those instances are neither (in my not so humble opinion) the majority of it's actions or the worst actions in the history of it's humanity.

Thinking historically, I do not judge the actions of the United States today in a snapshot view of time, or in the context of the moment. I said before, I love the United States, flaws and all.

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