Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

And, yet, it's still a lame comparison.

You set a pretty low bar, so it was easier for my comparison to be lamer than yours

so, are you a professional idiot? did you even read the OP? It is quite obvious to the most dense (or so I thought) what I was arguing.

I compared the old South, the Confederacy, to al-qaeda. The comparison took the form of the amount of Americans killed in a single day -- cause -- the hostilities each initiated against the United States.

Al-Qaeda and the Confederacy, both declared war on the United States. what do you not get about those facts?

That is an analogy you dumbfuck.

analogy 1 : inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others


you are drawing the analogy, not my argument in the OP. see?

the comparison: number of Americans killed in one day, by 2 different enemies of the United States.

fact: Al-Qaeda and the Confederacy both declared war on the United States.

fact: the Confederacy and Al-Qaeda are/were both enemies of the United states

fact: Some Americans fly the Confederate flag

argument it is a traitorous act for an American to proudly fly the flag of an enemy of the United States who has killed American citizens.


where is the analogy? come on. you can do it if you try hard enough. where is the analogy you say I am making where the comparison is drawn? we know what the two things that agree with one another in some respects are (2 enemies killed Americans). where is/are the one or another ways, in which my argument suggests they will agree?

Trying to bold your cherry picking doesn't help anything.

n. pl. a·nal·o·gies

1. a. Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.b. A comparison based on such similarity. See Synonyms at likeness.
analogy - definition of analogy by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Looks like I'm the one running an ESL class for you.
Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

The Confederacy led an insurrection headed by traitors who declared war on the United States of America.

this fact bothers some.
I understand.
the truth is often ugly
Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

yep. still stand by this

Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.


The Confederate States of America was the worst TERRORIST organization in US history.

That terrorist organization casued the deaths of more Americans than all of Americans wars combined.
Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

I think it is important for history to remember all sides. We have lost a lot of history because of the mentality that only the victor should be remembered. My original ancestor in this country was an esquire, a colonel, and a loyalist. He was the richest person in the colonies and he served the crown as legal counsel there. Yet, no one knows his name, save those of us who descended from him, and those who visit an exhibit in the Smithsonian for which his bones were exhumed and forensically examined along with others to determine what life was like in the colonies. If the loyalists had not been blanked out of history, there might be no need for forensic examination of their bones to know what life was like for them in those days.

His son joined a rebellion against the crown and was disinherited. On down the line, one of his descendants fought in the American Revolution. It is through that private that I am a Daughter of the American Revolution. But I am also a Daughter of the Confederacy. And my family is the ONLY southern family I know that keeps up the slave cemetery which resides next to their own. Most of those old cemeteries have been dozed over. Lincoln allowed Confederate soldiers to be buried in Arlington. He knew the value of honoring both sides. And we know what we do of our own government through stories from the Confederacy. The US government was savage to not only the Confederates, but also to slaves who they had no clue what to do with once they arrived 'up north' and just let them starve, freeze, or sent them back to the plantations. Those of my family were family, they didn't leave. And to this day, they come to our family reunions and are welcomed there. There is no balance to history if one side is completely extinguished.

You may have 'gone down south.' But you don't know the South.
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Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.


The Confederate States of America was the worst TERRORIST organization in US history.

That terrorist organization casued the deaths of more Americans than all of Americans wars combined.

The Confederates had to be pardoned. Criminals get pardons.
Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

I think it is important for history to remember all sides. We have lost a lot of history because of the mentality that only the victor should be remembered. My original ancestor in this country was an esquire, a colonel, and a loyalist. He was the richest person in the colonies and he served the crown as legal counsel there. Yet, no one knows his name, save those of us who descended from him, and those who visit an exhibit in the Smithsonian for which his bones were exhumed and forensically examined along with others to determine what life was like in the colonies. If the loyalists had not been blanked out of history, there might be no need for forensic examination of their bones to know what life was like for them in those days.

His son joined a rebellion against the crown and was disinherited. On down the line, one of his descendants fought in the American Revolution. It is through that private that I am a Daughter of the American Revolution. But I am also a Daughter of the Confederacy. And my family is the ONLY southern family I know that keeps up the slave cemetery which resides next to their own. Most of those old cemeteries have been dozed over. Lincoln allowed Confederate soldiers to be buried in Arlington. He knew the value of honoring both sides. And we know what we do of our own government through stories from the Confederacy. The US government was savage to not only the Confederates, but also to slaves who they had no clue what to do with once they arrived 'up north' and just let them starve, freeze, or sent them back to the plantations. Those of my family were family, they didn't leave. And to this day, they come to our family reunions and are welcomed there. There is no balance to history if one side is completely extinguished.

You may have 'gone down south.' But you don't know the South.

State's Rights. Confederacy lost. They were pardoned. They started a killing war and lost. Confederate politicians caused more trouble for more people even after they lost the Civil War. Still doing it.

If I had my way I'd tear down most every single Confederate War memorial. Might as well built a memorial to Japanese suicide pilots at Pearl Harbor
Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

I think it is important for history to remember all sides. We have lost a lot of history because of the mentality that only the victor should be remembered. My original ancestor in this country was an esquire, a colonel, and a loyalist. He was the richest person in the colonies and he served the crown as legal counsel there. Yet, no one knows his name, save those of us who descended from him, and those who visit an exhibit in the Smithsonian for which his bones were exhumed and forensically examined along with others to determine what life was like in the colonies. If the loyalists had not been blanked out of history, there might be no need for forensic examination of their bones to know what life was like for them in those days.

His son joined a rebellion against the crown and was disinherited. On down the line, one of his descendants fought in the American Revolution. It is through that private that I am a Daughter of the American Revolution. But I am also a Daughter of the Confederacy. And my family is the ONLY southern family I know that keeps up the slave cemetery which resides next to their own. Most of those old cemeteries have been dozed over. Lincoln allowed Confederate soldiers to be buried in Arlington. He knew the value of honoring both sides. And we know what we do of our own government through stories from the Confederacy. The US government was savage to not only the Confederates, but also to slaves who they had no clue what to do with once they arrived 'up north' and just let them starve, freeze, or sent them back to the plantations. Those of my family were family, they didn't leave. And to this day, they come to our family reunions and are welcomed there. There is no balance to history if one side is completely extinguished.

You may have 'gone down south.' But you don't know the South.

State's Rights. Confederacy lost. They were pardoned. They started a killing war and lost. Confederate politicians caused more trouble for more people even after they lost the Civil War. Still doing it.

If I had my way I'd tear down most every single Confederate War memorial. Might as well built a memorial to Japanese suicide pilots at Pearl Harbor

Then you have no understanding or appreciation of history. And FYI, it was the United States that issued the Declaration of War in the war of northern aggression. I'm guessing all those monuments WILL be torn down, but not by who you think. I'm fairly ceratin EVERY memorial in the US will be torn down by muslims. Evenutally. I just hope my eyes and those of my children and grandchildren are safely closed in death when it occurs. Barbarians have overrun civilizations before. It will happen again. They certainly overran the South.
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Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

There was tenacity to their cause on both sides. There had been many years of deeply held resentment on both sides. There was the notion that to maximize damage to the other side would speed the war's end, and most of the battles (not all; some were guerilla) were set-piece confrontations in which the incidence of mortal wounds is maximized. That accounts for the large numbers of dead in any single day.

There are still sympathizers for the vanquished South. There is still the expression of emotion that comes from a family feud. The common soldiery of the south were more like that of the north than the aristocrats who were their betters. Southern aristocracy and plantation culture were transplants from European root stock.

But there seems to be more public expressions of patriotism for the US in the south than the north, and the deeper the south the moreso.
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Americans killed in a single day: Al-Qaeda vs Confederacy

Guess who cased the death of 7,000 Americans in a single day -- in no less than 20 minutes? Yep you guessed it right, the Confederacy. Yet we still have traitorous Americans proudly flying the Confederate Flag.

I went down south and saw all those forts, and statues celebrating the Confederacy. I wonder, will Al-Qaeda be celebrated? Maybe not, they only killed 3,000 people, not all of them Americans, and it took a lot longer than 20 minutes.

There was tenacity to their cause on both sides. There had been many years of deeply held resentment on both sides. There was the notion that to maximize damage to the other side would speed the war's end, and most of the battles (not all; some were guerilla) were set-piece confrontations in which the incidence of mortal wounds is maximized.

There are still sympathizers for the vanquished South. There is still the expression of emotion that comes from a family feud. The common soldiery of the south were more like that of the north than the aristocrats who were their betters. Southern aristocracy and plantation culture were transplants from European root stock.

But there seems to be more public expressions of patriotism for the US in the south than the north, and the deeper the south the moreso.

Every confederate should have been impaled and left on the road all along the south. The heads of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis should have been put on a spike and left to be fly blown. The Confederate flag should have been outlawed..and flying the colors should mean a lengthy jail term.

Sherman didn't go far enough.

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