Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling, 47% to 19%


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
for what its worth, one poll.

Giethner has been massaging the actual drop dead date.

Look for more of that based on whether Obama thinks he winning the argument or not.

Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling, 47% to 19%
Thirty-four percent don't know enough about the issue to say
by Dennis Jacobe, Chief Economist

PRINCETON, NJ -- By a 47% to 19% margin, Americans say they would want their member of Congress to vote against raising the U.S. debt ceiling, while 34% don't know enough to say. Republicans oppose raising the debt ceiling by 70% to 8% and independents by 46% to 15%. Democrats favor raising the ceiling by 33% to 26%.


May 2011: Americans' Feelings About Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling, Among All Americans and by Party ID

These results are based on a May 5-8 Gallup poll, which asked Americans about the issue but did not offer reasons for or against raising the debt ceiling. The Congress is generally expected to pass debt ceiling legislation, although it is unclear what additional provisions will be needed in order to secure passage.

Majority of Americans Are Following Debt Ceiling Issue

A majority of Americans (57%) say they are closely following the news about "discussions to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, the maximum amount of money the U.S. government can borrow by law." Republicans are following the issue more closely than are Democrats and independents; upper-income Americans are following it more closely than lower-income Americans; and those with a postgraduate education more so than those with a high school education or less.

Americans Oppose Raising Debt Ceiling, 47% to 19%

thoughts of mine-

a)theres a LOT of room for persuasion in that 34%, Obama needs them, badly.

b)the number of Indies at 46% is big and the one Obama will be watching as well.

c) the dems will lose the argument, and they will lose it becasue they cannot be flexible, they are are ideologically wed to entitlements and distributional gov. machinations...thats not a knock, it is what it is folks.

They will lose the Public Opinion battle becasue no matter what games they play, they have offered NOTHING substantive as in, logical and serious as to cuts and NOTHING in the biggest and most meaningful area for cuts, that we all know exists- entitlements......even if one disagrees with a/the rep plan, or suggestions for cits, they, have offered one and they are seen as the drivers right now to contain costs etc etc etc..this is resonating, like it or not.

People, namely indies and centrist dems will and appear to be already there or trending ) get tired of the games of the political BS, blaming the reps for wanting to kill granny, rob SS etc etc etc .... this won't fly the way it did in the 90's, the circumstances are way to dire and everyone but the 20% or so ( which exist on each side) who are party whores, knows it.
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Actually americans think they oppose raising the debt ceiling. Do not raise it and see how long it takes the whine to rise to loud levels.
It's truly sad that this number of people don't get that the debt ceiling and future budget cutting are two separate issues.

Who could be a trusted and reliable spokesperson to explain it to the masses who don't understand? Obviously the Republican and Democrat leaders have failed, as have 24/7 news media.
I don't think anyone is actually foolish enough to oppose raising the ceiling. I think a more honest question would be posed as "do you oppose raising the debt ceiling without real and substantial cuts in government spending"

Too many poll questions resemble that "have you stopped beating your wife" kinds of things where you can't give a rational answer
This, truthmatters, is the reason you get so many rasberries. I don't believe we can run deficits to make the economy healthier. Insane levels of spending on busy work does not make for prosperity.

If you are willing to argue that running your credit card to the max makes you better off then you are beyond hope.
Your home budget is not the same as a countries economy.

Now tell me when you are trying to pay off bills do you decrease your income to facilitate that?

Do you tell your fellow family members to quit their jobs thinking it will help?
I don't think anyone is actually foolish enough to oppose raising the ceiling.

Actually some of us are that "foolish". I would LOVE to see the US Government default. What's China going to do, repossess California?.... Let them have it.

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE then the average sniveling, panty-waisted, gutless scumball who calls themselves an American these days will have to start to man up and do something for themselves rather than looking to the Government and others for everything.
I don't think anyone is actually foolish enough to oppose raising the ceiling.

Actually some of us are that "foolish". I would LOVE to see the US Government default. What's China going to do, repossess California?.... Let them have it.

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE then the average sniveling, panty-waisted, gutless scumball who calls themselves an American these days will have to start to man up and do something for themselves rather than looking to the Government and others for everything.

What are your predictions of the impact on the global economy and our own?
What are your predictions of the impact on the global economy and our own?

CHAOS. Probably a total collapse of the banking system here in the United States and to a lesser degree abroad. People taking wheelbarrows full of money to the store to buy bread. The formentation of revolution and utter anarchy in the short-term, hopefully leading to a new government and leadership of a much more Conservative variety taking control afterwards.
But what happens if we don't raise the debt ceiling? We would still have $2.17 trillion dollars in revenue coming from taxes.
That money could be used for debt payments ($205 billion) and paying Social Security ($741 billion), Medicare ($488 billion), and Medicaid ($276 billion),
What lawmakers don't like is that they would only be left with $395 billion for other programs. That means they would have to cut programs including defense which this year alone is $719 billion. That does not include the cost of Veterans' care, which totals another $124 billion.
Here's what you need to know.
We are adding 3 billion dollars a day to our debt which is now larger than the entire economies of China, the United Kingdom and Australia combined.
The bottom line is that we have to stop borrowing money to pay for borrowed money. You and I can't live that way in our households, and our nation can't live that way either.

RealClearPolitics - The Truth About the Debt Ceiling and Default
RUGY & FICHTNER: Don't raise the debt ceiling - Washington Times
Voters Underestimate How Much U.S. Spends on Defense - Rasmussen Reports™
Kirk warns Congress may punt on debt ceiling - POLITICO Live -

So our bills would still get paid.
We just won't be able to BORROW more money.
Can someone explain why that is a BAD thing?
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Your home budget is not the same as a countries economy.

Now tell me when you are trying to pay off bills do you decrease your income to facilitate that?

Do you tell your fellow family members to quit their jobs thinking it will help?
Who has suggested lowering our income to pay off bills?
Borrowed money isn't income.
Taxes is our income stream. I thought Obama was raising taxes....
Your home budget is not the same as a countries economy.

Now tell me when you are trying to pay off bills do you decrease your income to facilitate that?

Do you tell your fellow family members to quit their jobs thinking it will help?

YOu got a 16 year old driving an SUV to a job at Macdonalds 20 miles away, they might find something closer in and bike able.

We need to have a rational spending plan. We can't spend money we don't have.

We are getting nothing for a our current spending but huge bills.

In contrast to the WPA of the Roosevelt administration. In May 1933 the WPA got with the state of Oregon on a WPA project to finish highway 101, 5 bridges across wide bays. All five bridges were done by June, 1936.

The new deal gave us this

Which is why it was so popular. I know of nothing we have got for Obama stimulus except a pile of bills.
I don't think anyone is actually foolish enough to oppose raising the ceiling. I think a more honest question would be posed as "do you oppose raising the debt ceiling without real and substantial cuts in government spending"

Too many poll questions resemble that "have you stopped beating your wife" kinds of things where you can't give a rational answer

Unfortunately, however, the Gallup question was not posed like that. So that's an indication, as I said, that most people don't understand that the debt ceiling means we've reached the ceiling already and that's existing debt commitment that MUST be paid, not future debt.
I don't think anyone is actually foolish enough to oppose raising the ceiling.

Actually some of us are that "foolish". I would LOVE to see the US Government default. What's China going to do, repossess California?.... Let them have it.

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE then the average sniveling, panty-waisted, gutless scumball who calls themselves an American these days will have to start to man up and do something for themselves rather than looking to the Government and others for everything.

The ramifications would be so great that Americans would suffer far more than they 'think' they are right now. Platitudes like yours are sweet, but don't represent reality. The ripple effect would be catastrophic.

Jamie Dimon: Here's What Will Happen If The Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised And The U.S. Defaults
One quote from Jamie Dimon is especially chilling:
Now, here's what really would happen.
Every single company with treasuries, every insurance fund, every -- every requirement that -- it will start snowballing. Automatic, you don't pay your debt, there will be default by ratings agencies. All short-term financing will disappear. I would have hundreds of work streams working around the world protecting our company for that kind of event.
What are your predictions of the impact on the global economy and our own?

CHAOS. Probably a total collapse of the banking system here in the United States and to a lesser degree abroad. People taking wheelbarrows full of money to the store to buy bread. The formentation of revolution and utter anarchy in the short-term, hopefully leading to a new government and leadership of a much more Conservative variety taking control afterwards.

And what would you do with all the old and disabled people who are too frail to push a wheelbarrel? Just run 'em over?
Your home budget is not the same as a countries economy.

Now tell me when you are trying to pay off bills do you decrease your income to facilitate that?

Do you tell your fellow family members to quit their jobs thinking it will help?

Telling my family members to quit taking out new credit cards and charging them to the limit would most certainly help.
Your home budget is not the same as a countries economy.

Now tell me when you are trying to pay off bills do you decrease your income to facilitate that?

Do you tell your fellow family members to quit their jobs thinking it will help?

YOu got a 16 year old driving an SUV to a job at Macdonalds 20 miles away, they might find something closer in and bike able.

We need to have a rational spending plan. We can't spend money we don't have.

We are getting nothing for a our current spending but huge bills.

In contrast to the WPA of the Roosevelt administration. In May 1933 the WPA got with the state of Oregon on a WPA project to finish highway 101, 5 bridges across wide bays. All five bridges were done by June, 1936.

The new deal gave us this

Which is why it was so popular. I know of nothing we have got for Obama stimulus except a pile of bills.

Except of course a lot of bridges got repaired using the stimulus money. Enjoy!

bridge repairs across the country using stimulus funds - Google Search - Google Search

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