Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
With the midterm elections right around the corner, poll after poll is reflecting an American public that is turning its back on Obama administration policies. The president refused to visit the border while visiting Texas, brushing it off to attend fundraisers and photo ops. Yet a plurality of Americans, 81%, believe what is occurring on our southern border is a serious issue, one that they do not believe--rightfully so--that this administration has any intent on resolving. 77% of Americans want current immigration laws to be enforced. 77% want illegals sent home, 81% say it's a serious issue |

What is bizarre is that the GOP is not jumping on the populist momentum. The establishment GOP wants amnesty just as much as Obama, it is the constituents that are preventing them from action. Remember, under Bush congress came very close to passing so-called comprehensive immigration reform, but the effort was thwarted by steadfast opposition from across the country.

The Chamber of Commerce, along with countless CEO's and business leaders, want this influx of cheap labor, else wages will naturally rise. Who benefits from having a porous border with weak immigration enforcement? Murderous drug cartels & big business.

This administration set the precedent of reform through selective enforcement of the law. Those on the left that were foaming at the mouth babbling about the unitary executive and warrantless wiretaps, now they don't have a damn word to say. Now they use Bush as the baseline morality by which this administration is to be judged. It went from "it is Bush's fault" to "Bush did it too".

Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

Americans are so down on President Obama at the moment that, if they could do the 2012 election all over again, they'd overwhelmingly back the former Massachusetts governor's bid. That's just one finding in a brutal CNN poll, released Sunday, which shows Romney topping Obama in a re-election rematch by a whopping nine-point margin, 53 percent to 44 percent. That's an even larger spread than CNN found in November, when a survey had Romney winning a redo 49 percent to 45 percent.

Two years ago, Obama won re-election with about 51 percent of the vote.

Of course, the poll should be taken with a grain of salt. While Obama is actually taking on the tough task of leading the nation, Romney is sitting comfortably on the sidelines. Still, the finding comes as foreign and domestic crises have sent Obama's approval rating tumbling back to 40 percent, per Gallup.

Also in the CNN survey, a record-low 46 percent say Obama "shares [their] values," while only 49 percent say he is "sincere in what he says," also a record-low. - - Jon Terbush

Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama - The Week

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