Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy

About half of Republicans blame Bush
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans continue to place more blame for the nation's economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago. The relative economic blame given to Bush versus Obama today is virtually the same as it was last September.
And I fail to understand why that is relevant......

If a pollster asked me who I thought was basically responsible for the recession, [knowing full well that we tend to rely on perception rather than pure facts], I would say Bush.

Now if that same pollster asked who was responsible for NOT FIXING the economy as he promised, the answer is clearly Obama.

Except for the truly insane far left who consider this question of utmost importance and a signal that Obama will win in a landslide, the majority of this country knows Bush isn't on the ticket. The majority understands the difference between then and now.
Here is a poll question for you leftists:

Is Barack Obama responsible for ANYTHING "bad" that has happened since he took office in January of 2009? Or is everything still Bush's fault?
True but IF ASKED who was responsible for our terrible recovery there would only be one possible name left.

Chew on that
it was greed that was the trigger that started the obama/pelosi/reid depression. did millions of americans have to buy a 250,000 dollar home knowing they couldnt afford it?
it was greed that was the trigger that started the obama/pelosi/reid depression. did millions of americans have to buy a 250,000 dollar home knowing they couldnt afford it?

Obama was not a part of the collapse. His ideology maybe, but him personally? I dont see how anyone can say that.
Here is a poll question for you leftists:

Is Barack Obama responsible for ANYTHING "bad" that has happened since he took office in January of 2009? Or is everything still Bush's fault?

Simpler Question:

Is Barack Hussein responsible for ANYTHING?

Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy

About half of Republicans blame Bush
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans continue to place more blame for the nation's economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago. The relative economic blame given to Bush versus Obama today is virtually the same as it was last September.

Great Media and Advertising Blitz. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Don't forget to thank the Fiction Writers and Comedy Writers, at the Networks and News Rags. Could the Reporting and selection of what actually gets covered, be more exposed? Nah.
Here is a poll question for you leftists:

Is Barack Obama responsible for ANYTHING "bad" that has happened since he took office in January of 2009? Or is everything still Bush's fault?

What so few of you get is that the reason we are in this recession is due to multiple causes. Bush alone was not at fault, just as Obama is not at fault for not fixing the economy. One person alone can't fix shit. Even with cooperation between the parties, there just is no quick fix. We have some serious issues that need to be addressed.

While we can blame Bush for pushing for tax cuts that led us to a big increase in the deficit, the housing bubble was not Bush's fault. That being said, his push for extra tax cuts did lead many people to dump their money into real estate which helped to create the bubble. Without the housing market bubble, we would have been in recession following 9/11, and it would have been extensive as it is now. The housing bubble just delayed what was to come.
He'd be better off blaming space monkeys :lol: everything went down hill after Dems took Congress in 06 then super majority from 2008-10. I took control of friends business three years later revenue was down more. Do I still blame the last manager? Absurd lol Barry needs to tale his underoos off and be a big boy.
It looks like most Americans are a lot more intellectually honest than some of the righties on this board.

Americans say Bush still more to blame than Obama for economy

More than two-thirds of Americans—including half of Republicans—still blame former President George W. Bush for the country's economic ills, according to a new Gallup poll released on Thursday, hours before President Barack Obama was to deliver a high-stakes speech defending his handling of the weak economy.
Americans Still Blame Bush More Than Obama for Bad Economy

About half of Republicans blame Bush
by Frank Newport
PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans continue to place more blame for the nation's economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago. The relative economic blame given to Bush versus Obama today is virtually the same as it was last September.

Great Media and Advertising Blitz. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Don't forget to thank the Fiction Writers and Comedy Writers, at the Networks and News Rags. Could the Reporting and selection of what actually gets covered, be more exposed? Nah.


It worked in 2008!!!


Not so much in 2010......:(

Maybe it will work in 2012:confused:
What the hell does Bush Causing it, Have to do with Obama Utterly Failing to make it better?


You lefties will never learn. Keep latching on to these things that make you feel better, The Rest of us will live in the Real world, Where by no stretch of the Imagination does Obama Deserve 4 More years.
it was greed that was the trigger that started the obama/pelosi/reid depression. did millions of americans have to buy a 250,000 dollar home knowing they couldnt afford it?

Obama was not a part of the collapse. His ideology maybe, but him personally? I dont see how anyone can say that.
thats what i was getting at, Obama would of done the same thing if he had the power, he would of forced banks to hand out mortgages to anyone who wanted to buy a home. then the economy would of collapsed, he and his cronies would of blamed bush, then take the white house in 2009.
What is Especially funny about you Lefties is out one side of your Mouth you say Bush Almost on his Own Destroyed the Economy, then out the Other side of your Mouth you tell us that Obama can't really do anything to fix it.

I got News for you, Bush Never had the Majorities Obama had his First 2 Years. Democrats have Controlled Congress all or in Part since 2007 People.

Which is it, Does the President have the Power to Effect the Fucking Economy or not? Or are we to believe that Republicans Can, But Democrats can't? Even with the Largest Majorities any Party had seen in Decades?

Here is a poll question for you leftists:

Is Barack Obama responsible for ANYTHING "bad" that has happened since he took office in January of 2009? Or is everything still Bush's fault?
Barry IS Bush ! With a bit of a tan. Romney, should he be (s)elected, will be the guy referred to as The Black Mormon Moron and things will remain exactly the same......likely with a little (or lot) more aggression from the Dept. of Offence.
Kinda like Bush but with a different script and voices in his head.
Oh I misread so the people say this I saw that poll earlier and that won't be the case in November .

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