“americans” their own worse enemy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And they got us into the mess with the help of George Bush.
Just because you may not be better off today is not Obama’s fault or much of Bush’s fault either but your own fault because when times appeared good to you, you lived above your means. When Bush was handing out borrowed money and spending like a drunken sailor, Americans were doing the same. Americans bought homes they could not afford, took out second loans and lost their home putting the cost on banks. They used credit cards like blue and green stamps and their children did the same. Many seniors citizens do the same with the Social Security checks and cannot eat two weeks into the month because here in Reno, many I know gamble. I see it month after month and I live like I am still in the depression.
Americans living beyond their means and bush doing the same with tax payers money got us into this mess and Obama has had to spend $5 trillion to fix what Bush and Americans broke. (news flash Romney. That does not add up to “double” the $10 trillion Bush left. That’s the kind of fuzzy math Romney use)
I raised three kids on my own and lived on a budget. Went to college and all my kids did also, but I saw them live beyond their means buying homes they could not afford and banks helping them and miss-use credit cards and filed bankrupt leaving the cost to banks and creditors. Case in point.
Now we want Obama to fix what we and the Bush administration broke? Wake up and look into the mirror because you are as much the blame for the failing economy as Bush is. You stuck it to bank and creditors. You did not pay your bills and Obama has to bail them out.
1. He did NOT have to spend 5 trillion dollars.
2. It is NOT fixed.
And they got us into the mess with the help of George Bush.
Just because you may not be better off today is not Obama’s fault or much of Bush’s fault either but your own fault because when times appeared good to you, you lived above your means. When Bush was handing out borrowed money and spending like a drunken sailor, Americans were doing the same. Americans bought homes they could not afford, took out second loans and lost their home putting the cost on banks. They used credit cards like blue and green stamps and their children did the same. Many seniors citizens do the same with the Social Security checks and cannot eat two weeks into the month because here in Reno, many I know gamble. I see it month after month and I live like I am still in the depression.
Americans living beyond their means and bush doing the same with tax payers money got us into this mess and Obama has had to spend $5 trillion to fix what Bush and Americans broke. (news flash Romney. That does not add up to “double” the $10 trillion Bush left. That’s the kind of fuzzy math Romney use)
I raised three kids on my own and lived on a budget. Went to college and all my kids did also, but I saw them live beyond their means buying homes they could not afford and banks helping them and miss-use credit cards and filed bankrupt leaving the cost to banks and creditors. Case in point.
Now we want Obama to fix what we and the Bush administration broke? Wake up and look into the mirror because you are as much the blame for the failing economy as Bush is. You stuck it to bank and creditors. You did not pay your bills and Obama has to bail them out.

How many people can you be on here?


You have Sybil hands down.
Credit increasingly fueled all of America's boom times, the last one almost entirely. If America were to really wise up, and many may have at this point, recovery may never come quick enough to suit us.
First of all, the proper grammar would be *WORST* enemy, not *worse.*

Second, however, you are correct. When the American people are STUPID enough to elect a SHIT STAIN like obama, we are in fact, our own WORST ENEMY.

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