Americans understand that guns keep the individual safe…...

Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn' fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

And of course you did bring up the Sikh temple shooting...where no one was allowed to carry a gun....except the killer who broke the law.....

Here we have 5 church shootings that show how stupid you post is......

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)

No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)
Here we have a poll….more Americans understand that the best method of self defense against a violent sociopath is a firearm…..

Gallup: By a 56 to 41 Percent Majority, Americans Believe that More People Carrying Concealed Handguns make US Safer - Crime Prevention Research Center

For almost all categories of Americans, there is significant support for the notion that allowing people to carry permitted concealed handguns makes Americans safer. Only Democrats and those with a post-graduate education do not believe this, but that doesn’t mean that these individuals believe that carrying represents a risk.
Guns don't save people. People save people.

Yes they do......finally you are making some sense......and a good person with a gun is effective at stopping a bad guy with a gun......
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. See, this is the issue I had in my hand when I came to this site, right after Jovan Belcher and Jacksonville and right before Newtown and Webster. I've had this particular exchange many a time. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and guess you've never been a journalist.
Last edited:

Happy huntin'.

Link to what? your profound ignorance, stupidity and douchebagery? You are your own link to that bucko! What a link does provide, and has been presented in the OP, is that the majority of Americans reject your childish view of the world and are prepared to take care of themselves while you throw yourself on the tender mercies of the evil doers in the world.

Good luck.

To the verbs in your post there Dickhead. I even bolded them for you.

We've been down this dead end before, where you pull this shit out of your ass and then I call you on it. You have yet to win one. And yet here you are again, pulling the same shit expecting different results.

Facts are pesky critters. Especially when they tend not to exist.

Yes. The facts support us and not you so you IGNORE them. I love how morons claim to have "won the internets" Grow up dude.


assholes like you think that they should be forced to live and work in an area where only the bad guy or the insane person can have a gun

ignorant fucking pricks like you DENIED them the ability to defend themselves.

They ain't going away. And yet they have nothing to stand on.

Weird, innit?

Link it or lump it.

The majority of the mass shootings you posted happened in NO GUNS ALLOWED areas. In fact....I think EVERY SINGLE one of them occurred in a NO GUNS ALLOWED area. Thus, the innocent victims are DENIED the ability to protect themselves because they are...well... law abiding, and the evildoers because they are...well EVIL, don't follow your pissant laws and kill defenseless people that you have oh so conveniently disarmed!

Good job asswipe!

the Gifford's shooting was not a gun free zone...and in fact there were 2 concealed carriers there....the one carrier was disarmed by the other one because he wasn't sure who the shooter was....and he was still ready to shoot the killer, but by then the idiot had allowed himself to be tackled......Mas Ayoob wrote this one up....the pure dumb luck stopped this guy before the concealed carrier shot him....
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records? you actually do your research....the guy at Tucson did not shoot the other concealed carrier.....he saw him with the gun and ordered him to place it on the ground and step on it to secure the then the shooter had been tackled through a series of lucky events......try to read up on these things before you post.....

And the Sikh temple was a gun free zone....didn't you do your research....?

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”

So all of your examples are wrong....good job...keep up the good work...
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records? you actually do your research....the guy at Tucson did not shoot the other concealed carrier.....he saw him with the gun and ordered him to place it on the ground and step on it to secure the then the shooter had been tackled through a series of lucky events......try to read up on these things before you post.....

And the Sikh temple was a gun free zone....didn't you do your research....?

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”

So all of your examples are wrong....good job...keep up the good work...

Fox Noise :lol: Sigh....

>> On July 5, 2012 in Oak Creek, WI, a 40-year-old man fatally shot six people at a Sikh temple. Under Wisconsin law, a person can bring a weapon into a place of worship unless that place has informed congregants that they cannot or there is a sign. Amardeep Kaleka, whose father founded the temple and was killed, confirmed that there was no sign.2 <<
--- The Gun Lobby's False Claims about "Gun-Free Zones"

Might want to save that since you're so interested in this "zone" malarkey. It's got a bunch of examples.
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. See, this is the issue I had in my hand when I came to this site, right after Jovan Belcher and Jacksonville and right before Newtown and Webster. I've had this particular exchange many a time. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and guess you've never been a journalist.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

The Tucson Atrocity: Joe Zamudio’s StoryAmerican Handgunner | American Handgunner

And from this...he wasn't tackled during a magazine change, he shot a guy, Bill Badger, and thought he killed him...the shooter let badger get behind him and that is when he was tackled, then the old lady got the magazine after she laid on the ground in front of loughner trying to be a small target.....

from the article...

.the only reason they were able to wrestle him....just plain, stupid luck........otherwise, he would have reloaded and kept shooting...he missed this guy....

Joe adds, “Bill Badger was bleeding profusely from his head. He told me as Loughner was shooting everyone, (Loughner approached him and) pointed the gun at Bill’s head. Bill reflexively turned his head away, and when Loughner fired, the bullet took skin off down to the skull but did no real damage. Bill went down. When the gun stopped firing, Bill raised back up and Loughner was right in front of him. That was when the wrestling started.

And what did the old lady do....

Woman Stopped Tucson Shooter From Reloading

And wat
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records? you actually do your research....the guy at Tucson did not shoot the other concealed carrier.....he saw him with the gun and ordered him to place it on the ground and step on it to secure the then the shooter had been tackled through a series of lucky events......try to read up on these things before you post.....

And the Sikh temple was a gun free zone....didn't you do your research....?

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”

So all of your examples are wrong....good job...keep up the good work...

Fox Noise :lol: Sigh....

>> On July 5, 2012 in Oak Creek, WI, a 40-year-old man fatally shot six people at a Sikh temple. Under Wisconsin law, a person can bring a weapon into a place of worship unless that place has informed congregants that they cannot or there is a sign. Amardeep Kaleka, whose father founded the temple and was killed, confirmed that there was no sign.2 <<
--- The Gun Lobby's False Claims about "Gun-Free Zones"

Might want to save that since you're so interested in this "zone" malarkey. It's got a bunch of examples.

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter.

Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic" as far as poll results. That doesn't tell you how any particular person therein voted.
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up. I neither know nor care about "gun free zones". They're irrelevant, though I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

As far as Tucson, what you forget to mention is that CC guy confessed that he very nearly shot one of the good guys, unsure of who's who. See, in a bloodbath like gun nuts jerk off to, where the answer to guns is --- more guns!, nobody's wearing white and black hats to let you know who's on which team. It's not the game you seem to think it is.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. See, this is the issue I had in my hand when I came to this site, right after Jovan Belcher and Jacksonville and right before Newtown and Webster. I've had this particular exchange many a time. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and guess you've never been a journalist.

See, what Tucson shows is that two concealed carriers were responsible and took great care when they went to engage the shooter...unlike what you said about them....

Zamudio continued, “I reached into my pocket, put my hand on my pistol, took the safety off, and ran down the sidewalk (toward the shooting scene). That’s when I saw a group of people wrestling with (Loughner). The first thing I focused on was the man closest to me. His back was to me. He raised up with a Glock in his hand, open, magazine sticking out. In that second I decided that because the gun was open, I didn’t have to shoot him. I immediately grabbed him by the wrist, turned the gun in toward him, told him to drop the weapon. He did.

“Even as he was dropping the gun, everyone yelled, ‘It’s not him, it’s not him!’ I said, ‘Put it down.’ I was hearing people yell, ‘I’ll kill you, you motherf***er, I’ll kill you.’ When the man dropped the gun I said, ‘Put your foot on it, make us all feel safe,’ and he did. This turned out to be Roger Sulzgeber, one of my personal heroes. He and Bill Badger had grabbed Loughner and pulled him to the ground. Apparently the gun had jammed, either misfired or didn’t feed, and Loughner was trying to reload again when they grabbed him. There was an empty mag on ground, a full one that mis-fed in the gun, and another full magazine Patricia Maisch got away from him.”

Killer Restrained

“The world went into slow motion,” Joe continued. “I assessed the situation. Bill had Loughner by the neck on the ground. Roger stood on the gun and leaned over and grabbed Loughner’s shoulder, holding him down. Patricia had been on the ground when she grabbed the loaded magazine away from him, and she shimmied over his legs. Loughner began to struggle, and Patricia asked me to take her place. I got down onto the back of his knee and put a hand on his hip. A fourth gentleman put a foot on his back, he wasn’t going anywhere. I tried to call 911 but couldn’t get through, tried three times. The police showed up in about four minutes. All Loughner ever said during that time was, ‘Ow. You’re breaking my arm.’”

This shows the calm and restraint in the middle of that chaos.....and he didn't guys harp on that "he almost shot the other guy..." But he, did, not, shoot, the other guy did he....he assessed the situation and saw he didn't have to shoot.....making your post even dumber than it already was...
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic".

Gangs in Chicago order their people to vote...since they pick the aldermen that they want in their wards....
Of course they do.
Kept 29 kids and teachers "safe" at Newtown....
Kept ten Sikhs "safe" at Oak Creek...
Kept 82 moviegoers "safe" at Aurora...
Kept 19 more "safe" in Tucson...
Kept 49 "safe" at Virginia Tech...

Why that's almost 200 people kept "safe" from proceeding with their lives, right there. And it's just the beginning.

But we "don't have a gun culture". :eusa_liar:

You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic".

Gangs in Chicago order their people to vote...since they pick the aldermen that they want in their wards....

Fuggin' :lame2:

Why would a gang give a fuck who their aldermen are?
And you still haven't shown me these voting records.

I dunno how it is where you live but where I vote, you're behind a curtain. The vote is anonymous.
You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic".

Gangs in Chicago order their people to vote...since they pick the aldermen that they want in their wards....

Fuggin' :lame2:

Why would a gang give a fuck who their aldermen are?
And you still haven't shown me these voting records.

I dunno how it is where you live but where I vote, you're behind a curtain. The vote is anonymous.

You aren't very bright are you......

Gangs and Politicians in Chicago: An Unholy Alliance

Baskin—who was himself a candidate in the 16th Ward aldermanic race, which he would lose—was happy to oblige. In all, he says, he helped broker meetings between roughly 30 politicians (ten sitting aldermen and 20 candidates for City Council) and at least six gang representatives. That claim is backed up by two other community activists, Harold Davis Jr. and Kublai K. M. Toure, who worked with Baskin to arrange the meetings, and a third participant, also a community activist, who requested anonymity. The gang representatives were former chiefs who had walked away from day-to-day thug life, but they were still respected on the streets and wielded enough influence to mobilize active gang members.

The first meeting, according to Baskin, occurred in early November 2010, right before the statewide general election; more gatherings followed in the run-up to the February 2011 municipal elections. The venues included office buildings, restaurants, and law offices. (By all accounts, similar meetings took place across the city before last year’s elections and in elections past, including after hours at the Garfield Center, a taxpayer-financed facility on the West Side that is used by the city’s Department of Family and Support Services.)

At some of the meetings, the politicians arrived with campaign materials and occasionally with aides. The sessions were organized much like corporate-style job fairs. The gang representatives conducted hourlong interviews, one after the other, talking to as many as five candidates in a single evening. Like supplicants, the politicians came into the room alone and sat before the gang representatives, who sat behind a long table. “One candidate said, ‘I feel like I’m in the hot seat,’” recalls Baskin. “And they were.”

The former chieftains, several of them ex-convicts, represented some of the most notorious gangs on the South and West Sides, including the Vice Lords, Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples, Cobras, Black P Stones, and Black Gangsters. Before the election, the gangs agreed to set aside decades-old rivalries and bloody vendettas to operate as a unified political force, which they called Black United Voters of Chicago. “They realized that if they came together, they could get the politicians to come to them,” explains Baskin.

The gang representatives were interested in electing aldermen sympathetic to their interests and those of their impoverished wards. As for the politicians, says Baskin, their interests essentially boiled down to getting elected or reelected. “All of [the political hopefuls] were aware of who they were meeting with,” he says. “They didn’t care. All they wanted to do was get the support.”

and how they affect sentencing and prison sentences...

Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle

gang territory and homicide sites..

Chicago Gang Territory vs 2011 Chicago Homicides
You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic".

Gangs in Chicago order their people to vote...since they pick the aldermen that they want in their wards....

Fuggin' :lame2:

Why would a gang give a fuck who their aldermen are?
And you still haven't shown me these voting records.

I dunno how it is where you live but where I vote, you're behind a curtain. The vote is anonymous.

this is why the gangs give a fuck.......

Our findings:

  • While they typically deny it, many public officials—mostly, but not limited to, aldermen, state legislators, and elected judges—routinely seek political support from influential street gangs. Meetings like the ones Baskin organized, for instance, are hardly an anomaly. Gangs can provide a decisive advantage at election time by performing the kinds of chores patronage armies once did.
  • In some cases, the partnerships extend beyond the elections in troubling—and possibly criminal—ways, greased by the steady and largely secret flow of money from gang leaders to certain politicians and vice versa. The gangs funnel their largess through opaque businesses, or front companies, and through under-the-table payments. In turn, grateful politicians use their payrolls or campaign funds to hire gang members, pull strings for them to get jobs or contracts, or offer other favors (see “Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle”).

  • Most alarming, both law enforcement and gang sources say, is that some politicians ignore the gangs’ criminal activities. Some go so far as to protect gangs from the police, tipping them off to impending raids or to surveillance activities—in effect, creating safe havens in their political districts. And often they chafe at backing tough measures to stem gang activities, advocating instead for superficial solutions that may garner good press but have little impact.
The paradox is that Chicago’s struggle to combat street gangs is being undermined by its own elected officials. And the alliances between lawmakers and lawbreakers raise a troubling question: Who actually rules the neighborhoods—our public servants or the gangs?
You understand that in not one of those places was a gun available...except for Tucson...and he was shooting inside of a crowd, thought he killed a guy who he then allowed to get close to him and got tackled....

So you pick gun free zones in all of those cases you just mentioned...and there was a concealed carrier in Tucson ready to shoot him and he would have if he hadn't been tackled......

I didn't "pick gun free zones" and the concept is absurd anyway; I just picked a few off the top of my head. I could have stacked it up.

But I already know for one that the Oak Creek Temple was not a "gun free zone". But excellent job missing the whole point.

Why do you keep saying we don't have a gun culture.....I don't remember anyone saying we didn't

Oh I do. And that's a direct jab at them. fact I pointed out 2 distinct gun cultures in our country, Normal Gun Culture....of normal citizens who use guns for self defense, hunting, competing....and criminal gun culture....who use guns to commit crimes and vote for the democrat party.....

"democrat [sic] party" :lol: Informative. Let's just imagine for the moment that there is such a thing as the "democrat [sic] party" --- where do you get these crime stories where they list everybody's voting records?

Here you go....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.

And also this article...

Articles: Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

From Fox Noise to Dimbart... :lmao:

Read the question again, Junior --- where do you get news of shootings where they mention everybody's voting records? How the fuck do you even know whether they voted at all?

"Democratic cities"?? That's like saying "rubber tires". Virtually all cities are "Democratic".

Gangs in Chicago order their people to vote...since they pick the aldermen that they want in their wards....

Fuggin' :lame2:

Why would a gang give a fuck who their aldermen are?
And you still haven't shown me these voting records.

I dunno how it is where you live but where I vote, you're behind a curtain. The vote is anonymous.

and this is why gangs give a fuck who they control as their aldermen.....

Officers working in the 23rd District say Shiller and her chief of staff, Denice Davis, frequently came into the station after certain Uptown residents were arrested to try to defuse things. Police say Davis’s interference on behalf of gangbangers and the Alis—whose mother, Aqueela, was part of the alderman’s political organization—had a chilling effect on their policing efforts. What was the point of making an arrest when it brought trouble from the alderman’s office? “Certain officers would get the message: ‘Maybe I shouldn’t make this stop’ or ‘Maybe I shouldn’t investigate this,’” says Joe Cox, a veteran officer from the district who retired in 2010.

Shiller says she “didn’t have a relationship” with either of the Ali twins, nor did she offer any assistance to them. “My relationship was with their mom. I knew she had sons that had difficulties. I didn’t interact with them. I didn’t know them.”

As the Ali brothers collected thousands a week running the drug spot around Lawrence Avenue and Sheridan Road, word spread among the police to treat the two with kid gloves. A police source says that during arrests, the twins would say, “I’ll have your job. Do you know who my lawyer is? Do you know who his mama is?” The source adds, “They would mention the alderman by name. They would mention Brendan Shiller by name.”

Police and Shiller’s political opponents suspected that the alderman deliberately turned a blind eye to gang activity in order to bring the gang element into the fold and build up her voting base. “It’s what I like to call the exchange game,” says Sandra Reed, who twice lost elections to Shiller, in 1999 and 2003. “She protects the kids, even when they are doing wrong. She helps the parents. They think she is going to protect them, so they all work for her.”
Here we have a poll….more Americans understand that the best method of self defense against a violent sociopath is a firearm…..

Gallup: By a 56 to 41 Percent Majority, Americans Believe that More People Carrying Concealed Handguns make US Safer - Crime Prevention Research Center

For almost all categories of Americans, there is significant support for the notion that allowing people to carry permitted concealed handguns makes Americans safer. Only Democrats and those with a post-graduate education do not believe this, but that doesn’t mean that these individuals believe that carrying represents a risk.

Hmmm....I think it's misleading for you to edit the question to the point your "analysis" doesn't give the full, honest thinking of the Americans who answered the poll. Here;


Why didn't you want to include the little details of background checks and training courses? Doesn't quite fit the anti gun control narrative you wanted to spin quite as well, eh?
And then of course the other question that was asked during the same poll;

Here we have a poll….more Americans understand that the best method of self defense against a violent sociopath is a firearm…..

Gallup: By a 56 to 41 Percent Majority, Americans Believe that More People Carrying Concealed Handguns make US Safer - Crime Prevention Research Center

For almost all categories of Americans, there is significant support for the notion that allowing people to carry permitted concealed handguns makes Americans safer. Only Democrats and those with a post-graduate education do not believe this, but that doesn’t mean that these individuals believe that carrying represents a risk.
Guns don't save people. People save people.

Nope. People with GUNS save people who are under attack by other people with guns. If that were not true then the Secret Service would be just as effective without guns.

See how that works...
Oh. So guns don't kill people, people kill people. With guns.
Criminals don't kill innocent people with guns, if the innocent people are armed.
Here we have a poll….more Americans understand that the best method of self defense against a violent sociopath is a firearm…..

Gallup: By a 56 to 41 Percent Majority, Americans Believe that More People Carrying Concealed Handguns make US Safer - Crime Prevention Research Center

For almost all categories of Americans, there is significant support for the notion that allowing people to carry permitted concealed handguns makes Americans safer. Only Democrats and those with a post-graduate education do not believe this, but that doesn’t mean that these individuals believe that carrying represents a risk.

Hmmm....I think it's misleading for you to edit the question to the point your "analysis" doesn't give the full, honest thinking of the Americans who answered the poll. Here;


Why didn't you want to include the little details of background checks and training courses? Doesn't quite fit the anti gun control narrative you wanted to spin quite as well, eh?
And then of course the other question that was asked during the same poll;


I copied it from the site.......and gave the link.....

Americans are uninformed about background checks and the constitutionality of mandatory training classes.....explain that to the people you poll and then ask those questions....

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