Americans understand that guns keep the individual safe…...

Here we have a poll….more Americans understand that the best method of self defense against a violent sociopath is a firearm…..

Gallup: By a 56 to 41 Percent Majority, Americans Believe that More People Carrying Concealed Handguns make US Safer - Crime Prevention Research Center

For almost all categories of Americans, there is significant support for the notion that allowing people to carry permitted concealed handguns makes Americans safer. Only Democrats and those with a post-graduate education do not believe this, but that doesn’t mean that these individuals believe that carrying represents a risk.

Hmmm....I think it's misleading for you to edit the question to the point your "analysis" doesn't give the full, honest thinking of the Americans who answered the poll. Here;


Why didn't you want to include the little details of background checks and training courses? Doesn't quite fit the anti gun control narrative you wanted to spin quite as well, eh?
And then of course the other question that was asked during the same poll;


Americans don't understand what "Universal BAckground Checks" mean......they have been lied to by the anti gunners....

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