America's best days are coming

A historic change in the US population is occurring: for the first time, minorities now make up the majority of the youngest Americans. CBS News Correspondent Jeff Blackstone reports.

Now, who will support them. Oh, and more than likely. They will have Brown's mindset, were screwed.
Goono no doubt right now has his panties around his ankles as he fingers his asshole while he watches the video he posted.
What is it that made you such a racist, guano? We're all curious...
I wonder if Batshit Boy is cooking a racist turkey today, or going to that wannabe nazi's house for dinner. They have so much in common.
Isn't the OP a Jew? Why are you so delighted by this news? You do realize that the facts show that Blacks and Latinos in the U.S. are disporportionately antisemitic in comparison to White gentiles?

8220 Entrenched anti-Semitic views 8221 very rare among whites and Asian Americans common among blacks and Latinos - The Washington Post

Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???

When was it ever necessary that Jewish Parents had to sue a school district because that white school district allowed and encouraged it's white kids to intimidate, harass and assault the Jewish kids??

Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Over Anti-Semitic Bullying in a New York School District

But the judge, Kenneth M. Karas of Federal District Court in White Plains, in refusing to dismiss the 2012 lawsuit, wrote in an opinion issued on Tuesday that a jury could reasonably find that the children had “suffered severe and discriminatory harassment, that the district had actual knowledge of the harassment, and that the district was deliberately indifferent to the harassment.”

children, identified by their initials, described finding swastikas drawn on walls, desks, lockers, other school property and even on a student’s face. They told of students on buses chanting “white power” and making Nazi salutes with their arms. One middle school student, riding on the bus after a school-sponsored ski trip, said he was punched repeatedly by other students after being asked if he was Jewish and responding yes.uld reasonably find that the children had “suffered severe and discriminatory harassment, that the district had actual knowledge of the harassment, and that the district was deliberately indifferent to the harassment.”

The district serves 5,600 children from Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties. In the 1970s, Pine Bush was the home of the grand dragon of a Ku Klux Klan chapter, whose wife sat on the Pine Bush school board.
A historic change in the US population is occurring: for the first time, minorities now make up the majority of the youngest Americans. CBS News Correspondent Jeff Blackstone reports.

Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?
Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?

I see reading comprehension is a difficult concept for you, let's slow it down for you.

Christen Ministers
Please link to the site where Louis Farrakhan has ever claimed to be a Christian Minister??

Jackson's remarks cost him his bid among Black voters, so that theory of your falls on it's face.

Again, other than Whites, who passed segregation laws against Jews, lynched and burned Jews?, ran Jews out of towns?
When have any Black Christians furthered hate of Jewish people from their pulpits??? still haven't given a factual, legitimate response to any question.
Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?

I see reading comprehension is a difficult concept for you, let's slow it down for you.

Christen Ministers
Please link to the site where Louis Farrakhan has ever claimed to be a Christian Minister??

Jackson's remarks cost him his bid among Black voters, so that theory of your falls on it's face.

Again, other than Whites, who passed segregation laws against Jews, lynched and burned Jews?, ran Jews out of towns?
When have any Black Christians furthered hate of Jewish people from their pulpits??? still haven't given a factual, legitimate response to any question.
Jews are practically extinct in the Middle East. All of them tried to get to America. It was not black tolerance that made them do so.
Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?

I see reading comprehension is a difficult concept for you, let's slow it down for you.

Christen Ministers
Please link to the site where Louis Farrakhan has ever claimed to be a Christian Minister??

Jackson's remarks cost him his bid among Black voters, so that theory of your falls on it's face.

Again, other than Whites, who passed segregation laws against Jews, lynched and burned Jews?, ran Jews out of towns?
When have any Black Christians furthered hate of Jewish people from their pulpits??? still haven't given a factual, legitimate response to any question.
Jews are practically extinct in the Middle East. All of them tried to get to America. It was not black tolerance that made them do so.

So you really have no answer to my questions.
Is it due to your ignorance of the subject or that the subject would reveal an unpleasant fact???
Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?

I see reading comprehension is a difficult concept for you, let's slow it down for you.

Christen Ministers
Please link to the site where Louis Farrakhan has ever claimed to be a Christian Minister??

Jackson's remarks cost him his bid among Black voters, so that theory of your falls on it's face.

Again, other than Whites, who passed segregation laws against Jews, lynched and burned Jews?, ran Jews out of towns?
When have any Black Christians furthered hate of Jewish people from their pulpits??? still haven't given a factual, legitimate response to any question.
Jews are practically extinct in the Middle East. All of them tried to get to America. It was not black tolerance that made them do so.

So you really have no answer to my questions.
Is it due to your ignorance of the subject or that the subject would reveal an unpleasant fact???
No, it is clearly due to the lack of Antisemitism in the US. Going to African shit holes was not a consideration and a worse alternative than weathering Nazism.
More race-baiting by USMB's leading maggot.

That's what he does. He is a pure racist...up there along the level of the sharptons and jacksons....who leave a dark stain on this country.

White People Problems: Census Finds More Whites Are Dying Than Being Born

If you are the sort of person who is deeply worried about the shifting racial demographics of the United States (i.e., a racist), a bit of a reality check: It is partly your fault. Last year, for apparently the first time, more non-Hispanic white people died than were born. Other trends confirmed by the Census compilation of population estimates for the year 2012 were expected: the U.S. population is shifting to the Southwest, getting older, with more people moving to cities. But the point about white population decline was probably the most surprising. :bye1:
Did Blacks and Jews pass laws that segregated Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos lynch and burn Jews?...did Blacks and Latinos sit in Churches across America on Sunday mornings and listen to Christen Ministers further hatred against Jews???
I don't know about Latinos, but black pastors or the likes of Farrakhan?! Seriously? Rev Jackson and his Hymietown remark, Louis Farrakhan and his gutter religion remark?

I see reading comprehension is a difficult concept for you, let's slow it down for you.

Christen Ministers
Please link to the site where Louis Farrakhan has ever claimed to be a Christian Minister??

Jackson's remarks cost him his bid among Black voters, so that theory of your falls on it's face.

Again, other than Whites, who passed segregation laws against Jews, lynched and burned Jews?, ran Jews out of towns?
When have any Black Christians furthered hate of Jewish people from their pulpits??? still haven't given a factual, legitimate response to any question.
Jews are practically extinct in the Middle East. All of them tried to get to America. It was not black tolerance that made them do so.

So you really have no answer to my questions.
Is it due to your ignorance of the subject or that the subject would reveal an unpleasant fact???
No, it is clearly due to the lack of Antisemitism in the US. Going to African shit holes was not a consideration and a worse alternative than weathering Nazism.
So when I make a fool of you in an open forum, you have to resort to "african shitholes"
So not only have you failed to answer the question on three separate occasions, you now want to deflect...

Btw, you made another stupid statement that Black people had no hand in helping the Jews escape White persecution.

Actually a Black man was instrumental in saving the State of Israel.


Bunche at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
Born Ralph Johnson Bunche
August 7, 1903
Detroit, Michigan
Died December 9, 1971 (aged 68)
New York City
Known for Mediation in Palestine, Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Religion Christianity

Are you this ignorant on most subjects???

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