America's Cities Are Turning Into Poverty Stricken Hell Holes

I see the issue as bigger cites are becoming irrelevant. Cost of living is 2,3 and 4x higher than living in a big town. Why live in Seattle or Portland and pay 600,000$ for an ok house when you could buy that same house for 200,000$ in a town with 150-200k population. The city offers very little, more than a big city. In fact, why not open a business in a large town rather than a big city and have far less regulations and again do it for many times under the costs.... and make the same amount of money.
Very dramatic and highly exaggerated. We have the most beautiful cities in the world. New York looks fine to me, Atlanta is gorgeous, so is Orlando, Ashville, a very long list of cities - Detroit has been in decline for many years. When our poverty rises to the level of Russian poverty? I'll start worrying. The Russian people are far worse off. Check out VOM for a close up look at how the poor live in Russia. Makes Detroit sound like the Taj Mahal!

Every civilization in world history has eventually declined to a shell of its former self. It doesn't take a genius to see that's the phase the U.S. is in. Economic collapse is inevitable.
Big US cities are nice places to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there...or my son to go to their public schools.
I relied on public schools in California for all my education, and I can say it has deteriorated significantly over the last forty years due primarily to Prop 13: 13California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The decline of California's public education system has absolutely nothing to do with Prop 13. Your problem is the importation of poverty due to the influx of millions of illegal immigrants who cannot speak English and/or are under educated which results in a drain on the resources of the public school system. Since you people refuse to deal with that problem you've sewn your own demise.
Very dramatic and highly exaggerated. We have the most beautiful cities in the world. New York looks fine to me, Atlanta is gorgeous, so is Orlando, Ashville, a very long list of cities - Detroit has been in decline for many years. When our poverty rises to the level of Russian poverty? I'll start worrying. The Russian people are far worse off. Check out VOM for a close up look at how the poor live in Russia. Makes Detroit sound like the Taj Mahal!

you will start to worry when it sucks as much here as it does in russia?


You America hating puss infected anal douche nozzle.

We have warning signs and haters like you and the fucks that thanked you, are ignoring them.
I'll be one thing all of the cities on the list have are bloated cities governments chock full of do nothing patronage union employees who retire at 50 with obscene pension benefits.
Its a case where some once great American cities are losing their relevance. It has happened throughout history. Detroit is a prime example of a city that was built on a single industry collapses when that industry falters

Look up any ghost town and see why it became a ghost town

Meanwhile we have great American cities that are still great and cities most people never heard of 20 years ago that are booming

It's not because they are run by Democrats and have gone broke buying votes with unsustainable entitlement programs... Nope, it couldn't be.

I'm not certain if those cities are failing because of decades of Dem control or are controlled by Dems because they are failing. Certainly cities which have lost jobs and population over the last 50 years are failing because they are left without a strong middle (read: tax paying) class to help carry the financial load.
Big US cities are nice places to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there...or my son to go to their public schools.
I relied on public schools in California for all my education, and I can say it has deteriorated significantly over the last forty years due primarily to Prop 13: 13California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's the point?
You get what you pay for.
Certainly cities which have lost jobs and population over the last 50 years are failing because they are left without a strong middle (read: tax paying) class to help carry the financial load.

and Detroit is left without a stong middle class because liberal unions and the liberal mentality shipped all the jobs offshore!! The best people generally leave to advance their lives and the others stay hoping to leech of the government as the city descends into liberal hell.

If unions don't make better less expensive cars, just make unions illegal again!! What could be more obvious???
What's the point?
You get what you pay for.[/QUOTEI didn't pay for squat.
Prior to the passage of Prop 13 in 1978 (which saved millions of middle income homes from the tax man) higher education in California was among the best in the world. Since then all public schools in California have struggled even during bubble economies. Education is becoming a luxury available primarily to those who can afford it, and that doesn't bode well for the state's overall political economy.
Big US cities are nice places to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there...or my son to go to their public schools.
I relied on public schools in California for all my education, and I can say it has deteriorated significantly over the last forty years due primarily to Prop 13: 13California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The decline of California's public education system has absolutely nothing to do with Prop 13. Your problem is the importation of poverty due to the influx of millions of illegal immigrants who cannot speak English and/or are under educated which results in a drain on the resources of the public school system. Since you people refuse to deal with that problem you've sewn your own demise.
What caused the huge influx of Central Americans into California during the 1980s?
Hint: it was nothing California did, and Prop 13 made it much more difficult to adapt to the huge numbers of political refugees.

Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Certainly cities which have lost jobs and population over the last 50 years are failing because they are left without a strong middle (read: tax paying) class to help carry the financial load.

and Detroit is left without a stong middle class because liberal unions and the liberal mentality shipped all the jobs offshore!! The best people generally leave to advance their lives and the others stay hoping to leech of the government as the city descends into liberal hell.

If unions don't make better less expensive cars, just make unions illegal again!! What could be more obvious???

Liberal unions?
Unions serve the political party which serves them, not some political ideology.
It's a marriage of convenience.
Detroit is an extreme example of a one-trick union town that was crushed when Japan and Germany caught up with their post WW2 advantage and oil became an economic weapon (1973). While no longer built in Detroit, much of what we drive is still made or assembled in America despite the foreign names and designs.
Many of our aging cities lost their middle classes to their inner-ring suburbs which are themselves aging and are now losing them to newer outer-ring suburbs.
As necessary as unions once were in defending workers, they have, as all power structures seem to do, abused that power. Unions are now fiefdoms of political power wielded by union pols for their own gain often to the detriment of their members (see: Twinkies).
Certainly cities which have lost jobs and population over the last 50 years are failing because they are left without a strong middle (read: tax paying) class to help carry the financial load.

and Detroit is left without a stong middle class because liberal unions and the liberal mentality shipped all the jobs offshore!! The best people generally leave to advance their lives and the others stay hoping to leech of the government as the city descends into liberal hell.

If unions don't make better less expensive cars, just make unions illegal again!! What could be more obvious???

Liberal unions?
Unions serve the political party which serves them, not some political ideology.
It's a marriage of convenience.
Detroit is an extreme example of a one-trick union town that was crushed when Japan and Germany caught up with their post WW2 advantage and oil became an economic weapon (1973). While no longer built in Detroit, much of what we drive is still made or assembled in America despite the foreign names and designs.
Many of our aging cities lost their middle classes to their inner-ring suburbs which are themselves aging and are now losing them to newer outer-ring suburbs.
As necessary as unions once were in defending workers, they have, as all power structures seem to do, abused that power. Unions are now fiefdoms of political power wielded by union pols for their own gain often to the detriment of their members (see: Twinkies).

so would you want to make unions illegal again??
and Detroit is left without a stong middle class because liberal unions and the liberal mentality shipped all the jobs offshore!! The best people generally leave to advance their lives and the others stay hoping to leech of the government as the city descends into liberal hell.

If unions don't make better less expensive cars, just make unions illegal again!! What could be more obvious???

Liberal unions?
Unions serve the political party which serves them, not some political ideology.
It's a marriage of convenience.
Detroit is an extreme example of a one-trick union town that was crushed when Japan and Germany caught up with their post WW2 advantage and oil became an economic weapon (1973). While no longer built in Detroit, much of what we drive is still made or assembled in America despite the foreign names and designs.
Many of our aging cities lost their middle classes to their inner-ring suburbs which are themselves aging and are now losing them to newer outer-ring suburbs.
As necessary as unions once were in defending workers, they have, as all power structures seem to do, abused that power. Unions are now fiefdoms of political power wielded by union pols for their own gain often to the detriment of their members (see: Twinkies).

so would you want to make unions illegal again??

I would not try to turn the clock back but the gradual dissipation of union power will continue until it is in balance with their effectiveness.
Union membership, as a % of the US workforce, has slid from its 1945 high of 35% to slightly more than 11% today, about where it was a century ago.
Union membership, as a % of the US workforce, has slid from its 1945 high of 35% to slightly more than 11% today, about where it was a century ago.

yes, but notice for example that much of the world's automobile industry has relocated down south in a cat and mouse game to be free from the unions. Unions nevertheless remain a constant threat against all industry and jobs in America. They must be made illegal again so one huge potential obstacle is removed from the redevelopment of American industry!
Union membership, as a % of the US workforce, has slid from its 1945 high of 35% to slightly more than 11% today, about where it was a century ago.

yes, but notice for example that much of the world's automobile industry has relocated down south in a cat and mouse game to be free from the unions. Unions nevertheless remain a constant threat against all industry and jobs in America. They must be made illegal again so one huge potential obstacle is removed from the redevelopment of American industry!

The corporations also have their unions dear. One of their profit protection unions is called The Amalgamated bought and paid for Politicians. These politicians are influenced by lobbyists hired by corporations. This is one reason that USA corporations pay some of the lowest effective tax rates in the world. Some of them pay zero taxes in some years. Also another reason is their ability to claim foreign tax havens as their residence thanks to these union thugs. If we make labor unions illegal, shouldn't we make corporate influence on politicians illegal also? Or is this infringing on their rights of free speech as citizens, as the Supreme Court (another one of their unions) ruled that they in fact are, a couple of years ago?
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Well, if you really want to see what American cities should be, visit Portland, Oregon.

Nations have ups and downs. Once again, in spite of all that has been stated here, America is on the up cycle again as we recover from the follies from 2001 to 2009.
I relied on public schools in California for all my education, and I can say it has deteriorated significantly over the last forty years due primarily to Prop 13: 13California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The decline of California's public education system has absolutely nothing to do with Prop 13. Your problem is the importation of poverty due to the influx of millions of illegal immigrants who cannot speak English and/or are under educated which results in a drain on the resources of the public school system. Since you people refuse to deal with that problem you've sewn your own demise.
What caused the huge influx of Central Americans into California during the 1980s?
Hint: it was nothing California did, and Prop 13 made it much more difficult to adapt to the huge numbers of political refugees.

Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know that illegal immigration into California increased greatly after the passage of Nafta. Mexico was flooded by cheap subsidized US agriculture. It drove millions of workers off of the little farms into the big cities and further north to USA.

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