America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers Read more:

Good example of conservative class warfare, they alone are deserving of their possessions, everyone else must be a mooch on their real American overtaxed whiny fat asses. Greed as a virtue, gotta love it when it is put so plainly.

Lemme translate this for ya..

When we invented this Class Warfare strategy, we never intended to be opposed by anyone. Because our brilliance and moral superiority will simply blind them into submission to our whims..
Wealthy people do not "create jobs"

When was the last time a broke guy gave you a good one?

When he worked a factory-line job at a major corporation, contributing his labor to the corporate profits, allowing them to make enough money for me to get a job.

Or when he bought a gallon of milk, allowing me to get a job as a farmhand producing said milk.

That's when.
Wealthy people do not "create jobs"

When was the last time a broke guy gave you a good one?

When he worked a factory-line job at a major corporation, contributing his labor to the corporate profits, allowing them to make enough money for me to get a job.

Or when he bought a gallon of milk, allowing me to get a job as a farmhand producing said milk.

That's when.

So a broke guy never hired you, did he?

Billions of people make products everyday they could never hope to afford.
Hey Vast LWC. There are all sorts of broke-assed people in Africa.

Where are all the jobs they are creating?
So a broke guy never hired you, did he?

Billions of people make products everyday they could never hope to afford.

Yes, he did.

He contributed the effort that allowed the corporation he worked for to hire me, or he contributed the capital to allow the farm to hire me.

The same way investors' capital would allow a corporation to hire me.

Therefore, he hired me, just the same as any investor hired me.

What in the world makes you think that capital investment is more important to a company than investment of time, skill and labor?
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Given the hatred displayed for "capitalism and our corporations" and I've never had a libturd explain what they would replace them with.. maybe we should buy Chinese.
So a broke guy never hired you, did he?

Billions of people make products everyday they could never hope to afford.

Yes, he did.

He contributed the effort that allowed the corporation he worked for to hire me, or he contributed the capital to allow the farm to hire me.

The same way investors' capital would allow a corporation to hire me.

Therefore, he hired me, just the same as any investor hired me.

What in the world makes you think that capital investment is more important to a company than investment of time, skill and labor?

He contributed the effort? LOL

So did the CAD punchpress.

The broke assed guy did not hire you.
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Sooo, seeing that we have had it your way for a long ass time, when do we get to try something else?

BTW, great job at not answering the question.

Wealthy people create wealth and jobs in many different ways. Personal wealth allows people to invest in ideas they like, or just think will be profitable, or even just for fun... That creates jobs and wealth.

Another way wealthy people create more wealth and jobs is by buying things that interest them, like one of a kind custom boats, cars, planes, musical interments, houses and so on... Things that a company would never make, things a company could never afford to push their limits on because there would otherwise be no profit in doing so and the overhead would kill that project.

The greatest example of wealthy people helping the US and world is in Healthcare, where rich people in America are by definition the reason why all other countries on planet earth are not currently using HC "solutions" that of a third world country of today. Wealthy people can afford to buy HC products that later become affordable by the middle class and lastly Governments around the world, after our poor have access to them. The US still produces something like 40% of the worlds new medicines and that number used to be much higher, before we became a welfare state. Lucky for all the other countries in the world that creating almost all meaningful drugs and surgeries ever discovered is not placed on their shoulders, the cost that our wealthy pay for development would have bankrupted all of these countries overnight, meaning it would have never been discovered.

The US, through wealthy people allows industries to create prototypes, build dreams and in the process offer the chance for others to become wealthy. Almost everything you own was once completely unaffordable by you, do you ever wonder how you own a TV that once would have costed you 10 thousand dollars but now get it for 500$? Or a phone that can play games, has voice recognition, has a HD of 100gig and plays movies in 3D? Here is a guess, it was not created by people on welfare for other people on welfare.

Wealthy people do not "create jobs". Jobs become necessary to fill when people become interested in buying a product.

At that point, in order to make said product, a business requires all kinds of people to make it run.

From the richest investor down to the janitors that clean the place at night.

Buyers of products "create" jobs, if anything.

And certainly the rich have no monopoly on being consumers. Every single individual, from the poorest to the richest is a consumer.

Investors are no more, or less, important to the health of a company than the people that work for that company.

An investor could not "create" anything without demand, and a willing and talented workforce to make the product needed.

In order for that willing and talented workforce to exist, there needs to be a large pool of educated individuals. Therefore the general populace needs teachers.

In addition, in order to transport materials efficiently, etc, there needs to be a viable infrastructure in place. Roads need to be there, railroads, airports, etc etc.

Public Safety is needed to protect the company's assets, as well as firemen, insurance brokers, etc, etc.

All of these things are paid for by the taxpayers. All the taxpayers.

And all of these jobs are performed by "regular Joe" middle class and poor workers.

Therefore, to call investors "the job creators" is absurd.

You are in fact fucking stupid. You asked how the wealthy created jobs, I told you how and all you did was say "no" then 1000000000000000000 million % agree with me.

Now YOU answer a fucking question, how do welfare recipients create jobs?
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Given the hatred displayed for "capitalism and our corporations" and I've never had a libturd explain what they would replace them with.. maybe we should buy Chinese.

And then out of the other side of their mouths these cocksuckers want us to believe they are good for business and job creation.
So a broke guy never hired you, did he?

Billions of people make products everyday they could never hope to afford.

Yes, he did.

He contributed the effort that allowed the corporation he worked for to hire me, or he contributed the capital to allow the farm to hire me.

The same way investors' capital would allow a corporation to hire me.

Therefore, he hired me, just the same as any investor hired me.

What in the world makes you think that capital investment is more important to a company than investment of time, skill and labor?

You're an idiot... Just, flat out, a fucking idiot.

No, you know what the real problem is, you’re a bigot AND an idiot. You hate white wealthy people so much that you lump all wealthy people in as White and wealthy, you can’t just say “yes, wealthy people create jobs.” You have to make up the most absurd reactionary bullshit this planet has ever seen to get around the simple fact that “Yes, wealthy people create jobs.” Not all wealthy people create jobs, but they do create them.

To ask a question “how do the wealthy create jobs.” Then claim that people buying shit creates jobs is about as fucking dumb as you can possibly get, you’re Truthmatters dumb. Supply does not magically appear for consumers you fucking fucked, fuck. The company is made, products are made and it all takes investing by people with wealth…. THEN consumers buy the products… At that point if the product evolves, guess what retard, wealthy people in the company invest in that products evolution and BAM, a new product… The fucking employee does not cough up his pay check to pay for research and development…

It’s so fucking retarded to have to explain this to you I can’t do it… It’s like you need this broken down to the step before baby talk.
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Hey Vast LWC. There are all sorts of broke-assed people in Africa.

Where are all the jobs they are creating?

Same place as anywhere else.

Some nations simply have less resources and levels of education than others, and therefore create less jobs.

Even if a nation is way less advanced and capital-rich, there are jobs being created on a micro level, within individual villages.

In fact, your point is a good one, though not in the way you intended it to be.

Without education, infrastructure and our developed society, we would also be a 3rd world nation, like many of the nations of Africa.
He contributed the effort? LOL

So did the CAD punchpress.

The broke assed guy did not hire you.

So, to you, the average working man is basically nothing more than a shovel, or a screwdriver?

If the efforts and labor of the people that work for a company, or store, or farm do not count towards "Job Creation", than neither does the capital of investors.

Which means no-one is a "Job Creator".
He contributed the effort? LOL

So did the CAD punchpress.

The broke assed guy did not hire you.

So, to you, the average working man is basically nothing more than a shovel, or a screwdriver?

If the efforts and labor of the people that work for a company, or store, or farm do not count towards "Job Creation", than neither does the capital of investors.

Which means no-one is a "Job Creator".

what was the unemployment rate during the great depression?
You are in fact fucking stupid. You asked how the wealthy created jobs, I told you how and all you did was say "no" then 1000000000000000000 million % agree with me.

Now YOU answer a fucking question, how do welfare recipients create jobs?

MY original question was rhetorical.

I asked you to describe how you thought the wealthy "created jobs".

And then I pointed out that everyone else also "creates jobs" in the same manner.

I'm sorry that you missed the point.

Perhaps you should re-read what was written, and maybe you'll get it.

In the meantime, calling me "fucking stupid" because you didn't understand my point, is pointless.
You see, YOUR point is that the rich are the "Job Creators", and everyone else is apparently living off their beneficence.

MY point is that we are all "Job Creators", and that the relationship between rich and poor is one of mutual reliance.
So a broke guy never hired you, did he?

Billions of people make products everyday they could never hope to afford.

Yes, he did.

He contributed the effort that allowed the corporation he worked for to hire me, or he contributed the capital to allow the farm to hire me.

The same way investors' capital would allow a corporation to hire me.

Therefore, he hired me, just the same as any investor hired me.

What in the world makes you think that capital investment is more important to a company than investment of time, skill and labor?

You're an idiot... Just, flat out, a fucking idiot.

No, you know what the real problem is, you’re a bigot AND an idiot. You hate white wealthy people so much that you lump all wealthy people in as White and wealthy, you can’t just say “yes, wealthy people create jobs.” You have to make up the most absurd reactionary bullshit this planet has ever seen to get around the simple fact that “Yes, wealthy people create jobs.” Not all wealthy people create jobs, but they do create them.

To ask a question “how do the wealthy create jobs.” Then claim that people buying shit creates jobs is about as fucking dumb as you can possibly get, you’re Truthmatters dumb. Supply does not magically appear for consumers you fucking fucked, fuck. The company is made, products are made and it all takes investing by people with wealth…. THEN consumers buy the products… At that point if the product evolves, guess what retard, wealthy people in the company invest in that products evolution and BAM, a new product… The fucking employee does not cough up his pay check to pay for research and development…

It’s so fucking retarded to have to explain this to you I can’t do it… It’s like you need this broken down to the step before baby talk.'re an idiot. You don't get it. Demand creates jobs. That's the point he's trying to make. Keep dropping wages and benefits on people. Keep shipping jobs out of the country. Keep fucking over the people who CREATE DEMAND and thereby create wealth...and let's just see how deep this crazy rabbit hole of worshiping billionaires takes us.

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