America's Decline Since 9/11

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In this radio broadcast, Michael Boldea Jr., addresses the decline of America since 9/11. In this discussion, Michael Boldea Jr. explains that in judgment there is no mercy. There is mercy in God correcting us, chastising us, bringing us to repentance but there is no mercy in judgment. As Brother Boldea explains God allows things to happen hoping that it will lead us to repentance. He allows these things in order to open our eyes and wake us up. The question addressed: Is the Church better or worse since 9/11?

The church was losing its way decades before 9/11

It was once a place where people could find refuge from the world. But now the church has brought the world into the church. So that today the church and the world are basically the same.

This is evidenced by the church's reluctance to utter the word "sin" from the pulpit.

Preachers rarely use that word today because they don't want to offend members of the congregation.

So that now the word "sin" is seen as an archaic term only used by religious fanatics.

Thus freeing up the church membership to do whatever they want and not feel any guilt. ...... :cool:
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The Church is better after 9/11(the date) in that they became more Judaic roots then previous Pagan roots.
The Church became better after 9/11 the hidden mystery in the date
in that they became more Judaic roots then previous Pagan roots.
The Church became worse after 9/11 in that it made them predjudice against Muslims (which is why volunteer Jews had to walk Muslim children to school in NY for protection) after 911.
It made them do to Muslims what they did to Jews all those ages, blame the whole for the acts of a few. Yet Christians do not want to be blamed as a whole for the RCC crusades, inquisition, or even the Holocaust.
Before the Gulf war I told a few Pastors you will see good people of many differing faiths working together fighting bad people claiming the same faith. But also that economy collapse would bring bitterness towards the countries bringing them down and morality would change through economic hardship as well as increased prejudices.=spot on including naming Greece (economy money pit)and Turkey(prejudices).
I even warned of the Baath parties(now Isis) European intentions.
Everyone acts like this stuff is all new when it's been carefully planed for decades.
Therefore Europe needs to open it's eyes and the MEDIA NEEDS TO STOP LYING by calling common defensive caution as being prejudice just so it can foster in it's own self interest candidate.
Because mixed with actual prejudice the false claims of prejudice just fuels the propaganda and makes Nations do stupid things just to look like it's not discriminating.

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