America's economy is unsustainable, but fixable.

theirs a lot of things wrong with the American economy .they should of left it a smoking pile of rubble in 2007. today we'd be in a much better place....HA i made a small fortune on fords buck forty a share.. that was a no brainer.

During the great depression if you still had a job you cruised through it .

i see the 90% tax rate on this thread one ever really paid it ...i think it was one guy

micro ,small , and medium sized business should be pretty much left alone
Leave them alone, tax them the least

SEAL the fuckin borders ,Fine employers who use illegals WAGES WILL RISE
That’s fine and dandy but it doesn’t hurt to analyze our economy on a macro level, does it? Why not try and better understand what’s happening with employment, wages, wealth, government, private production, small business, trade etc.

Well, I think we both know where this is headed..we've only had this discussion a million times before...lets just cut to the chase and start begging for free shit from our best, most productive citizens...fuck it.

I have a much easier time sympathizing with unemployed rednecks living in a dilapidated trailerpark up a holler in what used to be coal country than I do poor Mark Zuckerberg or innocent lil' Jeff Bezos. Name one big US corporation and there's a 90% chance they promote subversive trendy left wing causes like Gillette did with it's "all males are basically rapists" ad.

Our "best and most productive" wants more immigration, and doesn't care if it's legal or illegal as long as they get cheap labor and more eyes glued to a screen to generate ad revenue. Oh, and most of them are more concerned with the well-being of a certain middle east nation than the USA.

Fuck corporations, hail the American people.

I agree, I’d celebrate if either of those filthy fucks died tonight.
I don’t view Big Corp as our best most productive by any means...I see tradesmen and small business owners as the pillar and backbone to American economics.

I wouldn't mind having big corporations especially ones like Amazon and Google who don't produce anything and only damage the country - taxed to hell and that money spent to revitalize America.

In theory, I agree, in practice that’s probably a can of worms we don’t want to open.

Amazon has completely murdered small businesses and communities. Facebook and similar companies don't create anything useful, and only hires low-wage H1B visa Pajeets from India and corrupts minds and spreads divisive leftist propaganda turning young americans into zombies. AI and automation is going to kill even more jobs. Soon there won't be any work left for human hands.
Well, I think we both know where this is headed..we've only had this discussion a million times before...lets just cut to the chase and start begging for free shit from our best, most productive citizens...fuck it.

I have a much easier time sympathizing with unemployed rednecks living in a dilapidated trailerpark up a holler in what used to be coal country than I do poor Mark Zuckerberg or innocent lil' Jeff Bezos. Name one big US corporation and there's a 90% chance they promote subversive trendy left wing causes like Gillette did with it's "all males are basically rapists" ad.

Our "best and most productive" wants more immigration, and doesn't care if it's legal or illegal as long as they get cheap labor and more eyes glued to a screen to generate ad revenue. Oh, and most of them are more concerned with the well-being of a certain middle east nation than the USA.

Fuck corporations, hail the American people.

I agree, I’d celebrate if either of those filthy fucks died tonight.
I don’t view Big Corp as our best most productive by any means...I see tradesmen and small business owners as the pillar and backbone to American economics.

I wouldn't mind having big corporations especially ones like Amazon and Google who don't produce anything and only damage the country - taxed to hell and that money spent to revitalize America.

In theory, I agree, in practice that’s probably a can of worms we don’t want to open.

Amazon has completely murdered small businesses and communities. Facebook and similar companies don't create anything useful, and only hires low-wage H1B visa Pajeets from India and corrupts minds and spreads divisive leftist propaganda turning young americans into zombies. AI and automation is going to kill even more jobs. Soon there won't be any work left for human hands.

I agree.
I’m just not sure about .GOV regulatating success and productivity.
I have a much easier time sympathizing with unemployed rednecks living in a dilapidated trailerpark up a holler in what used to be coal country than I do poor Mark Zuckerberg or innocent lil' Jeff Bezos. Name one big US corporation and there's a 90% chance they promote subversive trendy left wing causes like Gillette did with it's "all males are basically rapists" ad.

Our "best and most productive" wants more immigration, and doesn't care if it's legal or illegal as long as they get cheap labor and more eyes glued to a screen to generate ad revenue. Oh, and most of them are more concerned with the well-being of a certain middle east nation than the USA.

Fuck corporations, hail the American people.

I agree, I’d celebrate if either of those filthy fucks died tonight.
I don’t view Big Corp as our best most productive by any means...I see tradesmen and small business owners as the pillar and backbone to American economics.

I wouldn't mind having big corporations especially ones like Amazon and Google who don't produce anything and only damage the country - taxed to hell and that money spent to revitalize America.

In theory, I agree, in practice that’s probably a can of worms we don’t want to open.

Amazon has completely murdered small businesses and communities. Facebook and similar companies don't create anything useful, and only hires low-wage H1B visa Pajeets from India and corrupts minds and spreads divisive leftist propaganda turning young americans into zombies. AI and automation is going to kill even more jobs. Soon there won't be any work left for human hands.

I agree.
I’m just not sure about .GOV regulatating success and productivity.

Me neither. I know theres big problems but I'll leave it up to smarter folks to figure out solutions.
Building the leadership for this new countervailing power.

You can help lead the way. You can be a leader of this movement. How?

For one, you can run for office – in your community, say, city council or school board. Or run for state office. Or even national office.

Don’t be intimidated by politics. We need good people to run. And don’t worry that you’ll be beholden to a handful of rich donors. These days, smaller donors are more active than ever.

So, what’s the secret? Tell it like it is and be yourself. And then, as I’ve said, talk about economics in terms of political power and understand the 7 principles. Build countervailing power through a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition. And offer a compelling set of ideas about what can and should be done.

But you don’t need to hold formal office to be a leader.

You can be a leader by organizing and mobilizing people: Your co-workers – to form a union. Your friends and neighbors – to push for better roads and schools, and fairer local taxes. People at your church or synagogue or mosque – to demand better treatment of the poor, the elderly, children, immigrants. You can link your group up with other groups pursuing similar ends, and create a movement. That’s how we got the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. How we got marriage equality. It’s how we get good people elected.

The key to organizing and mobilizing is creating a leadership team, and then reaching out systematically to others, giving them tasks and responsibilities, starting small and gaining a few victories so people can feel their power, and then growing from there.

You’ll need to be patient and steadfast. Keep people together and focused. And be careful not to burn out. Organizing and mobilizing is hard, but once organized and mobilized, there’s no end to what people can accomplish.

You can also be a leader by uncovering critical information, fighting lies, spreading the truth. Core responsibilities of leadership are revealing the facts about widening inequalities of income, wealth, and political power – and uncovering their consequences.

A century ago they were called “muckrakers.” More recently, investigative reporters. I’m talking about courageous journalists who speak truth to power.

But this form of leadership isn’t limited to reporters. It includes whistleblowers, who alert the public to abuses of power. And here courage is also required because when you blow the whistle on the powerful, the powerful sometimes strike back.

This form of leadership also includes researchers, who dig up new sources of data and analyze them in ways that enlighten and motivate.

In other words, there isn’t just one path to leadership. Whether you seek formal authority by running and gaining public office, or you organize and mobilize people into being effective advocates, or you discover and spread the truth – you are creating and developing countervailing power to spread the gains of the economy and strengthen our democracy.

I never understood the compulsion some people have to 'lead' others.

I'm perfectly content to lead myself along my life's journey and extend the same courtesy to others.
The biggest economic story of our times isn’t about supply and demand. It’s about institutions and politics. It’s about power.

The median annual earnings of full-time wage and salaried workers in 1979, in today’s dollars, was $43,680. The median earnings in 2018 was $45,708. If from 1979 to 2018, the American economy almost tripled in size, so where did the gains go? Most went to the top.

Now this is broadly known, but there is less certainty about why.

Here's an excerpt from the article.

.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.

Consider, for example, the ever-expanding tax cuts or loopholesfor large corporations, the financial sector, and the wealthy. Contrast them with increases in payroll taxes for average workers.

Or look at the bank and corporate bailouts but little or no help for homeowners caught in the downdraft of the Great Recession.

Finally, look at the increasing barriers to labor unions, such as the proliferation of so-called “right-to-work” laws and the simultaneous erosion of antitrust and the emergence of large concentrations of corporate power.

The public knows the game is rigged, which is why almost all the political energy is now anti-establishment. This is a big reason why Trump won the 2016 election. Authoritarian populists through history have used anger and directed it at racial and ethnic minorities and foreigners......

Yeah, we really need to build that wall and stop our wages from being stripped by the immigrants.
.I have never given two fucks about what anybody else has or what anyone else is earning...weird huh?
Not wierd at all, you've been well trained.

Explain that...give me the short version
You've never wondered why it doesn't bother you that the wealthy folks, the 1%ers enjoy almost all the cream in our society?

Why would I? Why would I envy others when I’m part of the same equal opportunity, capitalist society they are?
I cheer for success and for successful people.
You realize the top 1% pay more in taxes than do the bottom 90%...right?
The brainwashing is highly effective.
There are serious issues with the function of the political economics in this country. However there isn’t a singular reason nor solution. Moving more toward a socialist structure(guaranteed jobs, income, free healthcare, etc) is the slow but easy step towards damnation. Mistakes have been made which have compromised the checks and balances of the regulated market. We are much too centralized. Large government and large corporate structures have taken control, and Prohibit a fair and competitive market place. Pay to play politics funded by mega wealthy entities is cancer. And the closer we get towards socialism (free stuff), the higher the barrier becomes between the have and the have nots.

Going temporarily socialist is like having a detour while the bridge is being repaired, that's all.
When FDR imposed the 90% marginal tax on the wealthy, it wasn't meant to be permanent. But his overall tax reforms weren't meant to be completely dismantled as they were under Reagan and Clinton.

Tax rate doesn’t define political structures like socialism. But since you brought up FDR, his contribution to moving this country toward socialism is still around today, cost more and more every year, provides less, and will be officially underfunded in about a decade.....oh yeah, and our politicians have spent all the money collected for it on other things.
.I have never given two fucks about what anybody else has or what anyone else is earning...weird huh?
Not wierd at all, you've been well trained.

Explain that...give me the short version
You've never wondered why it doesn't bother you that the wealthy folks, the 1%ers enjoy almost all the cream in our society?

Why would I? Why would I envy others when I’m part of the same equal opportunity, capitalist society they are?
I cheer for success and for successful people.
You realize the top 1% pay more in taxes than do the bottom 90%...right?
The brainwashing is highly effective.

“I can’t refute what you’ve asserted.”
There’s a difference in premises with capitalism and socialism. Capitalism operates on the fact that wealth is not just money and can be created. Socialism operates on the assumption that if someone has much wealth, there is less wealth for someone else. It’s kind of like being mad at an apple orchard for hoarding the production of apples. It’s a silly concept
Well, I think we both know where this is headed...
President Bernie Sanders

See, there you have it Slade3200
The FSA beggars surface...hahaha
If that’s as deep as you can get on the subject then so be it, but you should actually try to take a deep dive sometime. You might learn something

There’s really not a lot to debate. The issue isn’t and never has been as complicated as the beggars package it to be.
Our underclass is overflowing with blue collar trade killing, industry destroying thirdworlders...that’s it, end of story....And the lowlifes bitching about income inequality are the same lowlifes advocating for wetbacks...what gives?
That is such a small part of the equation yet it seems to consume a majority of your focus.

Yes illegal immigrants who get paid under the table and don’t pay taxes are a drain on the economy. Fine. But again. That makes a sliver of difference. To the OPs point when wages stay stagnant and the majority of wealth over the past few decades has been accumulated by a small percentage of top earners. That is a major issue. If you are truly a small government guy then you’d also be concerned about how big and powerful individuals and corporations get. It all translates to power and control
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very consice and agreeable Angelo, but we've a better chance of Congress spontaneously combusting in session that them pursing such lofty values

Well, I think we both know where this is headed...
President Bernie Sanders

See, there you have it Slade3200
The FSA beggars surface...hahaha
If that’s as deep as you can get on the subject then so be it, but you should actually try to take a deep dive sometime. You might learn something

There’s really not a lot to debate. The issue isn’t and never has been as complicated as the beggars package it to be.
Our underclass is overflowing with blue collar trade killing, industry destroying thirdworlders...that’s it, end of story....And the lowlifes bitching about income inequality are the same lowlifes advocating for wetbacks...what gives?
That is such a small part of the equation yet it seems to consume a majority of your focus.

Yes illegal immigrants who get paid under the table and don’t pay taxes are a drain in the economy. Fine. But again. That makes a sliver of difference. To the OPs point when wages stay stagnant and the majority of wealth over the past few decades has been accumulated by a small percentage of top earners. That is a major issue. Is you are truly a small government guy then you’d also be concerned about how big and powerful individuals and corporations get. It all translates to power and control're sadly mistaken, the taxes that wetbacks don't pay is the gnat on the elephants ass...That is not how they primarily fuck Americans over but you know this.
Stagnant wages are caused by stagnant advancement which is caused by too many fighting for the same job at the lowest ought to seek enlightenment on the law of supply vs. demand. When there are too many potential hires for employers they get to set their price.

Further, the last few decades have made a lot of people involved in technology very rich whereas blue collar middleclassers and obviously the underclass don't really benefit financially as technology explodes.
Finally, our framers created a voting system designed to render "big and powerful individuals and corporations" powerless in times of elections....the real problem here is that Mexicrats and Lefties have demanded that we grow an illiterate, ignorant, programmable citizenry so these "big and powerful individuals and corporations" can decide our elections through this ignorant citizenry.
The biggest economic story of our times isn’t about supply and demand. It’s about institutions and politics. It’s about power.

The median annual earnings of full-time wage and salaried workers in 1979, in today’s dollars, was $43,680. The median earnings in 2018 was $45,708. If from 1979 to 2018, the American economy almost tripled in size, so where did the gains go? Most went to the top.

Now this is broadly known, but there is less certainty about why.

Here's an excerpt from the article.

.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.

Consider, for example, the ever-expanding tax cuts or loopholesfor large corporations, the financial sector, and the wealthy. Contrast them with increases in payroll taxes for average workers.

Or look at the bank and corporate bailouts but little or no help for homeowners caught in the downdraft of the Great Recession.

Finally, look at the increasing barriers to labor unions, such as the proliferation of so-called “right-to-work” laws and the simultaneous erosion of antitrust and the emergence of large concentrations of corporate power.

The public knows the game is rigged, which is why almost all the political energy is now anti-establishment. This is a big reason why Trump won the 2016 election. Authoritarian populists through history have used anger and directed it at racial and ethnic minorities and foreigners......

What is the median income in your home country, China?

36,000 Yuan?

China: per capita urban household income 2017 | Statistic

Wow, sounds like you are doing great.

So how much is that in American dollars?

So, 1 dollar US is 6.7 Yuan.

1 USD to CNY | Convert US Dollars to Chinese Yuan Renminbi | XE

That means the average YEARLY income for those in your country is $5,373

Yet you want America to adopt YOUR economic model?

Yeah, no thanks.
Reminder of the facts for the last few uneducated posters.
.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.
Reminder of the facts for the last few uneducated posters.
.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.

LefTard Logic:
“Those not willing to beg for other people’s shit are uneducated posters.”
President Bernie Sanders

See, there you have it Slade3200
The FSA beggars surface...hahaha
If that’s as deep as you can get on the subject then so be it, but you should actually try to take a deep dive sometime. You might learn something

There’s really not a lot to debate. The issue isn’t and never has been as complicated as the beggars package it to be.
Our underclass is overflowing with blue collar trade killing, industry destroying thirdworlders...that’s it, end of story....And the lowlifes bitching about income inequality are the same lowlifes advocating for wetbacks...what gives?
That is such a small part of the equation yet it seems to consume a majority of your focus.

Yes illegal immigrants who get paid under the table and don’t pay taxes are a drain in the economy. Fine. But again. That makes a sliver of difference. To the OPs point when wages stay stagnant and the majority of wealth over the past few decades has been accumulated by a small percentage of top earners. That is a major issue. Is you are truly a small government guy then you’d also be concerned about how big and powerful individuals and corporations get. It all translates to power and control're sadly mistaken, the taxes that wetbacks don't pay is the gnat on the elephants ass...That is not how they primarily fuck Americans over but you know this.
Stagnant wages are caused by stagnant advancement which is caused by too many fighting for the same job at the lowest ought to seek enlightenment on the law of supply vs. demand. When there are too many potential hires for employers they get to set their price.

Further, the last few decades have made a lot of people involved in technology very rich whereas blue collar middleclassers and obviously the underclass don't really benefit financially as technology explodes.
Finally, our framers created a voting system designed to render "big and powerful individuals and corporations" powerless in times of elections....the real problem here is that Mexicrats and Lefties have demanded that we grow an illiterate, ignorant, programmable citizenry so these "big and powerful individuals and corporations" can decide our elections through this ignorant citizenry.
See this is where you are short sighted. We currently have unemployment under 4% which is considered virtually zero. We have had a surplus of over a million available jobs for years now. And if you think the rich and big corps don’t have more power during election time then you are just an idiot. Campaigns are run on fund raising, corporations spend millions on lobbying. That money isn’t for nothing. On top of that you have power and influence over the market place which enables the big dogs to easily swallow up and squeeze out the little dogs. Just wait until automation really kicks in and low wage unemployment spikes. But why discuss that stuff right? Keep your head down and work hard and all will be good
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