America's economy is unsustainable, but fixable.

See this is where you are short sighted. We currently have unemployment under 4% which is considered virtually zero. We have had a surplus of over a million available jobs for years now. And if you think the rich and big corps don’t have more power during election time then you are just an idiot. Campaigns are run on fund raising, corporations spend millions on lobbying. That money isn’t for nothing. On top of that you have power and influence over the market place which enables the big dogs to easily swallow up and squeeze out the little dogs. Just wait until automation really kicks in and low wage unemployment spikes. But why discuss that stuff right? Keep your head down and work hard and all will be good
The real unemployment is way higher because of the numbers they leave out.
The announced 3.9% unemployment rate is, as news reports mentioned, a low since 2000. But percentages are expressions of ratios: how much of one thing compares to another. The unemployment rate is the ratio ofthe number of unemployed people and the total workforce, which is the sum of the employed and unemployed.

Like any ratio, there a number of ways to change the value:

  • Move people out of the unemployed category into the employed while keeping the total workforce stable.
  • Increase the total number of employed workers faster than the number of unemployed ones.
  • Add more people into the employed category without changing anyone's actual status.
  • Stop counting some in the unemployed category, making them "disappear."
The standard of living in 1979, was way way way lower than it is today. To say that all the gains in the economy went to the top, when more people than ever own cars, those cars are unbelievably better than cars back then... housing is much better... people have technology like never before.... high speed internet, smart phones, computers, the list goes on and on and on....

To suggest that somehow all the gains from the economy, went to the top, when absolutely everyone is many times better off today, than they were in the late 70s, is ridiculous.

Further, the median annual income is irrelevant to normal people. Normal people do not stay at one income their whole life. In fact, most people travel up through the income brackets from the lowest to the highest, in their life time.

Lastly, median income is largely based on the lowest income bracket. The number at the top is always the fewest people, and the number at the bottom is always the lowest.

You can drastically increase the median income, by simply eliminating low income jobs. Yes, millions of people will be unemployed, but the median income will go up drastically by eliminating fast food joints. It's a stupid number, that can show increasing wages, all while more and more people are unemployed.
Thank you Mr Rothschild.

No problem. I rather enjoy educating the most ignorant people on the forums.
Reminder of the facts for the last few uneducated posters.
.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.

Labor Unions have destroyed themselves. There is a reason Hostess went bankrupt, and reopened as a non-union shop. There is a reason manufacturing has moved from unionized Michigan, to non-union Kentucky. There is a reason GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, but non-union Toyota and Honda did not.

Unions destroy their own jobs. And by the way, union membership was on the decline before the 1970s.

State and Local banks are fine... but they are state and local banks.... Meaning, I like the fact that my Chase bank card can be used just as easily at a Chase ATM in Utah, as I can here in Ohio. People use big banks, because there are benefits to doing so. It's that simple.

Why is a small retail chain, inherently good? I'm confused why this is considered a positive. It's not a negative, I'm all for new businesses. But there is something intellectually retarded about thinking that there is some 'magic' that happens, that turns a retail change from being 'good' when they have 10 stores or less, to becoming evil when they have 10 stores or more. Because hey sparky..... there was a time when Walmart only had 10 stores.

Farm Co-ops are fine. I'm a bit baffled why people think this is a "countervailing power". It isn't. A co-op is a group of people that come together to pool resources to accomplish a profitable venture.

You know what else fits that description? A company. So I'm all for capitalist profit-motivated co-ops. More power to them.

The New Deal wrecked our economy when FDR implemented it. Why you guys are holding up one of the most destructive deals in history, as something you are proud of, is beyond me.

Part of that 'new deal' is sucking down 15% of the wages of the poorest people in our country. Are you proud of keeping people in poverty? Shouldn't you feel shame? Or at least shame for the ignorance of what your policies have caused?
No problem. I rather enjoy educating the most ignorant people on the forums.
If you educated me on anything it's about how not to be.

Informed? Checking multiple information sources instead of in your private echo chamber of like minded fools? You learned not to be like that?

I suppose being like me would threaten your religious dogma of left-wing ideology.

Yes yes, makes sense. Carry on being ignorant.
No problem. I rather enjoy educating the most ignorant people on the forums.
If you educated me on anything it's about how not to be.

Informed? Checking multiple information sources instead of in your private echo chamber of like minded fools? You learned not to be like that?

I suppose being like me would threaten your religious dogma of left-wing ideology.

Yes yes, makes sense. Carry on being ignorant.
I stand for the US Constitution you anonymous fuck face.
No problem. I rather enjoy educating the most ignorant people on the forums.
If you educated me on anything it's about how not to be.

Informed? Checking multiple information sources instead of in your private echo chamber of like minded fools? You learned not to be like that?

I suppose being like me would threaten your religious dogma of left-wing ideology.

Yes yes, makes sense. Carry on being ignorant.
I stand for the US Constitution you anonymous fuck face.


You stand for the Constitution? Bull crap! Without the internet, you couldn't spell constitution.

Half the crap you puke up on this forum is unconstitutional. At least your fellow left-wing crazy people are honest enough to admit they want to do away with the constitution as an "outdated document". But you don't even have the honest to admit that? So you are going to try and convince people on this forum, that you stand for the constitution? Yeah..... Good luck with that sparky.

By all means, post your tin foil hat conspiracy videos, and bring charges if you can. If you have the evidence, call up the FBI.

FBI - Tips

You can post your endless evidence of wrong doing right there on the FBI website. Your identity will be protected. I look forward to all the indictments based on your exclusive evidence of wrong doing.

Time to put up, or shut up sparky boy. You got the goods on people? Go to the FBI's site, and send it to them. Let's see how that works. Stop saying stuff, and prove it by doing stuff.

Of course I'm mocking you. You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts
deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts
deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

CLASSIC! I actually was thinking this is how you would respond.

Left-wing jackass:
I stand for the US Constitution you anonymous fuck face.

You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Left-winger jackass: "You are a troll! Waaaahh!"

So predictable. You left-wingers dish it out non-stop, and then when someone dishes what you yourselves are doing, back to you, you break down into a toddler mode and start crying.

Listen up sparky.... I have simple rule when dealing with forum debates. It's this simple. If you don't want to take it, then you shouldn't dish it out. If you can't handle a punch, then you should stop swinging your fist around.

This is a forum for adults. Adults understand that if they dish out crap, then crap is going to be dished back to them. If you can't handle that, then you are not adult enough to be on a forum. Go back to your mommy, grow up into an adult, or stop wasting out time with your childish behavior.
See this is where you are short sighted. We currently have unemployment under 4% which is considered virtually zero. We have had a surplus of over a million available jobs for years now. And if you think the rich and big corps don’t have more power during election time then you are just an idiot. Campaigns are run on fund raising, corporations spend millions on lobbying. That money isn’t for nothing. On top of that you have power and influence over the market place which enables the big dogs to easily swallow up and squeeze out the little dogs. Just wait until automation really kicks in and low wage unemployment spikes. But why discuss that stuff right? Keep your head down and work hard and all will be good
The real unemployment is way higher because of the numbers they leave out.
The announced 3.9% unemployment rate is, as news reports mentioned, a low since 2000. But percentages are expressions of ratios: how much of one thing compares to another. The unemployment rate is the ratio ofthe number of unemployed people and the total workforce, which is the sum of the employed and unemployed.

Like any ratio, there a number of ways to change the value:

  • Move people out of the unemployed category into the employed while keeping the total workforce stable.
  • Increase the total number of employed workers faster than the number of unemployed ones.
  • Add more people into the employed category without changing anyone's actual status.
  • Stop counting some in the unemployed category, making them "disappear."
What’s your take on the million plus surplus of available jobs that we’ve had for years?
The biggest economic story of our times isn’t about supply and demand. It’s about institutions and politics. It’s about power.

The median annual earnings of full-time wage and salaried workers in 1979, in today’s dollars, was $43,680. The median earnings in 2018 was $45,708. If from 1979 to 2018, the American economy almost tripled in size, so where did the gains go? Most went to the top.

Now this is broadly known, but there is less certainty about why.

Here's an excerpt from the article.

.....American capitalism contained hidden pools of what he called “countervailing power” that offset the power of large corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy: labor unions, state and local banks, farm cooperatives, and small retail chains, for example. All of these sources of countervailing power had been fostered by the New Deal. They balanced the American economic system.

But since the late 1970s, these sources of countervailing power have been decimated, leading to an unbalanced system and producing widening economic inequality and stagnating wages. The result has become a vicious cycle in which big money–emanating from big corporations, Wall Street, and the wealthy – determine the rules of the economic game, and those rules generate more money at the top.

Consider, for example, the ever-expanding tax cuts or loopholesfor large corporations, the financial sector, and the wealthy. Contrast them with increases in payroll taxes for average workers.

Or look at the bank and corporate bailouts but little or no help for homeowners caught in the downdraft of the Great Recession.

Finally, look at the increasing barriers to labor unions, such as the proliferation of so-called “right-to-work” laws and the simultaneous erosion of antitrust and the emergence of large concentrations of corporate power.

The public knows the game is rigged, which is why almost all the political energy is now anti-establishment. This is a big reason why Trump won the 2016 election. Authoritarian populists through history have used anger and directed it at racial and ethnic minorities and foreigners......

Okay, but if Walmart can sell me something for less than anybody else, it would be foolish of me to buy from somebody else. What happens with Walmart's profits off that sale is non of my business.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts
deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

CLASSIC! I actually was thinking this is how you would respond.

Left-wing jackass:
I stand for the US Constitution you anonymous fuck face.

You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Left-winger jackass: "You are a troll! Waaaahh!"

So predictable. You left-wingers dish it out non-stop, and then when someone dishes what you yourselves are doing, back to you, you break down into a toddler mode and start crying.

Listen up sparky.... I have simple rule when dealing with forum debates. It's this simple. If you don't want to take it, then you shouldn't dish it out. If you can't handle a punch, then you should stop swinging your fist around.

This is a forum for adults. Adults understand that if they dish out crap, then crap is going to be dished back to them. If you can't handle that, then you are not adult enough to be on a forum. Go back to your mommy, grow up into an adult, or stop wasting out time with your childish behavior.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.
You don't have jack. You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts
deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

CLASSIC! I actually was thinking this is how you would respond.

Left-wing jackass:
I stand for the US Constitution you anonymous fuck face.

You never did. Big mouth, small brain, zero substance, like all left-wingers.

Left-winger jackass: "You are a troll! Waaaahh!"

So predictable. You left-wingers dish it out non-stop, and then when someone dishes what you yourselves are doing, back to you, you break down into a toddler mode and start crying.

Listen up sparky.... I have simple rule when dealing with forum debates. It's this simple. If you don't want to take it, then you shouldn't dish it out. If you can't handle a punch, then you should stop swinging your fist around.

This is a forum for adults. Adults understand that if they dish out crap, then crap is going to be dished back to them. If you can't handle that, then you are not adult enough to be on a forum. Go back to your mommy, grow up into an adult, or stop wasting out time with your childish behavior.


So happy now! I love it when people confronted by their own failures, remove themselves from the debate.
Don't do ANY of that except protecting votes.

Liberty is the solution, not government monkey-wrenching.


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