America's elderly are the new Jews.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If you are currently collecting Social Security in the US or soon will be, you need to stop being a fool. Politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez along with the rest of US Congress are waiting for you to become too old and sick to realize that since 1939 the government has embezzled trillions of dollars in social Security surpluses to fund wars and centrally planned social programs. Do you see Sanders or Cortez demanding that those trillions be returned to the people they were looted from?

Don’t hold your breath. These social reformers are on a mission to impose a final solution against America’s old people that according to America’s colleges and universities spent their lives attending weekly lynching’s and yearly gay bashing picnics. We elderly are easy targets and we are problematic because we are regarded by our government and academic institutions as dependent idiots, worthless eaters and racist bigots. Remember the Jews in Nazi Germany.

The concept of the US welfare state leads back to Columbia University professor, Henry Rogers Seager. His work, Social Insurance, a Program of Social Reform, laid the groundwork for Franklin Roosevelt’s depression fraud fiasco, America’s Great Society and the destruction of the American family.

If Social Security and Medicare had been the only programs based on the infirmities of old age to be implemented it might have worked even considering demographic bubbles like the Baby Boom generation. But huge surpluses arose in the beginning and congress couldn’t contain itself in the face of a massive bonanza.

When a local city government puts away money for say, snow removal and mild winters ensue, a surplus will occur. Then some genius realizes that they can take money put away for something the people need and use it for something the local government wants. Then when all the money is gone, they just tax the people for more after they have created more programs making more people dependent on government. It’s a circular revolving door that eventually leads to such a depletion of wealth that the system collapses-this is why socialism fails in all cases.

In the US, the educational apparatus is being used to foment hatred of parents and grandparents blaming them for the failures of government and even bad weather. Forgiving college loans is a ploy to impoverish the “bad” elderly who are the new Jews of US society.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.
If you are currently collecting Social Security in the US or soon will be, you need to stop being a fool. Politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez along with the rest of US Congress are waiting for you to become too old and sick to realize that since 1939 the government has embezzled trillions of dollars in social Security surpluses to fund wars and centrally planned social programs. Do you see Sanders or Cortez demanding that those trillions be returned to the people they were looted from?

Don’t hold your breath. These social reformers are on a mission to impose a final solution against America’s old people that according to America’s colleges and universities spent their lives attending weekly lynching’s and yearly gay bashing picnics. We elderly are easy targets and we are problematic because we are regarded by our government and academic institutions as dependent idiots, worthless eaters and racist bigots. Remember the Jews in Nazi Germany.

The concept of the US welfare state leads back to Columbia University professor, Henry Rogers Seager. His work, Social Insurance, a Program of Social Reform, laid the groundwork for Franklin Roosevelt’s depression fraud fiasco, America’s Great Society and the destruction of the American family.

If Social Security and Medicare had been the only programs based on the infirmities of old age to be implemented it might have worked even considering demographic bubbles like the Baby Boom generation. But huge surpluses arose in the beginning and congress couldn’t contain itself in the face of a massive bonanza.

When a local city government puts away money for say, snow removal and mild winters ensue, a surplus will occur. Then some genius realizes that they can take money put away for something the people need and use it for something the local government wants. Then when all the money is gone, they just tax the people for more after they have created more programs making more people dependent on government. It’s a circular revolving door that eventually leads to such a depletion of wealth that the system collapses-this is why socialism fails in all cases.

In the US, the educational apparatus is being used to foment hatred of parents and grandparents blaming them for the failures of government and even bad weather. Forgiving college loans is a ploy to impoverish the “bad” elderly who are the new Jews of US society.

Show me financial transcripts or records regarding the funding of said things in comparison to various other government expenditures, in practice, as opposed solely to theory, and give me an actionable legal plan as to what would need to be done to "change" things in the way which you imagine they should be, or otherwise don't bore me with childish, hyperbolic and nonsensical rhetoric based more on emotional and childish caricature rather than reason, actual financial accountability, and so forth.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.
Always vote republican at the federal level because they're the only ones who will protect your Social Security ands Medicare.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.

So, you have not.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.

So, you have not.

Your claim that it's just talk shows that even you know how much he lies.
Social Security is a welfare program which pays out inequitable benefits based on presumed need (previous payroll income). The idea of a "trust fund" is an accounting gimmick designed to assuage people who don't want to be "on the dole."
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.

So, you have not.

Your claim that it's just talk shows that even you know how much he lies.


Talk shows? Who mentioned talk shows?
Then you should be concerned with Trump's talk about reducing Social Security. He doesn't need it, so he doesn't care about those of us who do.

Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.

So, you have not.

Your claim that it's just talk shows that even you know how much he lies.


Talk shows? Who mentioned talk shows?

Read it again dumb ass. Those two words can be used together without referencing television or radio.
Talk is talk. After three years, you people still haven't figured him out.

Sure we have. He's a lying pig who is only concerned with his personal gain. We knew all that before he was elected.

So, you have not.

Your claim that it's just talk shows that even you know how much he lies.


Talk shows? Who mentioned talk shows?

Read it again dumb ass. Those two words can be used together without referencing television or radio.

How quickly you reach for the imbecile ring.
Boomers were forced to involuntarily pay into a system that promised payments later in life. They want their money.

Boomers are also the largest gun-owning segment of the population.

No threat from me. Just saying that a mix of armed, angry old people with nothing to lose will not be a good mix should the politicians, regardless of party, default on that promise.

The main mechanism to exterminate the elderly will be the healthcare system. Watch for a huge increase in de facto denial of care - the protocols for treating fatal diseases will be palliative care instead of actual cures. Once someone stops being a tax serf, they are expendable to our Elite Masters.
Social Security is a welfare program

Social Security has been a scam all along,

I put MY money in and I will get MY money out. As will ALL others.
That's not welfare.

It might in fact be a "Forced Investment Plan" but if it wasn't for that, how many of our elderly would have even less and therefore would need Welfare.

Don't even claim that those people would have saved and invested on their own with that SS money they were forced to invest with the Government. 98+ % would have spent that money.

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