America's Energy Future


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
2040 seems a life time away but it's what our children and grandchildren will be living in. Here's something current Green Energy Wonks don't want to read:

Fortunately, there are ample supplies of oil and gas to power the world economy well beyond 2040. The International Energy Agency estimates that recoverable oil and condensate resources now stand at 4.5 trillion barrels, replacing earlier "peak oil" estimates of one trillion barrels. By 2040, it is likely that recoverable oil will have risen again, perhaps by a factor of five and certainly enough to power the global energy through the end of the century.

Read more: Articles: America's Energy Outlook Is Bright – and Obama Hates It
By 2040, coal fired generators will be a memory, and gas fired generators for emergencies only. Petroleum will be an industrial feed stock,not something we create CO2 with, by burning it.
By 2040, coal fired generators will be a memory, and gas fired generators for emergencies only. Petroleum will be an industrial feed stock,not something we create CO2 with, by burning it.

Yeah...and Al Gore said NY would be under water now.
By 2040, coal fired generators will be a memory, and gas fired generators for emergencies only. Petroleum will be an industrial feed stock,not something we create CO2 with, by burning it.
Under this scenario there is no industry, no large cities.

Without power we will not be able to pump water to our cities so populations will die.

During the next World War, the USA will not have an industry. Without power there is no industry. Without industry we can not protect ourselves.

The War will be over food, with the USA no longer exporting food, using all available land for Ethanol, food will be for the rich or the powerful Marxist countries such as China, Venezuela, even Cuba.
Yes, Venezuela and Cuba doing so well right now. And about an animal of a different stripe...whatever it is the ChiComs are doing, it ain't pretty.
Yes, Venezuela and Cuba doing so well right now. And about an animal of a different stripe...whatever it is the ChiComs are doing, it ain't pretty.
They are leading the World developing Nuclear Power. Our technology as well as French technology.

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