CDZ America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws

Banning and confiscating guns is the logical conclusion for people who have zero tolerance for gun violence and gun accidents.
It’s more like a dog whistle to rile up the base to raise campaign money and turn out the voters. It’s a bell and a cash cow. No one wants to kill their bell and cash cow.
national cultures *can* be changed. it just takes local willpower and someone thinking up the alternative bells and cash cows. "national projects". the democrats have chosen "national infrastructure improvement" plus "handouts of MONEY to the poor, that they then spend on internet equipment". i say it's an excellent investment.

and i really really think the Chinese threat is highly exaggerated.
yes, they are doing several evil things on the world stage at the moment, but it remains a question for me whether we should be spending on military gear and costs of (future) regional wars, rather than peaceful actually defensive means and technologies.
I doubt that your lack of freedom is the actual reason why your nation enjoys peace.

I prefer freedom over peace if I have to choose one or the other.
oh, me too, give me an real and actual valid evil enemy to fight, and i'll be first in line to fight with just 9 bullets. ;)
What is ludicrous about not violating people's civil liberties?
because by making guns available in so many shops in your country,
based on an OUTDATED law from the early start of your country,
you CURRENTLY create a situation where psychos and the overly bullied can kill massive amounts of kids or adults with those "tools of war" sold in way too many shops and way too easily. You need a gun licensing system at least. Nobody without a psychiatrist + PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM + police background test passed, gets to buy or own a gun.

this would win you an election, it would bring out massive amounts of female voters...

What was questionable about helping us defend ourselves when Afghanistan attacked us?
Nothing, in hindsight. Muslim fundamentalists are way more backward (they live according to laws written far before the European dark ages (1300AD)), used massive amounts of horrible violence all the way from the OPEC OIL PRICE HIKE (1970s) to 9/11 and beyond, and the western leaders were right to drone-strike some real sense and humility into them. However, they are partying over the retreat, still very nationalistic and idealogically backward and stupid, so the war of terror isn't over yet.

In my estimation, it's now simply the West and their allies vs the East, and nobody can count on allies being truly their ally,
because ALL COUNTRIES now face the 2nd Cold War, which may very well turn into a regional, missile based warfare WW3 situation at any time..

and i do mean several longer lasting regional wars happening within a decade or two right after eachother, before humanity as a whole experiences a brief period of tolerance, racial intermarriage, and INTERNATIONAL PEACE again.

all hands on deck, thus. for all countries.

but at the same time, taking away the bread supply of Iran to stop their single nuke ICBM from being ever made, is STUPID.
you should NEVER punish the local population of a government that "has worldpower ambitions".

you did it right against Putin, but with the WRONG underlying reasons (control over the wheat and grain destinations of Ukraine).

WE are the aggressor. The Russians and Chinese are on the defense, and they haven't even shown how brutal they can get with conventional warfare, because at the moment they can afford to just send signals that they think revenge can be effected centuries later (The british attacking China with opium, now the Chinese attack the USA with fentenyl).



What was questionable about helping South Vietnam defend themselves from Communist aggression?
nothing, except that the Chinese thought they had a right to a quick victory there. and they got that victory in the end.
all you did was create a lot of casualties for yourselves and the locals.

I don't think we made you help us. I think you did so because you understood that it was the right thing to do.
yep. exactly! :)
Good question. I was wondering the same thing. What does he mean by "regulate" ?
ONE SIDE see only( not be infringed.) other side see only ( A well regulated militia) No one talks about section 8 of the constitution that explains the use or need for the militia.
and i really really think the Chinese threat is highly exaggerated.
yes, they are doing several evil things on the world stage at the moment, but it remains a question for me whether we should be spending on military gear and costs of (future) regional wars, rather than peaceful actually defensive means and technologies.
The threat is not exaggerated. China is as bad as Russia. If we do not prepare to stand up to them, they will invade Taiwan.

because by making guns available in so many shops in your country,
based on an OUTDATED law from the early start of your country,
Freedom will never be outdated.

you CURRENTLY create a situation where psychos and the overly bullied can kill massive amounts of kids or adults with those "tools of war" sold in way too many shops and way too easily.
Tools of war are not easily acquired in the US. They are very expensive. No kid will ever be able to get their hands on one.

You need a gun licensing system at least.
I am not aware of such a need. But if having a license means no waiting for a background check then I am OK with it.

Nobody without a psychiatrist + PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM + police background test passed, gets to buy or own a gun.
this would win you an election, it would bring out massive amounts of female voters...
We already have background checks.

I am not sure if psychiatric testing will pass constitutional muster. It's not an issue that I have given a lot of thought to. I suppose the actual details of the specific proposal will make a big difference as to whether it is ultimately acceptable or not.

you did it right against Putin, but with the WRONG underlying reasons (control over the wheat and grain destinations of Ukraine).
WE are the aggressor.
That would be news to Ukraine. They seem to think that it is Russia that is invading them.

The Russians and Chinese are on the defense, and they haven't even shown how brutal they can get with conventional warfare, because at the moment they can afford to just send signals that they think revenge can be effected centuries later (The british attacking China with opium, now the Chinese attack the USA with fentenyl).
If they are on the defense then why are they the ones who are invading other countries?

nothing, except that the Chinese thought they had a right to a quick victory there. and they got that victory in the end.
all you did was create a lot of casualties for yourselves and the locals.
That's because we needlessly abandoned South Vietnam and pulled out of the country.
ONE SIDE see only( not be infringed.) other side see only ( A well regulated militia) No one talks about section 8 of the constitution that explains the use or need for the militia.
I'm happy to talk about the militia. I'd also be happy to see the government restore the militia in the US.

What model of a modern militia do you think is best, the Swiss model or the Finnish model?

Or something different from either?
national cultures *can* be changed. it just takes local willpower and someone thinking up the alternative bells and cash cows. "national projects". the democrats have chosen "national infrastructure improvement" plus "handouts of MONEY to the poor, that they then spend on internet equipment". i say it's an excellent investment.

and i really really think the Chinese threat is highly exaggerated.
yes, they are doing several evil things on the world stage at the moment, but it remains a question for me whether we should be spending on military gear and costs of (future) regional wars, rather than peaceful actually defensive means and technologies.
You give too much credit to the populace and the politicians.
No. You are confused. School choice has nothing to with what is taught. I am a 21-year retired teacher. You are?

School choice has nothing to do with what is taught?! We would have to cram 107,000 students into a few schools, leaving dozens of others virtually empty, because their chosen scheme of academics demands that?!

A retired schoolteacher with 21 years of experience, eh?

You are Exhibit A of irrationality, the epitome of the lack of imagination and understanding common to your breed.

Moreover, I'm the guy who had to teach you that the imperatives of natural law pertaining to the inherent rights of the people, enumerated in the Bill of Rights, ontologically precede the ratification of the Constitution. Indeed, the plain reading of the Bill of Rights makes it abundantly clear that they are not granted by the state and thusly may not be abridged!

You are the incompetent hack who should have never been in charge of the hearts and minds of children.
oh, me too, give me an real and actual valid evil enemy to fight, and i'll be first in line to fight with just 9 bullets. ;)

because by making guns available in so many shops in your country,
based on an OUTDATED law from the early start of your country,
you CURRENTLY create a situation where psychos and the overly bullied can kill massive amounts of kids or adults with those "tools of war" sold in way too many shops and way too easily. You need a gun licensing system at least. Nobody without a psychiatrist + PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM + police background test passed, gets to buy or own a gun.

this would win you an election, it would bring out massive amounts of female voters...

Nothing, in hindsight. Muslim fundamentalists are way more backward (they live according to laws written far before the European dark ages (1300AD)), used massive amounts of horrible violence all the way from the OPEC OIL PRICE HIKE (1970s) to 9/11 and beyond, and the western leaders were right to drone-strike some real sense and humility into them. However, they are partying over the retreat, still very nationalistic and idealogically backward and stupid, so the war of terror isn't over yet.

In my estimation, it's now simply the West and their allies vs the East, and nobody can count on allies being truly their ally,
because ALL COUNTRIES now face the 2nd Cold War, which may very well turn into a regional, missile based warfare WW3 situation at any time..

and i do mean several longer lasting regional wars happening within a decade or two right after eachother, before humanity as a whole experiences a brief period of tolerance, racial intermarriage, and INTERNATIONAL PEACE again.

all hands on deck, thus. for all countries.

but at the same time, taking away the bread supply of Iran to stop their single nuke ICBM from being ever made, is STUPID.
you should NEVER punish the local population of a government that "has worldpower ambitions".

you did it right against Putin, but with the WRONG underlying reasons (control over the wheat and grain destinations of Ukraine).

WE are the aggressor. The Russians and Chinese are on the defense, and they haven't even shown how brutal they can get with conventional warfare, because at the moment they can afford to just send signals that they think revenge can be effected centuries later (The british attacking China with opium, now the Chinese attack the USA with fentenyl).



nothing, except that the Chinese thought they had a right to a quick victory there. and they got that victory in the end.
all you did was create a lot of casualties for yourselves and the locals.

yep. exactly! :)

The AR-15 is not a tool of is a civilian rifle....criminals in the U.S rarely use rifles of any kind.

In Europe, however, the criminals there actually do use "weapons of war," the fully automatic military rifles and often hand grenades, another "weapon of war."

And 27 years of experience demonstrates that it isn't gun ownership that creates gun murder and gun crime.....

So how do you explain it....?

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

What changed in 2015?

The democrat party did 3 things...

1) they began a war on the police that forced officers to stop pro active police work, allowing criminals to run wild.

2) they began to release the most violent and dangerous gun offenders over and over again, not matter how many times they had been arrested for gun crimes

3) they used their brown shirts, blm/antifa to burn, loot and murder for 7 months in primarily black neighborhoods while the democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and not stop order to hurt Trump during the election.
oh, me too, give me an real and actual valid evil enemy to fight, and i'll be first in line to fight with just 9 bullets. ;)

because by making guns available in so many shops in your country,
based on an OUTDATED law from the early start of your country,
you CURRENTLY create a situation where psychos and the overly bullied can kill massive amounts of kids or adults with those "tools of war" sold in way too many shops and way too easily. You need a gun licensing system at least. Nobody without a psychiatrist + PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAM + police background test passed, gets to buy or own a gun.

this would win you an election, it would bring out massive amounts of female voters...

Nothing, in hindsight. Muslim fundamentalists are way more backward (they live according to laws written far before the European dark ages (1300AD)), used massive amounts of horrible violence all the way from the OPEC OIL PRICE HIKE (1970s) to 9/11 and beyond, and the western leaders were right to drone-strike some real sense and humility into them. However, they are partying over the retreat, still very nationalistic and idealogically backward and stupid, so the war of terror isn't over yet.

In my estimation, it's now simply the West and their allies vs the East, and nobody can count on allies being truly their ally,
because ALL COUNTRIES now face the 2nd Cold War, which may very well turn into a regional, missile based warfare WW3 situation at any time..

and i do mean several longer lasting regional wars happening within a decade or two right after eachother, before humanity as a whole experiences a brief period of tolerance, racial intermarriage, and INTERNATIONAL PEACE again.

all hands on deck, thus. for all countries.

but at the same time, taking away the bread supply of Iran to stop their single nuke ICBM from being ever made, is STUPID.
you should NEVER punish the local population of a government that "has worldpower ambitions".

you did it right against Putin, but with the WRONG underlying reasons (control over the wheat and grain destinations of Ukraine).

WE are the aggressor. The Russians and Chinese are on the defense, and they haven't even shown how brutal they can get with conventional warfare, because at the moment they can afford to just send signals that they think revenge can be effected centuries later (The british attacking China with opium, now the Chinese attack the USA with fentenyl).



nothing, except that the Chinese thought they had a right to a quick victory there. and they got that victory in the end.
all you did was create a lot of casualties for yourselves and the locals.

yep. exactly! :)
Well, what's up, peacefan?

I've shared the very same statistics with others as 2aguy shared with you in post #109. Can we get an answer?
ONE SIDE see only( not be infringed.) other side see only ( A well regulated militia) No one talks about section 8 of the constitution that explains the use or need for the militia.
What all should be talking about is that guns (for trained, law-abiding citizens) are critically necessary for society safety, with or without notations in the Constitution.
America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws
The Australian’s Adam Creighton says both of the major parties in America don’t have “the stomach” to reform the United States’ gun laws. “Because 30 per cent of Americans have a gun and 40 per cent of American households have access to a gun and so when you have that many guns in the country … it’s extremely difficult to regulate them,” Mr Creighton told Sky News host Chris Smith. “It’s really insoluble and terrible problem in my view.”

Local : 2022-05-27(Friday) 11:20:14
Found via

i live in a country (The Netherlands) where it's illegal to bring weapons of ANY sort outside your home, or provoke fist-fights even in the slightest.

and we have a very peaceful country thanks to that regulation.

food for thought?

America is not the Netherlands.

Even if today you made every gun disappear the criminals, thugs, murders and nutballs would still be here. So what does gun reform solve? Nothing because it doesn't actually fix the problem at all because criminals are the problem.

Switzerland has about the lowest gun related crime in all of Europe but they have gun ownership that rivals America. So what does Switzerland have we don't? Higher education rates, higher employment rates, better healthcare system and most importantly, they aren't a diverse country. A non diverse country means people are more comfortable in their everyday lives because everyone is similar, they all speak the same language, all have a similar mentality and so on. Yet America is full of too many different people all trying to make society conform to them, they don't want to conform to society.

So in summation, guns are inanimate objects and criminals are the problem.
School choice has nothing to do with what is taught?! We would have to cram 107,000 students into a few schools, leaving dozens of others virtually empty, because their chosen scheme of academics demands that?!

A retired schoolteacher with 21 years of experience, eh?

You are Exhibit A of irrationality, the epitome of the lack of imagination and understanding common to your breed.

Moreover, I'm the guy who had to teach you that the imperatives of natural law pertaining to the inherent rights of the people, enumerated in the Bill of Rights, ontologically precede the ratification of the Constitution. Indeed, the plain reading of the Bill of Rights makes it abundantly clear that they are not granted by the state and thusly may not be abridged!

You are the incompetent hack who should have never been in charge of the hearts and minds of children.
Listen up and learn. You were proven to have a completer and utter misunderstanding of the legality of the Declaration of Independence as a force of law. Now, crawl back in your hole and leave the intelligent people to discuss things you obviously know nothing about.
Congress should avoid legislating gun reform in the 'heat of the moment': Sen. Mike Lee

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, responds to questions about the bipartisan gun reform bill, concerns about red flag laws, the Jan. 6 committee, and threats made against Supreme Court justices.

Local : 2022-06-20(Monday) 00 : 40 : 20
Remote : 2022-06-20(Monday) 00 : 40 : 20
Found via (currently offline due to cyberwarfare against my company by elements in US political and intel circles, surprise, surprise)

i find mr Mike Lee a typical scared rich Republican bunny-rabbit.
i see divide and conquer techniques from him,
as well as confusion techniques,
as well as time-buying techniques by spreading doubt about something that is as clear as a sunrise itself.
America is not the Netherlands.

Even if today you made every gun disappear the criminals, thugs, murders and nutballs would still be here. So what does gun reform solve? Nothing because it doesn't actually fix the problem at all because criminals are the problem.

Switzerland has about the lowest gun related crime in all of Europe but they have gun ownership that rivals America. So what does Switzerland have we don't? Higher education rates, higher employment rates, better healthcare system and most importantly, they aren't a diverse country. A non diverse country means people are more comfortable in their everyday lives because everyone is similar, they all speak the same language, all have a similar mentality and so on. Yet America is full of too many different people all trying to make society conform to them, they don't want to conform to society.

So in summation, guns are inanimate objects and criminals are the problem.
then put your armies in charge of the initial gun confiscation projects.

racism is not a logical argument at all anymore.

My Netherlands is a very diverse country too, especially in our major cities, and we have *no* problem keeping out cities peaceful by means of keeping guns and knives off the streets by means of mere police powers.
Listen up and learn. You were proven to have a completer and utter misunderstanding of the legality of the Declaration of Independence as a force of law. Now, crawl back in your hole and leave the intelligent people to discuss things you obviously know nothing about.
dumb liars (Admiral?! those are far smarter than you) like you do not get responded to by me at all anymore.
The AR-15 is not a tool of is a civilian rifle....criminals in the U.S rarely use rifles of any kind.

In Europe, however, the criminals there actually do use "weapons of war," the fully automatic military rifles and often hand grenades, another "weapon of war."

And 27 years of experience demonstrates that it isn't gun ownership that creates gun murder and gun crime.....

So how do you explain it....?

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

What changed in 2015?

The democrat party did 3 things...

1) they began a war on the police that forced officers to stop pro active police work, allowing criminals to run wild.

2) they began to release the most violent and dangerous gun offenders over and over again, not matter how many times they had been arrested for gun crimes

3) they used their brown shirts, blm/antifa to burn, loot and murder for 7 months in primarily black neighborhoods while the democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and not stop order to hurt Trump during the election.
You make valid arguments here. I'll have to remember your nickname.. ;)

America’s major political parties don’t have ‘the stomach’ to reform US gun laws​

For two very different reasons:
  1. Politicians only want to do it to keep voters happy at election time.
  2. Enough of them realize that we don't need gun reform. There is nothing wrong with guns and if the 20,000 laws already on the books didn't do it, more laws won't neither. What we really need is social reform--- we need to weed society off of 40 years of utter progressive social engineering agenda bullshit that has cooked children's brains.
You give too much credit to the populace and the politicians.
whom should i be giving credit to then, in your opinion? i'm kinda lost at the moment.

you got a good signature btw.
For two very different reasons:
  1. Politicians only want to do it to keep voters happy at election time.
  2. Enough of them realize that we don't need gun reform. There is nothing wrong with guns and if the 20,000 laws already on the books didn't do it, more laws won't neither. What we really need is social reform--- we need to weed society off of 40 years of utter progressive social engineering agenda bullshit that has cooked children's brains.
maybe you need a rigorous simplification of gun ownership laws instead, a modernized set of new laws?

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