America's most prominent Marxist economist


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Richard D. Wolff
"America's most prominent Marxist economist."

I just had a great time studying a lecture by Marxist economist Richard Wolff. A really bright guy, the lecture was without notes nor teleprompter.
According to Dr. Wolff, every current ill of society is because rich guys cheated their workers.

Following are some of the things Dr. Wolff said in his lecture...
[ame=]Capitalism Hits the Fan - Richard Wolff - YouTube[/ame]

If he is correct....we on the Right are wrong.
Here's an interesting exercise for those on the Right; see if you can find the glaring errors in his thesis.

1. Starting with 1820, until 1970, the average level of real wages, based on what you got for an hour's work, rose every decade. This included during the depression...because prices fell. No other capitalist nation in the world can boast of a record like that.

For 150 years, the rest of the world learned that in America you could earn more, buy more, than anywhere else on earth.

2. In the 1970's that hasn't resumed since. Working harder, working longer....but not earning more in earning power. The end of rising wages.

3. You are producing more goods and services, so the employer is happy. But he isn't paying you any more. This is a dramatic turn of events....but nobody talks about it. We pretend it isn't going on.

4. How has the worker tried to solve the problem? By working more hours...and by sending the wife out of the home to work, too.
Right now, the average number of hours worked by an American worker is 20% more than the number worked by a Swedish, French, German or Italian worker. These people have the time for leisurely dinners.....we invented fast food!

a. The largest change: in 1970 40% of American women worked outside the home for, double. The fundamental change: they may have thought of it as women's liberation...but they had to earn that money to maintain their standard of living.

5. But did it work? Did the extra hours provide an improvement in standard of living, allow us to give more to our children? Actually, had to get another car to get to her job, more extensive wardrobe, no time to cook, so bought prepared food, so the extra expenses took away the extra income.

6. keep up the consumption, to provide for the kids, the American working class went on a borrowing binge no working class in the history of the world every undertook. Starting in the 1970's, the savings rate collapsed. And we invented the 'credit card.'

a. In 1929 the average debt for an American family was 25-30% of annual income. In 2007 the average debt for an American family was 125% of annual income.

b. The Federal Reserve keeps this statistic: what percent of your income is used to pay off your other words, cannot be used to buy anything. Today (2009) is about 17%. The lenders are no longer interested in lending to these borrowers.

So, because employers refused to continue the earlier design....sharing the profits via raises, the dynamics of the traditional American family has been destroyed.

No mother at home to raise Johnny, no father with free time to instill values.....

All of the breakdown can be traced to the greedy business owners and employers.
And the nature of capitalism.
For 150 years, the rest of the world learned that in America you could earn more, buy more, than anywhere else on earth.
The United States isn't ranked #1 for GDP-PPP but it is always near the top, and by far the largest and most diverse country in the top 10.

ou are producing more goods and services, so the employer is happy. But he isn't paying you any more. This is a dramatic turn of events....but nobody talks about it. We pretend it isn't going on.
Lol what on earth are you talking about? You've serious never read about or hear anyone talk about the rise in productivity despite stagnant wages and think it is some hush hush secret?

Right now, the average number of hours worked by an American worker is 20% more than the number worked by a Swedish, French, German or Italian worker. These people have the time for leisurely dinners.....we invented fast food!
Avg hours worked 2012, via Average annual hours actually worked per worker

United States 1790
Avg all OECD countries 1765

You're cherry picking stats, and Italy shows 1752 anyway not 25% less.

a. In 1929 the average debt for an American family was 25-30% of annual income. In 2007 the average debt for an American family was 125% of annual income.
Home ownership rate in 1929 was about 47%, vs. approx 66% in 2007. I suspect you'd find mortages have a huge impact on debt to income ratio.
What happened in the 1970's?

Could it be the beginning of the end of the US Dollar by taking it totally off the gold standard and our Social Programs converting us from the biggest creditor to the biggest debtor on the planet?
40 years ago?

By "beginning of the end" do you mean something you believed would happen but hasn't?
What happened in the 1970's?

Could it be the beginning of the end of the US Dollar by taking it totally off the gold standard and our Social Programs converting us from the biggest creditor to the biggest debtor on the planet?

or maybe the reason is that the US war dept. has spent too much monies being a world power, which we did not do before WWI.
40 years ago?

By "beginning of the end" do you mean something you believed would happen but hasn't?

So your contention is that monetary policy such as removing an anchor to currency and then pumping additional money in should "end" on a time frame you like?

It's ending swiftly here.

All the class warfare rhetoric that is misplaced about the root cause of the problems is a glaring reality of what is happening. If only we could pin the tail on the appropriate donkey instead of all the misguided ignorance.
So, because employers refused to continue the earlier design....sharing the profits via raises, the dynamics of the traditional American family has been destroyed.

No mother at home to raise Johnny, no father with free time to instill values.....

All of the breakdown can be traced to the greedy business owners and employers.
And the nature of capitalism.

Call it what you may, but the outcome is what we have today
So your contention is that monetary policy such as removing an anchor to currency and then pumping additional money in should "end" on a time frame you like?

It's ending swiftly here.
No, my contention is I see no evidence of any ending, and a claim that we are 40 years into an end sounds like someone not having any proof an end is happening.
So your contention is that monetary policy such as removing an anchor to currency and then pumping additional money in should "end" on a time frame you like?

It's ending swiftly here.
No, my contention is I see no evidence of any ending, and a claim that we are 40 years into an end sounds like someone not having any proof an end is happening.

he said the beginning of the end, not an ending. Comprehension failure. And there are plenty of signals for those with any understanding of monetary policy and economics that the dollar is facing unprecedented issues. Can the central bank hold it all together for now? Maybe. Though the outlook is grim.
So your contention is that monetary policy such as removing an anchor to currency and then pumping additional money in should "end" on a time frame you like?

It's ending swiftly here.
No, my contention is I see no evidence of any ending, and a claim that we are 40 years into an end sounds like someone not having any proof an end is happening.

Really... so you believe we can just charge on ahead the way we're going, adding to the debt, limitless spending, government waste, printing fiat money, and everything will be just fine?
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Marxism is little more than recycled mercantilism: There is a fixed supply of wealth (gold, land, etc.) to be distributed amongst the general population. Pathetically ignorant of modern economies.

Why is it that Marxism can only be imposed through dictatorship?
For 150 years, the rest of the world learned that in America you could earn more, buy more, than anywhere else on earth.
The United States isn't ranked #1 for GDP-PPP but it is always near the top, and by far the largest and most diverse country in the top 10.

ou are producing more goods and services, so the employer is happy. But he isn't paying you any more. This is a dramatic turn of events....but nobody talks about it. We pretend it isn't going on.
Lol what on earth are you talking about? You've serious never read about or hear anyone talk about the rise in productivity despite stagnant wages and think it is some hush hush secret?

Right now, the average number of hours worked by an American worker is 20% more than the number worked by a Swedish, French, German or Italian worker. These people have the time for leisurely dinners.....we invented fast food!
Avg hours worked 2012, via Average annual hours actually worked per worker

United States 1790
Avg all OECD countries 1765

You're cherry picking stats, and Italy shows 1752 anyway not 25% less.

a. In 1929 the average debt for an American family was 25-30% of annual income. In 2007 the average debt for an American family was 125% of annual income.
Home ownership rate in 1929 was about 47%, vs. approx 66% in 2007. I suspect you'd find mortages have a huge impact on debt to income ratio.

"Lol what on earth are you talking about?"

Another government school grad?????

Did you miss this, early in the OP: "Following are some of the things Dr. Wolff said in his lecture..."

Dr. Wolff...."America's most prominent Marxist economist"......

That's who said it.
Really... so you believe we can just charge on ahead the way we're going, adding to the debt, limitless spending, government waste, printing fiat money, and everything will be just fine?

Are The Government And The Big Banks Quietly Preparing For An Imminent Financial Collapse?
1. Yes, I think we can keep adding to the debt as long as the GDP grows.
2. No, we cannot have limitless spending.
3. Government waste will always exist.
4. Printing fiat money is fine.

Lol and economic collapse blog as a reference. Nice.
Did you miss this, early in the OP: "Following are some of the things Dr. Wolff said in his lecture..."

Dr. Wolff...."America's most prominent Marxist economist"......

That's who said it.
Gotcha, apologies for the poor attribution.

Apparently we are in agreement, that guy in the video is a tool.
This, from America's most prominent Marxist economist:
"2. In the 1970's that hasn't resumed since. Working harder, working longer....but not earning more in earning power. The end of rising wages."

This is what I meant by 'glaring errors' in his thesis!

1. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes


a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.”
Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents."

This Marxist expert has taught at the finest universities.
He has written books....and influenced untold numbers of students.....

...yet I can destroy his thesis!

Still.....the USMB has may who still believe his garbage.

What to say, what to say.........
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Marxism is little more than recycled mercantilism: There is a fixed supply of wealth (gold, land, etc.) to be distributed amongst the general population. Pathetically ignorant of modern economies.

Why is it that Marxism can only be imposed through dictatorship?

Like God in Heaven?
a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

except that Reagan wasn't president in '92-2004.

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