America's Nazis; Why We Make Allowance For Them

Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?

They've been completely integrated into the Republican Party. How do we know? They told us. I suspect they were just being "honest".
Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?

They've been completely integrated into the Republican Party. How do we know? They told us. I suspect they were just being "honest".

National Socialists were socialists and I have encountered American Nazis from all sides of the political spectrum. I suspect part of Hitler's prob with the Soviet brand was his intimate knowledge of socialism's agenda. :D
I agree we all harbor racist and bigoted sentiments and that the vast majority of us overcome those sentiments. I'm just looking for reasons why Americans tolerate those who not only can't but are compelled to express their mindless hate.

The following is a small part of it (IMO)

Racism lubricates imperialism. (By imperialism I simply mean the way in which a superpower extends its influence over geopolitically vital (or resource rich) territories. There are many forms of imperialism, e.g., colonial, which involved direct military engagement, and post-colonial, which involves the forcible opening of markets to outside investment, e.g., consider what happened to Mossadegh when he refused to play ball with Western energy needs. He was replaced in a CIA coup by the brutal Shaw)

When the west expanded from Europe to the middle east and the global south for economic reasons . . . it claimed to be civilizing the savages. It cloaked its mission in messianic nationalism - the redeemer nation saving the world, ridding it of evil, i.e., [cough]getting salt[/cough]. Same thing with the settling of America. In order to seize territory . . . in order to co-opt resources like land or oil you have to claim that the people whom your are killing or controlling or "saving" are savages, i.e., culturally/morally inferior. Same thing with slavery. If your economy requires free labor, than you have an interest in seeing blacks as morally akin to animals. Indeed, consider woman. To justify their unpaid domestic labor and exclusion from the political process, men called them hysterical and irrational - and unfit for public life. This is part of why they could not vote.

When your economic needs mandate that you intervene in the fate of another nation, it's easier when you think that nation is inferior or evil. So the mind obliges your needs with a rationalization.

In terms of why some Americans tolerate Nazism. Consider the Nazi position on white anglo supremacy. Remember: nazism hated liberal tolerance. It believed that there were real Germans and false Germans - and that the false Germans needed to be expunged not tolerated. It was ultra Conservative in that it wanted to protect German borders, language and culture from the over assimilation of the Jews, which accelerated during the very liberal Weimar period. Once you understand the connection between the Institute for Historical Review and David Duke - you will see how compatibly white supremacy and nazism fit into the "real Americans" rhetoric of Palin and Limbaugh.
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Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?

They've been completely integrated into the Republican Party. How do we know? They told us. I suspect they were just being "honest".

National Socialists were socialists and I have encountered American Nazis from all sides of the political spectrum. I suspect part of Hitler's prob with the Soviet brand was his intimate knowledge of socialism's agenda. :D
The German Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler had objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name, as Hitler at the time preferred to use "Social Revolutionary".[16] Upon taking over the leadership, Hitler kept the term but defined socialism as being based upon a commitment of an individual to a community.

Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is no "Nazi Country" today. Not in the classical sense of the Hitler's Nazis. What we do have, especially here in the United States, is a group of Liberals, left of center people, who believe that they know what is best for everyone and that anyone who disagrees with them are "ignorant", "Racists", a "Nutter", a "Clinger", or simply un-educated. Of course these are terms currently used by people who support the left wing agenda of Obama or terms he used himself.

This really is repulsive posting - I am amazed how deep the need is for some people to feel that they are victims of oppression.

Shroom, you really need to visit a genuine tyranny to experience what life really is like without all of the freedoms that you don't appreciate.
There is no "Nazi Country" today. Not in the classical sense of the Hitler's Nazis. What we do have, especially here in the United States, is a group of Liberals, left of center people, who believe that they know what is best for everyone and that anyone who disagrees with them are "ignorant", "Racists", a "Nutter", a "Clinger", or simply un-educated. Of course these are terms currently used by people who support the left wing agenda of Obama or terms he used himself.

This really is repulsive posting - I am amazed how deep the need is for some people to feel that they are victims of oppression.

Shroom, you really need to visit a genuine tyranny to experience what life really is like without all of the freedoms that you don't appreciate.

It is only repulsive if you are a member the left who has held that attitude and you see yourself for the first time in the true light of day without those rose coloured glasses on that lefties wear so often.

I have visited tryanny, and I see the beginnings of it here where a city Mayor believes he has the power, the authority and the right to dictate even size of soda pop that you can buy.
Shroom -

I have visited tryanny,

Really - where and when?

Because by tyranny what I mean (and what the word suggests) are the kinds of society where journalists can be rounded up and imprisoned without trial. Where rape is used as a punishment. Where 're-education' camps exist. Where collective punishment is used, meaning that if you criticise the government, the chances are your wife and kids will be in immediate danger. The kind of society where the police are the people you fear most. The kind of society where, if you are arrested, you may never get to court, and if you do you will be found guilty anyway. There are no elections. You are watched wherever you go, your movements reported on.

This has nothing to do with left or right. There are tyrannies of both extremes.

It is about reality, and about this perverse need for some people to feel they suffer under oppression, whilst actually living in one of he freest countries in the world.
They've been completely integrated into the Republican Party. How do we know? They told us. I suspect they were just being "honest".

National Socialists were socialists and I have encountered American Nazis from all sides of the political spectrum. I suspect part of Hitler's prob with the Soviet brand was his intimate knowledge of socialism's agenda. :D
The German Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler had objected to the party's previous leader's decision to use the word "Socialist" in its name, as Hitler at the time preferred to use "Social Revolutionary".[16] Upon taking over the leadership, Hitler kept the term but defined socialism as being based upon a commitment of an individual to a community.

Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And in the methods employed by Hitler to accomplish that commitment are found the seeds of his brand of socialism and perhaps his fear of Soviet socialism.
There is no "Nazi Country" today. Not in the classical sense of the Hitler's Nazis. What we do have, especially here in the United States, is a group of Liberals, left of center people, who believe that they know what is best for everyone and that anyone who disagrees with them are "ignorant", "Racists", a "Nutter", a "Clinger", or simply un-educated. Of course these are terms currently used by people who support the left wing agenda of Obama or terms he used himself.

This really is repulsive posting - I am amazed how deep the need is for some people to feel that they are victims of oppression.

Shroom, you really need to visit a genuine tyranny to experience what life really is like without all of the freedoms that you don't appreciate.

It is only repulsive if you are a member the left who has held that attitude and you see yourself for the first time in the true light of day without those rose coloured glasses on that lefties wear so often.

I have visited tryanny, and I see the beginnings of it here where a city Mayor believes he has the power, the authority and the right to dictate even size of soda pop that you can buy.

One need not be "a member of the left" to find your irrational posts to be lacking in reason and perspective.

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