America's Nazis; Why We Make Allowance For Them

Be it Healthcare, (The Government knows best), to AGW, to Gun Control, to how much soda a person can drink, the Left are full of people who knows what's best for everyone else simply because they are "smarter", better informed, more caring, or just plain "Elite".

Not sure Health Care is a great example. The pre-Obama Health Care universe was constructed by trillions of dollars of lobbying and campaign funding. Large health corporations (mostly concentrated around drugs and insurance) basically wrote their own policies. They were not working against the centralizing or regulatory policies of government, rather, they have co-opted government.

People have been fed a false view of government on one side and business on the other. Talk Radio promotes this myth.

Here is what they aren't telling you.

Business and government have merged.

Business funds elections and staffs government and maintains constant lobbying pressure to get exactly what they want. Goldman Sachs and Citi supplied the top economic advisors for Reagan, Clinton and the Bush's. Haliburton supplied the vice president for Bush and played a major role in drafting energy policy. Ely Lilly wrote the 2003 Republican Drug Bill and spent billions to ensure that they would not have to compete with foreign or generic drug makes, along with securing above market drug costs for its no-bed Medicare contract.

Your chosen news sources don't talk about this stuff because they have a vested interest in you not knowing who really runs (funds) government.

Neither of the above posts address the topic of this thread which is; why Americans are so tolerant our Nazi types. Please confine the Libs vs. Cons sniping to the many threads here on which that is the topic. Thanks
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Ultimately, I believe (or at least hope) the vast majority of Americans reject their hatred and bigotry and just look down on them as the ignorant, pathetic people that they really are.

The First Amendment isn't about speech we like.

It's about speech we don't like.

Fair enough and I believe we've established their right to be hateful and express that hate as probably the #1 reason we tolerate them but is there something more to it?
Help me out here, Mac. :D
Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?

It's called freedom. Messy, ain't it?

The First Amendment isn't about speech we like.

It's about speech we don't like.

Fair enough and I believe we've established their right to be hateful and express that hate as probably the #1 reason we tolerate them but is there something more to it?
Help me out here, Mac. :D

Hey, I look at the First Amendment as a way for hateful people to hang themselves. Let 'em talk. The beauty of the First Amendment is that it points out the crazies, loud and clear. Shine a light on the bastards. Then point at them and say, "holy shit, look at that!"

I want to know who these people are, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. The First Amendment provides all that data for me, free of charge.

America's Nazis; Why We Make Allowance For Them
This thread is about Americorps isn't it?
I've been accustomed to seeing totalitarian tendencies from the Left all my life. It is to be expected. But it is the totalitarian tendencies I have been seeing from the Right ever since Bush came to power which really bother me.

The push for national identity papers; openly accepted bigotry toward gays, Muslims, and immigrants; the encouragement of torture techniques against suspected terrorists; and now anti-semitic rhetoric is even beginning to rear its ugly head.

The worst part of all this is the lack of self-policing. No one on the Right is kicking these nazi thugs in the nuts for infecting conservatism, which tells me they are perfectly fine with it. Even the leadership is completely silent, and downright evasive when directly challenged on the rise of this shit. It also happens that some of them even fund outright white supremacist organizations.

This has all resulted in the buildup of one false premise being piled atop another until a bizarro world lives in the heads of millions of UnConservatives that is completely detached from reality.

For example, we now have people who believe the US Army is coming for you any day now to either shoot your or put you in a FEMA camp. And the people pouring their piss are actually being given air time to profess these paranoid delusional fantasies when they should be under psychiatric care.

We now have the common sensical Governor of New Jersey being shunned at CPAC while a billionaire BIRTHER is given a spot. That kind of sums up where the Right is today. A party of complete loons, which means there is no longer a party for sane, intelligent people in America.

This is how bad it has gotten.
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Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?
All people are racist and bigots. It's just a matter of degree. As children, our parents and our peers teach us by word or dead to fear those that are different. Fear easily turns to hate. As we grow older, most of us learn to overcome this; some never do.

I was never taught to fear anyone that was different nor did I teach my children that.

With all due respect, you had terrible parents.
Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?
All people are racist and bigots. It's just a matter of degree. As children, our parents and our peers teach us by word or dead to fear those that are different. Fear easily turns to hate. As we grow older, most of us learn to overcome this; some never do.

I was never taught to fear anyone that was different nor did I teach my children that.

With all due respect, you had terrible parents.

Tolerating Nazis is not enough - they need to be very vocally and clearly opposed. They need to have their arguments undermined and faulted at every turn.

I'm surprised how few posters here really step into debate with Holocaust Deniers. Maybe it's because they don't know WWII well enough to really counter what are often very arcane arguments - which is fine - but too often I suspect it is just this passive willingness to allow free speech.
Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?

Most of your posts sounds as if you were describing most of the Lefties I know.

Everyone else who doesn't agree with them on issues are "simpletons" and a "nut" of some sort.

Be it Healthcare, (The Government knows best), to AGW, to Gun Control, to how much soda a person can drink, the Left are full of people who knows what's best for everyone else simply because they are "smarter", better informed, more caring, or just plain "Elite".

Most lefties are not Nazis and your post is waaay off topic. If you need to vent your spleen about them there are many appropriate threads on which to do so. Thanks. :D

Actually my post is quite on topic.

You laid out a series of characteristics which you claim belong to "Nazis" and I showed where those characteristics are more aptly attributed to the Modern Day Democratic Party and Liberals in general.
Tolerating Nazis is not enough - they need to be very vocally and clearly opposed. They need to have their arguments undermined and faulted at every turn.

I'm surprised how few posters here really step into debate with Holocaust Deniers. Maybe it's because they don't know WWII well enough to really counter what are often very arcane arguments - which is fine - but too often I suspect it is just this passive willingness to allow free speech.

These might be reasons, but I think a major reason many refuse to engage these folks in debate is that their arguments are so insane and convoluted that no amount of facts will change their mind and the debate is often seen as pointless.

It goes back to the whole "wrestling with pigs" analogy.
You laid out a series of characteristics which you claim belong to "Nazis" and I showed where those characteristics are more aptly attributed to the Modern Day Democratic Party and Liberals in general.

Then you do not understand what a Nazi is - it is as simple as that.

If you lived in a Nazi country you'd have been arrested and sent to a death camp for even posting on this forum.

I have to say - I find this kind of joking about how you are a victim of Fascism a real insult to the eleven million people who died under Hitlet's rule. It simply is not a joke.
Tolerating Nazis is not enough - they need to be very vocally and clearly opposed. They need to have their arguments undermined and faulted at every turn.

I'm surprised how few posters here really step into debate with Holocaust Deniers. Maybe it's because they don't know WWII well enough to really counter what are often very arcane arguments - which is fine - but too often I suspect it is just this passive willingness to allow free speech.

We defeated the nazi's.

Exactly who are the supposed "nazi's" you speak of?
Exactly who are the supposed "nazi's" you speak of?

On this board Holston and Varelse stand out, but there are two or three others who also deny the Holocaust. One or two more whose names I forget, or who I have on ignore if they are too silly to be dangerous!!

Never heard of 'em.

So your definition of a nazi is anyone that denies the holocaust. Interesting.
Exactly who are the supposed "nazi's" you speak of?

On this board Holston and Varelse stand out, but there are two or three others who also deny the Holocaust. One or two more whose names I forget, or who I have on ignore if they are too silly to be dangerous!!

Never heard of 'em.

So your definition of a nazi is anyone that denies the holocaust. Interesting.

Strictly speaking they would be Neo-Nazis or Crypto-Fascists, but the thread title refers to Nazis, and I think we all get the point.

btw, I have published extensively on Fascist theory, so I'm on fairly safe grounds defining the terms.
Few Americans have had no contact with the Nazi type. We even see them on these boards selling their hate for "the inferiors" using stereotypes and generalizations, canards, half-truths and fabrications. They manage to work their hate into every post. The most virulent are easily recognized and marginalized by most Americans but I've long wondered why we tolerate them at all. Certainly our freedoms of thought and expression are key to their existence but there seems to be something more at work. Can it be we all share a bit of their racist and bigoted nature and we keep them as pets to remind us they are not who and what we want to be?
Even though the progressives really don't server much purpose, I say live and let them live.

They should live however they wish. But, they should have no power to affect the lives of anyone else.
You laid out a series of characteristics which you claim belong to "Nazis" and I showed where those characteristics are more aptly attributed to the Modern Day Democratic Party and Liberals in general.

Then you do not understand what a Nazi is - it is as simple as that.

If you lived in a Nazi country you'd have been arrested and sent to a death camp for even posting on this forum.

I have to say - I find this kind of joking about how you are a victim of Fascism a real insult to the eleven million people who died under Hitlet's rule. It simply is not a joke.

The Current "Nazi" party holds no sway in American politics.

It is almost as much of an outlier group as is the New Black Panthers, with the exception the NBP is more acceptable to the Media.

If you are going to describe a group by it's characteristics, at least be accurate and show some relevance to world or country at large today.

There is no "Nazi Country" today. Not in the classical sense of the Hitler's Nazis. What we do have, especially here in the United States, is a group of Liberals, left of center people, who believe that they know what is best for everyone and that anyone who disagrees with them are "ignorant", "Racists", a "Nutter", a "Clinger", or simply un-educated. Of course these are terms currently used by people who support the left wing agenda of Obama or terms he used himself.

As I pointed out before, examples of this behavior range from Obama-care, Bloomberg's edicts (Too many to list here), Gun Control, and the whole "Green" anti-oil thing.

Now if you want to say that these are examples of actions of "Nazis" that is up to you. I don't compare people to Nazis

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