America's Uninsured Rate Is Now Lowest Ever

My guess is you're incapable of debunking CNN's article with anything but a lame attempt at using your unverifiable personal (prove me wrong, I look forward to it) observation, which represents 1 opinion in about 325-330 million Americans. You're entitled to your opinion but don't expect me (or anyone) to give your personal opinion any more weight than about .000000000000033...or something like that.

Like it or not, Obamcare is working for millions of people, a higher percentage of people are insured than ever before - Republican/rightwing whining won't change that fact. Facts is facts, try coming up with facts that carry more weight than your limited observations -pewsh!-

My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I noticed you, like all other Liberals, ASSume you know what people you don't know did and didn't do. Typical look what I did attitude and if you didn't do what I though you should do, you didn't do enough Liberal mindset.

As a veteran myself, I offer no thanks to you at all for what you did on Veteran's Day. Anyone who does anything at all for the sole purpose of holding themselves up to their own flattery are trash in my book. Real patriots contribute but keep their self-praise to themselves.

That's why I say Liberals aren't patriots. I use how they go about supporting big government handout programs as the example. They constantly preach about how those "less fortunate" deserve to be helped. However, you don't hear any of them saying I'll do what is necessary. They go about getting the government to force someone they think has too much to fund it then take credit as if it came from their pockets. There are some that say they would gladly pay more in taxes to support such programs. I'm curious as to why if they programs are such a good thing they need to be told through mandated taxes to help. If they're that good, why wouldn't the bleeding hearts do it on their own without being told?
lol, the DNC WashingtonCompost.

and by golly IF THEY SAY it then it has to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but they truth. RIGHT?

and they say: no ObamaScamCare is not killing jobs.... because (drumroll please) Researchers told them so. I wonder if they contacted every business in the United states to ask them that question? and what were these businesses names, how pathetic you buy into that

what a freaking joke when we see it's happening RIGHT in front of our eyes

that rag is nothing but DNC propaganda. and the op is a shameless DNC tool/sheep
What are you whining about you told us you get government furnished Medicaid

What are you whining about. You claim those without coverage deserve it.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Did you even bother to see what all was attached onto these Bills?
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.
My guess is that all you had to see was that it was CNN and you were going to automatically accept whatever they stated. You're entitled to do that but don't expect me, or anyone that actually has a clue, to give your personal opinion any more weight than ZERO.

She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I noticed you, like all other Liberals, ASSume you know what people you don't know did and didn't do. Typical look what I did attitude and if you didn't do what I though you should do, you didn't do enough Liberal mindset.

As a veteran myself, I offer no thanks to you at all for what you did on Veteran's Day. Anyone who does anything at all for the sole purpose of holding themselves up to their own flattery are trash in my book. Real patriots contribute but keep their self-praise to themselves.

That's why I say Liberals aren't patriots. I use how they go about supporting big government handout programs as the example. They constantly preach about how those "less fortunate" deserve to be helped. However, you don't hear any of them saying I'll do what is necessary. They go about getting the government to force someone they think has too much to fund it then take credit as if it came from their pockets. There are some that say they would gladly pay more in taxes to support such programs. I'm curious as to why if they programs are such a good thing they need to be told through mandated taxes to help. If they're that good, why wouldn't the bleeding hearts do it on their own without being told?

Yes, they preach for more expenditures for everything under the sun as long as someone else is subsidizing their own insurance. It's just like Hillary's plan to fund free college tuition. It's a tax on those who are not benefiting from the free college tuition just like Obamacare is a burden on people who are forced to pay for the subsidies of other folk's insurance. Nothing in life is free, someone somewhere is footing the bill. It's a transfer of wealth program by the Democrats.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Did you even bother to see what all was attached onto these Bills?

Did you even bother to start a thread about homeless veterans in the proper forum?
She suddenly shut her mouth after she was challenged. Liberals tend to do that.

For a self described observant person... ehem, you must have overlooked the fact that all of your links are a couple of years old and-----and the further away we get from the great Bush recession... the more fulltime work is being created. You remember the Bush recession, 8.8 million jobs were lost and the do nothing congress has still-----STILL not passed an infrstructure jobs bill. But that aside... you can get up to speed with the link below.

No, Obamacare isn’t killing full-time jobs, new evidence shows
So far, (August 2015) though, researchers say employers have not changed how they hire and schedule their workers in response to the law.

I don't know about shutting anyone's mouth but something Liberals like myself tend to do is support our veterans. I noticed you spent Veterans Day spewing nonsense on a M/B, is Veterans Day just another thing you didn't observe?--Republicans are like that. Mrs. Star and I spent Veterans Day at a lunch/dinner near JBLM that we cosponsor with another couple from just North of San Antonio, TX. that do business with JBLM.

I noticed you, like all other Liberals, ASSume you know what people you don't know did and didn't do. Typical look what I did attitude and if you didn't do what I though you should do, you didn't do enough Liberal mindset.

As a veteran myself, I offer no thanks to you at all for what you did on Veteran's Day. Anyone who does anything at all for the sole purpose of holding themselves up to their own flattery are trash in my book. Real patriots contribute but keep their self-praise to themselves.

That's why I say Liberals aren't patriots. I use how they go about supporting big government handout programs as the example. They constantly preach about how those "less fortunate" deserve to be helped. However, you don't hear any of them saying I'll do what is necessary. They go about getting the government to force someone they think has too much to fund it then take credit as if it came from their pockets. There are some that say they would gladly pay more in taxes to support such programs. I'm curious as to why if they programs are such a good thing they need to be told through mandated taxes to help. If they're that good, why wouldn't the bleeding hearts do it on their own without being told?

Yes, they preach for more expenditures for everything under the sun as long as someone else is subsidizing their own insurance. It's just like Hillary's plan to fund free college tuition. It's a tax on those who are not benefiting from the free college tuition just like Obamacare is a burden on people who are forced to pay for the subsidies of other folk's insurance. Nothing in life is free, someone somewhere is footing the bill. It's a transfer of wealth program by the Democrats.

They call it an investment. If it's that good of one, why aren't they volunteering to fund it themselves for those who they say need it? Another example of the left thinking they should choose what I invest in.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

The Human Being is a veteran dumbass and he's not homeless. My post was about Obama saying we need to provide homes for Syrian refugees. You are diverting the blame from the real culprit. I'll bet you're not even a veteran yourself.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Did you even bother to see what all was attached onto these Bills?

Did you even bother to start a thread about homeless veterans in the proper forum?

I posted one photo. You appear to be the dumbass who's trying to divert the photo I posted.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

Nothing cheap about stating why many oppose a bill. They didn't oppose the bill, they opposed the pork that was added to the bill that did nothing to help the issue at hand. The cheap shot comes in when you make it out as those voting no did so because they hate veterans rather than because they hate the pork added to a veterans bill.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

Nothing cheap about stating why many oppose a bill. They didn't oppose the bill, they opposed the pork that was added to the bill that did nothing to help the issue at hand. The cheap shot comes in when you make it out as those voting no did so because they hate veterans rather than because they hate the pork added to a veterans bill.

My comment was solely in regard to the cutesy little image in Post #101.

Now, what are we going to do about homeless veterans?
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

Nothing cheap about stating why many oppose a bill. They didn't oppose the bill, they opposed the pork that was added to the bill that did nothing to help the issue at hand. The cheap shot comes in when you make it out as those voting no did so because they hate veterans rather than because they hate the pork added to a veterans bill.

My comment was solely in regard to the cutesy little image in Post #101.

Now, what are we going to do about homeless veterans?

Support a bill that helps homeless veterans that doesn't have pork in it. When one like that is written, I'm all for it. If all sorts of unrelated things are attached to it, no thank you. It isn't that I have a problem helping veterans. I have a problem using something that's supposed to help them so some Senator can earn points with his constituents.
U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry

For Homeless Veterans - Homeless Veterans

It does veterans a great disservice for people old enough to know better to ignore or deny the reasons some vets end up homeless.

Post more images, dumbass. That'll help get veterans off the street and into treatment.

Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

Nothing cheap about stating why many oppose a bill. They didn't oppose the bill, they opposed the pork that was added to the bill that did nothing to help the issue at hand. The cheap shot comes in when you make it out as those voting no did so because they hate veterans rather than because they hate the pork added to a veterans bill.

My comment was solely in regard to the cutesy little image in Post #101.

Now, what are we going to do about homeless veterans?

Support a bill that helps homeless veterans that doesn't have pork in it. When one like that is written, I'm all for it. If all sorts of unrelated things are attached to it, no thank you. It isn't that I have a problem helping veterans. I have a problem using something that's supposed to help them so some Senator can earn points with his constituents.

I'm trying to think of any bill ever that's been passed without including pork and I'm coming up empty. :dunno:
Because the Senate can have all sorts of things added to a bill that have nothing to do with the bill, what pork spending was included in that bill that caused no votes? Are Senators supposed to vote yes on a bill covering the main issue if things not related to that issue have so much pork a Muslim wouldn't vote for it?

Agreed. And veterans get left out in the cold...literally.

Of course there's no one-size-fits-all solution to homelessness. The reasons people end up homeless - mental illness, substance abuse, job loss, "gentrifying" landlords - are many and varied. PTSD and concomitant substance abuse are rife among homeless veterans, and VA hospitals vary from excellent to abysmal depending on how the individual states utilize their funding.

Trying to score a cheap shot at the expense of veterans is indicative of a certain type of class. I'd expect it from some idiot Millennial, not someone Human Being's (ironic name under the circumstances) age. Age doesn't necessarily equal maturity, I guess.

Nothing cheap about stating why many oppose a bill. They didn't oppose the bill, they opposed the pork that was added to the bill that did nothing to help the issue at hand. The cheap shot comes in when you make it out as those voting no did so because they hate veterans rather than because they hate the pork added to a veterans bill.

My comment was solely in regard to the cutesy little image in Post #101.

Now, what are we going to do about homeless veterans?

Support a bill that helps homeless veterans that doesn't have pork in it. When one like that is written, I'm all for it. If all sorts of unrelated things are attached to it, no thank you. It isn't that I have a problem helping veterans. I have a problem using something that's supposed to help them so some Senator can earn points with his constituents.

I'm trying to think of any bill ever that's been passed without including pork and I'm coming up empty. :dunno:

So because YOU can't think of one, it hasn't happened? Quite arrogant but expected.

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