America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

This robbing of the poor half of the population has been quite deliberate, by allowing unchecked immigration to obtain cheap labor

Whose jobs were "stolen"?

and by off shoring of jobs to India and China.

Why should we legislatively protect low skilled jobs instead of allowing them to naturally flow to low skilled, low infrastructure countries and keeping our innovative edge by training our kids for the jobs of tomorrow instead of the jobs of yesterday?

Also, not all the jobs lost were "offshored". They were made obsolete by technological advancements. Another reason to train our kids for the jobs of tomorrow. Today's jobs will become obsolete.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.
The California business exodus myth - Sacramento Business Journal

Posting links from the far left propaganda blog sites that push the far left religion does not help your case..
You said: Posting links from the far left propaganda blog sites that push the far left religion does not help your case..

Wait a second. Are you saying the Sacramento Business Journal is a far left propaganda blog site? Really?

OK Dipshit, let's clue you in a little. It's easy to identify a far left or a far right site by what they advertise.

Check this out.
Breitbart News Network
That's a dipshit site for other dipshits.

Only a truly ignorant could look at the Sacramento Business Journal and call it names simply because they are upset about said Journal which was apparently caught printing the truth. Got that Dunceworth?

Why would Rick Perry go to California trying to lure workers to Texas? If Texas cuts 5 billion from education, which they did, what company would want to move to a state that's so stupid, they won't even invest in their own people and have to import liberals to work there?


No reason that I can think of.
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.

I've read piles of economics books higher than I am, so go fuck yourself, you condescending asshole. As I've already stated, and you failed to understand, Adam Smith isn't the final authority on capitalism. Anyone who thinks consumption contributes to economic output is obviously a moron. And you're about as much of a capitalist as Karl Marx.
Last edited:
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.

I've read piles of economics books higher than I am, so go fuck yourself, you condescending asshole. As I've already stated, and you failed to understand, Adam Smith isn't the final authority on capitalism. Anyone who thinks consumption contributes to economic output is obviously a moron. And you're about as much of a capitalist as Karl Marx.
Your bluster makes you sound even more like an idiot. You dismiss the very requirements for capitalism to work. You are as ignorant as they come, obviously.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull


Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Do you really think a website named "Government is Good" is a credible source?
Fighting the source, a fallacy, in nearly all cases but propaganda, which that site isn't. Try to learn what fallacy is someday.
Another class envy/warfare thread...
Got news for ya, eating the rich is what happens when things get this out of whack. The rich used to know that. When they start losing their heads again they will suddenly remember.
Despite, or because of, the fallout from the 2007 Great Recession, annual earnings between the richest Americans and everybody else have exploded to record levels. Meanwhile middle- and lower-class wealth growth remains stagnant.
The median wealth for high-income families hit $639,400 last year, a whopping 7 percent jump from three years earlier and seven times greater than middle-class incomes, which stood at $96,500 according to Pew Research Center, citing data from the Federal Reserve.
Middle-class median wealth, which Pew defines as the difference between the value of a household’s total assets and debts, has not advanced since 2010.
The financial chasm now separating the rich and everybody else is the widest since the Fed began tracking earnings 30 years ago, which became even more pronounced following the 2008 global financial crisis.
America 8217 s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record Pew Research Center

Wealth Gap between America s Rich and Middle-Class Families Widest on Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

IMO The American Dream was always a myth, but now it has turned into a nightmare for 47% of Americans. This robbing of the poor half of the population has been quite deliberate, by allowing unchecked immigration to obtain cheap labor and by off shoring of jobs to India and China. The Federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 per hour since Obama took office, while the cost of living has increased substantially. There is no justification for this, since corporate profits have never been higher.

Blame the Democrats.
Another class envy/warfare thread...
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.

I've read piles of economics books higher than I am, so go fuck yourself, you condescending asshole. As I've already stated, and you failed to understand, Adam Smith isn't the final authority on capitalism. Anyone who thinks consumption contributes to economic output is obviously a moron. And you're about as much of a capitalist as Karl Marx.
Your bluster makes you sound even more like an idiot. You dismiss the very requirements for capitalism to work. You are as ignorant as they come, obviously.

I dismiss your idiocy. That is all. Consumption is not production. Any 5-year-old can understand that.
Another class envy/warfare thread...
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.

I envy your ability to lie so shamelessly.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull


Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Do you really think a website named "Government is Good" is a credible source?
Fighting the source, a fallacy, in nearly all cases but propaganda, which that site isn't. Try to learn what fallacy is someday.

There's no fallacy called "fighting the source."

You're an imbecile, PMH.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.

I've read piles of economics books higher than I am, so go fuck yourself, you condescending asshole. As I've already stated, and you failed to understand, Adam Smith isn't the final authority on capitalism. Anyone who thinks consumption contributes to economic output is obviously a moron. And you're about as much of a capitalist as Karl Marx.
Your bluster makes you sound even more like an idiot. You dismiss the very requirements for capitalism to work. You are as ignorant as they come, obviously.

I dismiss your idiocy. That is all. Consumption is not production. Any 5-year-old can understand that.
Now you can't even keep who posted what straight? You're a moron.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull
Yeah, you pretty much said exactly that, and now you're telling me that all I need to do to understand capitalism is read Adam Smith.

You realize that you aren't fooling anyone, right?
Start with Adam Smith I said, and it's a long list after that. And the one who isn't fooling anyone is the one who says things, meaning you, that show he has a total lack of knowledge of capitalism. I'm a capitalist, you are Ayn Rand's extra-stupid love-child.

I've read piles of economics books higher than I am, so go fuck yourself, you condescending asshole. As I've already stated, and you failed to understand, Adam Smith isn't the final authority on capitalism. Anyone who thinks consumption contributes to economic output is obviously a moron. And you're about as much of a capitalist as Karl Marx.
Your bluster makes you sound even more like an idiot. You dismiss the very requirements for capitalism to work. You are as ignorant as they come, obviously.

I dismiss your idiocy. That is all. Consumption is not production. Any 5-year-old can understand that.
Now you can't even keep who posted what straight? You're a moron.

Ah, you're correct. It's been so long that the original subject was touched on that I got you confused with another imbecile.
For any Ayn Rand kids who actually want to start dealing with reality instead of her Being Selfish is Moral Fantasyland life, which even she failed at actually living: Capitalism Needs Regulation - Why Max Keiser is Correct and Libertarians are Mistaken - Gold Stock Bull


Government is Good - Capitalism Requires Government

Do you really think a website named "Government is Good" is a credible source?
Fighting the source, a fallacy, in nearly all cases but propaganda, which that site isn't. Try to learn what fallacy is someday.

There's no fallacy called "fighting the source."

You're an imbecile, PMH.
It's a version of ad hominem you damn fool. The facts and the reasoning matter, not the source dummy.

9. DAMNING THE SOURCE: (ad hominem, sometimes called the genetic fallacy) attempts to refute an argument by indicting the source of the argument, rather than the substance of the argument itself.

example: There is no reason to listen to the arguments of those who oppose school prayer, for they are the arguments of atheists!

example: The American Trial Lawyers Association favors of this piece of legislation, so you know it has to be bad for ordinary citizens.

Fallacy List

Forum List
