America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

You're right, no individual or corporation would ever change their behavior in reaction to a change in the tax rate.
Wait, what?

Businesses don't hire people just because they have extra money. Individuals, on the other hand, do tend to spend more when their disposable wealth increases. Especially middle class individuals. That increase in consumption fuels job growth.

Businesses don't hire people just because they have extra money.

Who said anything about extra money?
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Individuals, on the other hand, do tend to spend more when their disposable wealth increases.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?
If people are uneducated and stupid, no business will hire them. No matter the tax rate.

Why do you think GOP governors like Rick Perry go to California and New York looking for educated workers? The fact Texas just cut 5 billion from education proves the GOP leadership thinks the GOP base incapable of even being educated. They vote GOP after all.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.
The California business exodus myth - Sacramento Business Journal

Strange the way Republicans repeat ignorant bullshit so much, they actually believe it. If business was running away from California the way Republicans claim, then there would be no business in California. Worse, why do Republican states like Texas spend so much money trying to lure liberal workers when they cut education by 5 billion. Think about it.
You're right, no individual or corporation would ever change their behavior in reaction to a change in the tax rate.
Wait, what?

Businesses don't hire people just because they have extra money. Individuals, on the other hand, do tend to spend more when their disposable wealth increases. Especially middle class individuals. That increase in consumption fuels job growth.

Businesses don't hire people just because they have extra money.

Who said anything about extra money?
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Individuals, on the other hand, do tend to spend more when their disposable wealth increases.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?
If people are uneducated and stupid, no business will hire them. No matter the tax rate.

Why do you think GOP governors like Rick Perry go to California and New York looking for educated workers? The fact Texas just cut 5 billion from education proves the GOP leadership thinks the GOP base incapable of even being educated. They vote GOP after all.

If people are uneducated and stupid, no business will hire them. No matter the tax rate.

I agree, your personal situation is very sad.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.
The California business exodus myth - Sacramento Business Journal

Posting links from the far left propaganda blog sites that push the far left religion does not help your case..
The super rich must pay their fair share of taxes! I agree with the conservatives that the bottom 49% should also pay a equal percentage.
The super rich must pay their fair share of taxes! I agree with the conservatives that the bottom 49% should also pay a equal percentage.

The super rich must pay their fair share of taxes!

Define "super rich" and "fair share".
We are so fixated on the higher ceiling of others that we forget the floor beneath our own feet. And once that drops out from under us........

we go on food stamps.

Never forget your own floor, and keep your fucking nose out of the ceilings of others.

Walk in your own steps without following the steps of others. No matter your struggle, keep walking.

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

Your forgetting that the floor is falling because the ceiling is rising.
The ceiling is rising because the feet are not planted. Not grounded. Not stabilized.

There is no stability in people any more. No grounding of self of principal. No firmly-planted family or societal value. Those concepts were thrown in the shitter as soon as the negro in chief was elected.

We don't need that shit any more. We have SNAP and food stamps and vouchers.

Fuck that fucking president and fuck fucking Liberals.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.

Can you provide even a single example of how a business could relocate to the United States and create any significant number of jobs? Who is going to relocate, and what will they do when they get here? Are you expecting an influx of retailers? In case you haven't noticed, we have retailers already. Are you expecting a influx of manufacturers? In case you hadn't noticed, manufacturers typically favor impoverished areas, and regions where currency values are comparatively lower. Are you expecting an influx of construction companies? Restaurants? Hotels? Medical facilities? Resource harvesters? Agriculture? What?
All tax ranges should pay the same percentage. That is fairness...

Why must anyone pay taxes at all?

No reason that I can think of.
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
A French company wouldn't move some operations to the US, to benefit from a 0% tax rate?
Why not?

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy. That's so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it.

You mean they change their behavior to respond to tax rate changes?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth. I made that very clear already.

Oh boy, a new corporate headquarters adding tens of jobs to the American economy.

Who said anything about headquarters?

No. They change their behavior in response to an increase in disposable wealth.

They respond to tax rate changes that increase their disposable wealth.
Americans have been moving to lower tax states for decades and decades.
Sounds like a response to tax rates to me.
Corporations have been fleeing California to lower tax states for the same reason.
Many corporations from many countries opened new factories in Ireland, in response to their 15% tax rate.
You think the response to a US rate of 0% would be "so insignificant it's absurd to even bother with it"?

I'm sorry to say, before this thread, I vastly overestimated your intelligence.

Can you provide even a single example of how a business could relocate to the United States and create any significant number of jobs? Who is going to relocate, and what will they do when they get here? Are you expecting an influx of retailers? In case you haven't noticed, we have retailers already. Are you expecting a influx of manufacturers? In case you hadn't noticed, manufacturers typically favor impoverished areas, and regions where currency values are comparatively lower. Are you expecting an influx of construction companies? Restaurants? Hotels? Medical facilities? Resource harvesters? Agriculture? What?

Can you provide even a single example of how a business could relocate to the United States and create any significant number of jobs?

You really need me to explain why a manufacturer or a pharmaceutical company or any other corporation would want to open a new factory in the US if we reduced our corporate tax rate to 0%?

In case you hadn't noticed, manufacturers typically favor impoverished areas, and regions where currency values are comparatively lower.

Or regions with good infrastructure and cheap natural gas.
All tax ranges should pay the same percentage. That is fairness...

Why must anyone pay taxes at all?

No reason that I can think of.
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes
All tax ranges should pay the same percentage. That is fairness...

Why must anyone pay taxes at all?

No reason that I can think of.
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
Why must anyone pay taxes at all?

No reason that I can think of.
Based upon your version of "thinking" that comes as no surprise, none at all. Capitalism, BTW, requires good government and that has to be paid for. There is no free lunch, now you know.

The term "good government" is an oxymoron. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy.

Capitalism doesn't require government at all. Government is a parasite on society. It contributes nothing to social welfare.
As I said, you know nothing of capitalism, nothing at all, and you say things only a child would say. Start with Adam Smith, who understood the need for good government.

Maybe Forbes can help you out, but I doubt even they can get beyond your child's tiny mind: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists Capitalism Requires Government - Forbes

You committed an appeal to authority. Adam Smith is not the ultimate authority on capitalism. We've had a few advancements in economic theory since his day.
You don't understand what a fallacy is either. I suggested that you start learning capitalism by reading Adam Smith. An Appeal to Authority would have been Capitalism Requires Good Government because Adam Smith said so, and I said nothing of the kind. Damn it would be nice if you morons could think.

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