AmeriGeddon Film: How To Resist Martial Law...

Let me flush this out. I'm not a conspiracy chick. Not at all. But I don't always trust the law. Or the government. Check out what they did in High River.

"But after the evacuation order was lifted, residents were shocked to discover that, while they were gone, police had entered their homes and removed hundreds of firearms — including properly licenced guns stored in full compliance with the terms of the Firearms Act.

The public understands why, during an emergency, rescue teams, police officers and military personnel may need to enter private homes, if they are to be thorough in their searches of disaster areas. But for the RCMP to have removed — “seized,” as the force said in a press release at the time — guns that had been securely locked away, out of sight in closets and drawers, went well beyond checking for survivors or stranded pets.

It seemed then, as it does now, an outrageous breach of public trust — police taking an opportunity to snoop through people’s private homes and seize their property under the cover of an emergency. This week, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP concluded the same. In its long-awaited report into the affair it found that the police had indeed acted unlawfully."

National Post View: Gun grab in High River was a serious RCMP failure

Big Brother won't call it 'Martial Law.' He'll call it a 'State of Emergency' instead. He's done his homework. That subtle change in terminology has been proven to calm the Sheeple.
A lot of the same people who claim they are worried our government will be out of control after the next terrorist incident will be the same people who will be demanding we lock up anyone with a funny name.

All Americans should be concerned with how their Government is going to respond to the next 'Terrorist' attack. It's going to effect everyone.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.

The other day paulitician we were talking about shit that happens and I brought up the Cypress government mandated by the IMF to steal depositors money. This was on several boards I was talking on and I was in absolute shock that no one freaking knew about it.

BTW including my husband. :lol:

One day the Cypress government shut down the banks and took depositors money big time. So when people say this shit doesn't happen they are deaf, dumb or blind. It freaking happens.

Now this was purposeful. A grid goes down by accident or mother nature or terror most people don't even think where do I get huggies for the baby, how do I flush a toilet.

Oh hell's bells in Toronto with this one in 2003 people didn't understand they couldn't pump gas for their cars and they walked home for miles upon miles. No A/C. No jack crap man.

Oh yeah, most are completely clueless. A couple days without Internet, Cell Phone, Idiot Box, and most will go absolutely batshit crazy. Most are definitely not prepared to take care of themselves.

It really shocked me that they didn't realize that they couldn't pump gas to get out of the downtown core of Toronto. You would not believe how many miles people walked to get home but no one had any thought to setting up zones where people could go bring in food and water and basically camp out in some of the best hotels in the planet.

No one did anything. It was wild in that sense that everyone seemed so disconnected from each other they didn't know how to pull off a group survival mode.

Being rural at the time (btw my Amish friends taught us how to really really live excellently off the grid) being rural and with people still with carriages and my one best egg customer on horseback we were all able to communicate and let everyone know who had the hand pump wells.
Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.

The other day paulitician we were talking about shit that happens and I brought up the Cypress government mandated by the IMF to steal depositors money. This was on several boards I was talking on and I was in absolute shock that no one freaking knew about it.

BTW including my husband. :lol:

One day the Cypress government shut down the banks and took depositors money big time. So when people say this shit doesn't happen they are deaf, dumb or blind. It freaking happens.

Now this was purposeful. A grid goes down by accident or mother nature or terror most people don't even think where do I get huggies for the baby, how do I flush a toilet.

Oh hell's bells in Toronto with this one in 2003 people didn't understand they couldn't pump gas for their cars and they walked home for miles upon miles. No A/C. No jack crap man.

Oh yeah, most are completely clueless. A couple days without Internet, Cell Phone, Idiot Box, and most will go absolutely batshit crazy. Most are definitely not prepared to take care of themselves.

It really shocked me that they didn't realize that they couldn't pump gas to get out of the downtown core of Toronto. You would not believe how many miles people walked to get home but no one had any thought to setting up zones where people could go bring in food and water and basically camp out in some of the best hotels in the planet.

No one did anything. It was wild in that sense that everyone seemed so disconnected from each other they didn't know how to pull off a group survival mode.

Being rural at the time (btw my Amish friends taught us how to really really live excellently off the grid) being rural and with people still with carriages and my one best egg customer on horseback we were all able to communicate and let everyone know who had the hand pump wells.

Pretty sure the 'Preppers' are gonna have the last laugh at some point. Most Americans really are fat helpless dumbasses.
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.

The other day paulitician we were talking about shit that happens and I brought up the Cypress government mandated by the IMF to steal depositors money. This was on several boards I was talking on and I was in absolute shock that no one freaking knew about it.

BTW including my husband. :lol:

One day the Cypress government shut down the banks and took depositors money big time. So when people say this shit doesn't happen they are deaf, dumb or blind. It freaking happens.

Now this was purposeful. A grid goes down by accident or mother nature or terror most people don't even think where do I get huggies for the baby, how do I flush a toilet.

Oh hell's bells in Toronto with this one in 2003 people didn't understand they couldn't pump gas for their cars and they walked home for miles upon miles. No A/C. No jack crap man.

Oh yeah, most are completely clueless. A couple days without Internet, Cell Phone, Idiot Box, and most will go absolutely batshit crazy. Most are definitely not prepared to take care of themselves.

It really shocked me that they didn't realize that they couldn't pump gas to get out of the downtown core of Toronto. You would not believe how many miles people walked to get home but no one had any thought to setting up zones where people could go bring in food and water and basically camp out in some of the best hotels in the planet.

No one did anything. It was wild in that sense that everyone seemed so disconnected from each other they didn't know how to pull off a group survival mode.

Being rural at the time (btw my Amish friends taught us how to really really live excellently off the grid) being rural and with people still with carriages and my one best egg customer on horseback we were all able to communicate and let everyone know who had the hand pump wells.

Pretty sure the 'Preppers' are gonna have the last laugh at some point. Most Americans really are fat helpless dumbasses.

Most of the world sadly.

When the biggie was supposed to come down in 2000 my ex husband who we are great friends with always joked about us being "prepared". I guess I was a prepper before there was such a thing. :) All our guns finally returned from the Canadian government after our life in Tennessee (you would not believe what we had to go thru to get them across the border) All our bows. All our ammo and all our food.

So he really teased us.

When we actually got around to talking about it after the jibes back and forth about being paranoid, I asked my ex what he would do if all shut down for food. He said well I would go to the mall.

But the mall is / would be locked down I said. The fresh food is / would be rotting. He said he'd go in and buy the canned food. I said the mall won't be open.

He just sat there. This is December 1999. Then he went shopping.


I reminded him to get a manual can opener.
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For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

Seriously. In case of a post-apocalyptic event, martial low or libertarian social justice gangs will occur in some areas. Women and minorities are going to be abused again, particularly if our energy and technology is reduced to steam, coal oil, and sweat labor of humans and animals.

Sounds like you have a plan there Jammie-boi!
You could not survive the first winter if that every occurred. I and mine would for years to come.

Betcha a wooden nickel that I will make it. Wanna take that bet?
Yeah, I think you are a survivor.

That's why I live in the middle of nowhere, in a "gun friendly" area, with people who understand the world the way it is - not they way they want it to be. Good, decent people who are AMERICANS. Probably a lot like you. You fool no one. :)
Seriously. In case of a post-apocalyptic event, martial low or libertarian social justice gangs will occur in some areas. Women and minorities are going to be abused again, particularly if our energy and technology is reduced to steam, coal oil, and sweat labor of humans and animals.

Sounds like you have a plan there Jammie-boi!
You could not survive the first winter if that every occurred. I and mine would for years to come.

Betcha a wooden nickel that I will make it. Wanna take that bet?
Yeah, I think you are a survivor.

That's why I live in the middle of nowhere, in a "gun friendly" area, with people who understand the world the way it is - not they way they want it to be. Good, decent people who are AMERICANS. Probably a lot like you. You fool no one. :)
I am that indeed. A lot of the far right have trouble with folks like me, but that's tough for them.

If you are ever in Salt Lake, let me know, and I will take you by our fortress.
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

You know - I grew up without a TV until I was like 15. Just didn't have one. Then, I remember that we had 3 stations. ABC, NBC, and CBS. That was it - in total. Frankly, I have heard these charges many times - and I also know that we did experiment with subliminal messages in broadcasting - until companies were found out and ordered to stop.

The other thing is that every night at 12:00 AM - stations would sign off for the day with the National Anthem (yeah, it was legal then) and we would see the "Big Chief" deal on the television until the next morning at either 5AM or 6AM when, once again, the National Anthem would be played again and then broadcasting would start up.

Honestly, however, we (in my family) - Fathered by an Air Force Officer, weren't usually allowed to watch much television. Dad generally had to many chores to keep us busy... :)
Sounds like you have a plan there Jammie-boi!
You could not survive the first winter if that every occurred. I and mine would for years to come.

Betcha a wooden nickel that I will make it. Wanna take that bet?
Yeah, I think you are a survivor.

That's why I live in the middle of nowhere, in a "gun friendly" area, with people who understand the world the way it is - not they way they want it to be. Good, decent people who are AMERICANS. Probably a lot like you. You fool no one. :)
I am that indeed. A lot of the far right have trouble with folks like me, but that's tough for them.

If you are ever in Salt Lake, let me know, and I will take you by our fortress.

Rarely ever get to Salt Lake. But I go to Colorado every now and again - friends - but I am in the process of getting their "heads" right - to get them the hell out of that bastion of Hippies. Jesus - every time I go there it seems more and more like Southern California.....My God - The humanity!
You could not survive the first winter if that every occurred. I and mine would for years to come.

Betcha a wooden nickel that I will make it. Wanna take that bet?
Yeah, I think you are a survivor.

That's why I live in the middle of nowhere, in a "gun friendly" area, with people who understand the world the way it is - not they way they want it to be. Good, decent people who are AMERICANS. Probably a lot like you. You fool no one. :)
I am that indeed. A lot of the far right have trouble with folks like me, but that's tough for them.

If you are ever in Salt Lake, let me know, and I will take you by our fortress.

Rarely ever get to Salt Lake. But I go to Colorado every now and again - friends - but I am in the process of getting their "heads" right - to get them the hell out of that bastion of Hippies. Jesus - every time I go there it seems more and more like Southern California.....My God - The humanity!
You would love the fortress and the area. The entire neighborhood has joined together to put in a bid for a FEMA camp. :lol:
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

I have some waterfront property I would like to sell you.
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

I have some waterfront property I would like to sell you. didn't see the subliminal messages? I was able to see each and every one of them. You are either stupid or afraid to face some home truths.
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

You know - I grew up without a TV until I was like 15. Just didn't have one. Then, I remember that we had 3 stations. ABC, NBC, and CBS. That was it - in total. Frankly, I have heard these charges many times - and I also know that we did experiment with subliminal messages in broadcasting - until companies were found out and ordered to stop.

The other thing is that every night at 12:00 AM - stations would sign off for the day with the National Anthem (yeah, it was legal then) and we would see the "Big Chief" deal on the television until the next morning at either 5AM or 6AM when, once again, the National Anthem would be played again and then broadcasting would start up.

Honestly, however, we (in my family) - Fathered by an Air Force Officer, weren't usually allowed to watch much television. Dad generally had to many chores to keep us busy... :)

Did you see the subliminal messages in that though? It's creepy as hell......
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

You have no clue as to what is on the would be entertaining in a sick and sad sort of way to see the look on your face when the have no clue about the coming crash of the derivatives market. Banks are leveraged to the hilt and it's gonna get ugly. Your beloved corporate "gubermint" isn't going to be looking out for you at all.
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

You know - I grew up without a TV until I was like 15. Just didn't have one. Then, I remember that we had 3 stations. ABC, NBC, and CBS. That was it - in total. Frankly, I have heard these charges many times - and I also know that we did experiment with subliminal messages in broadcasting - until companies were found out and ordered to stop.

The other thing is that every night at 12:00 AM - stations would sign off for the day with the National Anthem (yeah, it was legal then) and we would see the "Big Chief" deal on the television until the next morning at either 5AM or 6AM when, once again, the National Anthem would be played again and then broadcasting would start up.

Honestly, however, we (in my family) - Fathered by an Air Force Officer, weren't usually allowed to watch much television. Dad generally had to many chores to keep us busy... :)

Did you see the subliminal messages in that though? It's creepy as hell......

I know that in the 60s and 70s - many major companies were experimenting with subliminal messaging in commercial advertising. I'm sure that they got the idea from somewhere, probably our own government. However, I also know that the fed ordered a stop to the subliminal messaging in commercials. According to them - there was no way to measure the harmful effects that "might" occur with the public.

However, let us not forget that Army Intelligence (actually the ASA - Army Security Agency) as well as the CIA conducted LSD "experiments" on soldiers around that time as well - to see if it could be used as a "weapon" - and the "volunteers" :) Had no idea what the hell was being done to them. THAT, my friend, is only a small part of what your government is capable of.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

And you seem too stupid to be breathing air - but so what? I saw the subliminal messaging. Are you blind? Oh, that's don't eyes with which to see, or ears for hearing. The left has done their job on you, already. Jesus - I thought that all you hippie fucks did was to "question authority"? Looks like Mommy Sunrise and Daddy Easy Rider would be ashamed of your sorry ass....

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