AmeriGeddon Film: How To Resist Martial Law...

I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.
I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.
It won't be that kind of attack. And they will be just as stuck as you are, waiting around for the power to come back on. The grid will be there only the computers will say, what generator?
I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.
It won't be that kind of attack. And they will be just as stuck as you are, waiting around for the power to come back on. The grid will be there only the computers will say, what generator?

Judging by how our Government has responded to 9/11, i have to conclude we're in for much rougher times ahead.
tin foil hats will be available.

Sadly, the Film's portrayed scenarios are likely. But hey, you wanna be dismissive and insulting, than so be it. It's your call.

And by 'likely', you mean have never happened? Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the 'impending' police state and martial law for decades.

Perhaps 'impending' doesn't mean what your ilk think it means.

It's worth discussing. A major catastrophic 'Terrorism' event is coming. How are Americans and their Government likely to respond?

I agree with you here. A massive terror attack is absolutely unavoidable. It's the price of a free and open society. Pearl Harbor. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Hell....go back to the Southern rebels attacking Fort Sumter.

It will always happen again.

Judging by how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11, i'd have to say we haven't seen nothin yet.

Consider the different reaction of our government to the bombing of Pearl compared to the reaction to 9/11.
Quite different.
They rounded up Japanese Americans,right or wrong,now they import the very people responsible for 9/11.
Sadly, the Film's portrayed scenarios are likely. But hey, you wanna be dismissive and insulting, than so be it. It's your call.

And by 'likely', you mean have never happened? Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the 'impending' police state and martial law for decades.

Perhaps 'impending' doesn't mean what your ilk think it means.

It's worth discussing. A major catastrophic 'Terrorism' event is coming. How are Americans and their Government likely to respond?

I agree with you here. A massive terror attack is absolutely unavoidable. It's the price of a free and open society. Pearl Harbor. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Hell....go back to the Southern rebels attacking Fort Sumter.

It will always happen again.

Judging by how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11, i'd have to say we haven't seen nothin yet.

Consider the different reaction of our government to the bombing of Pearl compared to the reaction to 9/11.
Quite different.
They rounded up Japanese Americans,right or wrong,now they import the very people responsible for 9/11.
So every Muslim is guilty of 9/11?
What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives.
Too much AM radio.

The dumb bastards have stocked up on Mountain House buckets, and sniper rifles, and ammo, and they want to be able to play with all that stuff. It's no fun for a hillbilly to have a sniper rifle if he can't shoot any negroes with it.

These Armageddon books and films are marketing devices to keep them buying more. It's porn for the paranoid.

I read one of those books once. One Second After. Holy shit, you have to be one ignorant jackass to buy into the premise behind it.
And by 'likely', you mean have never happened? Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the 'impending' police state and martial law for decades.

Perhaps 'impending' doesn't mean what your ilk think it means.

It's worth discussing. A major catastrophic 'Terrorism' event is coming. How are Americans and their Government likely to respond?

I agree with you here. A massive terror attack is absolutely unavoidable. It's the price of a free and open society. Pearl Harbor. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Hell....go back to the Southern rebels attacking Fort Sumter.

It will always happen again.

Judging by how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11, i'd have to say we haven't seen nothin yet.

Consider the different reaction of our government to the bombing of Pearl compared to the reaction to 9/11.
Quite different.
They rounded up Japanese Americans,right or wrong,now they import the very people responsible for 9/11.
So every Muslim is guilty of 9/11?

Now where did I say that?
David Crowley was making an independent movie concerning Martial Law and the big movie lots were not allowed to make it . Crowley came up with a trailer and had gotten enough private investors to start filming. He and his family were suicided by your beloved "gubermint" around Christmas , 2014. They even killed his 5 year old daughter. You see, only propaganda approved by "da gubermint" is worthy to be seen by the sheeple. Fuck 'em.

grey state trailer - YouTube

Having just watched the trailer, it's more than likely this guy was a true nutjob. A self made martyr for his cause.
I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.
It won't be that kind of attack. And they will be just as stuck as you are, waiting around for the power to come back on. The grid will be there only the computers will say, what generator?

We were already off the grid for a while and when the east went down for days on end we were the only source of clean well water. 2003.

My hand pump was in the basement. And we were able to help our neighbors.

You can't even flush your toilet if you are not prepared. That gets nasty. This was in southern Ontario. No one had any way to save their food that was thawing out.

I had a canning cellar where I could keep food for a number of days. They couldn't. Shit happens that is more than your computer going down.


And this shit was in summer. I'm out west now. You get power off for three days or more you best be prepared at minus freaking 40.

It's not being crazy. It's called BEING FUCKING SMART.
David Crowley was making an independent movie concerning Martial Law and the big movie lots were not allowed to make it . Crowley came up with a trailer and had gotten enough private investors to start filming. He and his family were suicided by your beloved "gubermint" around Christmas , 2014. They even killed his 5 year old daughter. You see, only propaganda approved by "da gubermint" is worthy to be seen by the sheeple. Fuck 'em.

grey state trailer - YouTube
Dale, Dale. Take your meds.

What for? You think your beloved" gubermint" doesn't murder people with impunity? They most definitely do. They have regional hit teams and they just go around "suicidin" folks that could prove to be a problem to your beloeved and benevolent "gubermint"....gubermint is your god because you have been programmed to believe that. Take the red pill or remain a stupid skin off my ass either way.

You might want to reduce your post count or tone down your "truth" before they come for you.
What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives.
Too much AM radio.

The dumb bastards have stocked up on Mountain House buckets, and sniper rifles, and ammo, and they want to be able to play with all that stuff. It's no fun for a hillbilly to have a sniper rifle if he can't shoot any negroes with it.

These Armageddon books and films are marketing devices to keep them buying more. It's porn for the paranoid.

I read one of those books once. One Second After. Holy shit, you have to be one ignorant jackass to buy into the premise behind it.

Go ahead and keep laughing but don't bang on anyone's door when Mother Nature fucks you over. Personal preparedness just makes sense.
I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.

The other day paulitician we were talking about shit that happens and I brought up the Cypress government mandated by the IMF to steal depositors money. This was on several boards I was talking on and I was in absolute shock that no one freaking knew about it.

BTW including my husband. :lol:

One day the Cypress government shut down the banks and took depositors money big time. So when people say this shit doesn't happen they are deaf, dumb or blind. It freaking happens.

Now this was purposeful. A grid goes down by accident or mother nature or terror most people don't even think where do I get huggies for the baby, how do I flush a toilet.

Oh hell's bells in Toronto with this one in 2003 people didn't understand they couldn't pump gas for their cars and they walked home for miles upon miles. No A/C. No jack crap man.
What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives.
Too much AM radio.

The dumb bastards have stocked up on Mountain House buckets, and sniper rifles, and ammo, and they want to be able to play with all that stuff. It's no fun for a hillbilly to have a sniper rifle if he can't shoot any negroes with it.

These Armageddon books and films are marketing devices to keep them buying more. It's porn for the paranoid.

I read one of those books once. One Second After. Holy shit, you have to be one ignorant jackass to buy into the premise behind it.

Go ahead and keep laughing but don't bang on anyone's door when Mother Nature fucks you over. Personal preparedness just makes sense.
"Mother Nature". Is that what we're calling the federal government these days?
I think the Film's major point is that it isn't inevitable you'll have to submit. There are ways you can actually fight back against tyranny.
Start with a good lawyer.

Oh, somehow i think we'll be long passed the litigation angle. 'Better call Saul' probably won't cut it. ;)
Here that's how we do it. Your guns, while trying to hold back the tide, are why you'll be in jail, and need the lawyer.

Now you're gettin it. Very dark times are coming. It's only gonna take one more large scale 'Terrorist' attack. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive expanded NSA spying on Citizens, and so on. How will it respond to a much larger catastrophic attack? I'll let you ponder that yourself.

The other day paulitician we were talking about shit that happens and I brought up the Cypress government mandated by the IMF to steal depositors money. This was on several boards I was talking on and I was in absolute shock that no one freaking knew about it.

BTW including my husband. :lol:

One day the Cypress government shut down the banks and took depositors money big time. So when people say this shit doesn't happen they are deaf, dumb or blind. It freaking happens.

Now this was purposeful. A grid goes down by accident or mother nature or terror most people don't even think where do I get huggies for the baby, how do I flush a toilet.

Oh hell's bells in Toronto with this one in 2003 people didn't understand they couldn't pump gas for their cars and they walked home for miles upon miles. No A/C. No jack crap man.

Oh yeah, most are completely clueless. A couple days without Internet, Cell Phone, Idiot Box, and most will go absolutely batshit crazy. Most are definitely not prepared to take care of themselves.
Having supplies for a natural disaster is a very good idea. I have enough food and supplies to last quite a long time. This is something I learned from my grandparents who lived in a time when people would actually get snowed in for an entire winter.

But I don't masturbate myself with fantasies of disasters like the prepper goons do. I don't actually HOPE something bad happens.

I don;t masturbate to DAH GUBMINTS GONNA CUM FER YA flicks either.

And that's what this topic is. A bunch of freaks in a circle jerk ejaculating doomsday spunk on each other.

These people are no different from the Second Coming of Christ assholes.

The one thing they all have in common is a secret desire to see the world go to shit while they sit on some imaginary invincible perch as they laugh and hoot at other people's suffering, and if they are lucky they will get to shoot a few as humanity goes down the drain.
What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives.
Too much AM radio.

The dumb bastards have stocked up on Mountain House buckets, and sniper rifles, and ammo, and they want to be able to play with all that stuff. It's no fun for a hillbilly to have a sniper rifle if he can't shoot any negroes with it.

These Armageddon books and films are marketing devices to keep them buying more. It's porn for the paranoid.

I read one of those books once. One Second After. Holy shit, you have to be one ignorant jackass to buy into the premise behind it.

Go ahead and keep laughing but don't bang on anyone's door when Mother Nature fucks you over. Personal preparedness just makes sense.
"Mother Nature". Is that what we're calling the federal government these days?

I was talking in the general "you must be prepared" sense. But let me tell you a little story from lovely Canada.

Big flood = evacuation = abuse by government with the door open to abuse they went for it.

Ready here?

The RCMP broke the law in High River and illegally seized all of the legal gun owners guns. It was a huge grab.

National Post View: Gun grab in High River was a serious RCMP failure
A lot of the same people who claim they are worried our government will be out of control after the next terrorist incident will be the same people who will be demanding we lock up anyone with a funny name.
Let me flush this out. I'm not a conspiracy chick. Not at all. But I don't always trust the law. Or the government. Check out what they did in High River.

"But after the evacuation order was lifted, residents were shocked to discover that, while they were gone, police had entered their homes and removed hundreds of firearms — including properly licenced guns stored in full compliance with the terms of the Firearms Act.

The public understands why, during an emergency, rescue teams, police officers and military personnel may need to enter private homes, if they are to be thorough in their searches of disaster areas. But for the RCMP to have removed — “seized,” as the force said in a press release at the time — guns that had been securely locked away, out of sight in closets and drawers, went well beyond checking for survivors or stranded pets.

It seemed then, as it does now, an outrageous breach of public trust — police taking an opportunity to snoop through people’s private homes and seize their property under the cover of an emergency. This week, the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP concluded the same. In its long-awaited report into the affair it found that the police had indeed acted unlawfully."

National Post View: Gun grab in High River was a serious RCMP failure
Having supplies for a natural disaster is a very good idea. I have enough food and supplies to last quite a long time. This is something I learned from my grandparents who lived in a time when people would actually get snowed in for an entire winter.

But I don't masturbate myself with fantasies of disasters like the prepper goons do. I don't actually HOPE something bad happens.

I don;t masturbate to DAH GUBMINTS GONNA CUM FER YA flicks either.

And that's what this topic is. A bunch of freaks in a circle jerk ejaculating doomsday spunk on each other.

These people are no different from the Second Coming of Christ assholes.

The one thing they all have in common is a secret desire to see the world go to shit while they sit on some imaginary invincible perch as they laugh and hoot at other people's suffering, and if they are lucky they will get to shoot a few as humanity goes down the drain.

Yukky. You sound like a loony little perv. Is that you Slick Willy? Ya know Bill, you can make a point without all the weird pervy stuff. Just sayin.

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