AmeriGeddon Film: How To Resist Martial Law...

So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny. happened here under the British.

It's no different than the left raising caution about abuse by some police officers which....when done fairly and in a civil manner....I'm fine with. Because afterall....look around the world. True police brutality is relatively rare here....but in many places in the world it's the norm.

A massive terror attack or natural disaster is NOT unthinkable. In really is inevitable.

And that's not even talking actual nation state attacks like Pearl Harbor.....less likely....but also possible.
Love those Mormons in Utah that taught me about food storage.

We have a bunker before the fortress's command center with almost three years worth of goodies, including Red Hots.
David Crowley was making an independent movie concerning Martial Law and the big movie lots were not allowed to make it . Crowley came up with a trailer and had gotten enough private investors to start filming. He and his family were suicided by your beloved "gubermint" around Christmas , 2014. They even killed his 5 year old daughter. You see, only propaganda approved by "da gubermint" is worthy to be seen by the sheeple. Fuck 'em.

grey state trailer - YouTube
Dale, Dale. Take your meds.

What for? You think your beloved" gubermint" doesn't murder people with impunity? They most definitely do. They have regional hit teams and they just go around "suicidin" folks that could prove to be a problem to your beloeved and benevolent "gubermint"....gubermint is your god because you have been programmed to believe that. Take the red pill or remain a stupid skin off my ass either way.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

We haven't experienced a large scale attack on our soil yet. We've been very fortunate. Just look at how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11... Homeland Security (Gestapo), Patriot Act, NDAA, massive 'Enhanced' NSA spying on Ciizens, and so on. Imagine their response after a catastrophic EMP attack?

"Imagine" being the operative word. See, this is where your argument fails: equating likelihood with your imagination.

Its the same mistake that Alex Jones made with his 'Police State' predictions.

Perhaps your ilk meant 'imminent' in a geological sense?

Are you saying you don't believe a major 'Terrorist' attack is coming? Because if you are, i'm telling you you're sadly naive and mistaken.
Seriously. In case of a post-apocalyptic event, martial low or libertarian social justice gangs will occur in some areas. Women and minorities are going to be abused again, particularly if our energy and technology is reduced to steam, coal oil, and sweat labor of humans and animals.
tin foil hats will be available.

Sadly, the Film's portrayed scenarios are likely. But hey, you wanna be dismissive and insulting, than so be it. It's your call.

And by 'likely', you mean have never happened? Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the 'impending' police state and martial law for decades.

Perhaps 'impending' doesn't mean what your ilk think it means.

It's worth discussing. A major catastrophic 'Terrorism' event is coming. How are Americans and their Government likely to respond?

I agree with you here. A massive terror attack is absolutely unavoidable. It's the price of a free and open society. Pearl Harbor. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Hell....go back to the Southern rebels attacking Fort Sumter.

It will always happen again.
Seriously. In case of a post-apocalyptic event, martial low or libertarian social justice gangs will occur in some areas. Women and minorities are going to be abused again, particularly if our energy and technology is reduced to steam, coal oil, and sweat labor of humans and animals.

Sadly I agree with you on this. Humans get really nasty really really quickly when bad times hit.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

Almost as many as you global warming nutters saying the end of the world is nigh.
tin foil hats will be available.

Sadly, the Film's portrayed scenarios are likely. But hey, you wanna be dismissive and insulting, than so be it. It's your call.

And by 'likely', you mean have never happened? Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the 'impending' police state and martial law for decades.

Perhaps 'impending' doesn't mean what your ilk think it means.

It's worth discussing. A major catastrophic 'Terrorism' event is coming. How are Americans and their Government likely to respond?

I agree with you here. A massive terror attack is absolutely unavoidable. It's the price of a free and open society. Pearl Harbor. Oklahoma City. 9/11. Hell....go back to the Southern rebels attacking Fort Sumter.

It will always happen again.

Judging by how our Government has responded to a relatively small attack like 9/11, i'd have to say we haven't seen nothin yet.
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So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

Almost as many as you global warming nutters saying the end of the world is nigh.

I haven't heard a one.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.

Oh I see. Yes....on this point I'm with you. I don't think there is any large plot by our government to turn on the population. It would be such a massive operation and would already be leaked or exposed.

I do fact...i KNOW it....the hat government at all level is planning for any attack or disaster that may come. And it's ok. Same way the military always has war plans prepared for war against China or Russia or...Mexico or any other threat. Doesn't mean we are gonna start the war. Just plan for it.

Any government that is NOT proactively taking steps to prepare for civil chaos or a natural disaster is simply failing it's people. Because it COULD happen. And history shows it WILL happen...somewhere...sometime.

Lessons learned from past events help prepare for future ones.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

Almost as many as you global warming nutters saying the end of the world is nigh.

I haven't heard a one.

Your head would have to be pretty deep in the sands to have not. So you must be real deep. The fact remains that the IT community has told us that the various terrorist groups are looking at ways to shut down our power grid. It doesn't matter if our government does it (highly unlikely) or not. What does matter is how they react to that scenario. As we have seen over and over and over again, the leaders we have are incompetent at best, and malicious at worst.

The veneer of civilization is very thin for anyone who has ever been near a riot. It would behoove you to prepare for a worst case scenario. That's what intelligent people do.
We are getting ready for the blow up of American society.

The fortress in Holladay, in Salt Lake County, received its heavy weapons on Saturday.

I am looking forward to siting and ranging them.

The neighborhood is a bit nervous, but heavy weapons and lots of munitions means me and mine can say, "fuck em."

Jake, they're on to you. You'd better head over to HSA HQ instead.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Not just cons. Many of my very liberal friends have prepared for a bad situation. Smart people do that. We prepare in the hope that we never need to use a bit of it, but we also prepare knowing that it is far better to have an earthquake kit and not need it, than it is to need an earthquake kit, and not have it.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.

Oh I see. Yes....on this point I'm with you. I don't think there is any large plot by our government to turn on the population. It would be such a massive operation and would already be leaked or exposed.


I do fact...i KNOW it....the hat government at all level is planning for any attack or disaster that may come. And it's ok. Same way the military always has war plans prepared for war against China or Russia or...Mexico or any other threat. Doesn't mean we are gonna start the war. Just plan for it.

The US has contingency plans for an attempted invasion by Canada. There are entire teams of people whose sole job is to come up with vaguely plausible if ridiculously unlikely scenarios and invent effective responses for them. Just in case.

That doesn't mean that Canada trying to 'invade' is 'likely'. And 'likely' is the standard being offered here for whatever scenarios the conspiracy faithful have made up and put into their 'movie'.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.

Oh I see. Yes....on this point I'm with you. I don't think there is any large plot by our government to turn on the population. It would be such a massive operation and would already be leaked or exposed.

I do fact...i KNOW it....the hat government at all level is planning for any attack or disaster that may come. And it's ok. Same way the military always has war plans prepared for war against China or Russia or...Mexico or any other threat. Doesn't mean we are gonna start the war. Just plan for it.

Any government that is NOT proactively taking steps to prepare for civil chaos or a natural disaster is simply failing it's people. Because it COULD happen. And history shows it WILL happen...somewhere...sometime.

Lessons learned from past events help prepare for future ones.

Suspending the Constitution and seizing absolute control isn't nearly as farfetched or difficult, as most would like to believe. It would only take one catastrophic 'Terrorist' attack to allow it to happen.

They'll seize complete control in the name of 'Protecting you from the Terrorist Boogeyman.' False Flag attacks are real. Governments have been pulling them off for centuries.
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Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

I'm gonna have this discussion with ya and hope it's fair and civil. You call it an obsession.'s not just conservatives. Everyone loves apocalypse movies. The Walking Dead for example.

I'm one of the people you speak of. I absolutely love apocalyptic novels like One Second After. I'd be considered a very mild "prepper".

Human nature is to defend ones self. In some way or another. We don't have a true imminent threat right now in America....all partisanship aside....we dont. And we are we look for one. How do we better secure our existence.

It's comforting. It feels comfortable to assess what the next possible threat is....and feel prepared.

Now....SOME people dont. You may cite some. They live worry free and mock the preppers. But guess what??? Thats because Darwins law hasn't hit them. 10,000 years ago those people would be been eaten by a tiger by now because they didn't check the Prarie before strolling across it.

Now??? Thanks to many factors in the US....they can be worry free. Our population is relatively peaceful and civil. Our nation's defenses are extremely strong (military, police, home alarm systems, modern locking devices, mobile phones to call for help). have a point. But there's more to it.

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