AmeriGeddon Film: How To Resist Martial Law...

For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

You know - I grew up without a TV until I was like 15. Just didn't have one. Then, I remember that we had 3 stations. ABC, NBC, and CBS. That was it - in total. Frankly, I have heard these charges many times - and I also know that we did experiment with subliminal messages in broadcasting - until companies were found out and ordered to stop.

The other thing is that every night at 12:00 AM - stations would sign off for the day with the National Anthem (yeah, it was legal then) and we would see the "Big Chief" deal on the television until the next morning at either 5AM or 6AM when, once again, the National Anthem would be played again and then broadcasting would start up.

Honestly, however, we (in my family) - Fathered by an Air Force Officer, weren't usually allowed to watch much television. Dad generally had to many chores to keep us busy... :)

Did you see the subliminal messages in that though? It's creepy as hell......

I know that in the 60s and 70s - many major companies were experimenting with subliminal messaging in commercial advertising. I'm sure that they got the idea from somewhere, probably our own government. However, I also know that the fed ordered a stop to the subliminal messaging in commercials. According to them - there was no way to measure the harmful effects that "might" occur with the public.

However, let us not forget that Army Intelligence (actually the ASA - Army Security Agency) as well as the CIA conducted LSD "experiments" on soldiers around that time as well - to see if it could be used as a "weapon" - and the "volunteers" :) Had no idea what the hell was being done to them. THAT, my friend, is only a small part of what your government is capable of.

Randall, that shit is tame by comparison as to what they have done like trauma based mind control (MK Ultra) where they abused adults and childrens so badly to the point that their minds broke up into compartments to deal with the abuse which allowed them to be programmed. This was shit that they got from the Nazis under Operation PaperClip. There is shit that I have learned and documentaries that were so horrific that I couldn't even make it all the way through the interviews of the victims that had total recall. JUst a smidgen of this came out during the Church hearings in the late 70's but they shredded lots of documentation because if it ever got out as to what they had done? The outrage would have screamed for the dismantling of the CIA. It's just that bad......maybe there is such a thing as knowing too much.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

An attack that will dwarf 9/11 is coming. This film just explores how your Government and fellow Citizens may respond. I dont think its proposed scenarios are as farfetched as most would like to believe. I mean, just look at how our Government responded after 9/11. A much bigger attack will likely lead to the further erosion of our civil liberties.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

You have no clue as to what is on the would be entertaining in a sick and sad sort of way to see the look on your face when the have no clue about the coming crash of the derivatives market. Banks are leveraged to the hilt and it's gonna get ugly. Your beloved corporate "gubermint" isn't going to be looking out for you at all.

Most are still living in denial over how their Government responded after 9/11. I mean, a Gestapo (Homeland Security) and the Patriot Act were immediately enacted following the attack. And then of course came the NDAA and a massive expansion of NSA spying on Citizens.

One could say, the Terrorists have already won somewhat. Just imagine a much larger scale attack? How will our Government respond to it? I'm not optimistic. The Constitution may fall once and for all after the next attack.
Oh, one could say the terrorists have won a lot. So have the authoritarians.
The Constitution doesn't have to fall; it is already tucked into the pocket of the power élite.
Don't look now, but there's some UN ambulances in the southwest!

(cue doom music)

So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

And you seem too stupid to be breathing air - but so what? I saw the subliminal messaging. Are you blind? Oh, that's don't eyes with which to see, or ears for hearing. The left has done their job on you, already. Jesus - I thought that all you hippie fucks did was to "question authority"? Looks like Mommy Sunrise and Daddy Easy Rider would be ashamed of your sorry ass....

They're Communist/Progressive Authoritarians now. It's sad, but it is what it is.
Oh, one could say the terrorists have won a lot. So have the authoritarians.
The Constitution doesn't have to fall; it is already tucked into the pocket of the power élite.

Yeah, sadly i have to agree. I shudder to think how our Government will respond to a much larger scale attack. Awful things most Americans assume are so farfetched, could very well become realities.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

It looks like an Alex Jones wackjob fantasy for losers too stupid to breath.

And you seem too stupid to be breathing air - but so what? I saw the subliminal messaging. Are you blind? Oh, that's don't eyes with which to see, or ears for hearing. The left has done their job on you, already. Jesus - I thought that all you hippie fucks did was to "question authority"? Looks like Mommy Sunrise and Daddy Easy Rider would be ashamed of your sorry ass....

They're Communist/Progressive Authoritarians now. It's sad, but it is what it is.

Indeed. I believe that the reason for all the uproar over Bernie Sanders by the "college kids" is because he mirrors their schooling. He's a communist through and through (honeymooned in Moscow during the Soviet era) so he fools no one. By let's be real here. It won't be another 10-20 years before this whole country has gone commie - thanks to America's public school system. Jesus, I pray that I'm dead by then...
For all you people that believe your "gubermint" is always looking out for you and is not capable of doing anything this and realize that their propaganda techniques have improved immensely over the last 45 years since they were doing this.

You know - I grew up without a TV until I was like 15. Just didn't have one. Then, I remember that we had 3 stations. ABC, NBC, and CBS. That was it - in total. Frankly, I have heard these charges many times - and I also know that we did experiment with subliminal messages in broadcasting - until companies were found out and ordered to stop.

The other thing is that every night at 12:00 AM - stations would sign off for the day with the National Anthem (yeah, it was legal then) and we would see the "Big Chief" deal on the television until the next morning at either 5AM or 6AM when, once again, the National Anthem would be played again and then broadcasting would start up.

Honestly, however, we (in my family) - Fathered by an Air Force Officer, weren't usually allowed to watch much television. Dad generally had to many chores to keep us busy... :)

Did you see the subliminal messages in that though? It's creepy as hell......

I know that in the 60s and 70s - many major companies were experimenting with subliminal messaging in commercial advertising. I'm sure that they got the idea from somewhere, probably our own government. However, I also know that the fed ordered a stop to the subliminal messaging in commercials. According to them - there was no way to measure the harmful effects that "might" occur with the public.

However, let us not forget that Army Intelligence (actually the ASA - Army Security Agency) as well as the CIA conducted LSD "experiments" on soldiers around that time as well - to see if it could be used as a "weapon" - and the "volunteers" :) Had no idea what the hell was being done to them. THAT, my friend, is only a small part of what your government is capable of.

Randall, that shit is tame by comparison as to what they have done like trauma based mind control (MK Ultra) where they abused adults and childrens so badly to the point that their minds broke up into compartments to deal with the abuse which allowed them to be programmed. This was shit that they got from the Nazis under Operation PaperClip. There is shit that I have learned and documentaries that were so horrific that I couldn't even make it all the way through the interviews of the victims that had total recall. JUst a smidgen of this came out during the Church hearings in the late 70's but they shredded lots of documentation because if it ever got out as to what they had done? The outrage would have screamed for the dismantling of the CIA. It's just that bad......maybe there is such a thing as knowing too much.

Well, just as dangerous, and just as secretive - are the 28 pages of documents that the Congress refuses to release to the general public. I do not know - but I would suppose that since Congress has just allowed the victims of 911 to sue Saudi Arabia - and Obama has promised to veto it - that those 28 pages "probably" show the Saudi's involvement in 911. I understand that the Saudi government is fit-to-be-tied over the idea of Americans suing them.

Look - American's have known forever, that their government simply can NOT allow certain "secrets" to come forward, in the interest of National Security. I get it. I truly do. However, there have been far too many Chief Executives that have used the cover of classification to keep simple truth from Americans. This should be scrutinized heavily by the Congress - but since they work for Wall Street (and not us) they serve a Master that has many "secrets" of it's own.

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