AmeriGeddon Film: How To Resist Martial Law...

Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.
I disagree, it's much less "nutty." A major catastrophic 'Terrorist' attack is coming. It's inevitable.
How exactly do you figure it's "inevitable"? over what time horizon is it "inevitable"? and what is your definition of "major catastrophic"?

The only question is, how will Americans and their Government respond to it?
The same way that "they" always respond to such things; the government will restrict the liberties of the citizenry and blow a whole bunch of blood and treasure killing innocent foreigners and most of the clueless sheeple will cheer it on while it's happening.

"Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade." -- Alan Moore, V for Vendetta
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.
Not just cons. Many of my very liberal friends have prepared for a bad situation. Smart people do that. We prepare in the hope that we never need to use a bit of it, but we also prepare knowing that it is far better to have an earthquake kit and not need it, than it is to need an earthquake kit, and not have it.

Talking possible if not probable situations, any catastrophe in Southern Cal is going to send millions swarming like locusts right up I-15 through LV and St. George. Heavens help those in their path.
So what about the next big 'Terrorist' attack?' We all know it's coming. For instance, how would Americans and their Government react to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack? This film delves into likely scenarios. It also delves into how Citizens can actually resist Martial Law. It isn't inevitable that Citizens submit.

Looks like an interesting film.

How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.

Oh I see. Yes....on this point I'm with you. I don't think there is any large plot by our government to turn on the population. It would be such a massive operation and would already be leaked or exposed.


I do fact...i KNOW it....the hat government at all level is planning for any attack or disaster that may come. And it's ok. Same way the military always has war plans prepared for war against China or Russia or...Mexico or any other threat. Doesn't mean we are gonna start the war. Just plan for it.

The US has contingency plans for an attempted invasion by Canada. There are entire teams of people whose sole job is to come up with vaguely plausible if ridiculously unlikely scenarios and invent effective responses for them. Just in case.

That doesn't mean that Canada trying to 'invade' is 'likely'. And 'likely' is the standard being offered here for whatever scenarios the conspiracy faithful have made up and put into their 'movie'.

What are those 'contingency plans?' I'm interested in hearing how our Government plans to respond to a Canadian invasion. Please enlighten us.
What would be a 'large scale' terrorist attack, who would mount it and from what quarter would it come?
I disagree, it's much less "nutty." A major catastrophic 'Terrorist' attack is coming. It's inevitable.
How exactly do you figure it's "inevitable"? over what time horizon is it "inevitable"? and what is your definition of "major catastrophic"?

The only question is, how will Americans and their Government respond to it?
The same way that "they" always respond to such things; the government will restrict the liberties of the citizenry and blow a whole bunch of blood and treasure killing innocent foreigners and most of the clueless sheeple will cheer it on while it's happening.

"Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade." -- Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

'Post of the Year' nomination for sure. Thanks. :)
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.

You should read the old analogy of the sheep dog, wolf and sheep.

There are 3 distinct personality types in human society.
How many decades of the predictions of 'impending' martial law have to fail before you realize that the predictions are just shit.

But is it irresponsible to talk about it? Because martial law has been used all over the world throughout history to inflict tyranny.

In the context of the government being the perpetrator of the 'major terrorist attack' as part of some master plan to subjugate the population.

Um, yes.

The sickness that is tearing the republican party apart begins with levels of batshit paranoia bordering on insanity that is shockingly common place among conservatives. Your ilk are letting fear drive you like animals before a whip. With each lash being laid by corporate conspiracy theorists who use your gullibility and willingness to gobble batshit as an integral component in their marketing plan.

Oh I see. Yes....on this point I'm with you. I don't think there is any large plot by our government to turn on the population. It would be such a massive operation and would already be leaked or exposed.


I do fact...i KNOW it....the hat government at all level is planning for any attack or disaster that may come. And it's ok. Same way the military always has war plans prepared for war against China or Russia or...Mexico or any other threat. Doesn't mean we are gonna start the war. Just plan for it.

The US has contingency plans for an attempted invasion by Canada. There are entire teams of people whose sole job is to come up with vaguely plausible if ridiculously unlikely scenarios and invent effective responses for them. Just in case.

That doesn't mean that Canada trying to 'invade' is 'likely'. And 'likely' is the standard being offered here for whatever scenarios the conspiracy faithful have made up and put into their 'movie'.

What are those 'contingency plans?' I'm interested in hearing how our Government plans to respond to a Canadian invasion. Please enlighten us.
Canada? Oh my God, I must arm myself with a tank gun to protect the gin, and Cheese Nips.
What would be a 'large scale' terrorist attack, who would mount it and from what quarter would it come?

The EMP attack is the most dangerous to mass problems.

The second in my opinion is a large scale coordinated attack like Paris on a few dozen high population areas. For example....what if 25 malls in America all got hit at the same moment like a Paris attack??? It would require 25 radicals with a $400 cheap rifle. And the American people would fall into panic.

Governments MUST prepare for this shit.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.

You should read the old analogy of the sheep dog, wolf and sheep.

There are 3 distinct personality types in human society.

Ever notice how just about everybody thinks the other guy is the sheep, they are always the sheep dog, and the wolf is the one they are worried about when it's the sheep that will most likely mow you down in a panic?

Myself, I just watch the show, and make comment on it.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

I'm gonna have this discussion with ya and hope it's fair and civil. You call it an obsession.'s not just conservatives. Everyone loves apocalypse movies. The Walking Dead for example.

I'm one of the people you speak of. I absolutely love apocalyptic novels like One Second After. I'd be considered a very mild "prepper".

Human nature is to defend ones self. In some way or another. We don't have a true imminent threat right now in America....all partisanship aside....we dont. And we are we look for one. How do we better secure our existence.

The human brain is primed for scarcity and threat. If there are too many berries, who gives a shit? If there aren't enough, bad things can happen.

I can wrap my head around folks being more responsive to negative input. My concern isn't receptivity.....but *conclusions*. With conservative after conservative concluding that we're fucked. That our nation is going to implode. And digging holes in the ground in preparation of the imminent collapse they've prognosticated.

For fuck's sake, the Republican GOP is now voting on *secession*. With the governor sending 'observers' to watch routine army training maneuvers for an 'invasion of texas'. One of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Gold bugs use this obsession with collapse to sell gold. Gun manufacturers use this obsession with collapse to sell guns.

Again and again, gullible, impressionable people are being convinced of imminent part of someone else's marketing plan. And this has consequences.

It's comforting. It feels comfortable to assess what the next possible threat is....and feel prepared.

All too often these feelings of 'preparation' actually create the situation they're preparing for. You think Zimmerman would have followed a 6' black guy into the dark if he *wasn't* packing? He literally created the confrontation he carried the gun to protect himself from.

You see pointless escalation again and again. Where words or even fists could resolve a situation.....but guns are used instead. Police escalating situation with militarized responses to peaceful protests. All forgetting the overwhelming axiom that confrontation begets confrontation.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.

You should read the old analogy of the sheep dog, wolf and sheep.

There are 3 distinct personality types in human society.

Ever notice how just about everybody thinks the other guy is the sheep, they are always the sheep dog, and the wolf is the one they are worried about when it's the sheep that will most likely mow you down in a panic?

Myself, I just watch the show, and make comment on it.

No I havent. What you're referring to are a bunch of trans sheep who are arguing over who really isn't a sheep.

Dogs and wolves know EXACTLY who is who and which is which. Only the sheep are confused about it because their minds can't wrap around the idea of being a dog or wolf.

What would be a 'large scale' terrorist attack, who would mount it and from what quarter would it come?

The EMP attack is the most dangerous to mass problems.

The second in my opinion is a large scale coordinated attack like Paris on a few dozen high population areas. For example....what if 25 malls in America all got hit at the same moment like a Paris attack??? It would require 25 radicals with a $400 cheap rifle. And the American people would fall into panic.

Governments MUST prepare for this shit.
The attack, at the press of a cheap keyboard enter key, you won't even be aware of, until the power goes out and cash machines no longer work.

Because you are a nut with a gun, you are planning for nuts with guns. Anyone who matters leaves that shit for the guys who make the coffee and donut runs.

VISA? No, but we take bags of flour and live chickens currently.
Seriously. In case of a post-apocalyptic event, martial low or libertarian social justice gangs will occur in some areas. Women and minorities are going to be abused again, particularly if our energy and technology is reduced to steam, coal oil, and sweat labor of humans and animals.

Sounds like you have a plan there Jammie-boi!
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.

You should read the old analogy of the sheep dog, wolf and sheep.

There are 3 distinct personality types in human society.

Ever notice how just about everybody thinks the other guy is the sheep, they are always the sheep dog, and the wolf is the one they are worried about when it's the sheep that will most likely mow you down in a panic?

Myself, I just watch the show, and make comment on it.

No I havent. What you're referring to are a bunch of trans sheep who are arguing over who really isn't a sheep.

Dogs and wolves know EXACTLY who is who and which is which. Only the sheep are confused about it because their minds can't wrap around the idea of being a dog or wolf.

Shit, if that were satire I couldn't have done it any better.
Just saw Obama in a black helicopter, he waved to me. Must be a good sign.

What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.

I'm gonna have this discussion with ya and hope it's fair and civil. You call it an obsession.'s not just conservatives. Everyone loves apocalypse movies. The Walking Dead for example.

I'm one of the people you speak of. I absolutely love apocalyptic novels like One Second After. I'd be considered a very mild "prepper".

Human nature is to defend ones self. In some way or another. We don't have a true imminent threat right now in America....all partisanship aside....we dont. And we are we look for one. How do we better secure our existence.

The human brain is primed for scarcity and threat. If there are too many berries, who gives a shit? If there aren't enough, bad things can happen.

I can wrap my head around folks being more responsive to negative input. My concern isn't receptivity.....but *conclusions*. With conservative after conservative concluding that we're fucked. That our nation is going to implode. And digging holes in the ground in preparation of the imminent collapse they've prognosticated.

For fuck's sake, the Republican GOP is now voting on *secession*. With the governor sending 'observers' to watch routine army training maneuvers for an 'invasion of texas'. One of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Gold bugs use this obsession with collapse to sell gold. Gun manufacturers use this obsession with collapse to sell guns.

Again and again, gullible, impressionable people are being convinced of imminent part of someone else's marketing plan. And this has consequences.

It's comforting. It feels comfortable to assess what the next possible threat is....and feel prepared.

All too often these feelings of 'preparation' actually create the situation they're preparing for. You think Zimmerman would have followed a 6' black guy into the dark if he *wasn't* packing? He literally created the confrontation he carried the gun to protect himself from.

You see pointless escalation again and again. Where words or even fists could resolve a situation.....but guns are used instead. Police escalating situation with militarized responses to peaceful protests. All forgetting the overwhelming axiom that confrontation begets confrontation.

Fair points. I'd disagree a bit on the police part but that's for another thread.

I think this goes far deeper than conservative vs liberal.

The conservative prepper isn't much different in his instinct than the liberal global warming activist. Both see a threat that they think has plenty of evidence to say is real.

The NRA concealed carry activist and the liberal "gun ban" activist are both reacting to the same perceived thought: Someone with a gun could kill me!!!

Having worked in government I agree with you that no massive plot against the people could EVER BE kept secret. That's just absurd.

But government does know a natural disaster or terror attack of a large scale can happen and will happen, and their job is the prep for it.
What is this fucking Armageddon fetish that afflicts so many conservatives. Many of them actually seem disappointed when society *doesn't* collapse, doesn't fall into chaos, doesn't become a police state.

Its one of the reasons I don't want republicans in leadership positions. When their party is increasingly convinced of the impending collapse of our nation.......they may well find a way to make their prophecy come true.

I want leaders invested in our success. Not a near sexual obsession with our collapse.
Imagine living in this state of paranoia all day long? It must wind them up like clocks when they aren't cleaning their guns or fantasizing about how they'll protect their compounds.

They keep predicting the attack and it never comes. It's Black Helicopter Interuptus. We're just teasing them without actually rounding them up into the FEMA camps protected by our jack-booted thugs armed with 70 billion rounds of ammo, ten head-shots per person. They so want to go to war and instead it's go to work, take out the trash, and wash up for dinner. It must just about be killing them.

You should read the old analogy of the sheep dog, wolf and sheep.

There are 3 distinct personality types in human society.
Ever notice how just about everybody thinks the other guy is the sheep, they are always the sheep dog, and the wolf is the one they are worried about when it's the sheep that will most likely mow you down in a panic?

Myself, I just watch the show, and make comment on it.

No I havent. What you're referring to are a bunch of trans sheep who are arguing over who really isn't a sheep.

Dogs and wolves know EXACTLY who is who and which is which. Only the sheep are confused about it because their minds can't wrap around the idea of being a dog or wolf.

Shit, if that were satire I couldn't have done it any better.

Like I said....if you don't know already.....
The paranoia of the right-wing is like stupidity, it's unlimited.

So no governments in world history have turned on their own people and killed millions of them???? Y

you need to research the history of socialism and communism.
Yeah, I'm sure that will be happening here anytime now.

At least that's what people have been saying, for the last 100 years.

The funny thing about those "100 year prophecies" is that - at some point - the 100 years becomes now. I truly believe that this country is dangerously close to tyranny right now. It's coming - just as it has in every empire that has ever existed on this earth. Why do you think we would be any different? What with the high quality of america hating liberals we now have?

Nothing worse than keeping your head buried in the sand - but it's your choice...
The paranoia of the right-wing is like stupidity, it's unlimited.

So no governments in world history have turned on their own people and killed millions of them???? Y

you need to research the history of socialism and communism.
Yeah, I'm sure that will be happening here anytime now.

At least that's what people have been saying, for the last 100 years.

The funny thing about those "100 year prophecies" is that - at some point - the 100 years becomes now. I truly believe that this country is dangerously close to tyranny right now. It's coming - just as it has in every empire that has ever existed on this earth. Why do you think we would be any different? What with the high quality of america hating liberals we now have?

Nothing worse than keeping your head buried in the sand - but it's your choice...

What keeps this country together right now is a power grid and a banking system. You see some kind of national violent takeover coming when what you'll have instead is you and the neighbor discussing over the fence if he has spare gasoline for your spare potatoes?

Take out the grid and we have to talk to each other again but it won't be while sanding in line for FEMA to put a bullet in your head. If you are very, very lucky, they'll have a truck of bottled water but don't bet on it. Their hands or going to be so full they won't have time to load you into the railroad cattle cars. Those will be used to try and get meat to where people are running low on what's left of the pasta and beans.

The US will end with a whimper, not a bang.

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