Amy Coney Barrett's America

"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.

Clayton's pissed he won't be able to bone 14 year old trangenders.....

But it's illegal's just gonna stay that way.

What a load of bullshit this OP is.

We have the senate and WH...guess what that means.

Ruth's dying wish should have been to have an odor capture device on the cremation machine so D.C. didn't smell any worse than it does.

The SCOTUS isn't power you stupid motherfucker.

It's a guard against pricks like you and Biden/Harris who are so hungry for it.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
1. There is no "super-majority". We have 9 justices who SHOULD focus not on common decency, a previous justices dying wish, or about Democracy. Because they are to rule strictly on the law, AND we ARE NOT a Democracy.

The problem here is not the Republicans. It is YOU and people who think like you. The courts are not there to dispense social justice, nor are they there to further any political agenda.

That fact alone makes you a fucking tool.

So suck it up asshole. Because if the roles had been reversed, YOU would not be saying any of this.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
1. There is no "super-majority". We have 9 justices who SHOULD focus not on common decency, a previous justices dying wish, or about Democracy. Because they are to rule strictly on the law, AND we ARE NOT a Democracy.

The problem here is not the Republicans. It is YOU and people who think like you. The courts are not there to dispense social justice, nor are they there to further any political agenda.

That fact alone makes you a fucking tool.

So suck it up asshole. Because if the roles had been reversed, YOU would not be saying any of this.

Well, that post is sailing out of the park and will land in the next county.

Good job !!!!
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
Let me explain something to you. There are three branches of government The Judicial, Legislative and Executive. You, and other Democrats have confused the legislative and Judicial branches. If anyone does not like the way something is done, go to the Supreme court! They can decide if something follows the law, then it is decided yes it follows the law so everyone has to follow that law, or go to the legislative branch and have them rewrite the law. IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE JUDICIAL BRANCH TO INTERPRET THE LAW IN A WAY THAT A JURIST THINKS IT SHOULD BE...THEY LOOK AT THE CONSTITUTION AND FOLLOW IT WORD FOR WORD.

Having the court leaning to the right should please you, for the Justices can't change a law to something it is not. Let's say they are going to rule on Roe V Wade. The cannot rule that there should be no abortions because there is no law saying that. If the legislative branch writes that law that abortions are not legal, then they stop. But there is a law in the Constitution that says any law that isn't spelled out in the constitution then it can be decided be the states. Either way, the laws are not written by the Justices, or shouldn't be.
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
Let me explain something to you. There are three branches of government The Judicial, Legislative and Executive. You, and other Democrats have confused the legislative and Judicial branches. If anyone does not like the way something is done, go to the Supreme court! They can decide if something follows the law, then it is decided yes it follows the law so everyone has to follow that law, or go to the legislative branch and have them rewrite the law. IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE JUDICIAL BRANCH TO INTERPRET THE LAW IN A WAY THAT A JURIST THINKS IT SHOULD BE...THEY LOOK AT THE CONSTITUTION AND FOLLOW IT WORD FOR WORD.

Having the court leaning to the right should please you, for the Justices can't change a law to something it is not. Let's say they are going to rule on Roe V Wade. The cannot rule that there should be no abortions because there is no law saying that. If the legislative branch writes that law that abortions are not legal, then they stop. But there is a law in the Constitution that says any law that isn't spelled out in the constitution then it can be decided be the states. Either way, the laws are not written by the Justices, or shouldn't be.

Watch this.

Turley pretty much mocks those assholes in this piece.

"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
Actually, civil rights will still be intact. This is the old fear mongering scenario to muck up reality.
She's a Constitutionalist, probably won't be legislating law, but interpreting the law. Unlike,
the liberal justices Kagen and Sotomayor.
When a democrat says civil rights they don't mean ALL civil rights. Just abortion. Killing babies is so important that these commies will give up every right we have. Abortion is safe. No one is seriously opposed to liberals and BIPOCS killing off their own.
Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

There';s no indication that civil rights will go away. This is nothing but mindless whining from the left...

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election.

Well, see, here's the thing, Cupcake: Ginsberg's dying wish doesn't take precedence over the Constitution.

So, suck a dick, bitch...
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.

You are not mistaken, however, neither Amy C. Barrett nor any other Supreme Court justice will be the vehicle of a reconstructed and improved fully Christian American government. The in plain sight cause of that, which is incoming and inevitable, which fools such as yourself always miss (although it is right there ) is your beloved democratic party and its psycho circus ideology unleashed onto the American People for approximately the past fifty years.

Translated: YOU and your political party and its cultural warfare "woke" antics ARE THE CAUSE of what is coming. America shall be cleansed of all LGBTQ insanity. Of gay rights, primarily gay marriage; of legal on demand abortion, of all transgender make believe aberration, and of all atheist, satanic, sadistic, postmodernist, critical theory, critical race theory and the like. All of the aforementioned madness shall be purged from our once great civilization and all freaks who have bathed themselves in it and in self-worship could be deemed witches and hunted down accordingly.

Didn't have to be this way, fool. But your "side" lost all self-control . . . all sense of personal responsibility and launched an all out cultural, religious and ideological war on America and her people—the people who love and always have loved their nation, their freedom, their families and their God. Game over for your "side" . . . very, very soon. The best bit of it? You all did it to yourselves, brought it down onto yourselves and all the rest of us. Do enjoy now, ya hear?
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
Dumb ass opinion piece.

What does this meddler even care?

She is a Palestinian/British propagandist? What the FUCK would she know about American lives and American culture?

She isn't even a citizen. . . to my knowledge.

Why is it of her business. . . essentially? SHE IS A SPY!

Fuck her and the boat or plane she rode in on. She has as much business stirring shit up as the Russians do.

. . . were it up to her and her monarchical benefactors, we would be under the yoke of aristocratic rule, we wouldn't have rights, just privileges, and freedom would be but so much more of an illusion than it is now.

The Guardian is infested with MI6. . . stop reading that garbage. It starts by pointing out Republican hypocrisy. . . but, what? It is O.K. for the Democrats and the establishment to be, what, hypocrites themselves? Is that it?

Let's examine two quotes from this article, in context with a quote from RBG herself, shall we?

"They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy."

"It’s possible Biden wins by a landslide and the Democrats get control of the House and Senate. This would give them the ability to expand the supreme court. The question is, will they actually do this?"

So now. . . which party doesn't care about "common decency" and doesn't care about democracy? It is the Dems who are actually going against the explicit wishes of RBG.

. . . we only have her grand-daughter's say so about replacing her, but we DO have her on camera with explicit instructions NOT to change basic structure or pack the court!
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
Let me explain something to you. There are three branches of government The Judicial, Legislative and Executive. You, and other Democrats have confused the legislative and Judicial branches. If anyone does not like the way something is done, go to the Supreme court! They can decide if something follows the law, then it is decided yes it follows the law so everyone has to follow that law, or go to the legislative branch and have them rewrite the law. IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE JUDICIAL BRANCH TO INTERPRET THE LAW IN A WAY THAT A JURIST THINKS IT SHOULD BE...THEY LOOK AT THE CONSTITUTION AND FOLLOW IT WORD FOR WORD.

Having the court leaning to the right should please you, for the Justices can't change a law to something it is not. Let's say they are going to rule on Roe V Wade. The cannot rule that there should be no abortions because there is no law saying that. If the legislative branch writes that law that abortions are not legal, then they stop. But there is a law in the Constitution that says any law that isn't spelled out in the constitution then it can be decided be the states. Either way, the laws are not written by the Justices, or shouldn't be.
The damage has been done nationally and will continue to be by extremist judges.
This Amy took the oath of a slave in her cult to obey and spread her legs for some guy. How can you respect someone who takes a slave's oath and then lies about it?
The stench of your desperation and hatred preceded you.

She has not sworn any such oath. If there are oaths to slavery, they are the ones your ilk demand of the unwashed masses.
This Amy took the oath of a slave in her cult to obey and spread her legs for some guy. How can you respect someone who takes a slave's oath and then lies about it?
The stench of your desperation and hatred preceded you.

She has not sworn any such oath. If there are oaths to slavery, they are the ones your ilk demand of the unwashed masses.
It's fine for women to be free to rebel, but for women to act like ladies? Well hell, they don't have that freedom under Marxist feminist theory.

. . . talk about a cult. :rolleyes:

No wonder population and birth rates are dwindling, it is no longer 'cool' to be a mom, the one thing most girls naturally want to be. That's the real source of Lysis' anger and unhappiness, unrequited love from 30 cats. . . :heehee:
"So that’s that then. The confirmation hearings are over and it is almost inevitable that Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed as a supreme court justice before the November election. Barrett will shift the supreme court from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 6-3 super-majority, a move that could fundamentally reshape America. Goodbye civil rights, hello Gilead.

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans really; they get things done. They don’t care about being called hypocrites. They don’t care about ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish that she not be replaced until after the election. They don’t care about common decency. They don’t care about democracy. They just care about power – and they will do whatever it takes to get it."

No, Republicans and conservatives don’t care about any of that.
The government is not run by the dying wishes of anyone

Judges are not selected based on democracy here and she is no threat to civil rights

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