An Ann Coulter low

Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.

I don't think she is any worse than Obama when saying he bowled like kids at the special olympics and and Rahm Emmanuel when he said Left-wing Democrats were 'fucking retards".

The word retard is slowly being removed from our vocabulary. Perhaps not quick enough but slowly going...
The very same dad didn't give a crap when Obama made his cheap jokes about the Special Olympics, did he?

Obama shouldn't have said that. And he apologized. Fast. I don't know what he was thinking to go there.

Obama totally sucked to ever let those words out of his mouth. I guess he's comfortable talking like that in private. But before the program even aired he knew he was in the wrong and he apologized.

I find no evidence that Coulter apologized. And she has gone down in my esteem accordingly. I can't defend her to my cousin with a 20-year-old autistic son trying to find a dignified place in the world. And I wouldn't even try. In this battle for decency and consideration over gratuitously giving pain to the families of those with special needs, Coulter is playing in the muck and dragging generally good people down with her as they defend her.

All this dimwitted, Pollyannaish moralizing over nothing!

Coupled with the fact that he is the President of the United States, Obama's remark was careless and insensitive because it alluded to a celebrated event, because it went straight to the heart of disability. Of course he apologized and rightly so. Nevertheless, it was made in jest and hardly the stuff of evil. As for Coulter, she had no such thing in mind. However ill-advised, her use of the term was purely colloquial, as in "dumb," "stupid," or "ignorant." It was directed at a grown man, a public figure who is not literally retarded or above reproach.

In the meantime, Coulter abhors abortion on demand, including the atrocity of after-birth abortion, the thugery of collectivism, the theft and squander of government "altruism," the ruination of this nation and the enslavement of its people.

And this: "I know Ann makes a living in the 'shock and awe' arena, and I know she's famously abrasive and callous and mean" (Dan Niblock).

Yeah. "he's famously abrasive and callous and mean" to whom exactly? Your son? Shut up! The likes of the "abrasive and callous and mean" Christ Matthews? You bet! She's in the arena of politics defending the classical liberalism of this nation's founding against the obscenities of pathological liars and nihilists . . . like JoeB131, for example, who makes much ado over Palin's hypocrisy on this thread, but defends monsters like Stalin on others.

Let's talk about what's really offensive, Amelia: your hysterical political correctness, the drool dangling from your quivering chin, the mediocrity of your moral outrage, that obtuse, blank stare. Let's talk about "the standardization and levelling of belief, both spiritual and political . . . [the] tendencies in mass culture to reduce the individual to a cipher of conformity and deference to the dominant opinion" (George Cotkin).
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She says things that will make her money and bring her attention. She's entirely full of shit, and a douche besides. Her 15 minutes stand at 14:49.

Her 15 mins has lasted close to 10 years.

With several best-sellers she's not exactly a flash in the pan.

You know, you're right. i'm wrong. She'll go on selling books full of bullshit that will be snapped up by the smallminded.

I stand corrected.

No. You stand exposed as a small mind with your petty, small-minded concerns.

In the meantime, heaven asks: "why are the babies burning?"
Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.

I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.
I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Oh brother. You're fine with using a word which is hurtful to mentally challenged children and their parents, but not as part of political dissent when directed at the president.

That's not the most messed up thing you've said. But it's pretty whack.

Killing fetuses in the 35th week of pregnancy is peachy, but saying bad things about Obama ... that's "something else entirely". LOL.

If I only had you to go by, I'd think that Australians didn't appreciate political dissent. Luckily I know better. But you're severely twisted.
I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Oh brother. You're fine with using a word which is hurtful to mentally challenged children and their parents, but not as part of political dissent when directed at the president.

That's not the most messed up thing you've said. But it's pretty whack.

Killing fetuses in the 35th week of pregnancy is peachy, but saying bad things about Obama ... that's "something else entirely". LOL.

If I only had you to go by, I'd think that Australians didn't appreciate political dissent. Luckily I know better. But you're severely twisted.

Only a few years ago the word 'retarded' was acceptable until the nanny brigade decided it was offensive.
I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Oh brother. You're fine with using a word which is hurtful to mentally challenged children and their parents, but not as part of political dissent when directed at the president.

That's not the most messed up thing you've said. But it's pretty whack.

Killing fetuses in the 35th week of pregnancy is peachy, but saying bad things about Obama ... that's "something else entirely". LOL.

If I only had you to go by, I'd think that Australians didn't appreciate political dissent. Luckily I know better. But you're severely twisted.

Only a few years ago the word 'retarded' was acceptable until the nanny brigade decided it was offensive.

Do you just make this stuff up as you go? Using "retarded" as an insult has been frowned upon since at least 1970. I won't vouch for anything before that.
Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.

I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Hey Dumbo.. Why is it ok to call a kid retarded but not the RETARDED President?? Why don't you be consistent??
Coulter tweet:

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.

I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Hey Dumbo.. Why is it ok to call a kid retarded but not the RETARDED President?? Why don't you be consistent??

Because there is such a thing as mental retardation. But we call it 'intellectually challenged' these days because we are too afraid to call a spade a spade.
Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.
Who wants to bet 10,000 dollars that Sawah Pailin won't raise a peep against her.

Remember how she was the "retarded" word police not too long ago when a Democrat uttered the word?

Watch...she won't utter a peep in reference to Ann Coulter.
Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.
The likelihood that I read any post beyond this one is pretty damn remote. But I would like to say that Ann is fuck'n retarded. And of course the fuck'n idiot that wants an apology from her is retarded as well.

While I'm at it... Both of them should get raped. Die in a fire, and get skull fucked for WANTING to be insulted. Nobody is a victim here unless they want to be. And frankly... If someone wants to be a victim because someone said something mean to/about them I'll happily make them one.

Get some balls or a pair of tits and be a real man/woman... Sticks and stones ya little bitches.

( How did I do? I think I should have F bombed a couple more times but as a whole... )
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Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.
Who wants to bet 10,000 dollars that Sawah Pailin won't raise a peep against her.

Remember how she was the "retarded" word police not too long ago when a Democrat uttered the word?

Watch...she won't utter a peep in reference to Ann Coulter.

Of course she won't. Bitches of a feather hang together, and both of those biddy bitches have quiet a lot in common.

Especially their bigotry.

Know what I'd like to see? Both Palin and Coultergeist getting ass raped by a moose.
Know what I'd like to see? Both Palin and Coultergeist getting ass raped by a moose.

The fact that something like this would even enter someone's mind is disturbing. The fact that they would proudly say it in a public forum is something beyond that.

At some point the visceral hatred that dominates our politics must either recede or be marginalized. Or we're done. Literally. And we're obviously not far from it.

Either we're better than this, or we're not.

Know what I'd like to see? Both Palin and Coultergeist getting ass raped by a moose.

The fact that something like this would even enter someone's mind is disturbing. The fact that they would proudly say it in a public forum is something beyond that.

At some point the visceral hatred that dominates our politics must either recede or be marginalized. Or we're done. Literally. And we're obviously not far from it.

Either we're better than this, or we're not.

I'm not.

In a time of chimpanzees I was a monkey.

I don't follow the golden rule.

I do unto others more than they do unto me. Good and bad. At least I try anyway.
I don't think there is any reason to get upset over the use of the word 'retard', no matter if you have a child who is retarded. Lets not get all politically correct.
But to refer to the President as a retard, that is something else entirely. Ann Coulter once again shows her lack of respect toward the man who holds office.

Hey Dumbo.. Why is it ok to call a kid retarded but not the RETARDED President?? Why don't you be consistent??

Because there is such a thing as mental retardation. But we call it 'intellectually challenged' these days because we are too afraid to call a spade a spade.

Don't be, speak up.. or is freedom of speech against Australian law?
Coulter tweet:

Been busy, but is Obama STILL talking about that video? I had no idea how crucial the retarded vote is in this election.

I learned about it here:

Dad demands apology from Ann Coulter for using 'retarded' as an insult - TODAYMoms

I've defended her in the past. Getting kind of tired of it. Not funny at all, Ms. Coulter.
Who wants to bet 10,000 dollars that Sawah Pailin won't raise a peep against her.

Remember how she was the "retarded" word police not too long ago when a Democrat uttered the word?

Watch...she won't utter a peep in reference to Ann Coulter.

Sarah is not a political correct fool. She's also not thinned skinned, no one can deny that.

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