An Answered Prayer - For those who Question, God is Real!

Answered prayer ... God is Real

I never did have any doubts of God being real, but for those who might, this story is for you.

I was a teacher and loved what I did. But through a series of illnesses and surgeries, I had to quit being a teacher. My son wanted me to move two states south to be with his family, but I would miss my friends and significant other. It was a difficult decision to make and one not to make lightly at my age with possible limitations. I also had to contend with a house to try to sell in a market that was not easy to sell, not to mention keeping a house pristine while I was getting over surgeries.

Didn't know what to do, so I prayed. I put off making a decision until God could give me an answer. And it came one day. Like a lightning bolt. I was in a neighborhood Kinko's where a young man and his girlfriend were asking the clerk to bind copies of the papers he had run off to make booklets for a University Class he had that evening. The clerk said the binding of the booklets would cost him $100. The young man didn't have the $100.

I interrupted and said I had a binding machine and could bind them for him and didn't live far. They followed me home. I bound the booklets. They loved my house. While I bound the booklets, they looked at the rest of the house and I jokingly said, I might be selling it. They said they were looking at houses but haven't found any they liked, but liked mine. I told them I had another surgery coming up and recuperation would be 4 months before I could seriously consider selling. That turned into 6 months. They bought the house without a real estate agent.

I moved to Tennessee and am now an active grandmother of three grandsons. God knew the right decision and let me know.

SOOoooo... let me get this straight.. God is a guy that can't come up with $100 but you could clearly see he was the Real God and gave him your house upon promise to pay for it? No need of a real estate agent? How are those payments coming in?


You are a bonifide idiot.

Just sayin...


A guy who can't come up with $100 to bind his books has the money to buy your house?
Answered prayer ... God is Real

I never did have any doubts of God being real, but for those who might, this story is for you.

I was a teacher and loved what I did. But through a series of illnesses and surgeries, I had to quit being a teacher. My son wanted me to move two states south to be with his family, but I would miss my friends and significant other. It was a difficult decision to make and one not to make lightly at my age with possible limitations. I also had to contend with a house to try to sell in a market that was not easy to sell, not to mention keeping a house pristine while I was getting over surgeries.

Didn't know what to do, so I prayed. I put off making a decision until God could give me an answer. And it came one day. Like a lightning bolt. I was in a neighborhood Kinko's where a young man and his girlfriend were asking the clerk to bind copies of the papers he had run off to make booklets for a University Class he had that evening. The clerk said the binding of the booklets would cost him $100. The young man didn't have the $100.

I interrupted and said I had a binding machine and could bind them for him and didn't live far. They followed me home. I bound the booklets. They loved my house. While I bound the booklets, they looked at the rest of the house and I jokingly said, I might be selling it. They said they were looking at houses but haven't found any they liked, but liked mine. I told them I had another surgery coming up and recuperation would be 4 months before I could seriously consider selling. That turned into 6 months. They bought the house without a real estate agent.

I moved to Tennessee and am now an active grandmother of three grandsons. God knew the right decision and let me know.

SOOoooo... let me get this straight.. God is a guy that can't come up with $100 but you could clearly see he was the Real God and gave him your house upon promise to pay for it? No need of a real estate agent? How are those payments coming in?


You are a bonifide idiot.

Just sayin...


A guy who can't come up with $100 to bind his books has the money to buy your house?

As I said earlier, I believe the girlfriend is the one who had the job and qualified for the loan. I don't think either of them thought that the binding of the books would cost that much that day. For ten years ago, that was quite a large sum.
You are right. It was a modest real estate transaction. And that all it was. The interesting part, actually was, that one year I was happily teaching and the next year I was disabled and unsure of my future plans. Not knowing how much faith I could put in others and what my health would be was a real problem. But I was reluctant to leave what I knew and loved up north. So, it was a real problem.

But, Huggy, it boiled down to a silly real estate purchase to you. It was my future security and happiness to me ... A question I left up to God. And I'm glad I did. My faith didn't let me down.

No... It was you. You aquired the house and sold it. It wasn't devine intervention. Millions of people buy houses and sell them and move on to something more suitable for thier lives.

It appears to me that your life is working out in spite of your willfull ignorance ..not because of it.

I really don't mean to argue with you, but just to have you consider... Out of those millions who sell their homes and move on, how many pray just for a sign on which direction they should take. The answer comes in the form of a perfect stranger coming into their home and telling them they would like to buy their home and if nothing else, on your time line?

Wouldn't you consider that pretty unique? I did.

And, I hadn't brought this up before, but in the intervening months, they kept in touch and would visit from time to time. They introduced me to the term, "Paying Forward."

They said that day that I bound their booklets for them was in fact, "Paying Forward", doing a good deed for someone instead of paying back a good deed owed to someone else, you pay it forward. Since I paid forward, they acknowledged they were trying to pay good deeds forward as well. They were indeed a good couple. They felt it was good karma that they were able to buy my home without it going on the market.

You know what, there's something else I believe Huggy. Sometimes God brings good people together.

You may be on to something. Maybe if we all just hunker down and pray like crazy we could drive our cars without bothering to hold on to the steering wheels and make better use of the time we waste commuting. I bet if we all did that "God" would bring a lot more of us "together". :lol:
I've always found it funny how people will give an example of something good happening being proof of an answered prayer, while never bringing up all the times prayers don't lead to anything good.

Because of course, if the prayer isn't answered, the fault lies with the person praying, but if the prayer is answered, it's god.

Unless you have never prayed without it being answered, these kinds of stories are pretty meaningless. Nice, but meaningless.

It was my future security and happiness to me ... A question I left up to God. And I'm glad I did. My faith didn't let me down.

... And I'm glad I did.

is there really any value to leaving it up to God and believing your faith did not let you down ?

It was my future security and happiness to me ... A question I left up to God. And I'm glad I did. My faith didn't let me down.

... And I'm glad I did.

is there really any value to leaving it up to God and believing your faith did not let you down ?


Absolutely! I cannot do it alone. I depend on God to be my protector and my answer. I have a strong faith and am a happy person because of it. I don't expect to change minds. But perhaps it may make someone think.

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