An Anti-Israel President

Obama still has to kowtow to the Zionist Jewish lobby and AIPAC if he want's a second term.

But if re-elected he will be able to read the riot act to Israel.

And start to free the U.S. from Israel's strangle hold on our nation.
Obama still has to kowtow to the Zionist Jewish lobby and AIPAC if he want's a second term.

But if re-elected he will be able to read the riot act to Israel.

And start to free the U.S. from Israel's strangle hold on our nation.

There's no riot act for Israel. Only if America leaves the ME Hegemony would that be a possibility.

So, let's see if Obama is able to back up from what still seems to be coming. Let's see if he can do what he wants.

Which is what these leftist Jews do not see, but you so clearly show. No doubt they will have an excuse for him and you but the fact remains that Israel will do what Israel needs to do to survive.


Yes, it's a hell of a fight coming. The Green Spot wishes to genocide the Red Spot. You know, Genocide?

I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Sunni Man's Solution to the "Jewish Problem". "Round them up world wide and find an Island to transfer them...


You're clear.
The idea of protecting the Chosen People by giving them their own island had been around for a hundred years.

Instead of mocking it; you should be considering it for the safety of your people.
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The idea of protecting the Chosen People by giving them their own island had been around for a hundred years.

Instead of mocking it; you should be considering it for the safety of your people.


Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.


You're not very bright Sunni. :eusa_angel:
For a couple of thousand years the people of the gentile nations have been trying to exterminate the Jews.

Even today, I see no real change in their behavior toward the Jews; and anti-semitism is again on the rise.

Surely, a rational person like you can see that there needs to be a separation between jew and gentile.

For the general welfare of the the Jewish people and the world.

A true once and for all "final solution" to this seemingly endless problem.
For a couple of thousand years the people of the gentile nations have been trying to exterminate the Jews.

Even today, I see no real change in their behavior toward the Jews; and anti-semitism is again on the rise.

Surely, a rational person like you can see that there needs to be a separation between jew and gentile.

For the general welfare of the the Jewish people and the world.

A true once and for all "final solution" to this seemingly endless problem.

You didn't say protect Sunni man. You said quarantine.

You're caught, even if you are too silly to recognize it. :cool:

And "final solution"

Silly Sunni. :cool:

The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar
Madagascar Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It sure was. Where do you think Sunni got his 'idea'? Surely not from his moderate Muslim mind. :cool:
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Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.

And one of the biggest headaches for the world would be resolved. :cool:
Say what you will about President Obama's approach to Israel—or of his relationship with American Jews—he sure has mastered the concept of chutzpah.

When this president wants to make a show of his exquisite diplomatic sensitivity—burgers with Medvedev, bows to Abdullah, New Year's greetings to the mullahs—he knows how. And when he wants to show his contempt, he knows how, too.

The contempt was again on display Sunday, when Mr. Obama spoke to the Aipac policy conference in Washington. The speech was stocked with the perennial bromides about U.S.-Israeli friendship, which brought an anxious crowd to its feet a few times. As for the rest, it was a thin tissue of falsehoods, rhetorical legerdemain, telling omissions and self-contradictions. Let's count the ways..

The president's peace proposal is a formula for war.


Mr. Obama neglected to mention these points on Sunday, hence the telling omission. But the essence of his proposal is that Israel should cede territory, put itself into a weaker position, and then hope for the best. This doesn't even amount to a land-for-peace formula.

That's not all. Mr. Obama got some applause Sunday by calling for a "non-militarized" Palestinian state. But how does that square with his comment, presumably applicable to a future Palestine, that "every state has a right to self-defense"? Mr. Obama was also cheered for his references to Israel as a "Jewish state." But why then obfuscate on the question of Palestinian refugees, whose political purpose over 63 years has been to destroy Israel as a Jewish state?

And then there was that line that "we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric." Applause! But can Mr. Obama offer a single example of having done that as president, except perhaps at the level of a State Department press release?

What, then, would a pro-Israel president do? He would tell Palestinians that there is no right of return. He would make the reform of the Arab mindset toward Israel the centerpiece of his peace efforts. He would outline hard and specific consequences should Hamas join the government.

Such a vision could lay the groundwork for peace. What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets on e!

America's President's background is clear as he has a long association with 'Jew haters'.

Fact... One of BHO's best friends in Chicago was Rashid Khaliki, former PLO spokesman under Arafat who supported terrorist strikes on Israeli government targets. At a 2003 pro-Palestinian banquet then Illinois State Senator Obama sang Khalid's praises.

Fact... Obama's Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, called for a boycott of Israel for its 'apartheid' against Palestinians while Obama sat in his pews. Wright even reprinted Hamas terror manifesto against Israel in his church bulletin. Wright, a one time member of the Nation of Islam, gave dozens of Jew-bashing sermons while mentoring Obama.

Fact... Another close associate of Obama in Chicago is the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhhan.

So, is Obama anti-Israel? Suffice to say his circle of friends for over twenty years most certainly are anti-Semite.

And his speech clarified his intent. :doubt:

In a few months this OP will be a year old and Obama's intent with regards to Israel has become clearer by the month.

Israel must get to the damned peace table

Why "Must" they? There won't be any Arabs at the table. Just their intermediaries because the Arabs refuse to be in the same room or shake the hands with a Jew. You've got to set the table before there's any eating and the guests must ALL come to the table.

So now Obama has his entire diplomatic staff saying that Israel is refusing to negotiate with Arabs (Palestinians) at a table where they won't be?


Some can lap that up. I don't.
Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.

And one of the biggest headaches for the world would be resolved. :cool:

No Sunni. Your use of words like:

Quarantine the World's Jewry.
One inch of Israel is too much.
Final Solution

Shows you are anything but moderate,
Anything can be taken out of context in order to make someone look bad or prove a point. :doubt:
Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.

And one of the biggest headaches for the world would be resolved. :cool:

No Sunni. Your use of words like:

Quarantine the World's Jewry.
One inch of Israel is too much.
Final Solution

Shows you are anything but moderate,
Anything can be taken out of context in order to make someone look bad or prove a point. :doubt:

It's not out of context. Those are your words and "Final Solution" is pretty clear.

Final Solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For a couple of thousand years the people of the gentile nations have been trying to exterminate the Jews.

Even today, I see no real change in their behavior toward the Jews; and anti-semitism is again on the rise.

Surely, a rational person like you can see that there needs to be a separation between jew and gentile.

For the general welfare of the the Jewish people and the world.

A true once and for all "final solution" to this seemingly endless problem.
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Obama still has to kowtow to the Zionist Jewish lobby and AIPAC if he want's a second term.

But if re-elected he will be able to read the riot act to Israel.

And start to free the U.S. from Israel's strangle hold on our nation.

There's no riot act for Israel. Only if America leaves the ME Hegemony would that be a possibility.

So, let's see if Obama is able to back up from what still seems to be coming. Let's see if he can do what he wants.

Which is what these leftist Jews do not see, but you so clearly show. No doubt they will have an excuse for him and you but the fact remains that Israel will do what Israel needs to do to survive.


Yes, it's a hell of a fight coming. The Green Spot wishes to genocide the Red Spot. You know, Genocide?

Sunni Man's Solution to the "Jewish Problem". "Round them up world wide and find an Island to transfer them...


You're clear.

Well the good thing is a lot of Jews are waking up to the reality that is Obama, not as much as I would like of course, but a little swing in FL, MI OH could loose Obama the election lets hope that will happen.
Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.
I mean, what you're calling to discuss is the same thing that Hitler discussed.

The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar
Madagascar Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[ame=]Heinrich Himmler Speech - Jewish Extermination Orders - YouTube[/ame]

He put your thoughts into action Sunni Man. Well, that's where you got those thoughts. :cool:
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Say what you will about President Obama's approach to Israel—or of his relationship with American Jews—he sure has mastered the concept of chutzpah.

The president's peace proposal is a formula for war.


Mr. Obama neglected to mention these points on Sunday, hence the telling omission. But the essence of his proposal is that Israel should cede territory, put itself into a weaker position, and then hope for the best. This doesn't even amount to a land-for-peace formula.

That's not all. Mr. Obama got some applause Sunday by calling for a "non-militarized" Palestinian state. But how does that square with his comment, presumably applicable to a future Palestine, that "every state has a right to self-defense"? Mr. Obama was also cheered for his references to Israel as a "Jewish state." But why then obfuscate on the question of Palestinian refugees, whose political purpose over 63 years has been to destroy Israel as a Jewish state?

And then there was that line that "we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric." Applause! But can Mr. Obama offer a single example of having done that as president, except perhaps at the level of a State Department press release?

What, then, would a pro-Israel president do? He would tell Palestinians that there is no right of return. He would make the reform of the Arab mindset toward Israel the centerpiece of his peace efforts. He would outline hard and specific consequences should Hamas join the government.

Such a vision could lay the groundwork for peace. What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets on e!

America's President's background is clear as he has a long association with 'Jew haters'.

Fact... One of BHO's best friends in Chicago was Rashid Khaliki, former PLO spokesman under Arafat who supported terrorist strikes on Israeli government targets. At a 2003 pro-Palestinian banquet then Illinois State Senator Obama sang Khalid's praises.

Fact... Obama's Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, called for a boycott of Israel for its 'apartheid' against Palestinians while Obama sat in his pews. Wright even reprinted Hamas terror manifesto against Israel in his church bulletin. Wright, a one time member of the Nation of Islam, gave dozens of Jew-bashing sermons while mentoring Obama.

Fact... Another close associate of Obama in Chicago is the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhhan.

So, is Obama anti-Israel? Suffice to say his circle of friends for over twenty years most certainly are anti-Semite.

And his speech clarified his intent. :doubt:

In a few months this OP will be a year old and Obama's intent with regards to Israel has become clearer by the month.

Israel must get to the damned peace table

Why "Must" they? There won't be any Arabs at the table. Just their intermediaries because the Arabs refuse to be in the same room or shake the hands with a Jew. You've got to set the table before there's any eating and the guests must ALL come to the table.

So now Obama has his entire diplomatic staff saying that Israel is refusing to negotiate with Arabs (Palestinians) at a table where they won't be?


Some can lap that up. I don't.

if you were an american, your opinion would almost matter, but you're just a whiny hebrew from canuckastan.

fuck off :thup:
if you were an american, your opinion would almost matter, but you're just a whiny hebrew from canuckastan.

fuck off

^ Why, you've almost cornered the market on fuck off. :thup:

Oops, it looks like del has fucked off. Has he got the entire market of fuck off now?
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