An Anti-Israel President

Back to before the interpersonal hijack. :D

Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.
I mean, what you're calling to discuss is the same thing that Hitler discussed.

The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar
Madagascar Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[ame=]Heinrich Himmler Speech - Jewish Extermination Orders - YouTube[/ame]

He put your thoughts into action Sunni Man. Well, that's where you got those thoughts. :cool:
Back to before the interpersonal hijack. :D

Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.
I mean, what you're calling to discuss is the same thing that Hitler discussed.

The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar
Madagascar Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[ame=]Heinrich Himmler Speech - Jewish Extermination Orders - YouTube[/ame]

He put your thoughts into action Sunni Man. Well, that's where you got those thoughts. :cool:

i don't see the problem
Back to before the interpersonal hijack. :D

Whether I use the term "quarantine" or "protect" isn't relevant; because the end result would be the same.

The Jews would be safe in their isolated Hebe island.
I mean, what you're calling to discuss is the same thing that Hitler discussed.

The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar
Madagascar Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[ame=]Heinrich Himmler Speech - Jewish Extermination Orders - YouTube[/ame]

He put your thoughts into action Sunni Man. Well, that's where you got those thoughts. :cool:

i don't see the problem

Of course you don't. :cool: :thup:
Umm...Who is NATO again?

Turkey will not allow NATO to share intelligence with Israel

Rapidly Islamizing Turkey ratchets up its new hostility to Israel. Will this result in its removal from NATO? Almost certainly not, as long as Barack Obama is president. "Turkey will not allow NATO to share intelligence with Israel," from AFP, February 17 (thanks to Kenneth):

Turkey will never allow any third country, particularly Israel, to use intelligence obtained by a NATO radar system, its foreign minister said on Friday.
"We will never allow any third country to use any NATO facility. Our position will be even more clear if it is particularly Israel," Davutoglu told a joint news conference with visiting NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen in Ankara.

His remarks came after some media outlets reported that the United States and Israel have carried out a joint missile test by using intelligence gathered by a NATO radar system based in eastern Turkey.

Last year Ankara decided to host in a military facility base near Malatya in the southeast an early warning radar as part of NATO's defense architecture.

"It is a NATO system and we appreciate that Turkey has agreed to host one of the facilities," said Rasmussen.

"Data are shared within our alliance among the allies. It is a defence system to protect the populations of NATO allies," he added without mentioning Israel, which is not a NATO member.

Turkey will not allow NATO to share intelligence with Israel - Jihad Watch
Turkey has figured out that Israel can never be a trusted ally. :cool:

Kind of the same thing the EU said to Turkey. And Turkey's still running away from its genocide as well.

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Understandable that a country that had the term genocide penned for them (Turkey) would want to be on the side to produce more genocide.

Human rights of Kurdish people in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The current government of Turkey never committed any genocide.

But it makes the Zionist pukes feel better about themselves to point fingers at other nations.

While committing genocide right in heir own back yard on a daily basis. :doubt:
Turkey has figured out that Israel can never be a trusted ally. :cool:

Kind of the same thing the EU said to Turkey. And Turkey's still running away from its genocide as well.

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Understandable that a country that had the term genocide penned for them (Turkey) would want to be on the side to produce more genocide.

Human rights of Kurdish people in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The current government of Turkey never committed any genocide.

But it makes the Zionist pukes feel better about themselves to point fingers at other nations.

While committing genocide right in heir own back yard on a daily basis. :doubt:

So that means it doesn't matter? Sweep it up under the rug? :thup:

Human rights of Kurdish people in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


No, the current Turkish government is not wanted in the West either. :lol:
Turkey is finally returning to it's Islamic roots and emerging as a power broker in the Middle East.

Hopefully, Turkey will become the dominate player in the area.

And will take Israel to task for the genocidal and fascist behavior towards muslim people it now exhibits.
These liberal Jews suck this stuff up..


While the blogosphere is abuzz with debate over the fairness of the video, a better question arises: seven minutes? Is that the best this administration can do?

Perhaps it is. Compare those seven minutes to the administration's dressing-down of Israel in Hillary Clinton's publicized 43-minute telephone harangue of PM Netanyahu for announcing construction, specifically exempted from any building freeze, in a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem. How many minutes could be filled with senior advisor David Axelrod televised proclamation that President Obama considered the housing approval "an affront, an insult...and very, very destructive"? Or VP Biden's castigating Israel for endangering American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or Clinton's condescending demand that Israel show its commitment to peace by unilaterally conceding negotiating positions and releasing hundreds of Palestinian terrorists even before "indirect" peace talks could begin? Or Defense Secretary Robert Gates calling Israel "an ungrateful ally"?

Would the next seven minutes include new Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's chastising Israel to "get back to the damn [negotiating] table? Or holding U.N. support for Israel hostage to Israeli concessions? Or shoving PM Netanyahu out the White House back door, without so much as feeding him dinner, issuing a joint statement or allowing a photo-op? Or, over an open mike, Obama agreeing with French President Sarkozy's statement that "I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar," helpfully adding, "You're fed up, but I have to deal with him every day"? Or pushing Israel to apologize for the Gaza flotilla incident? Or Obama's speech, sandbagging Netanyahu on the eve of his Washington visit, calling on Israel to retreat to the 1949 Armistice line as a starting point for negotiations? Or reneging on the written American commitment to Israel to support retention of major settlement blocs in any peace negotiation?

Conversely, why does no footage exist of Obama unequivocally condemning non-stop anti-Israel incitement by the Palestinian leadership in violation of every agreement from Oslo to the Roadmap? Or official Palestinian glorification of terrorists, including, this week, celebrating the grisly murder of the Fogels and their sleeping little boys and baby girl? Or Palestinians refusing to negotiate at the same "damn table" as the Israelis? Or rapprochement between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which considers it a religious obligation to destroy Israel? Or Palestinians threatening another intifada? Or the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem -- whose salary comes from American taxpayers -- this week urging Arabs to "fight and kill the Jews"? Or Palestinians firing literally hundreds of rockets from Gaza at the million Israelis living within range?

Obama stakes his dubious claim that "we don't compromise when it comes to Israel's security" on intelligence coordination and the cooperative development of the Iron Dome rocket shield. Those, however, were joint US-Israel defense and intelligence projects initiated by the Bush administration. I'll give Obama credit for not cancelling them like he did other Bush commitments to Israel, but that doesn't exactly merit his "most pro-Israel" boast.

More importantly, all that daylight Obama created between America and Israel has stripped Israel diplomatically, exposing it to an onslaught by a world that does not wish the Jewish State well. Without America's once-reliable protection, it is open season on Israel. Whether the issue is Israeli security, sovereignty, academic and economic boycotts, or the developing Islamist noose encircling Israel's borders, Obama has left Israel twisting in the wind and dangerously isolated. And we haven't even addressed Obama's pathetic efforts to "engage" atomic Iran.

Read more: Articles: The Limits Of Obama's Pro-Israel Pronouncements
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While the blogosphere is abuzz with debate over the fairness of the video, a better question arises: seven minutes? Is that the best this administration can do?

Perhaps it is. Compare those seven minutes to the administration's dressing-down of Israel in Hillary Clinton's publicized 43-minute telephone harangue of PM Netanyahu for announcing construction, specifically exempted from any building freeze, in a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem. How many minutes could be filled with senior advisor David Axelrod televised proclamation that President Obama considered the housing approval "an affront, an insult...and very, very destructive"? Or VP Biden's castigating Israel for endangering American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or Clinton's condescending demand that Israel show its commitment to peace by unilaterally conceding negotiating positions and releasing hundreds of Palestinian terrorists even before "indirect" peace talks could begin? Or Defense Secretary Robert Gates calling Israel "an ungrateful ally"?

Would the next seven minutes include new Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's chastising Israel to "get back to the damn [negotiating] table? Or holding U.N. support for Israel hostage to Israeli concessions? Or shoving PM Netanyahu out the White House back door, without so much as feeding him dinner, issuing a joint statement or allowing a photo-op? Or, over an open mike, Obama agreeing with French President Sarkozy's statement that "I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar," helpfully adding, "You're fed up, but I have to deal with him every day"? Or pushing Israel to apologize for the Gaza flotilla incident? Or Obama's speech, sandbagging Netanyahu on the eve of his Washington visit, calling on Israel to retreat to the 1949 Armistice line as a starting point for negotiations? Or reneging on the written American commitment to Israel to support retention of major settlement blocs in any peace negotiation?

Conversely, why does no footage exist of Obama unequivocally condemning non-stop anti-Israel incitement by the Palestinian leadership in violation of every agreement from Oslo to the Roadmap? Or official Palestinian glorification of terrorists, including, this week, celebrating the grisly murder of the Fogels and their sleeping little boys and baby girl? Or Palestinians refusing to negotiate at the same "damn table" as the Israelis? Or rapprochement between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, which considers it a religious obligation to destroy Israel? Or Palestinians threatening another intifada? Or the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem -- whose salary comes from American taxpayers -- this week urging Arabs to "fight and kill the Jews"? Or Palestinians firing literally hundreds of rockets from Gaza at the million Israelis living within range?

Obama stakes his dubious claim that "we don't compromise when it comes to Israel's security" on intelligence coordination and the cooperative development of the Iron Dome rocket shield. Those, however, were joint US-Israel defense and intelligence projects initiated by the Bush administration. I'll give Obama credit for not cancelling them like he did other Bush commitments to Israel, but that doesn't exactly merit his "most pro-Israel" boast.

More importantly, all that daylight Obama created between America and Israel has stripped Israel diplomatically, exposing it to an onslaught by a world that does not wish the Jewish State well. Without America's once-reliable protection, it is open season on Israel. Whether the issue is Israeli security, sovereignty, academic and economic boycotts, or the developing Islamist noose encircling Israel's borders, Obama has left Israel twisting in the wind and dangerously isolated. And we haven't even addressed Obama's pathetic efforts to "engage" atomic Iran.

Read more: Articles: The Limits Of Obama's Pro-Israel Pronouncements

Obama vs. Netanyahu vs. Ahmadinejad – Global Public Square - Blogs

His attempts are not pathetic. They are well calculated. This is a Chicago style politician who has an agenda that includes isolating Israel from American power imho.

Answering Obama’s Israel Lies

Posted by Arlene Kushner on Jan 27th, 2012

On January 19, President Barack Obama’s campaign staff released a video, “America and Israel: An Unbreakable Bond” – a piece rife with half-truths and distortions. As patently false as it seems to anyone with a properly jaundiced eye, it nonetheless requires a response. For one suspects that those American Jews eager to find a reason to vote for Obama may be all too ready to stand convinced of what they are being told.

Recently elected NY Congressman Bob Turner gave an interview in Israel last week, in which he said, “I think American support militarily has been more an investment in our own defense..” It was a refreshingly honest and significant observation that directly applies here.

Obama likes to claim – as he does in this video – that US military cooperation with Israel makes him a huge supporter of Israel. But this cooperation serves US needs and goals in important ways: the US requires an Israel that is militarily solid. Nothing wrong with that. It means US interests coincide with Israeli interests in this respect. But Obama misrepresents when he claims the US does this for Israel. And it should be noted here that it is the Pentagon, which understands the military situation, that has always been the major promoter within the US of cooperation with Israel.

This same principle applies to other, related, matters. Last year the Israeli embassy in Cairo was attacked. The ambassador and his staff got out, but two Israeli security guards were caught in the building and in danger of being killed. Obama (and I note here there were others from elsewhere involved as well) intervened and helped get those guards out safely. He then made a great deal about how he worked on Israel’s behalf. Nonsense. Imagine what would have happened if those guards had been killed, when, according to international law, a country is responsible for the safety of foreign embassy personnel within its borders. Israel would have had to respond very strongly – perhaps there would have been war. Obama knew this, knew that there was risk of a disastrous turn of events in the Middle East and he had to try to cool things. All to the good. But he didn’t do this for Israel.

Did Israelis, including Netanyahu, thank him for his actions here and elsewhere? Of course. That’s the diplomatic thing to do. But the Israeli prime minister did not do so with the expectation that Obama would use this expression of appreciation as an endorsement come election time. The Obama team merely borrowed an earlier clip and added it to their video. I haven’t discussed this with Netanyahu personally, but I am reasonably confident that the prime minister is privately praying that Obama loses – for Obama has been rude to him and a thorn in his side in many respects. But it’s neither politic nor appropriate for him to voice any opinion in the matter.

As to Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s praise of Obama, which is given considerable play in the video: It’s long been known in Israel that Barak is an Obama “buddy.” This is a man who is intensely disliked by those Israelis who care about preserving their nation. Barak is the one who sanctions middle of the night expulsions of people in “unauthorized” communities in Judea and Samaria, allowing young children to be dragged from their beds into cold rain. What Barak says should carry no weight with caring people.

The imagery of Obama at the Kotel, which begins the video, is designed to grab at the heart. But for some this is more likely to grab the stomach: Obama has not visited Israel once since he’s been in office – even though he is a much-traveled president. Where does he travel? To Muslim countries, mostly

Answering Obama’s Israel Lies | FrontPage Magazine
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