An Anti-Israel President

[ame=]O'Reilly Body Language Expert: Obama Has Centempt In His Eyes For Netanyahu - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Gen Commander of the Iran Army: It Will Take Us 11 Days "to Wipe Israel Out of Existence" - YouTube[/ame]

It looks to me as if war is coming imo.
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Report: Obama won't commit to stopping Iran, US and Israel no longer sharing all Iran intelligence


Newsweek is reporting that with Iran approaching a nuclear weapon, President Obama refuses to commit to Israel that he will go to war to stop Iran, and both Israel and the United States are withholding intelligence information from each other on Iran. Newsweek also reports that while the Mossad tried feeling out Obama on Israel going it alone on Iran, Obama regards his reelection as being at least as important as the other prongs of his equation: handling Israel, keeping Iran from going nuclear and keeping world oil prices in check.

Well before he moved into the White House, Barack Obama began talking to Israel about Iran’s nuclear program, and even then there was mistrust. He met in 2008 with several leading Israelis, including Benjamin Netanyahu—before Netanyahu was elected prime minister—and impressed everyone with his determination to stop Iran from going nuclear. Netanyahu liked much of what he heard, according to a source in his inner circle. What troubled him, however, was that Obama didn’t talk specifically about Israel’s security.

Rather, he discussed Iran in the context of a broader non-proliferation policy. “He showed much command of the issues, even though it was months before he got elected,” says the Netanyahu source. “It was clear that he read and internalized things. But when he spoke about Iran and his opposition to the nuclearization of Iran ... the Israeli factor did not play prominently.”
That's a very accurate read of Obama, as we will see throughout - and have been seeing for the last five years. Obama could care less about Israel. He does care about nuclear non-proliferation. He wishes to avoid a war at all costs - including (God forbid) the destruction of the State of Israel.
According to an American official who was involved, [Mossad Director General] Tamir Pardo [who was in Washington recently. CiJ] wanted to take the pulse of the Obama administration and determine what the consequences would be if Israel bombed Iranian nuclear sites over American objections. Pardo raised many questions, according to this source: “What is our posture on Iran? Are we ready to bomb? Would we [do so later]? What does it mean if [Israel] does it anyway?” As it is, Israel has stopped sharing a significant amount of information with Washington regarding its own military preparations.

Israel Matzav: Report: Obama won't commit to stopping Iran, US and Israel no longer sharing all Iran intelligence
I am proud of our President Obama.

He is putting America's interests ahead of Israel's.

He is the first setting President to do that since that rouge state came into existence in 1948

All true and loyal Americans should back this gutsy move and salute our President. :salute:
I am proud of our President Obama.

He is putting America's interests ahead of Israel's.

He is the first setting President to do that since that rouge state came into existence in 1948

All true and loyal Americans should back this gutsy move and salute our President. :salute:

Barack Obama's Call to Confrontation -- Barack Obama & Chicago-Style Politics

You would think Obama would discuss with the P.M this "precise formulations and language" before the goes out and makes proclamations:eusa_whistle:

Yes, he's a Chicago style dirty fighter, but in the Middle East he's an apprentice. He's irritated with the entire middle east as he thought he could charm and kidney punch his way in, and that didn't happen. I also see that his sympathies lie with the Muslims with regards to Israel. I don't mean the Palestinians either. I mean the Ummah.

Unbelievers in control of believers in the Ummah? This is what he sees.

Moslem and Islamic Prophecies according to the Qur'an: Religion and History

Moslem and Islamic Prophecies according to the Qur'an: Religion and History
I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?

What don't you understand in my remarks Swagger?

Do you have any examples. Links where I say something you don't understand? If so, post them and I will explain for you. Or continue to whine that you don't understand me yet you understand the stereotypes.

I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?
The ambulance chasing barrister Jillian usually stands cheering on the side lines and neg rep's those whom she deems to be anti-semitic.
I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?

I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?
The ambulance chasing barrister Jillian usually stands cheering on the side lines and neg rep's those whom she deems to be anti-semitic.

^ Maintaining stereotypes Swagger? :eusa_angel:
I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?

What don't you understand in my remarks Swagger?

Do you have any examples. Links where I say something you don't understand? If so, post them and I will explain for you. Or continue to whine that you don't understand me yet you understand the stereotypes.

I'm not going to go into much detail, but a lot of what you write seems to be an attempt at implying that some great intellect's behind what you comment on, but in reality it's obvious to all that that's not the case. By all means continue to comment on whatever interests you, but for the sake of clarity make your opinions known in plain English and not attempt to riddle your way through a conversation. Everyone's a winner.
I see Ropey's maintaining stereotypes via his notoriously incomprehensible remarks, and Jroc's standing-in for JStone. What part will Jillian play in all this waffle?

What don't you understand in my remarks Swagger?

Do you have any examples. Links where I say something you don't understand? If so, post them and I will explain for you. Or continue to whine that you don't understand me yet you understand the stereotypes.

I'm not going to go into much detail, but a lot of what you write seems to be an attempt at implying that some great intellect's behind what you comment on, but in reality it's obvious to all that that's not the case. By all means continue to comment on whatever interests you, but for the sake of clarity make your opinions known in plain English and not attempt to riddle your way through a conversation. Everyone's a winner.

Not going into much detail:

No detail...

Seems to be

Then show it...

Wow, an English Translation by Israelis, of an Arabic video with a translation from Farsi, what could possibly go wrong?

Let Sunni Man translate for you if you don't believe the literal translation. The language is there for determination.

Provide some proof of anything wrong in the translation Jos. Or continue to slam the data because of the delivery. The spoken language accompanies the translation.
By all means continue to comment on whatever interests you, but for the sake of clarity make your opinions known in plain English and not attempt to riddle your way through a conversation.
Sometimes I receive unsolicited PM"s from Ropey.

They are always in some kind of cryptic code that makes sense to only him.

Because I usually don't have a clue what the heck he is talking about or saying to me. :cuckoo:
By all means continue to comment on whatever interests you, but for the sake of clarity make your opinions known in plain English and not attempt to riddle your way through a conversation.
Sometimes I receive unsolicited PM"s from Ropey.

They are always in some kind of cryptic code that makes sense to only him.

Because I usually don't have a clue what the heck he is talking about or saying to me. :cuckoo:

Confused? :thup:

But in PM, not here. :p
I don't mind having some kind of ties w/ Israel but all U.S. Presidential candidates having to go pander to A1PAC every 4- years & these zany UN votes that come out 191- 2 (US & Israel) for instance show how isolated the U.S. is in many regards concerning that country.
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I don't mind having ties w/ Israel but all U.S. Presidential candidates having to go pander to A1PAC every 4- years & these zany UN votes that come out 191- 2 (US & Israel) for instance show how isolated the U.S. is in many regards concerning that country.

How about the Chinese and Russian ones regarding Syria and Iran?

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I don't mind having ties w/ Israel but all U.S. Presidential candidates having to go pander to A1PAC every 4- years & these zany UN votes that come out 191- 2 (US & Israel) for instance show how isolated the U.S. is in many regards concerning that country.

How about the Chinese and Russian ones regarding Syria and Iran?
Try to stay on topic for once Ropey.

This thread is about an American President and his dislike for the rouge state of Israel.
I don't mind having ties w/ Israel but all U.S. Presidential candidates having to go pander to A1PAC every 4- years & these zany UN votes that come out 191- 2 (US & Israel) for instance show how isolated the U.S. is in many regards concerning that country.

How about the Chinese and Russian ones regarding Syria and Iran?
Try to stay on topic for once Ropey.

This thread is about an American President and his dislike for the rouge state of Israel.

Dot turned it and I'm following it until someone responds back on track. This happens in almost all of these thread.

Back on track:

Say what you will about President Obama's approach to Israel—or of his relationship with American Jews—he sure has mastered the concept of chutzpah.

When this president wants to make a show of his exquisite diplomatic sensitivity—burgers with Medvedev, bows to Abdullah, New Year's greetings to the mullahs—he knows how. And when he wants to show his contempt, he knows how, too.

The contempt was again on display Sunday, when Mr. Obama spoke to the Aipac policy conference in Washington. The speech was stocked with the perennial bromides about U.S.-Israeli friendship, which brought an anxious crowd to its feet a few times. As for the rest, it was a thin tissue of falsehoods, rhetorical legerdemain, telling omissions and self-contradictions. Let's count the ways..

The president's peace proposal is a formula for war.


Mr. Obama neglected to mention these points on Sunday, hence the telling omission. But the essence of his proposal is that Israel should cede territory, put itself into a weaker position, and then hope for the best. This doesn't even amount to a land-for-peace formula.

That's not all. Mr. Obama got some applause Sunday by calling for a "non-militarized" Palestinian state. But how does that square with his comment, presumably applicable to a future Palestine, that "every state has a right to self-defense"? Mr. Obama was also cheered for his references to Israel as a "Jewish state." But why then obfuscate on the question of Palestinian refugees, whose political purpose over 63 years has been to destroy Israel as a Jewish state?

And then there was that line that "we will hold the Palestinians accountable for their actions and their rhetoric." Applause! But can Mr. Obama offer a single example of having done that as president, except perhaps at the level of a State Department press release?

What, then, would a pro-Israel president do? He would tell Palestinians that there is no right of return. He would make the reform of the Arab mindset toward Israel the centerpiece of his peace efforts. He would outline hard and specific consequences should Hamas join the government.

Such a vision could lay the groundwork for peace. What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets on e!

America's President's background is clear as he has a long association with 'Jew haters'.

Fact... One of BHO's best friends in Chicago was Rashid Khaliki, former PLO spokesman under Arafat who supported terrorist strikes on Israeli government targets. At a 2003 pro-Palestinian banquet then Illinois State Senator Obama sang Khalid's praises.

Fact... Obama's Chicago mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, called for a boycott of Israel for its 'apartheid' against Palestinians while Obama sat in his pews. Wright even reprinted Hamas terror manifesto against Israel in his church bulletin. Wright, a one time member of the Nation of Islam, gave dozens of Jew-bashing sermons while mentoring Obama.

Fact... Another close associate of Obama in Chicago is the anti-Semite Louis Farrakhhan.

So, is Obama anti-Israel? Suffice to say his circle of friends for over twenty years most certainly are anti-Semite.

And his speech clarified his intent. :doubt:

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