An Anti-Israel President

ADL has recently been criticized for what some perceived as an attempt to shield the Obama administration from judgment of its Israel policies by initiating a ‘Unity Pledge.’ The initiative, which called for the removal of Israel from partisan political debate and could only have served to benefit the President’s re-election efforts, was quickly tabled after it prompted an outcry from within the Jewish community.

Well....This is a good thing." Unity pledge" give me a break, unity to who Obama? at least the outcry that says something. The ADL needs to rethink it's alliances

If Obama is re-elected then he will be fully open to the creation of foreign policy initiatives in a second term without political constraints.

Obama clearly has a plan for Israel in a second term and it will not be influenced by how much the the Jewish community in America appeases him. That's a pipe dream and it is also clear that the majority of liberal Jews favor Obama. They will vote for him regardless of his record of questionable policies on Israel. They will vote for him regardless if he is friendlier with Turkey's President Erdogan than Israel's Netanyahu.

No, this is not hedging a bet for those democratic liberal and left leaning American Jews, and I put forward that this will likely be a lost wager for them with regards to Israel and US foreign policy.
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ADL has recently been criticized for what some perceived as an attempt to shield the Obama administration from judgment of its Israel policies by initiating a ‘Unity Pledge.’ The initiative, which called for the removal of Israel from partisan political debate and could only have served to benefit the President’s re-election efforts, was quickly tabled after it prompted an outcry from within the Jewish community.

Well....This is a good thing." Unity pledge" give me a break, unity to who Obama? at least the outcry that says something. The ADL needs to rethink it's alliances

If Obama is re-elected then he will be fully open to the creation of foreign policy initiatives in a second term without political constraints.

Obama clearly has a plan for Israel in a second term and it will not be influenced by how much the the Jewish community in America appeases him. That's a pipe dream and it is also clear that the majority of liberal Jews favor Obama. They will vote for him regardless of his record of questionable policies on Israel. They will vote for him regardless if he is friendlier with Turkey's President Erdogan than Israel's Netanyahu.

No, this is not hedging a bet for those democratic liberal and left leaning American Jews, and I put forward that this will likely be a lost wager for them with regards to Israel and US foreign policy.

Yep, I agree, But I’ll keep trying to reach people that are so blinded by their liberal ideology they can't see what is right in front of them.... it makes me sad.:(

Panetta urges Israel to get back to the peace table

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel to get to the "damn table" in peace talks with the Palestinians, an unusually blunt comment for a Secretary of Defense that inserts Panetta into the Middle East peace process.

In remarks at a Brookings Institution conference, a Washington DC think tank, Panetta called on Israel to again start negotiations with the Palestinians. “Just get to the damn table. Just get to the table,” Panetta said. “The problem right now is we can’t get them to the damn table to at least sit down and begin to discuss their differences.”

Panetta also charged that Israel is becoming increasingly isolated from the region. It’s not enough he said for Israel to rely on a strong military for security, diplomacy is also needed.

“Unfortunately, over the past year, we have seen Israel’s isolation from its traditional security partners in the region grow, and the pursuit of a comprehensive Middle East peace has effectively been put on hold,” Panetta said.

As examples Panetta said Israel could “reach out and mend fences” with countries like Turkey, Egypt and Jordan, countries that Panetta said share an interest in stability in the Middle East.

“If gestures are rebuked, the world will see those rebukes for what they are. That is exactly why Israel should pursue them,” Panetta said.

Panetta placed a special emphasis on Israel improving its relationship with Turkey, saying he has voiced this message in Jerusalem in the past and plans on voicing it again when he travels to Ankara, the Turkish capital, later this month

Panetta urges Israel to get back to the peace table – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs
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Darn...guess it didn't work!! :) Google it! Lol!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]

Thanks. :eek:

He says 57 and one left to go... Palestine maybe. :razz:

I'm joking. ;)

WOW! That's the first time that we've all heard that. Just like Sarah Palin "didn't know that Africa was a continent". And Christine O'Donnell "is not a witch. She's you!" Give that shit a rest.

Oh, and there was Georgie's blunder-"Shame on me if you fool me once. Shame on me if you fool me twice." (just couldn't quite wrap his lips around that one)

They're all human; and we all say and do dumb things when we're sleep-deprived.
Darn...guess it didn't work!! :) Google it! Lol!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States‬‏[/ame]

Thanks. :eek:

He says 57 and one left to go... Palestine maybe. :razz:

I'm joking. ;)

WOW! That's the first time that we've all heard that. Just like Sarah Palin "didn't know that Africa was a continent". And Christine O'Donnell "is not a witch. She's you!" Give that shit a rest.

Oh, and there was Georgie's blunder-"Shame on me if you fool me once. Shame on me if you fool me twice." (just couldn't quite wrap his lips around that one)

They're all human; and we all say and do dumb things when we're sleep-deprived.

What part of "I'm Joking" didn't you get?
ADL has recently been criticized for what some perceived as an attempt to shield the Obama administration from judgment of its Israel policies by initiating a ‘Unity Pledge.’ The initiative, which called for the removal of Israel from partisan political debate and could only have served to benefit the President’s re-election efforts, was quickly tabled after it prompted an outcry from within the Jewish community.

Well....This is a good thing." Unity pledge" give me a break, unity to who Obama? at least the outcry that says something. The ADL needs to rethink it's alliances

If Obama is re-elected then he will be fully open to the creation of foreign policy initiatives in a second term without political constraints.

Obama clearly has a plan for Israel in a second term and it will not be influenced by how much the the Jewish community in America appeases him. That's a pipe dream and it is also clear that the majority of liberal Jews favor Obama. They will vote for him regardless of his record of questionable policies on Israel. They will vote for him regardless if he is friendlier with Turkey's President Erdogan than Israel's Netanyahu.

No, this is not hedging a bet for those democratic liberal and left leaning American Jews, and I put forward that this will likely be a lost wager for them with regards to Israel and US foreign policy.
Come off it Ropey,Obama basically stands for Peace between Israel and the Palestinians but there has to be a bit of give and take on both sides.steven

If a lasting Peace can be acheived then all these AssHOLES that use the IS/PAL conflict for their own agenda would be I have said on numerous occassions the Palestians have NOTHING to thank their Arab neighbours for,quite the opposite.:cool: ps and whats with the pussy avie,just wondering
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If Obama is re-elected then he will be fully open to the creation of foreign policy initiatives in a second term without political constraints.

Obama clearly has a plan for Israel in a second term and it will not be influenced by how much the the Jewish community in America appeases him. That's a pipe dream and it is also clear that the majority of liberal Jews favor Obama. They will vote for him regardless of his record of questionable policies on Israel. They will vote for him regardless if he is friendlier with Turkey's President Erdogan than Israel's Netanyahu.

No, this is not hedging a bet for those democratic liberal and left leaning American Jews, and I put forward that this will likely be a lost wager for them with regards to Israel and US foreign policy.

Yep, I agree, But I’ll keep trying to reach people that are so blinded by their liberal ideology they can't see what is right in front of them.... it makes me sad.:(

In its infancy Israel was a socio-communal economy based on an agrarian living style. The wars changed this design and Israel militarized to defend itself while still attempting to keep the communal living plan. By the early sixties it was clear that Israel could not follow the same socio-economic structure that had birthed with Israel.

Israel modernized it's education system, military, socio-economic system (to Capitalism), A fully modern two tiered legal system and a Democracy that involves 25% of it's population (non Jewish). While doing this it has been under attack many times since its inception.

The rhetoric of the US administration is worth considerable notice to my view. America can deal with Obama just fine as even if he wins I doubt he will gain Congress or a super-majority in the Senate, so four more years of gridlock. The American economy is already beginning to rebound. Jobs will take more time since the outsourcing had almost become generational.

Now Obama's foreign policy regarding Israel in those years? This I wonder over...

And still, to this day Israel is called to task for defending itself. Now, clearly by the American administration.

You're really Canadian...right? Do you have dual Canada/US citizenship? Dual Canada/Israel citizenship?

If and when war breaks out with Iran, are you willing to go to the front lines? Are you willing to go to Israel, and help physically push back the Palestinians? Is Canada's PM following all the rules, regarding Israel, that you would like to see followed?

If you all want to see something done, what is stopping you from going over and physically joining the cause? I would seriously like to know the answer to that one; since someone is on here daily...bitching that Obama isn't doing enough to keep Israel safe.

Damn. We're at war with two other countries. A third is probably in the process of starting. FAN THOSE FUCKING FLAMES :cuckoo:!....That would be with Iran. And I find myself wondering, where the hell we're going to get the military power. Draft? We already have service members who've done two or three tours in Afghanistan and/or Iraq. I would say there's some battle fatigue going on there. (old term, but pertinent)

Are those of you bitching about it ready to pitch in? Are you going to join the military and come back missing limbs, with PTSD, die young of cancer like most of my war veteran family members did, or completely nuckin' futz from killing people...some of whom they didn't understand why they were killing. But you clearly understand the mission, and who "needs" to be killed, so you won't come back with a drug addiction or alcoholism, to deal with the guilt of killing people whom you weren't sure were the enemy.

If it bothers you so much, and you're able-bodied, go participate. I'm sure they would be glad to have you. Seriously! This is your chance to make a difference.

Your grandfathers proudly served with the US Military in WWII. If I read correctly, half of the first graduating class at West Point, was Jewish. If you're going to complain about something, it's best to have a solution for that gripe. Others will take it more seriously.
Well....This is a good thing." Unity pledge" give me a break, unity to who Obama? at least the outcry that says something. The ADL needs to rethink it's alliances

If Obama is re-elected then he will be fully open to the creation of foreign policy initiatives in a second term without political constraints.

Obama clearly has a plan for Israel in a second term and it will not be influenced by how much the the Jewish community in America appeases him. That's a pipe dream and it is also clear that the majority of liberal Jews favor Obama. They will vote for him regardless of his record of questionable policies on Israel. They will vote for him regardless if he is friendlier with Turkey's President Erdogan than Israel's Netanyahu.

No, this is not hedging a bet for those democratic liberal and left leaning American Jews, and I put forward that this will likely be a lost wager for them with regards to Israel and US foreign policy.

Yep, I agree, But I’ll keep trying to reach people that are so blinded by their liberal ideology they can't see what is right in front of them.... it makes me sad.:(

In its infancy Israel was a socio-communal economy based on an agrarian living style. The wars changed this design and Israel militarized to defend itself while still attempting to keep the communal living plan. By the early sixties it was clear that Israel could not follow the same socio-economic structure that had birthed with Israel.

Israel modernized it's education system, military, socio-economic system (to Capitalism), A fully modern two tiered legal system and a Democracy that involves 25% of it's population (non Jewish). While doing this it has been under attack many times since its inception.

The rhetoric of the US administration is worth considerable notice to my view. America can deal with Obama just fine as even if he wins I doubt he will gain Congress or a super-majority in the Senate, so four more years of gridlock. The American economy is already beginning to rebound. Jobs will take more time since the outsourcing had almost become generational.

Now Obama's foreign policy regarding Israel in those years? This I wonder over...

And still, to this day Israel is called to task for defending itself. Now, clearly by the American administration.
Obama Accused of Treating Israel ‘Like a Punching Bag’

Jewish-American conservatives have taken out a full-page ad in leading newspapers urging the Obama administration to “stop blaming Israel first.”

The ad by the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI) ran Thursday in The New York Times, Miami Herald and several other papers.

Under the headline “Why does the Obama administration treat Israel like a punching bag?” the ad cites the recent exchange between President Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy complaining about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The ad states that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta blames Israel for “the failure of talks with the Palestinians,” citing his remark at a forum calling on Israel to “get to the damn table.”

The ad also quotes Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who charged Israel with discrimination against women, and U.S. envoy to Belgium Howard Gutman, who recently linked the rise of anti-Semitism in the Arab world to the unsolved Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Following the quotes, the ad states: “Enough with the cheap shots. It’s time for the Obama Administration to stop blaming Israel first.”

In remarks reported by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, ECI director Noah Pollak said: "In a month that has seen Islamists come to power in Egypt, rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza and Lebanon, progress on the Iranian nuclear program, and the continued slaughter of civilians in Syria, the Obama administration has chosen to repeatedly condemn the only liberal democracy in the region: Israel."
The Cancellation of a U.S.-Israeli Drill


Are Israel and the U.S. fighting again? The news from the last several days gives that general impression. Is the cancellation of a major joint U.S.-Israeli military drill part of the frictions? Media reports are open to interpretation.

Last Wednesday Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, director of uranium enrichment at the Natanz facility, was assassinated in Tehran. Iran quickly blamed Israel and the U.S.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, hastened to “categorically deny any United States involvement in any kind of act of violence inside Iran.” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland added that the “United States strongly condemns this act of violence and categorically denies any involvement in the killing.” Clinton, for her part, also said the U.S. was seeking an understanding with Iran on stopping its uranium enrichment.

For Israel it was a disconcerting message. If getting rid of someone helping a fanatic regime obtain weapons capable of annihilating millions of people is a “violent act” to be condemned, is the Obama administration really serious about the threat? Or still dreaming of dialogue and “understanding” with that regime?

It is, indeed, particularly late in the game to talk of “understanding.” A day or two before Roshan’s killing, it was widely reported that Iran had “graduated” from aboveground uranium enrichment at Natanz to deep-underground enrichment at its Fordo facility, which would be much harder to attack from the air. Iran is doing so in the face of all sanctions and habitual U.S. threats that “all options are on the table.”

On Thursday, the day after Roshan was dispatched, President Barack Obama called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Although not much has been disclosed about their chat, one can assume Obama wasn’t calling to say “I’m glad we see eye to eye on so many things—and, nice work in the security realm.”

The Cancellation of a U.S.-Israeli Drill | FrontPage Magazine
José;3687271 said:
This is my only point regarding the Palestinian and Israeli issue.

That's why the tone of your posts regarding Israel/Palestine is so unbelievably sad, melancholic, disillusioned, embittered.

As a canadian Jew who already lived in Israel you just know better than the average westerner/poster of the US Message Board who still entertain naive fantasies about Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors shaking hands someday in the future after a final agreement is reached.

To be "real" a border would have to "exist" in the hearts and minds of jews and palestinians otherwise it's just an imaginary line dividing a single country that will sooner or later reject it as spurious, fraudulent.

Unbelievably? I have seen the hate. I have had family killed in this hate. I have fought and will die with this hate still thriving.

Underlines. Who rejects it as spurious and fraudulent. You left that important facet out.

No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country.


^^ Just what the world needs. To remove that tiny little red spot and fill it up with more maniacal and inbred Muslims calling for the death of the Western culture.

Hint. That's the green spots.


Inbred. Nice. There is no mutual respect between the two of you, so there will never be peace. If you yourselves don't want to attempt to work it out, then why should anyone else get involved? :confused: More and more Americans are beginning to question this. If you don't care, why should we?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Raymond L. McGovern – 27-year CIA veteran. Former Chairman, National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), the consensus reports of all U.S. intelligence agencies. According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, NIE's "are the Intelligence Community’s most authoritative written judgments on national security issues." Responsible for preparing and presenting the President’ Daily Brief (PDB) to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and for providing intelligence briefing to their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials. Upon retirement in 1990, McGovern was awarded the CIA’s Intelligence Commendation Medallion and received a letter of appreciation from then-President George H. W. Bush. Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer.

Ray McGovern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
José;3687271 said:
That's why the tone of your posts regarding Israel/Palestine is so unbelievably sad, melancholic, disillusioned, embittered.

As a canadian Jew who already lived in Israel you just know better than the average westerner/poster of the US Message Board who still entertain naive fantasies about Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors shaking hands someday in the future after a final agreement is reached.

To be "real" a border would have to "exist" in the hearts and minds of jews and palestinians otherwise it's just an imaginary line dividing a single country that will sooner or later reject it as spurious, fraudulent.

Unbelievably? I have seen the hate. I have had family killed in this hate. I have fought and will die with this hate still thriving.

Underlines. Who rejects it as spurious and fraudulent. You left that important facet out.

No Israel? Just another 58th Muslim country.


^^ Just what the world needs. To remove that tiny little red spot and fill it up with more maniacal and inbred Muslims calling for the death of the Western culture.

Hint. That's the green spots.


Inbred. Nice. There is no mutual respect between the two of you, so there will never be peace. If you yourselves don't want to attempt to work it out, then why should anyone else get involved? :confused: More and more Americans are beginning to question this. If you don't care, why should we?

One sided negotiations don't wor,k especially when that side wants you dead.
Iranian TV? impressive:cuckoo:

so the fact that it is former high ranking CIA being interviewed is lost on you ?

Umm....There are Jew haters everywhere, even in the CIA and the U.S. government in General..Go figure.
Making the American public aware that a foreign nation has way too much influence inside the U.S. government and on policy matters is not Jew hating. :cool:

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