An apology letter to Mr. Obama

Poking fun that someone may not like....yes.

Well guess you don't know the difference.

Poking fun would be like:

Gee Obama has big ears!

A Threat would be like:

Who wants to see Obama run over by a bull!

Glad I could help.

And I heard about this plan to sneak the bull into the White House.....

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you.

He bought it like it was on sale, dipped in chocolate, coated in nuts, and just flew out of Obama's butt.

Where can we get the Obama masks?
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Disengenuous hater dupes much? lol Squeezing his lips to gales of laughter- not cool. I'm surrounded by rural white hater dupes who love n***** jokes....lovely people beside that and their misinformed hater dupe politics...

So move, loser. I imagine your neighbors would throw a party.

They're friends of mine, hater dupe, we don't talk politics.On here, you take your well deserved lumps, perfect chump of the greedy idiot racist rich. The amazing thing in this era of the Pub Propaganda Machine, you're supposedly the well informed GOP
That wasn't mocking.

Poking fun that someone may not like....yes.

Well guess you don't know the difference.

Poking fun would be like:

Gee Obama has big ears!

A Threat would be like:

Who wants to see Obama run over by a bull!

Glad I could help.

I think some would rather it were a Mack Truck than a bull. But keep up the bull. It seems to be working for now. And likely easier to get a bull into the White House.
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Well the conservatives and GOP have pulled another self serving article out of their ass for yet another Christians love fest.
Life time ban for wearing an Obama mask in a venue where political masks were previously deemed acceptable.

More from apology to Obama:

Besides, you are due some respect. You’ve earned it. You’ve done nothing but serve these people and make their lives better, and this is how they treat you? Ungrateful brats. You should drone bomb these haters. Just kidding. But seriously, you should. You’re the first president in history to actually order the assassination of American citizens, and I say why stop with some Muslim propagandist and his completely innocent son who never committed any crime at all?

So how could anyone be upset at you? How could they delight at the degradation and mockery of Barack Obama? What’s wrong with these right wing rednecks? Are they still sore about the whole thing where you sent the IRS after your political opponents to harass and hinder them during an election cycle? Or the stuff about spying on the phone records of every American? What about all this business about you arming and funding Islamic Militants overseas and then orchestrating a coverup when a bunch of them murdered your ambassador? Are folks STILL mad that you funneled weapons to drug cartels and then threatened whistleblowers into silence? Or is it all this fuss over your Justice Department spying on and attempting to prosecute journalists? Is it the wildly unpopular two thousand page health care law? The regulation mandating that religious employers provide abortifacients to their employees? The millions of tax dollars you’ve given to the abortion industry and the blessings you wished upon a group of wealthy abortionists? The bailouts? The green energy scams? The massive expansion of government? The out of control deficit spending? The lies? The broken promises? The betrayals? The corruption? The attacks on our fundamental liberties?

I can’t imagine why anyone would get too worked about any of that. Like you said, that stuff didn’t happen. Or it did, but it’s not a big deal. Or it’s not a big deal because it didn’t. I can’t remember, I just know that you treat anyone who raises any of these concerns with utter contempt and disregard, which clearly proves that they are wrong.

The clown pays, liberals cheer, and the reasons Obama deserves mockery and more are swept under the rug.
More from apology to Obama:

Besides, you are due some respect. You’ve earned it. You’ve done nothing but serve these people and make their lives better, and this is how they treat you? Ungrateful brats. You should drone bomb these haters. Just kidding. But seriously, you should. You’re the first president in history to actually order the assassination of American citizens, and I say why stop with some Muslim propagandist and his completely innocent son who never committed any crime at all?

So how could anyone be upset at you? How could they delight at the degradation and mockery of Barack Obama? What’s wrong with these right wing rednecks? Are they still sore about the whole thing where you sent the IRS after your political opponents to harass and hinder them during an election cycle? Or the stuff about spying on the phone records of every American? What about all this business about you arming and funding Islamic Militants overseas and then orchestrating a coverup when a bunch of them murdered your ambassador? Are folks STILL mad that you funneled weapons to drug cartels and then threatened whistleblowers into silence? Or is it all this fuss over your Justice Department spying on and attempting to prosecute journalists? Is it the wildly unpopular two thousand page health care law? The regulation mandating that religious employers provide abortifacients to their employees? The millions of tax dollars you’ve given to the abortion industry and the blessings you wished upon a group of wealthy abortionists? The bailouts? The green energy scams? The massive expansion of government? The out of control deficit spending? The lies? The broken promises? The betrayals? The corruption? The attacks on our fundamental liberties?

I can’t imagine why anyone would get too worked about any of that. Like you said, that stuff didn’t happen. Or it did, but it’s not a big deal. Or it’s not a big deal because it didn’t. I can’t remember, I just know that you treat anyone who raises any of these concerns with utter contempt and disregard, which clearly proves that they are wrong.

The clown pays, liberals cheer, and the reasons Obama deserves mockery and more are swept under the rug.

The clown APPEARS to pay. That place isn't very far from here. We take care of our own. He likely already has a much better job! Don't let yourself be fooled. The 'network' is still intact.
Well is.

Find me an event, funded partly by taxes, that rose to this level. about finding me a Democratic Congress person that called George W. Bush a "liar" in the middle of a speech in the halls of congress. And that's WITH him telling whoppers about Aluminum Tubing and Yellow Cake Uranium.

You guys are 24/7 with this...

Keep it up..because it is further marginalizing Conservatives.

Well, if you require that events match detail for detail, I most likely won't be able to find examples. That's a rather disingenuous ploy and it doesn't change the fact that it is unmitigated bull to claim that the present-day mocking of Obama has far exceeded what was done to Bush.

You can't match the "detail" because it's never happened.

Conservatives, when not in power, have been getting worse and worse.

Last Liberal administration they shut down government twice and impeached the President.

This time around? They are inventing scandal after scandal, bringing government to a screeching halt and desperately trying to undo the last election. doesn't match up..
I hope you're right, Sunshine.

These people who are so quick to 'fire' over something like this have not consulted with their legal advisors. If they had, they would know that it is legal to parody the president, to put a dummy of him (redundant) in front of a bull, burn him in effigy, hang him in effigy, anything in effigy you can effigy. This guy will come out smelling WAY better than that bull. Maybe even like a rose from the White House rose garden BEFORE the bull swallow-tail is so worried about even thinks about tromping them.
I remember Mahar, and that whole crowd bashing Bush for eight fucking years.. and the answer from the left?

"They're comedians, what do you expect them to do?"

But now.. lets persecute a fucking clown. How utterly pathetic... what a bunch of wusses. They are calling for DoJ investigations, Secret Service... what a tacit admission that Obama is a complete zero that cannot even be poked fun at.
Well the conservatives and GOP have pulled another self serving article out of their ass for yet another Christians love fest.

Christian do love to kill people.

That's when they aren't mocking the poor and people of different races and religions.
Well is.

Find me an event, funded partly by taxes, that rose to this level. about finding me a Democratic Congress person that called George W. Bush a "liar" in the middle of a speech in the halls of congress. And that's WITH him telling whoppers about Aluminum Tubing and Yellow Cake Uranium.

You guys are 24/7 with this...

Keep it up..because it is further marginalizing Conservatives.

A Congressional Democrat has been reined in for calling President George W. Bush a 'liar' during a Thursday hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, according to the Monday edition of the newspaper Roll Call.

"Rep. Mel Watt (D-N.C.) offered a lengthy criticism of Bush's record toward the end of Thursday's hearing, which included a statement that Bush lied about the reasons for going to war with Iraq in 2003," writes Susan Davis. "Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) offered an objection on the grounds that Watt's words were 'unparliamentary' and violated House rules on debate and decorum that forbid personal attacks on Members, the president or vice president

The Raw Story | Congressmembers rule: No calling Bush a liar

MR. RUSSERT: When the president talked about Yucca Mountain and moving the nation's nuclear waste there, you were very, very, very strong in your words. You said, "President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country."

Is that rhetoric appropriate?

SEN. REID: I don't know if that rhetoric is appropriate. That's how I feel, and that's how I felt. I think to take that issue, Tim, to take the most poisonous substance known to man, plutonium, and haul 70,000 tons of it across the highways and railways of this country, past schools and churches and people's businesses is wrong. It's something that is being forced upon this country by the utilities, and it's wrong. And we have to stop it. And people may not like what I said, but I said it, and I don't back off one bit.

Reid called Bush "liar," stood by comment UPDATE - On Congress -

Democrat Pete Starke Called Bush a Liar from the House Floor Twice.

Democrat Pete Starke Called Bush a Liar from the House Floor Twice. « The IUSB Vision Weblog

There. Zerobama is a liar. And he is a racist pig.
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Disengenuous hater dupes much? lol Squeezing his lips to gales of laughter- not cool. I'm surrounded by rural white hater dupes who love n***** jokes....lovely people beside that and their misinformed hater dupe politics...

no surprise who brought race into the discussion
Well is.

Find me an event, funded partly by taxes, that rose to this level. about finding me a Democratic Congress person that called George W. Bush a "liar" in the middle of a speech in the halls of congress. And that's WITH him telling whoppers about Aluminum Tubing and Yellow Cake Uranium.

You guys are 24/7 with this...

Keep it up..because it is further marginalizing Conservatives.

Well, if you require that events match detail for detail, I most likely won't be able to find examples. That's a rather disingenuous ploy and it doesn't change the fact that it is unmitigated bull to claim that the present-day mocking of Obama has far exceeded what was done to Bush.

You can't match the "detail" because it's never happened.

Conservatives, when not in power, have been getting worse and worse.

Last Liberal administration they shut down government twice and impeached the President.

This time around? They are inventing scandal after scandal, bringing government to a screeching halt and desperately trying to undo the last election. doesn't match up..

I can't match the details because identical cases never happened. Agreed. No matter how close I got, it wouldn't match and disingenuous liberals would say it didn't count. Edit: cue you saying Sunshine's examples don't count.

Where I'd personally start is with Obama calling President Bush unpatriotic and then doubling down on what he called Bush unpatriotic for. Obama deserves derision. And you may say Bush did too, and guess what -- Bush got it. The claim that what Obama is getting far exceeds what Bush got remains vacuous.
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Well, if you require that events match detail for detail, I most likely won't be able to find examples. That's a rather disingenuous ploy and it doesn't change the fact that it is unmitigated bull to claim that the present-day mocking of Obama has far exceeded what was done to Bush.

You can't match the "detail" because it's never happened.

Conservatives, when not in power, have been getting worse and worse.

Last Liberal administration they shut down government twice and impeached the President.

This time around? They are inventing scandal after scandal, bringing government to a screeching halt and desperately trying to undo the last election. doesn't match up..

I can't match the details because identical cases never happened. Agreed. No matter how close I got, it wouldn't match and disingenuous liberals would say it didn't count. Edit: cue you saying Sunshine's examples don't count.

Where I'd personally start is with Obama calling President Bush unpatriotic and then doubling down on what he called Bush unpatriotic for. Obama deserves derision. And you may say Bush did too, and guess what -- Bush got it. The claim that what Obama is getting far exceeds what Bush got remains vacuous.

:lol: They don't. That's why I didn't bother with them.

And when did Obama call Bush "unpatriotic?" If anything, he's said the opposite and even hosted a ceremony where Bush portrait was put up.
You can't match the "detail" because it's never happened.

Conservatives, when not in power, have been getting worse and worse.

Last Liberal administration they shut down government twice and impeached the President.

This time around? They are inventing scandal after scandal, bringing government to a screeching halt and desperately trying to undo the last election. doesn't match up..

I can't match the details because identical cases never happened. Agreed. No matter how close I got, it wouldn't match and disingenuous liberals would say it didn't count. Edit: cue you saying Sunshine's examples don't count.

Where I'd personally start is with Obama calling President Bush unpatriotic and then doubling down on what he called Bush unpatriotic for. Obama deserves derision. And you may say Bush did too, and guess what -- Bush got it. The claim that what Obama is getting far exceeds what Bush got remains vacuous.

:lol: They don't. That's why I didn't bother with them.

And when did Obama call Bush "unpatriotic?" If anything, he's said the opposite and even hosted a ceremony where Bush portrait was put up.

They do count. They don't match the "you lie" instance perfectly, but they count. The fact remains that the offenses against Obama do not "far exceed" the offenses against Bush.

It's cute that you claim Obama is so much more abused than Bush and don't even know that Obama called Bush unpatriotic.

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I can't match the details because identical cases never happened. Agreed. No matter how close I got, it wouldn't match and disingenuous liberals would say it didn't count. Edit: cue you saying Sunshine's examples don't count.

Where I'd personally start is with Obama calling President Bush unpatriotic and then doubling down on what he called Bush unpatriotic for. Obama deserves derision. And you may say Bush did too, and guess what -- Bush got it. The claim that what Obama is getting far exceeds what Bush got remains vacuous.

:lol: They don't. That's why I didn't bother with them.

And when did Obama call Bush "unpatriotic?" If anything, he's said the opposite and even hosted a ceremony where Bush portrait was put up.

They do count. They don't match the "you lie" instance perfectly, but they count. The fact remains that the offenses against Obama do not "far exceed" the offenses against Bush.

It's cute that you claim Obama is so much more abused than Bush and don't even know that Obama called Bush unpatriotic.

Didn't see that speech.

And it was wrong to call Bush, unpatriotic.

I think he made up for it, several times.
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