An apology letter to Mr. Obama

More from apology to Obama:

Besides, you are due some respect. You’ve earned it. You’ve done nothing but serve these people and make their lives better, and this is how they treat you? Ungrateful brats. You should drone bomb these haters. Just kidding. But seriously, you should. You’re the first president in history to actually order the assassination of American citizens, and I say why stop with some Muslim propagandist and his completely innocent son who never committed any crime at all?

The clown pays, liberals cheer, and the reasons Obama deserves mockery and more are swept under the rug.
Notice how the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood maintain their double standard. They attacked Clinton for not bombing Osama Bin Laden because he didn't want to kill innocents and then attack Obama for killing a terrorist because he killed an innocent in the process.
Dear President Obama -
Go fuck yourself, you arrogant, miserable failure.
Very Respectfully,
:lol: They don't. That's why I didn't bother with them.

And when did Obama call Bush "unpatriotic?" If anything, he's said the opposite and even hosted a ceremony where Bush portrait was put up.

They do count. They don't match the "you lie" instance perfectly, but they count. The fact remains that the offenses against Obama do not "far exceed" the offenses against Bush.

It's cute that you claim Obama is so much more abused than Bush and don't even know that Obama called Bush unpatriotic.

Didn't see that speech.

And it was wrong to call Bush, unpatriotic.

I think he made up for it, several times.

No it was not wrong for him to call Bush unpatriotic.
It's freedom of speech.

What is wrong, that he did not like the debt that Bush ran up, but he has ran it up even further.
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They do count. They don't match the "you lie" instance perfectly, but they count. The fact remains that the offenses against Obama do not "far exceed" the offenses against Bush.

It's cute that you claim Obama is so much more abused than Bush and don't even know that Obama called Bush unpatriotic.

Didn't see that speech.

And it was wrong to call Bush, unpatriotic.

I think he made up for it, several times.

No it was not wrong for him to call Bush unpatriotic.
It's freedom of speech.

What is wrong, that he did not like the debt that Bush ran up, but he has ran it up even further.

Yep, freedom of speech albeit critical or in favor.
More from apology to Obama:

Besides, you are due some respect. You’ve earned it. You’ve done nothing but serve these people and make their lives better, and this is how they treat you? Ungrateful brats. You should drone bomb these haters. Just kidding. But seriously, you should. You’re the first president in history to actually order the assassination of American citizens, and I say why stop with some Muslim propagandist and his completely innocent son who never committed any crime at all?

The clown pays, liberals cheer, and the reasons Obama deserves mockery and more are swept under the rug.
Notice how the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood maintain their double standard. They attacked Clinton for not bombing Osama Bin Laden because he didn't want to kill innocents and then attack Obama for killing a terrorist because he killed
an innocent in the process.

Osama Bin Laden was not a U.S. Citizen.
The terrorist killed by a drone was.
But you would not want to really understand the little details of the facts in these two differences, of course.
Well guess you don't know the difference.

Poking fun would be like:

Gee Obama has big ears!

A Threat would be like:

Who wants to see Obama run over by a bull!

Glad I could help.

Is it really that difficult for you to differentiate between satire and reality? Or, have you been dumbed down to this level, Sallow? I took you as a little smarter than that.

That was "satire"?

Satire is generally smart.

Guess that's something these cowboys, lack.

Is smarts.

And there's a reason for the law against threatening the President.

You'd know that if you were "smart".

A rodeo clown with a mask, even though he may resemble obama, is still a rodeo clown. What would you say is worse here? A clown in a mask, or a movie about assassinating a sitting President?
More from apology to Obama:

The clown pays, liberals cheer, and the reasons Obama deserves mockery and more are swept under the rug.
Notice how the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood maintain their double standard. They attacked Clinton for not bombing Osama Bin Laden because he didn't want to kill innocents and then attack Obama for killing a terrorist because he killed
an innocent in the process.

Osama Bin Laden was not a U.S. Citizen.
The terrorist killed by a drone was.
But you would not want to really understand the little details of the facts in these two differences, of course.
So it's OK to kill innocent bystanders if their not citizens, but terrorists on a foreign battlefield are sacred.
Didn't see that speech.

And it was wrong to call Bush, unpatriotic.

I think he made up for it, several times.

No it was not wrong for him to call Bush unpatriotic.
It's freedom of speech.

What is wrong, that he did not like the debt that Bush ran up, but he has ran it up even further.

I think it was wrong -- well, it was something he shouldn't expect to be able to say consequence-free. And one of the consequences of that and other inappropriate things he has said about his political opposition and about many of us peons, is that he has no claim to respectful speech from us.

So someone could say "well, the rodeo clown's expression had consequences". And I say, the consequences were extreme and inappropriate. We don't even know how many other instances there have been with clowns wearing masks of politicians because they don't make the news. We know there have been at least two on the rodeo circuit. And I'd bet there have been more. But mostly we can't know, because it hasn't been considered outrageous and newsworthy behavior -- until now. With this particular target. Whom we're not allowed to criticize without considerable risk.
It was never done to Bush.


It was so "faux" that the Republican governor made it a special point of reacting to it.

Wonder why?

Whenever a citizen is castigated by govt for mocking a president in this country, totalitarianism isn't far behind.

That wasn't mocking.

By Definition, yes it was:
mocking present participle of mock (Verb)

Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.
Make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible.
Is it really that difficult for you to differentiate between satire and reality? Or, have you been dumbed down to this level, Sallow? I took you as a little smarter than that.

That was "satire"?

Satire is generally smart.

Guess that's something these cowboys, lack.

Is smarts.

And there's a reason for the law against threatening the President.

You'd know that if you were "smart".

A rodeo clown with a mask, even though he may resemble obama, is still a rodeo clown. What would you say is worse here? A clown in a mask, or a movie about assassinating a sitting President?

You are referring to that foreign film?
I can't match the details because identical cases never happened. Agreed. No matter how close I got, it wouldn't match and disingenuous liberals would say it didn't count. Edit: cue you saying Sunshine's examples don't count.

Where I'd personally start is with Obama calling President Bush unpatriotic and then doubling down on what he called Bush unpatriotic for. Obama deserves derision. And you may say Bush did too, and guess what -- Bush got it. The claim that what Obama is getting far exceeds what Bush got remains vacuous.

:lol: They don't. That's why I didn't bother with them.

And when did Obama call Bush "unpatriotic?" If anything, he's said the opposite and even hosted a ceremony where Bush portrait was put up.

They do count. They don't match the "you lie" instance perfectly, but they count. The fact remains that the offenses against Obama do not "far exceed" the offenses against Bush.

It's cute that you claim Obama is so much more abused than Bush and don't even know that Obama called Bush unpatriotic.

We have walked on eggshells every minute since the little prick got elected. He has been to law school. Likely he just got socially promoted, but he has been. He knows this is not illegal and he needs to put the skids on swallow and all the other aggro negros who are going ape shit over this.
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Amelia: what does it say to your argument when known haters like Sunshine and koshergrrl come out in support of you? Think about it.

Nothing which anyone on this board says justifies someone losing his job for doing things which are established practices in his profession.

Rodeo clowns wearing political masks was okay before Obama became president. The president's skin color shouldn't make it suddenly not kosher for him to be spoofed. If you agree the clown should have lost his job for doing what would have been okay if a white guy was president then well, actually, I won't be surprised.

Please surprise me and say you don't agree with him losing his job and receiving a lifetime ban.
I think every Rodeo event should come together and choose a day where they all have their Clowns dress up as Obama and his Administration to show BULLYING, THREATENING, DESTROYING someone's livelihood over something soo ridiculous doesn't wash here in America.
Amelia: what does it say to your argument when known haters like Sunshine and koshergrrl come out in support of you? Think about it.

Nothing which anyone on this board says justifies someone losing his job for doing things which are established practices in his profession.

Rodeo clowns wearing political masks was okay before Obama became president. The president's skin color shouldn't make it suddenly not kosher for him to be spoofed. If you agree the clown should have lost his job for doing what would have been okay if a white guy was president then well, actually, I won't be surprised.

Please surprise me and say you don't agree with him losing his job and receiving a lifetime ban.

did this happen? :mad: Think carefully before you answer :eusa_naughty:

Gee did the announcer say this before the bull charged a dummy Bush?

“The announcer wanted to know if anyone would like to see Obama run down by a bull. The crowd went wild. He asked it again and again, louder each time, whipping the audience into a lather. One of the clowns ran up and started bobbling the lips on the mask and the people went crazy.”
Well is.

Find me an event, funded partly by taxes, that rose to this level. about finding me a Democratic Congress person that called George W. Bush a "liar" in the middle of a speech in the halls of congress. And that's WITH him telling whoppers about Aluminum Tubing and Yellow Cake Uranium.

You guys are 24/7 with this...

Keep it up..because it is further marginalizing Conservatives.

Well, if you require that events match detail for detail, I most likely won't be able to find examples. That's a rather disingenuous ploy and it doesn't change the fact that it is unmitigated bull to claim that the present-day mocking of Obama has far exceeded what was done to Bush.

You can't match the "detail" because it's never happened.

Conservatives, when not in power, have been getting worse and worse.

Last Liberal administration they shut down government twice and impeached the President.

This time around? They are inventing scandal after scandal, bringing government to a screeching halt and desperately trying to undo the last election. doesn't match up..

"Because the bald fact is that people threatened Bush at protests all the time by displaying menacing signs and messages — exactly as the anti-Obama protester just did in Maryland. Yet for reasons that are not entirely clear, none of those Bush-threateners at protests was ever arrested, questioned, or investigated (at least as far as I could tell).

Don’t believe me? Then keep reading. Because this essay exists for one reason only: To prove beyond any doubt that explicit and implicit threats to Bush’s life were commonly displayed at public protests throughout his term as president. Below this introduction you will find dozens of examples of such threats — unaltered photographs from a wide variety of sources, along with links verifying their authenticity."
Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog
Internet trolls posting in this thread don't make the response to the Obama clown mask any less laughable.

Well, laughable isn't the right word. Scary is closer. It's scary that someone would lose their livelihood over semi-traditional political expression just because of the color of the target of their political expression.

How about THIS SCARY???


NOT ONE PEEP from any one in the White House. NOT ONE peep from anyone in the MSM!

None of you Obama supporters were upset with the above... So why are you upset with a simple clown?
Internet trolls posting in this thread don't make the response to the Obama clown mask any less laughable.

Well, laughable isn't the right word. Scary is closer. It's scary that someone would lose their livelihood over semi-traditional political expression just because of the color of the target of their political expression.

How about THIS SCARY???

View attachment 27196

NOT ONE PEEP from any one in the White House. NOT ONE peep from anyone in the MSM!

None of you Obama supporters were upset with the above... So why are you upset with a simple clown?

This was a PARADE mind you! In front of thousands of people!
Where was your anger that time!!!

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